Would you watch your parents have sex, Caught red handed cheating, how to live off $60 a week Ep.12

that makes no sense to me at the end of the day you choose how many people you want to sleep with many people I don't choose how many people I want to sleep
with it comes up with a girl she de you're telling me that you have no say in that situation I have a say but you
think I go I want to have sex with you and she'll say [Music]
yes already canell already cell already canell
hey how are we good it's the already cancelled podcast it's the already cancel podcast that's what you sounded
like [ __ ] I literally was just about to ask people to subscribe and then that happened like how can we ask someone to subscribe because you said it weird
that's why I was just AE said and the shame thing the shame about it is we don't edit anything out so it has to stay in there I know this is like it's
as live as a podcast could ever get yeah in the action in the moment true what's going on not much I don't
know do you want to do the thing where you're like oh the subscription oh yeah yeah yeah subscribe everybody yeah just
hit that button follow us on Instagram subscribe if you're on YouTube right now hit subscribe button what does what do
they say turn on the notification Bell so you get us every time we drop something Have you ever turned on the notification Bell on YouTube uh any any
channel I don't I I've realized that I don't use YouTube to its full potential what do you mean I'm very um basic with
it I don't subscribe to people I don't um whatever that Bell thing isic there
is some really like fluent YouTube users out there like they are the most committed of all platforms is a YouTube
committed person I get y not hitting the notification Bell using YouTube you know
standard nothing like too fancy Kean pays for YouTube premium yeah that's crazy so I would expect him to do
the notifications I do it because I get access to everything with no ads right
Shout Out YouTube guys just real quick thought on tap water like honest
thoughts uh filtered water I don't drink filtered water but I want to drink filtered water be blessed you have water
mate no no no I am I am and this is the reason why I'm drinking it right now but whether you like it or not it tastes
like toilet water no you know why I think it's like I saw some Tik Tok did some research and uh they have this I
don't know what it is but some sort of like chemical that shows you the components and how much like metal metal there's a lot of metals in there a lot
of metals chemicals fluides and things like that God that tastes like it's that tastes bad that's no good yeah there's a
lot of conspiracies around water maybe we should dive into that next time spires into water yeah we'll do that we'll figure that out soon U we've put
out on the council Squad uh broadcast channel on Instagram everyone for their favorite would you rathers oh I love a
good would you rather we've compiled the list down to the top three what I think is the most engaging to talk about yeah
oh Nishi get ready oh no I'll do your one last oh we're getting separate ones
Yeah well yeah yeah there's one specifically asked to be answered by you oh oh I like but the other ones were
across us all right let's go let's get okay the first one I think let's it's pretty it's a pretty intense
one from dev. bore right would you rather relive your birth or watch your
conception relive my birth for sure don't look at me like I'm the weird
one no no no it's not weird I mean look they're both a bit odd but I would say at least I'm involved in one of them
actually involved well you're just doing basically you are one of them yeah that literally you lived that before you
literally can go back now yeah with the full understanding level knowledge and
come out of your mom's vagina oh wait oh relive it yeah Oh I thought like watch
it no no like relive your birth that's what it means or relive my
conception or what your conception I would oh okay it's now it's making sense
all right this is a difficult one I think watch watch the conception because
sorry no you know why intrusive thoughts I want to see what the doctor did
because I don't know if you guys know this when I was born right the doctor pressed too like hard on my
head you just answering so much questions all s shut up did he did he
just press or did he like okay calm your pH but obviously something went wrong because he he pinched a
nerve and no I was paralyzed half paralyzed in my face for 6 months yeah
what holy crap so now that's the reason why I have a twitch that won't go away why would you want to relive that no I
want to see cuz they should have Su hold hold on so wait hold on do you want to relive your birth I want to watch would
you rather relive your birth you have to relive it you are the baby or watch your conception I want to watch my conception
so I want to see what the doctor did no conception the doctor did not have sex with your mom now it makes sense it
makes sense the squeeze the squeeze all makes sense it's coming back I want to see what the I let me expl I you
understand conceptions when your mom and your daddy I know I got it When a Man Loves a Woman I got it I got it don't need the birds and the be the snake goes
into the bush Okay into the cave vomits okay wait what is that the story that
you were told no no I'm just making it up on the spot that's a really good analogy snake goes into the cave
metaphor analogy don't know the difference anyway let's continue anyway no obviously the first one I would want to relive my birth youd relive your
birth you are the baby you're not watching it you're going the baby yes yes I want to read my birth you'd come out you'd see the light yeah well you
