You can't deny Pretty Privilege, My Boyfriend flirts with my best friend, Did Giants exist? Ep.15

and then she started talking to me she goes oh hey and then she puts her hand on my leg okay so that's that's a bit odd she puts her hand on my leg and
she's talking to me and her hands just sitting there and by the way her her boyfriend is like sitting right there
and she's talking to me and then she starts doing the the the on no you're lying talking you're lying look at me I
swear to God I swear to [Music]
God already cancelled already canell hey welcome everyone it's already canceled
podcast uh straight out of the hills podcast Studio guys um beautiful place love that love the uh zebra print I'm
all about the zebra print do do you know there's people that have rooms that are like like really exotic have you ever
been in one of those rooms before what you're talking what are you talking you know those you know those rooms like
what are they called like okay like a sex room I would it would be something like a sex room and it's got like this print in the back and why are you in a
sex room stuff you've never been in one of those never in a million no I've never been in one of those like there's no doors when you walk walk through it's
just those those things that fall to the ground ask where you where you I'm not going to reveal who and where and and
why but i' I've been at a place that has a specific room that you can dress up in different characters and you know much
like what nish's characters dressed up in today what character what character the smart the smart the smart character
like oh know these are blue lens glasses to protect my eyes supposedly I mean I don't know how much proof there is from
the from the light yeah you look very um librarian today no she looks very Indian
Bridget Jones Okay stop okay this is okay for those listening the this whole
Bridget Jones thing has been going on for way too long whenever I wear a cardigan whenever I wear a jumper I
become Bridget Jones like I don't know why but you just give off Bridget Jones Vibe yes please back me up here well I
love Bridget Jones it's a great movie so but I but I think a cardigan shouldn't automatically equal Bridget Jones it
does it does a cardigan a coffee and a book is [ __ ] Bridget Jones what would you guys say my fashion senses Bridget
Jones no but like brid brid Bridget Jones with a bit of with a bit of spice yeah I would if
had spicy Bridget Jones thanks in one word yeah laidback okay laidback yeah cool
laidback is your chill it's a chill Vibe no cool it's you're like I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone thinks about me okay
that's that's a back it's more like I don't give a f what I think about myself okay wow no no no I can't do dress you
actually have a very ju supposing thing one day you come in and your fly as hell and then the next day you come in
looking like a fly it's it's kind of it's kind of the between the
two to obvious to the fly day today the fly day yeah that's right all right all
right well it's already C so make sure you hit And subscribe stay up to date with us guys we are pumping it we are pumping it been doing this for 5 weeks
now which is great we've been running this new potty already canceled uh let's get straight into this cuz there is some
heavy things on the agenda today yeah it's I was just going to say it's funny you brought up the zebra background
because I wanted to bring something up I only literally discovered this a day ago about animal privilege but before we get
into that I want to talk about pretty privilege do you guys think pretty privilege exists yeah 100% 100% pretty privilege exists yeah you can't deny it
I feel like there's no doubt that pretty privilege exists I mean pure clear example the pretty girls will get into a
club before any other girl why I did I used to run a night club for 3 years and
the pretty girls would never have to Wai in line yeah we needed to get the good-looking ones in there quick and and and even for like jobs jobs as well I I
I would I would imagine the pretty girl would get the job certain industries or any industry a lot of the a lot of the
entertainment industry media industry when you people going to look at it they're not going to put a Whopper on the screen they won't and it's it's the
harsh reality of it it's true okay I think entertainment industry yes like in terms of pretty privilege exists 100%
because like if they're trying to sell a product a lot of the time they try and have someone who looks a certain way image even you know uh like I don't know
acting acting is more specific you can be anyone if you fit if you fit the bill but pretty privilege in men exists as
well 100% course like but as men have you experienced that like yourselves
where like you've wanted to access something but someone who they deemed as
like better looking got the job or got the gig never never I've never yeah I think if
you're a pretty person you don't know you have pretty privilege you just think that everything everything fall your La
I don't think it's the same for guys being pretty isn't I feel like being pretty isn't the end all and be all like
I feel like being pretty as a girl you can actually get really far in life just by having good looks if you really
wanted to use your looks you know what I'm saying like for example let's just use only fans as an example if you're a good-looking chick you could actually be
a millionaire within your first month of only fans I mean you do have guys that have the fetishes for different types of
girls that look different right like you you can't get that too if your feet is if you have great looking feet but
you're a monster up top you know what I mean it doesn't really matter well pretty like I'm trying to think of like
I was I don't think so though just go back to your only fans point I don't like I think that's the um perception