craw up to your mom you You' breastfeed a little bit you'd see the doctor's hands come down be
like don't squeeze [ __ ] don't squeeze the day all of a sudden na is a genius yeah I know
right Jimmy Neutron head what else did the doctor do did he
grab your nose and pull it
he's want to talk honestly this guy
[Music] is I'm sorry I I'm sorry I'm a piece of
[ __ ] I'm going to say he's more of a piece of [ __ ] for laughing that hard yeah you laugh too hard like the first
laugh wasn't right but then it went that was too
good anyway moving on next would your up what
what would you do you'd relieve your birth or what's your conception I think Rel leave birth I've done it once I could do it again no I
wouldn't my birth imagine cons like imagine brother fully being aware
understanding that you are inside your mother coming out of her that's that's normal weird I'd watch my my parents
have have sex that's wild that is weird I've seen it already anyway that's why I would what do you mean I've walked in on
my parents before did you stay there and I stood there just watch no they told me to get out I mother have
remembering something completely wrong but there was at one point I saw my parents in the main bathroom oh my gosh
I don't even want to know hey like like they were like feeling naughty yeah yeah bathrooms like they can't watch I want
to go into too much detail cuz my parents watch and listen to this yeah and then be Destro it yes don't and
maybe they're like no K that's not what happened but I remember into detail no
don't go into detail is there something specific that you want to say that you can't say I can tell you I want to say
what position I saw them in but they wouldn't like that yeah don't say it cuz your parents wouldn't like it just say it and then we'll I just want to just
hear it no you no one's you you'll make sure it doesn't get edited out you do
the audio on this show technically well you do the visual and that's even worse put subtitles oh gosh no but I
don't get why you wouldn't want to like relive your birth that's so odd to me like I don't think it's weird at all
you're inside your mom's vagina you're coming out of your mom's vagina that's not weird she's got a point you're going
out it's not like I'm [ __ ] going in do you know what I mean well each to the Rain I'd prefer just to watch oh
sweet that's when I was made hectic I don't know what I'd do no I don't want to watch it oh could you imagine if it
was the wrong one and it was actually your brother's conception makes no difference really but imagine you imagine
your dad's a premature ejaculator and it's like do you want to see the memory of of when you were conceived it's like
yes and they're like you're like that's so true you
don't know you that it could be 10 seconds whether you'd have to sit through like 14 hours of Labor being inside your M I'm watching my parents
yeah come on come on imagine imagine being full consciousness of Nisha and
your mom's in 14 hours labor and you're like sorry Mom you're going through it again because I'm not watching my
conception that's so messed up all right well there you go two against one let's move on to the next one this one's a bit more deeper and I thought this would get
a lot of good conversation out from DJ GE Geo Rob would you rather be rich in
an author authoritarian country Rich okay or poor in a free
one rich always Rich yeah Rich I'd say Rich too dude you got to real but you
see this is this is the this is what what it's about ethics right so would you rather live in a country where everyone is free or in a country where
people are categorized and is anyone even free these days in any country bro
hypothetically speaking obviously there is in this situation a free country and you're actually free but you're poor or
you're rich and an author authorative I hate that word
authoritarian authoritarian okay author authoritarian it's a favoring or enforcing strict obedience to an
authority at an expense of personal freedom so you would say something maybe like a dictatorship country so country
country like North Korea okay but you have to be mindful right so if you're rich in North Korea oh no [ __ ] North
Korea this is if we're going that far [ __ ] North Korea I'd rather be in a free country poor in a country you don't want
to see your people suffer yeah yeah well that but also if you're rich but you're being you know supervised you have your
poor quality of life you may what are you going to spend your expenses on or I mean sorry what are you going to spend money on if someone's looking down and
saying you can spend it on this this and that but not this this and that like it just depends on how sick of a person you are to see other people suffer you don't
want to I don't want to see other people yeah you want see people suffer for the sake of having all the money in the world that you want no it's not really
worth it is it it's not yeah i' take I'd take being poor poor in free country that was easy that was actually quite
easy yeah when you compare it to North Korea when you yeah put it into practice let's look at uh the next one this is
the third and final one from cancel Squad guys thanks for sending him in this is from a guy called that's big
Chinese guy is he big uh it'd be weird if he be weird if he wasn't big or
Chinese that' just be he's a solid bloke he's a solid bloke okay so what's his UHA would you rather be Kean or YZ
that's a great [ __ ] question you have to answer too yeah okay and then you give us a reason why
yeah oh so both going to get so offended you're you're so easily offended all right it's fine we're we're equally
offended so it's it's it's fun H okay do I me to give you some
insight about my life yeah can can you why don't you ask some questions are you happy