but it's actually the 0.01% that actually become successful in anything they do right and so with only fans as
well just cuz you're there are so many pretty girls let's just say one of them decides to do only fans there's a big
chance they're going to be successful I know I know okay it depends what yeah I know a lot of girls out there who have
very minimal following like when I say minimal I say they've probably got 10K followers on Instagram um they're making
more than your average wage on only fans I could literally name you three right now and what's they following on from
the Gold Coast huh what's their like only fans following they have a big only fans following they're making they're
okay so for example you know what we'll making last year on radio they were making more than I was and these and
these aren't and these aren't like famous only fans girls they're just in the like like I said they got like 10 to
15K followers on Instagram it's a subscri subscription model I mean it's it's affordable for someone and then it
times out by a thousand people that's what I'm saying like imagine just being how can you $10 $10 a month if you
have a th000 Subs which I don't feel is hard for a pretty girl to get on only fans you're making 10 grand you don't
think you don't think a pretty man could well I guess it's not the demographic that's what I'm saying men are the
consumer the men are the consumer only fans when you compare it's majority men that are the consumer so I don't know
pretty privilege I feel like status is more important for a man than pretty Privileges and money unless you're in
the entertainment industry I guess I think that's across the board for men and women to have you know not every
scenario just certain things like for a photo shoot maybe they're looking for a you know yeah the entertainment world is a whole different one like I've actually
said to you guys I want to get a Hollywood smile no like I want to get veneers because of pretty privilege in
the entertainment industry I'm telling you right now like does everyone get got I've got like this little one this
little part of my tooth here that I don't like my teeth it like goes like but it's character yes it is but when
you're talking about like a a host of a TV show or some [ __ ] like that on television this could be the reason why
I don't get it no I don't think so come on no because you know what okay maybe but what I hate though is like everyone
is now getting veneers and look I don't have anything against veneers well you know what I do like the one thing I have
against it is when people completely just take away the essence of their smile cuz there's some people that
just lose their Essence and they smile and they just like a block of cheese like it's just a big it's just you know
oh you've got teeth like calm down yeah think but think of
the person that um like everyone's so against like a lot of people are against pretty privilege right but think of the
pretty person what think of how they feel mhm they're always a center of
attention they're always getting the job yeah you know like but that might that's
that's a lot of pressure cuz then if they don't get the job
like it must be difficult know you're shut up okay but
like you know what's interesting is pretty privilege also exists in the animal kingdom right think about it
rodents oh yeah rats mice considered
gross right yeah I mean look some people have pet mice but mostly they're considered gross but compare them to a squirrel oh
it's cute look with the little I've never seen a squirrel in my life to be honest you haven't in real life no yeah but like the comparison if you look
thinking like if someone said why you just compare it to a cat or something no well yeah but I'm saying like just within the rodent family like they have
the disparities right squirrel and a rat then you have butterflies and then you
have moth oh oh my gosh I know but then you have like the unque unque ones like the tiger moth what the [ __ ] is a tiger
moth it's literally has the print of a tiger but it's a moth that's pretty cool is it pretty though well it's nice to
look at so I guess but I get it so it's all the colorful it's it's pretty it's whatever you would you we have this attraction to butterflies oh look
there's a butterfly it's so beautiful you see a moth you're like a butterfly and a moth are technically the same thing right they're in the same family I
believe I believe now can you imagine this I want you to imagine this for a second you find a butterfly in your room mhm you pull out the morte and you start
spraying the butterfly see I already just got a got a horrible reaction you do you do it to a moth though wouldn't
you I become the Terminator when it's like spiders it's you know cockroaches I like I I'll go crazy but when it's a
butterfly or a ladybug I'm like you like I you're murderer you wouldn't guess it you're an absolute murderer I wouldn't
guess him Mo I'd just catch it and pay no but I'm saying I'm saying majority of people would just kill it they wouldn't overthink it but butterfly I feel like
not many people how often does a butterfly get into your house and if if a butterfly came into your house I'd be
like there's a spiritual meaning for this and I'd search out what does a butterfly mean much like the WASP that came into my house the other day yeah
probably you shouldn't you should probably get rid of the WASP no I got rid of the nest I got rid of the nest oh there was a nest they were building a
nest how didd you get rid of the nest with a broom what a wasp with a broom a wasp mest with a broom that was starting
it wasn't a full it wasn't a full complete building it was still in its construction stage SL could even let him
finish it it was behind my outdoor TV as if I'm going to let that be there yeah 100% you can't I've got I've got two two
little kids bro is it the even if I didn't have kids as if you want a was a wasp my brother's
had one in his backyard for months yeah that's his he's got two babies two kids 5y oldy old something about that why
they're not harming anyone he's also got a dog that live in the back yeah but that could hurt them they both live in harmony problem with the world yeah
that's true there is there's hardly no Harmony however we are their Superior race yeah well I had this weird like
thought and I I saw it on a meme but I'm like oh my God maybe I am a terrible human being like you know it's spiders
the meme said it was like wonder if that spider its whole life thought that you were its roommate and then one day you
go and kill it and like yeah I was like I can't kill spiders what what if was
like a red back there was a SPID if it's deadly it can affect you like I kill flies cuz flies vomit on your food yeah
I would kill it exactly because I don't want vomit on my food I don't want to get sick I don't
think fly vomits and it's not really vomit it is no it's just acidic stuff from that stomach it's not oh okay it's
not cherry on top a little bit of acidic fly if a fly lands on your food you're
not eating the food that particular that specific part I would throw out really or I've got like a 1 second rule really
like if it's like quick it doesn't have time to vomit it's acid from a a a fly's
gut it's not going to harm you in any way shape or form but if a butterfly vomit on my food I'll be drinking that
[ __ ] all day pretty privilege well I went down the rabbit hole of this right
because I was like this is this is true there's pretty privilege everywhere yeah get this this actually blew my mind there was a new study that found the
concept of privilege what we're talking about but also the intergenerational transfer of wealth and resources which
are you talking about generational wealth in Animal Kingdom intergenerational transfer of wealth and
resources that exist in the animal kingdom so I'm going to give you some examples of this so the squirrel right
which we were talking about before they transfer their stores of acorns uh pine cones all of that to their young this
actually leads hold on this leads to differential Fitness outcomes among the squirrels Offspring and these effects
last for Generations not the only one there's so many more the clownish they inherit the right to seek shelter in the largest and safest sea uh anemones and
this can access benefits for future Generations so they it's like a house they pass down the house yeah The
Offspring of the spotted hyena inherit their social rank from their mothers which gives them priority when when it
comes to access for food so that's like that's like uh like a monarchy like for example like she was the queen of the
thing so now oh she just she was good at networking she was like the Chris Jenna in the in the pack of hyenas and now
they're like they're seen as the Kim Kardashians and there there's yeah okay okay that's that's very interesting
different species I know why I just saw hyena with a Kim Kardashian but but anyway that's just that's just all that came in my mind to say now that's that's
very it's like it's like um Game of Thrones in the animal kingdom oh 100% and you're passing down generational
wealth yeah I just I don't know why but I just thought of a screel with Spectacles on and his wife sitting there
and they're doing their finances and no acons and they have a Trust Company set up and they they've got their
beneficiaries all their 4,000 kids oh jeez that's wild yeah we're not so far
apart are we that's what I'm saying yeah comes down to are we we are just animals as well aren't we yeah more conscious it
happens everywhere Animal Kingdom and the and the human race well today I learned there you go I like that the
more you know the more you know is what I like to say let's get let's get let's get let's
get to some relationship stuff we got a we got a council Corner that we're going to talk about today we got a message from uh Stacy by the way it's a fake
name she said please don't use my real name so we're not using your real name so we picked Stacy I've never met anyone
named Stacy that's a brilliant good name anyways so Stacy yeah not Anna
said I've been with my boyfriend for just over 6 months uh and we've started hanging out
together with my group of friends I don't know if I'm overreacting but I feel like he's been flirting with all my
friends he's giving them a lot of attention and there's a lot of playful teasing and
banter I've brought it up to him and his response was I'm just being friendly
babe is she overreacting did she say what he's um
what did she say he's doing again it was just so she said he's giving them a lot of attention Okay and there's a lot of
playful teasing in bant maybe he's just a friendly person
well that's what he said you just be a friendly person his response was baby I'm a friend she's getting uncomfortable about that she's yeah I think that's her
problem okay but hold on I think she's self-concious and she needs to get more confidence well okay but it it depends
what he's doing right so okay he's this's ban to I think that's fine I think like he's just having a laugh with
people he's giving a lot of attention I mean that's where it gets a bit weird like the attention part like if he's giving attention to one girl at an event
for a very long time that might be like I would think that's weird I think it'd be weird that her friend is entertaining
it if she thinks it's flirting really a friend that's what I'm thinking right so if I thought if I thought my partner's
friend was flirting with me a little too much or like it was getting out of hand I would walk away from that conversation yes right yes from here it seems like
her friends haven't actually brought it up to her so they might not think that is all in her head at the moment at the