yes wait a second why was that the question that everyone laughs like that's more [ __ ] up than
the question itself am I happy easily offended am I
happy genuinely yeah yes okay good yes are you happy K yeah
100% he's overplaying it you come on that was that was over how can I not be
happy I'm I have an abundance of love and care and family and friends and
support around me how can I not be happy do you have many regrets he has
what what I'm trying to get some context I think we're talking about your voice
do you have any regrets wait do my voice sound weird you went still sounds weird you went a bit demon oh do you have I
think you need toan she sounded like Snape regret what
sounded like okay let me say it again do you have any regrets yes do I have any regrets do I have
any yeah yeah on a scale of 1 to 10 like
where where's the regret Spectrum oh it's a very normal regret that I feel a lot of people have it's just it's the same around the world the covid vaccine
I wish I never [ __ ] swear I swear to God but besides that no because everything I've done um
whether it was wrong or right really led me to this point so yeah I like that okay what about you
Kiana no no regrets no no regrets no I'm a big I'm a big I'm a big uh
believer of of that same point get juicy with these questions Nishi come on these are some Bor and ass questions are you
lonely yes no okay you're not lonely Ken no of course a family um I reckon he's
got a family but I re I've got more people in my life than he does yeah well that's true remember that doesn't come
down to it's not family it's quality no it's quantity it's always quantity I have a [ __ ] Army an army how much of
them are quality though yeah they're average they're pretty average see what I mean but I go very small but I have a
lot of quality there's nothing there's nothing bad or good about that it's just a different can I just ask so Aisha asks
me all these questions first right she's asked me all the questions first and I feel like they're very targeted I know
and no they're not I asked both of you but I'm asking are you happy are you lonely do you regret
anything do you have regrets it's like very pinpointed no cuz look I think you both have great quality of life in
different aspects like obviously I see Ken he has a family he has kids he has yeah but don't think for but don't think
for a second that there's no hardship in that there's a lot of difficulties and hardships and and ups and downs in that
I feel like okay but you guys didn't hear what I just said I said there are both great aspects in both of your life and I'm I'm listing the great aspect in
your life not the bad stuff I was about to get to that but the great aspects are obviously your family of kids you have
like things you got some of your ducks in a row like your you know yeah but according to who according to our
parents like no obviously to you as well because you made those decisions in your life I think your living not living but
like what you've accomplished in life especially familywise and everything is what annisha wants as well I'm aligning
it to what like I think I put value in at the end of the day it's so subjective to every individual but if it's question
directed to me and what I find Value in life it's family which he has also has he has a big family here he's very um
and he's got very supportive parents very supportive parents he's very caring towards his family and vice versa so I
think there's a lot of pluses there as well but I think if I had to choose oh that's so
hard but I I've met your kids and they're adorable so I think I'm going to go with she's taking the kid route yes I
think that's the easy way out I think that was the easy easy way out no but it's I've met your family and I they're so they're so lovely sorry sorry BR
you're lost NY you want to see my bank account are you going to photoshop it
again well thanks for those uh questions there the big Chinese guy I forgot that was his
name all right let's get into this uh Court red-handed Nishi uh wow C red-handed
when cheating you got a story for us yeah yeah I do so basically which you like first of all have you guys ever
used a Fitbit no no I've always seen them I thought what's the point like wouldn't you just wear a watch like an
apple watch or something no but that's the thing I charge my like way too much [ __ ] already the last thing I want to do is charge my watch like I'd rather just
keep it old school keep it analog yeah well my mom has a Fitbit and she has um
she uses it to count of 10,000 steps oh God like and she has to reach it daily
so and it's like a big thing in the Indian Community fit bits and like reaching the steps and that's what I thought they were used for and only used
for really was that's called a pedometer a pedometer oh yeah I haven't heard that word in [ __ ] years did you remember
getting pedometers in the neutr grain serial box yes you know you didn't yes you did and it counts your steps every
time yeah it was just a little thing that just the numbers would go up I've never Tu you tuck it where your belt is
and your pants yeah your belt holder anyway this is the craziest thing that happened so a woman caught her boyfriend
cheating via her Fitbit her Fitbit her Fitbit or his Fitbit I don't know their Fitbit because they
connected some I don't even know you do that I you can connect like with your Fitness buddy yeah so there her and her
partner obviously had a Fitbit they were both connected like you know digitally and she was sleeping and overnight
around 2 a.m. she realizes it like pings that her partner has lost 500 calories
burn 500 calories at 2:00 a.m. in the morning a.m. do you know burning 500
calories is like a [ __ ] Marathon on yeah I know that's what I was about to say are you sure it was 500 calories
that's what they say 500 calories was uh pinged so I don't know how many times he
was doing it but that's kind of how she caught him cheating he was caught red-handed and yeah I think it's wild
because so he was how did she so what she would have questioned him what were you doing at 2 in the morning why is it
500 calories and what he confess is there any further further info to the story let me look he would have denied
it and she she would be like but she might have gone through his phone and there's like so many ways okay so that was that was the in the instigated uh
Point yeah well I've just searched up here people claim that you can burn 100
to 300 calories per sexual act but you need to go for at least 25 minutes so this guy would have been going for an
hour almost an hour it's it's technically an hour of in um high-intensity training I yeah but for
you to hit 500 but that's the thing sex is actually a really good um Fitness um activity yeah I've I've heard
that but 500 calories what would been you think about it but I've I've found uh some other red-handed stories so get
this I saw my then girlfriend then emphasized on the street with some guy
uh they were physically comfortable holding hands but touching after Sor all the specific after a while I decided to
confront her she tells me he's only her cousin turns out he was actually her
cousin that's so messed up oh so he was like he was he didn't try to save himself he was
just being honest no he was being honest but it was also his cousin which is really really weird must have been ethnic no way it
was like unless it's like [ __ ] redneck you never know it could be you know like Arabs Indians yeah but
rednecks are not cousins aren't they families like actual like brothers sister siblings I guess they want to get
real freaky yeah isn't that thing why what is it m Edie that one no there was
another one where um why why why rednecks don't do reverse
cowgir why cuz they never turn their back on family or something like
that oh gosh okay get this one right this one's pretty bad few years back I
lived with a buddy in a large apartment and we always had parties I was flying uh back from Florida and wound up a
wound up getting home when the party was winding down everyone was under blankets on the living room floor so my buddy
uh with what was obviously a figure halfway down his sleeping bag doing something to him he gave me a wide-eyed
look and I cracked a smile at him until my girlfriend of two years her head popped out from the sleeping
bag I was in shock for a few seconds and TI and then went to talk and Tyler went
to talk his friend I cut him off and said you can keep her drove across town to my mom's that night done cried like a
[ __ ] too she makes me sick that's actually horrible that is so messed up I I I know
how people can do that to someone like it just like it's not even a funny story like it's just sickening it is sickening
there's just people out there with zero morals and zero respect yeah I know it's so true it's so true the worst is when
you like you you you CAU catch him in the act as well it's just so [ __ ] like
like imagine that coming home to your Ms or your or your your husband or your partner or whatever with your mate but I
in your bed yeah it's so messed up but I think if you see something like that like it's like you I don't know about
closure obviously you don't get closure but you know that you're never going to go back to that person do you know what I mean like there's been instances where
people there's been like there's cheating and stuff and then you hear about the story where like either the girl or the guy keeps going back to that
individual because because they're weak cuz they're [ __ ] weak humans no okay but you have everyone's story is different like you don't know what
they're going through if some I'm sorry if someone disrespects you to to that level that's like the worst of the worst
right he goes that and then [ __ ] murdering you right yeah I'm just saying children stuff is
they're weak humans you don't go back to someone that's done that to you like what what are you scared of not finding someone else you're a [ __ ] [ __ ]
whether you're a guy or is it different here's a question is it different when you're older like say for example you're
in your 40s yeah and you find out your partner's been cheating on you for 16 years oh then you discuss the open
relationship with then you go [ __ ] do what you want like should you adjust it then if you want to adjust then like [ __ ] that but as if you look at that
person the same you never look never look at like as if you want to share a bed with a scumbag like that do you know
what I mean like it just becomes like [ __ ] that I'd rather be sleeping alone I'd actually rather be sleeping alone yeah but you know you know I remember
you like putting it into context like with when you broke up with one of your partners you were saying that what
happens is your whole future is what you get scared about because it completely changes overnight because you plan your
whole life with someone and then all of a sudden overnight Everything Changes Everything Changes and I never thought I
was like oh my God like that's actually that would be all those things happen because your future is meant to be better than what
what you've designed it to be oh that's true that's why that [ __ ] happens to you that's true because there's something
greater there's something more bigger there's something more like special destined for your for you to succeed yeah and you and you dodged a bullet
like you really did and the amount of bullets I've dodged in my life [ __ ] really yeah I've dodged so many bullets