moment it's all in her head right so they want to consider it flirting I think look me personally I think
flirting is when you approach like like let's say my husband approached a woman
and he was you know giving suggestive comments or like
you know like like when I say suggestive comments I mean like wow that like you know rather than saying oh you look really beautiful that's fine but saying
something like y you got a fat ass but like more like when that dress like
I mean look that's an extreme sense of flirting when you're like you're romantically and sexually no someone
says and and showcasing attraction cuz attraction is different there's different levels of Attraction too so
I've okay wait let me just figure this out because I feel like a lot of my um
interactions with people sometimes get confused as flirting I'm a very talkative person yeah I have a lot of
banter no matter who I'm talking with I love I love a little bit of ban and I love complimenting people now I've even been
accused of flirting with gay men I'm not flirting with them I'm just a friendly person to everyone that's
just that's just how I am right but there was a situation coming to think of it I never got questioned for it but
would you consider this flirting with someone it was my girlfriend's best friend's birthday and then we got to um
the venue and we said hi to everyone I said hi to her she was wearing this beautiful dress and I said wow you look
absolutely gorgeous today is that too far did I go too far I think no I don't
think you did but I think it's the like I think it's the way you say it as well like like I did buy my lip and I
went that's definitely see good look
gorgeous oh that's so Weir that's flirting that's flirting no that's being a creep that's not FLIR but I think you
can say to someone if they're attractive like in a nice way like oh wow you look dashing oh look you look really handsome or you look really beautiful or look you
look stunning today like what like I think that's a nice thing to do but I think it's the way you say it if you're
like if you go that dress that looks good like that's weird you know I think there's you can definitely dance between
the line on those kind of I think that we're focusing too much on compliments and flirting is not just compliments flirting is complete playful interaction
and and you know funny type of having making making jokes sometimes it's all
like putting digs on someone that's flirting yes it is it's called playful interaction but that's not flirting I
don't think that's flirting what I'm saying is what I'm saying is that these are all the things that fall under the banner of flirting okay let me I want to
look up I want to look up a list of what people subtle flirting which is um often
indirect look I've got it here often indirect allowing individuals to express interest without making overt and direct advances there's non-verbal cues there's
body language that's sort of touching eye contact smiling ging yeah this this
is what it's saying eye contact gesturing mirroring the other person's movements I can't believe that's there's
obviously the verbal the verbal the verbal uh communication which is complimenting teasing playful ban and
the use of double on Tandra this sounds like a rap song Double on Tandra and innuendos there's a tone of voice
there's a softer speaking there's laughter there's playful there so there's so much involved in flirting but
the point the point I think it here is what is where's the line drawn if you're
doing if you're touching I think that's a that's a line dra 100% if you go over that that's a line drawn of course
especially if you have a partner you shouldn't be going and touching but hold on hold on we need to address a few of these things because this is actually
wild to me cuz I I thought flirting honestly I would consider flirting like suggestive comments or like you know but
not like okay so you mentioned eye contact let's go to that one first I don't stop looking at me too long you're flirting I don't think eye contact is
flirting I think that's just a good way to hold a conversation with anyone that's called effective communication effective communication is having eye
contact with someone and just cuz you you look for too long long at someone while you're talking to them that can't
be flirting that's like like that's wild to me do you guys consider that flirting talking to someone for too long talking
to someone and they're just like giving you like deep eye contact you would think they're flirting with you eye
contacts I don't know some people are just creeps and they like to look into your soul I wouldn't I wouldn't overthink it eye contact is a weird one
though but I don't think that's flirting that's just odd like some people like just don't look away but that's just how
they are do you know God this was such a weird situation I was on I was on a boat party
with a friend of mine at the time and his Ms was on the boat they're no longer together now by the way because yes the
eye contact no this was this was really weird and I and I and to this day
like I haven't even spoken about it okay so we're sitting at the back of the boat
my mate at the time is sitting there right now he's not like a like a best mate or whatever just an acquaintance as
a friend of a friend right right I hope you're not describing me and Lorraine no it's not you and L he's sitting there
you know this person by the way his m is sitting next to him and I'm sitting next to his M okay and his m is talking to me
and by the way you know our friend um Jean he was to my left witnessing this whole thing okay and we're talking and
she's laughing or whatever and then she's like when she'd laugh she'd like touch my shoulder or something and I'm like oh this is weird whatever and then
she started talking to me she goes oh hey and then she puts her hand on my leg okay so that's that's a bit odd she puts