not relationship wise but career-wise oh I thought about I was like what do you mean bro I swear you've been like with
Liberation since you were 16 no I mean in general in life like there's so many things that happen you're like thank [ __ ] that happened it takes look it
takes a while to figure out why you're in a [ __ ] spot but usually when you look back you're like oh yeah that's why that
happened understood and there's no better feeling than when you start to
realize yeah and it starts to click in your mind oh my God thank [ __ ] do you know what do you know what it is I feel
like like on this topic of this guy walking in on his misses [ __ ] whatever going down on this
bloke I feel like you can tell someone's character while you're dating him like
you can pick up on certain things do you know what I mean and this is why and this is why I find like when I'm looking
for a life partner there's certain things that I look at that people might look at me and go oh why do you even care about that it's because of reasons
of how easy it is like like picking up the red flags early the red flags early like
like someone with an extremely high body count I'm like [ __ ] that it's too easy for you to get with someone I'm putting
myself in a situation where I don't know if you know in the future you're going
to meet someone and things are going to go wrong do you know what I mean even though it's me assuming things even though it's me assuming things on that
sorry to cut you off but just on that point I think guy or girl if one of them
has a high body count and the other person doesn't and then they feel uncomfortable that makes sense but if you both have a high body count and one
of them is judging the other that doesn't make sense that's a that's a whole another topic but that's a whole whole people do do that though whether
you like it or not and I'm going to say this and people get pissed off when you say this but it's literally the [ __ ] truth women have the choice uh The Power
of Choice men don't this is the thing Aisha if me and you will go into a nightclub right now right hypothetically
speaking if we went into a nightclub and we said let's have a competition on how many people we can hook up with tonight
You' Trump him by three by three times three times 10 you hook up with any guy
you approach because because you have the Power of Choice guys don't have the Power of Choice I'll go to 10 girl uh 10
girls I'll get rejected nine times hold I I don't get the parallel though I don't get what you're trying to say
what's your point my point is when I have a high body count it's because I have something worth giving
right when a guy gets a girl it's cuz the girl has chosen to get with him when
a guy gets with a girl it's because the girl allowed him to get with her that's the weirdest like analogy
what I'm saying is choice is based upon the individual at the end of the day right so when some okay sorry but if
someone said they had a high body count and they were like it's and they use that analogy I would literally say that
makes no sense to me at the end of the day you choose how many people you want to sleep with many people I don't choose how many people I want to sleep with it
comes up with a girl she decid you're telling me that you have no say in that situation I have a say but you think I
go I want to have sex with you and she'll say yes saying that what I'm saying is is like you get to a point where you see a
girl and she goes and you both decide it's consensual and you want to take it further you both have a part to play in that so if you decide yes all I'm saying
is your choice about having that's your choice so like your count is based upon you not anyone else it comes down to one
simple exchange of words or exchange of messaging between two people a guy and a
girl right the guy is usually the one that sets everything up
in any type of animal kingdom or whatever will set it up he will either do a performance or do whatever or say
certain things or behave in a certain way to get the tick of approval from the girl that is that you see that across
all the animal out of 10 times right so what he's what he's trying to say is it comes into that simple little
interaction where the man will do something to to see if he can get acceptance from the woman to be allowed
to mate that's what he's trying to say it's it's it's very rare that it's a woman that will do the same for a girl
for a guy unless he's Jason [ __ ] D the only difference is is when you bringing that animal concept there it's
when mating mating guys guys guys we're going really off topic hold on no it's not
that's M that's mating to have to have children essentially we're talking about
humans [ __ ] animals off don't worry about animals forget Animal Kingdom okay Aisha just one very simple question conf
no no just very and just answer this as truthfully as you can me and you go into a nightclub okay I say let's see how
many people we can hook up with tonight Winner Takes all right right let's say hypothetically I approach 20 girls right
how many of those 20 do you think I'm going to hook up with and just just just give me a number
okay five five great number okay you go up to 20 guys how many of them are going
to say yes to hooking up with you I honestly don't know like think think
from you're a human based upon what you guys believe you're going to say 10 don't say I'd say 20 yeah I don't look I
would say Almost 100% 90% of guys will say yes to you you have the Power of Choice men don't we need to put in the
work so when a girl so when a girl has a high body count of Nisha it's because she is accepting more
guys I don't even know what I'm going with this anymore I've lost like you understand what back to come to bring it
right back to the point of all these I hate I hate that she says it doesn't make sense cuz it's it's the world that we live in okay so look can I can I say
something a guy 9% of the time a guy will not reject a girl so yes what what I'm hearing you're saying is that at the
end of the day women have more choice in the sense that guys like if she if a girl approaches a guy the chances of her
getting with that guy is close to 100 that's what you're saying as opposed to a guy who has to put a lot of effort in
hopes that one of the choices one of the girls one in 10 will actually give him time but what I'm trying to say is that
ultimately when you get to the point where you let's say you choose a girl and you find a girl and you decide okay
I'm going to get with her and we're going to you know have sex that's your choice to have sex with
her and vice versa and that adds to your body count ultimately your body count is your choice and that's why it's high
because you allow it to be high if I have a body count of 50 and a pretty girl has a body count of 50 mhm for me
me to get that 5050 I would have had to work 500 times harder than what she
would have had to to get that 50 but does that why does that matter of course it matters okay of course that matter
does that not matter am I like my mind it's it's not that it matters it's that there's a difference there just a difference between a man and a woman
it's it's a simple difference it's the easiest way to describe it and this is talking this is talking in regards to Straits when it comes to other
sexualities it's completely different [ __ ] that [ __ ] let's not even confuse it right now I don't even want to confuse this conversation clear there's clearly
a difference in terms of like how you got you know like attaining that guy or attaining that girl there's a difference
with men and women however like that's your point but what I'm saying is regardless your body and look your body
Count's your body count do what you will it's your life but 50 and she's got 50 they're both in the same like they're
both they're both the same it's how you got there it's so different n no it's not it's like you decid to have sex 50
people and now she's like you're judging her people that makes no sense to me she
has the master key I don't doesn't matter you both have 50 body you both she actually has the
hole we have the key listen we don't have the [ __ ] key what are you talking about just is the right key for
the right hole okay yes can I ask you a question that's actually true you need to have the right key for the right hole but she has the master key she can open
any [ __ ] door she wants she has a hole that can accept any key yes can I ask you a question just so I understand what you're coming from so let's say a
girl approaches you and she has a body count of 50 mhm and let's just say for the purposes of this argument you also
have a body count of 50 okay you're saying that you would judge her for her
body counter 50 and you would you would be in you would be right to do so because of the way she attained those 50
that 50 number it means she's easy what does it
mean for you though so it means that you're not easy I'm not saying 50 is a high body count or a low body count no no no but I'm just saying I'm just
saying speaking she has a high body count okay in my mind and in my eyes this woman is
easy she's easy to get and if she says the same about you you would say that's a wrong assessment 100% you know why cuz
girls don't crack onto guys the way guys crack onto girls I had to make the first move I'm not easy but you still have a body count of 50 doesn't matter I'm not
easy is this good I'm just I the truth but that's the truth when I have a when
I have a high body count of Ana hypothetically speaking I have something to offer to this girl there's a reason why these girls these 50 girls all said
yes to me there is a reason for it it's not because I have met many girls who just want to hook up because they are
feeling you know yeah wow exactly my point proven yeah yeah but what I'm
saying is your point is is that you've had to work hard to get those girls and I'm saying that there are girls out there who are you know for lack of a
better word easy to get fine right but then you haven't worked hard to get them
let's get what do you mean I haven't worked hard to get them well what I'm saying I had to get rejected by nine girls for me find that one that one easy
one yeah well no it's just because there was nine other girls that were difficult to attain anyway we're going to what I want
to do is I want to have closing statements and move on oh that that makes no sense I feel a bit like you're
triggered you're very bit triggered but like what you think that he's trying to call a girl like say a high body count
no no I just I think it's [ __ ] fault it's his feelings and then that's her feelings as well whatever like if you if
you if you everyone has their standards everyone has their numbers that they think is too high or too low and whatever move on it's not that it's just
the hypocrisy that I don't get that's what I'm I'm say anyone can have whatever body count they want like that doesn't even phase me like it's your
choice it's your life like whatever what I am confused about is that that hypocrisy mentality of being like yeah
her 50 is different to my 50 because I've had to work harder for that 50 but I'm like it's 50 at the end of the day and whatever that number means to you
men and women are different all all we need to know is men and women are different okay and everyone has their own set of criteria and that's it and if
you fall within the criteria of someone then you match up and they fall within your criteria it's a match made in heaven the key fits the