her hand on my leg and she's talking to me and her hands are sitting there and by the way her her boyfriend is like
sitting right there and she's talking to me and then she starts doing the the
these no you're ly she talking you're ly I swear to God I swear to God and I'm
sitting there and I'm like what the what the [ __ ] do I do and I'm confused and I'm looking at Jean and Jean's going
like he's doing that and the only thing that I could come down to yeah was these guys were probably not in an open
relationship but they like to experiment and do certain things swingers that's that's the only thing I could think of
and she was testing the waters because he was right there and he was looking and he was incredbly uncomfortable so
uncomfortable that would be incredibly uncomfortable being on your side and being on his side but also you're his friend way yeah like none of me and him
still like I'll message him and I'll talk to him stuff but put it this way for this for Stacy right Stacy for her
if there's physical touching going on there's a problem I think unless unless you guys have some sort of open
Arrangement they let's talk about this physical touch thing right because I know people and like for example myself
right when I'm talking to someone on the leg is so uncalled for but if I'm talking to someone and I'm I'm I
wouldn't say I'm like a touchy Fey person but what I tend to do is like if like I'll touch their shoulder be like oh that's so funny like you know you
would not do that I no but I have like like you know I I don't know I I'm pretty sure I have like where I'm like I
don't know I feel like that's so out of your character SAR God if tried to do that to me no no but it's not like what
the [ __ ] you're not of nature like if I've seen like let's just say um a good friend of mine walks in as a guy and I'm
like oh my God it's been so long like I'll grab your shoulder like something like that that to me is not flirting that's of course not I think it what
what you got to understand inish is that you're looking at things so too isolated you're looking at just one of the things
you got to look at it as a collection of all of these things happening at once called flirting it's isolated it Doan
flirting it just means You' touched some on the arm that's it and and let's just address Stacy to
help her out here is she overrated overreacting or not I think she I think
she's overreacting she has spoken to me said it is friendship I think she's just got to keep an eye on it and I think she
does need to understand one thing and it's an analogy here is that you can't control where a bird lands you can only
control where the bird builds its nest right you can't stop a bird from landing on a tree but you can stop a bird from
building the nest yeah you can if you clip its wings you can yeah's what type of word what type of
bird would that be what's this analy so you can't stop people having attraction to other people and does because it's
attraction doesn't mean it needs to ever get physical like like we are hold on for a second technically we are all
right and as weird as it sounds us three are attracted to each other in the terms of we like our conversation we like
being around each other we like hanging out we like working together we wouldn't do this if we didn't have a level of of
and it's not again it's it's a different type of Attraction it's not the attraction of uh anything to do with
sexual or anything to do with feelings like that it's just the fact that we enjoy being around each other that's what attraction is that's what I think
it is right but but when it comes to a relationship or even if you've been in a
long-term relationship you're still going to come across people that you like being around yeah but it doesn't mean you build a nest there so this guy
oh I like being around your friends I actually feel great and I feel like offering and I'm very friendly with your friends yeah just be careful if you're
that guy or you're that girl because you will create issues with your partner you you got to make sure if you are going to
be extra friendly or not extra friendly if you are going to be friendly with your your partner's friends that you need to be extra friendly with your
partner in the same interaction don't leave them out because this is what it's going to create the she she or he is
still your king or queen in that of course but if Stacy is seeing something where it is making her comfortable like
obviously banter having fun like eye contact like you know it's all good and well but if she's noticing that he's you
know thinking it's Cas casual physical touch but it's making her feel uncomfortable like there are certain
times where you can like I feel like it's fair for her to feel a certain type of way it just depends what type of floating is going on like I never
considered and this is actually blowing my mind right now that people consider flirting with that list that you just
said and I know what you mean collectively it's different but still like banter laughter uh you know just
eye contact all these things I don't think that's that should be considered flirting at all because as you said
people enjoy regardless of male or female uh spending time with certain type of people because their
personalities match up and that's so okay but like this for example yes your friend um our mutual friend but first
your friend for us or even or even uh Aon right yeah when I see them on the phone and you're doing FaceTime I run
over there to to like say something or whatever because I like talking to them they
think they're great and they laugh at everything I do and I don't know why we got to talk about that by the way very weird very flirtatious see but that's
what I'm saying so is that's flirting that's a flirtatious thing but it doesn't mean that we're attracted and
we're going to do anything together we're just we're just under these under these definitions that's classified as
flirting they're guys I think flirting is when like it becomes uh suggestive
comments that go too far or or touching that goes too far no that's that's that's beyond flirting but like I think
well okay but I think that's what flirting is I want I just want to give Stacy my out I feel like her partner is
very similar to me when I am introduced to my partner's friends I like to go
above and beyond MH um because end of the day if I'm good on their side then
they're going to be good on my side and then the Friendship Circle and and and
the the support of the relationship stays strong and I feel like that's what he's doing I feel like he's just trying to get in their good
books how long do they say they were early together just over months okay they're still very young it's still a
very young relationship impress your friends that's what he's doing yeah I wouldn't I think it if it's something
that's happening still 2 years later then it's normal you don't consider normal but you should you like and you
know it just depends healthy competition as well no you know what it comes down is it is it bad is it bad for me to say
keep on the toes that's horrible try to say just let you know your besti is kind
of kind of enjoys our conversation no but okay look like in all in all honesty like I you do have to be considerate of
your partner in these types of situations and he should be considerate even though he's very friendly he should also be considerate yeah of course just
have that open line of communication yeah yeah well well hopefully that's helped
you out Stacy I want to get into a conspiracy theory that no one talks about it's out there you see the footage
you see the you see the proof in inverted commas M
Giants actual giant human beings existed uh I don't know 5,000 6,000
years ago whatever the time they say they've been they've found bones they found skeleton structures of beans that
are like 30 foot I don't know how long that is a meters only that's [ __ ] huge like 30 ft is what we're not
talking like your Shaquille O'Neal sizes we're talking triple right yes so hold on 30 ft in meters so if you're in the
states you'd know what 30 ft is if you're I definitely believe if you run the metric system it's a it's a bit
bigger it's it's it's it's whatever meters are in 30 ft I believe they
smaller it's not bigger a higher number didn't you find something lower number
earlier years that like they discovered hold on for a second I think no one's internet's
working right now um yeah I'm just reconn I found something earlier when we were talking about this um 9 m 30 ft is
9 M I think the biggest skeleton ever found was 25 1/2 ft oh there you go which is a bit take take a meter off
yeah take a meter and a half off let's get precise 7.62 M ridiculous that's [ __ ] huge now the average of human is
probably about 2 M maximum not even the average 180 180 18 170 170 that's what
whatever Y is and that's the average man I'm not 170 that ever insult me like that that's not an insult if someone's
170 I am 182 thank you very much I'm 184 no you're not that's like 641 you are
not 61 I'm taller than you no you're not shut up oh who cares if anything I'm
either taller than you or the same height as you yeah I'll take the same height you are not taller than me don't ever tell anyone that again in your life
wow you're worse than a guy that lies on his dating app [ __ ] I'm 6'2 no you're
not a lot of people say like with these discoveries of the skeletons and whatnot
that it's all fake and and they discredit it all the time who's going to spend that time
building a 7 m long skeleton and then putting it underground and then digging
it back up and saying look what I found like I feel like a lot of people really yeah a lot of people that want to be
like they want their 15 Minutes of Fame in the industry there in anything for fame yeah so well here the thing right
this is a thing if there was Giants it would explain a lot of the
ancient world it would explain how pyramids were built cuz they would be able to lift that stuff that's true how
much how many tons is like one of those stones PID like 12 tons yeah ridiculous
a stupid amount like I'm not saying that one giant would pick up a 12 ton thing but you don't know like four giants one
on each corner he might get away with it yeah four five all right boys let's go and they just so I'm just I've just I've
just Googled for the sake of a biggest skeleton ever found that hasn't been debunked right okay that hasn't been
debunked it hasn't been debunked properly so this human was named tutos
and was discovered um in the year 1613 very long time ago uh 18 ft
underground and it was referred to as the in the Giants field or some [ __ ] whatever it is anyways um how tall is
this thing I don't know but they they assume that it might be elephant bones
elephant bones but they haven't arranged as a man as a man's bone but they haven't come to a conclusion but you
know what I always that sounds so dumb it's how could why would someone arrange
elephant bones as a human like why that this makes no sense it doesn't make sense but what you got to look at is all
the ancient text and myths I'm not sure if that's what you were going to touch on no I was going something else but go ahead well you got all the biblical
references right of um the Nephilim yeah have you heard about the
neim I these are the people from planet niburu huh planet niburu is Nephilim the
planet niburu what is planet oh my God oh my God planet okay
have you heard of um Planet neuu cuz like you had me at Nephilim but
nabur I'm lost there's a planet what do you mean
there's a planet there's a planet now this is a theory right there's there it's called The Planet X or whatever okay there's a planet that orbits the