hole speaking of different types of criteria now that you've been going at
yes on something now's turn to go you on something Nish okay what
[Laughter] AAAA remember you know you know when we're talking about money and and and
budgeting the other day and you know you said something that baffled me
and I can't believe it it's very hard for me to believe so we want to get down to the truth
okay we'll talking about how much we spend on you know whatever our expenses are how much we leave for ourselves to
have fun with MH aanisha you you
said that your oh no uh weekly budget
yeah to spend on yourself yeah is $60 a week now is that wait hold
on when you say spend on yourself in the is that what just food or is that food clothing entertainment everything like
that on that 60 bucks oh my God if that 60 bucks would go that far I'd be very impressed no so okay let me explain the
budget of our household so when I met Jared right oh for [ __ ]
sake how [ __ ] far back are we going when I was 15 years old when I was born
in 19 spending $60 on okay but hold let me explain there's some context here right when I met Jed he used to like
budget everything and I used to always be like how can you budget BL like I used to work in retail and all my money
that I used to get used to go back into like just buying clothes and you know whatever and then you know obviously got
married and then you know you've got a lot of responsibilities and bills so I we we did the budget system and then I
was like oh my God this is amazing right because I just got introduced to it and I understand like its power right so we
budgeted everything from presents to obviously expenses to uh travel to and
so we have a budget that categorizes every single thing that we would ever have to pay for so we have it there and
that's how the the money that we both get is divied up to and it's like it's just it gives you peace of mind as well
like if there's a random you know we even have a budget for like contingencies and everything like that so everything is kind of sorted out yeah
yeah and we both decided that we like investing and doing all that stuff so a lot of our savings or money will go to
the investment pool which leaves a little bit of money for personal spent
so we have money for food and going out like date night and stuff but the $60 is
personal spend so you can spend on whatever you want and to be honest it's
and we've we've done this for the last five years I you don't I don't need much so $60 goes a long way for me I ask you
a question y like why just don't have the budget what the [ __ ] is $60 but $60 is great so what do you
spend with your $60 what are you spending it on like are you are you spending it every week sometimes I'll spend it on like food sometimes I we
obviously have food like we have food like like special lunch yeah like if I want to get cuz I usually pack my lunch
and stuff but like special lunches or like I want to buy a nice top or whatever like I have a clothing budget I
you don't have no [ __ ] clothing budget I do you've been wearing the same [ __ ] for two years but why do you have to have so much like I don't need that
much like I have like 10 jumpers that I like I have and to be honest I've actually have a lot of clothes but I have things that I always wear you this
is the thing people think you need a clothing budget but the reality is you always wear the five same things like everyone does that there's different
rotations you have a high rotation Med and lot look I 100% understand budgeting
it's great it's amazing I understand um putting money away for savings or
Investments or whatever it is and I understand leaving money for yourself just don't understand the $60 that makes
no [ __ ] sense to me $60 is a lot of money I know people like I okay okay we
recorded the show yesterday right we recorded the show I was hungry I went and bought a steak that was 55 bucks
yeah and I wouldn't order that clearly because then my 6 cuz you have $5 left I just feel like it's a [ __ ] way to live
it's not though it's really not because I know because I know like you're putting money aside for savings and Investments I get that but why not just
like cut that down a little bit to give yourself a bit more freedom and fun in the life that you live oh yeah how many
times have you adjusted the budget we always we always it's always adjusting no not always but like what I'm saying
is we like quarterly or whatever we'll look at let's just say we have an added expense we'll have to go back and redo the budget obviously to add in that
expense and contingencies and stuff you have it automatically set up so all the payments automatically go into all the different pools yeah Jared has it in a
way that it's like it's some as soon as money comes in like your month your monthly comes in then it just goes you have like I don't know how like I'm
really bad with XL to be honest but he set it up in a wayu has Exel shade as well it is it's an Excel spreadsheet
okay first of all Keen budgets as well and this is like yeah I budget as well but I don't go I don't go that much
detail I guess it's different when you have kids it's a different type of budgeting of course cuz yeah like my expenses would be different to yours do
you do you have a um no but hold on I want to I want to address that comment that you made about like have fun in
this life we you have like we have budget for like when I said everything so like obviously travel holidays we
make sure we do all of that stuff but we just have a like we just know what our budget is so like like once a year we
have like a big holiday and then we have mini holidays in between the year like going to the coast or whatever that's all budgeted in I think it's a great