Sun differently to how the all the other planets do and on that planet is a specific type of being that apparently
created the human race or at least merged with the human race that that made humans in uh to mine gold so that
because gold helps them run their energy on their planet or helps them do something on their own planet and they
come and revisit Earth every like I don't know 20,000 years or something yeah and they are giants and when they
came they a couple of their royalty people stayed on Earth and actually
started to uh have sex with the humans and that's one of the stories how they
say why I'm M don't look at me like I'm believing it I'm reting I like why this
sounds familiar because he's told me this exact story over a coffee any this this but
this is like they they say that that the these are the things that were mentioned in the bible as well Planet the Nephilim
people so they they're trying to say connected that they are the same person the same race that come here they were
the gods or the sons of the Gods here and that they um you know they built everything they built all the ancient
stuff and they actually uh used us to mine gold and we're actually all just slaves of these
people so and and we're still slaves of these people well that's what the conspiracy states that they they they'd
be returning you know what very soon right okay can you imagine if it actually happens would be like I told
you do you know do you know I'd be spe funny enough on the on the theory of humans were brought to Earth do you know
there's actual scientific evidence that kind of suggest we don't belong here what do you mean put it this way when
you go out outside mhm do you get burnt by the sun yeah that's that's one of the
the that's one of the scientific evidence yes you do why hasn't Evolution allowed us to not get sunburnt that's
the first one the second one majority of back problems in adulthood which like I
think it's like a 70 or 80% of humans after the age of 30 start suffering from certain back pain is that because of
gravity it's because of gravity so why haven't weol or not because we're sitting like this no no so gravity
gravity is actually one of the main issues of um back pain [ __ ] I could be making this up out of 10 people eight
out of 10 people in the in the US listen eight out of 10 people in the US will experience lower back pain in their
lifetime yeah and majority of that from what I've heard from somewhere else can't recall where of GRA of gravity
like people the way you see how people like used to get mad at me all the time when we we're at radio and you would be like why are you sitting like that
looking at your phone and I would like like we we all tend to do it like okay
all I'm saying this is what's weird about this theory is that nearly every single uh mythology talks about they
being Giants you've got the Greek that talk about the Titans you've got the
Native American tribes that have Legends of giant beans yeah um so like I mean okay that's just one that's just two I
can mention but um and that's right in front of me but a lot of these even I I think even the Ancient Ancient Asian
stuff as well refers to Giants living here on the planet now how does that change
everything well okay keen's got a point in the sense that it's really odd like for example like dinosaurs and dinosaur
sorry dragons are like mythological creatures that are across the world in
their own and they're they're depicted in their own way through their own storytelling that's kind of crazy like
that can't be a coincidence that these stories get passed on from Generations all in all different parts of the world
when we didn't have globalization when we didn't have that and how is that such a consistent story that is now past
generations and generations and generations right like there's got to be some truth like how did people come up with that one idea across the world
multiple times with different mythological characters mermaids like all these things the mermaids is the
weirdest one the weirdest one mermaids is the weirdest yeah 100% believe they are meres every sailor out there no
matter what country they're from or what continent they're from they've never crossed paths in their lives they they
talk about the stories of mermaids Half Men half F and they hear the singing they hear the singing that's so weird
bro or like the the Bigfoot I don't know if that's across the world though yeah yeah Bigfoot but all I all I can say as
well is that there's there's there's this thing called whatever will happen or whatever whatever you think can exist
does exist and it's true I think I think that what's like and you know what even
if they did exist how does it change our life well all it changes is that we've been lied to or at least has been a
cover up so what does that mean what do we do now well that would be huge though if there was a massive cover up it
changes history like there always covers up everything is a cover up everything because there's a there's again you got
to understand there's about 10,000 people across businesses governments
royalties royalty people um Royal people um see
Hollywood all these people are all going to the same parties doing the same thing
hanging out and cutting the same business deals with each other and then there's 8 billion people that they're
injecting things to and say this is what they and everything they want that everything that's going on in that whole
system is purely to have profits power and control that's it yeah there's
definitely certain families that run the world have not just no there's like there's there's a group there's a whole
I'm not saying Illuminati no no no I'm saying like if you were the head of Hollywood and you were the head of of of
the invest of um pharmaceutical companies and I was the head of government we'd all work together cuz we
all hang out together so I'm going to call you and go bro I got to you go bro I want to you you know I want to you say
cuz you're a farmaceutical company we have this new drug it's going to make us millions of dollars need to get it approved I'll approve it and then you go
to he and you say make a movie about it that that paints it in a good good picture in a good light and then 8
billion people see that movie or whatever see that movie there a lot of people seeing a movie you know what I mean like the the the market sees the
movie and then all of a sudden you're making money I'm making tax money and then you're getting profits of the money as well everyone's a winner like it it
makes sense and if you were in that 10,000 would you do the same thing why do I feel why do I feel like ke's play this out that was too specific very
specific have you been planning some [ __ ] k i just are you can are you a Nephilim kid you can just see it it's
not it's not hard to see I'm sorry but it's not hard I think there's some truth to that for sure like in terms of yeah
greedy people control higher ups like or we could just be all paranoid people and all this is a lot of [ __ ] I love how we
went from Giants to [ __ ] yeah because we went to the coverups and all that stuff but all the giant could just be it
could just be someone arranging the stuff it could just be uh uh you know
myths I wonder when we're going to find this all out it has to be at some point where all all the truth comes well a lot
of people say that the the the uh the Ascension to understanding is on our doorstep it's happening now and it
happened because of a particular thing that the whole world went through 3 years ago oh that that was just one that
was just part of the phase of unlocking understanding and being able to see that hey there's something else going on here
because before that you wouldn't know about the 10,000 people that run the woke generation no
there's two different things there the and then there's the awakened don't get there confused the work of the Annoying
ones right 100% they are the annoying the awakened ones are the ones that that
are Mak waking up to this [ __ ] and going what the what's going on here there's something bigger going on there's
Giants I've seen one no no I haven't but hypothetically well who knows who knows
so do you believe JS existed yes yeah I do Nish do you believe joh exist I actually do I'm a Biblical person too
you got to remember that that's true so like the story of David and Goliath Goliath was a giant a proper
giant they they actually reckon they found his um his remains Goliath's remains did they find the they found
bones 3,000 years ago that fit the description of Goliath in the area that Goliath David and Goliath existed in the
uh what do they call it let just find it that's pretty wild the the Philistines
do you know that they changed BC to BCE it's always been BCE hasn't it no
I thought it was always it was BC no they've changed it to BC what's the E ex
so now it's not it's not before Christ anymore it's before common error
what main before W before it's now called BCE because not
everyone's Catholic okay well sometimes this world just
confuses me hey if you're not Catholic why would you say before ch term if they won why not well because Christ existed
his act it's not a made it's not like a man-made story there was a person existed name Jesus it was before his
existence like it's not it's so crazy how we go that's the point that we start
counting forward that was this it's this crazy I think of the impact that that that that had wild eh yeah crazy times
um all right cool well uh I believe in Giants as well okay can I ask one question before we uh wrap things up
yeah I just saw it on social media and it was such a good question that I wanted to ask Aisha okay what Aisha
would you rather be on minimum wage for the rest of your life right or have a million dollars a year but there is a
snail that is constantly chasing you and if it touches you you
die so minimum wage or I have a million dollars but there's a snail that milon dollar a year a year but it wants to
kill me yeah and it's a it's an educated snail but it's just a snail I but if it touches you you die and you can't kill
it it's constantly hting you can't kill it no you can't die if it touches you you die so if you try to kill it but can't you use a pole
yeah I'll take the million a year guys I'll take the million a year I take salt
at it I never thought about that yeah just get a gun and he was like
this messed up with his snail no I would OB it's like it's going to dodge it like
yeah and how fast is it going to go like catches up to you if you forget about it
one day cuz it's like sleep you can't you wouldn't be able to sleep I would literally hire
bodyguard with my money and I would get them to assassinate the snail that snail is gone I'd go John Wick on that snail
never thought about killing the snail I don't kill insects guys leave me alone don't kill bugs anyone got a
motivational quate before you wrap up no I just I oh yeah go ahead I have
fun go on wait I said this to you the other day Ken and I really liked it let me get it so I don't screw it up
okay he's going as slow as a snail oh no wait can you just make one
up oh here it is okay this is so like my favorite one are you ready yep just
remember guys mhm a smooth sea never made a skilled
sailor I like that you need to have turbulent weather and turbulent time to
become who you're supposed to become exactly beautiful how good is that that's actually very good my favorite
quote I've ever done and we'll leave you with that go have a great rest of the day or night or wherever you are what time it is and uh make sure you hit
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You can't deny Pretty Privilege, My Boyfriend flirts with my best friend, Did Giants exist? Ep.15
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