thing I don't think it's I think it's amazing $6 for me is like sufficient I don't I don't need more I mean like if I
want let's just say this I kind of I kind of see how now that makes sense when you put into the grand scheme of what the whole budget is youve covering
everything that's cool you have 60 bucks per week do you to to spend on whatever
you want yeah um $8 a day a day that's a coffee a day that's a coffee or two
coffees a day you have a coffee every [ __ ] day tell me that's an expense that's that's comes out of my $6 so you
have technically after your coffee you've got $2 left a day yeah but like look what the [ __ ] kind of life is that
I'm sorry hold on hold on if I really want something okay like I'm going to get it I mean how no no so what I'm
saying is like we have like like like for example if I wanted like let's say I'm in love with this dress I want to buy this top I'll buy it and then like
but do you have to wait till your your clothing budget builds up no so it'll come out of my clothing budget and then I'll be negative and then what will your
$60 have to pay it back no so then it's just like a loan it's like a loan to myself that I then how do you how how do
you pay back the loan because every two weeks the budget like like the money money gets in and then it pulls back up
yeah oh okay so you're not always buying clothes so for example let's just say x amount there's there's $1,000 in the
clothing account for for a buildup over 3 four months whatever right yeah you want to buy some outfits and it cost you
a 000 bucks you're back down to zero yeah then you have to wait for it to build back up to yeah buy something else
exactly so you won't be buying you okay that makes sense I want to know how much money is coming in I will never I need
to understand no no no no no no I will not say anything about my no not on not this would you ever tell us I I like I
hate I I feel uncomfortable what point at what point should you budget your money well I don't feel un comfortable talk about
money but in terms of just what what what amount of money should you like that you ear you should always bud you
should always budget and it's one thing and you know what budgeting should be [ __ ] taught in schools properly there should be there should be a 2E [ __ ]
course from year 11 to year 12 so from beginning of year 11 to the end of year 12 you should have at least once a
[ __ ] week of just budgeting taxes how to spend your money anything Financial anything Financial we don't have that
it's sickening because it's purposely designed for us to fail for us to be
[ __ ] slaves to system come on oh someone's here purp design for to fail
there he is hello how are you yeah great how are you oh God where is it we're
we're mid we're mid we're about to wrap up come say hi to the camera come say hi to the camera George is here everyone
George is here hey we're about to we're about to get into the George interview and maybe we'll wrap it up on that tequila shot say again tequila shot okay
that's so weird I said that yesterday we want to do a tequila shot do a tequila shot we'll make you fun podcast we'll do
all right so so uh well uh there you go there's your budgeting from Amisha $ a
week should try it it's great I'm just saying maybe we'll go spend her her $60 on the tequila shots yeah no that's what
do you mean one tequila shot's like 25 bucks but I do want to sit down with you and Jared and I want you guys to create
a a budgeting plan for me love to because I'm [ __ ] I'm so bad do you want to can I okay before we leave real
quick oh no W I just want to show you my monthly spend oh I'm Scar and then you tell me if this is is normal or not all
right hold up hold on let me quickly um sign in I'm worried um cuz Okay like for
those listening mind you YZ is like like he's so kind he will pay for everyone
like everyone's lunches everyone's dinners but sometimes he pays so much in a day I'm like yes you got to stop
offering to pay for everyone's meals I think it's a sickness but you know what it is I get a dopamine hit I get a hit
of dopamine when I help people so I get really excited okay one sec um okay isn't it funny I have my budget
up already my budget's always up I'm always looking at it that's good though once a week once a week you do you look
at it every day or once a week uh every yeah pretty much once a week religiously yeah um on
Wednesdays oh God Wednesday I did not realize what are we in January yeah January February oh we just started Feb
all right how do I check Jen does it give you an amount there um like a total
for Jen and Feb are you just looking at one one month transactions I feel like I'll be very concerned looking at asss
I've never sorry I usually use my phone so I've never actually um and you would but like do you have a lot of
expenses the last 30 days oh here we go just show it just show what what the last 30 days look
like so that's the last 30
days oh my can I say it no no don't say it can you show me yeah come have a look
can I give a ballpark like around can I say plus something I can't flick it around cuz camera will say it I don't
want anyone to say this oh my gosh how does that make you
feel there is no how how are you getting that money in what is he is he well we'll we'll
we'll break that down another day yeah it's pretty sickening thank you everyone for being here make sure you hit subscribe like follow do what you have
to do and I'll try and calm these guys down off here too thank you everyone see you later bye
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Would you watch your parents have sex, Caught red handed cheating, how to live off $60 a week Ep.12
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