What Love is, Petty Revenge Relationship Stories, My Man has a Sex Tape Ep.17

I've been together with my partner for around 7 years and recently had a low-key wedding with just our parents as
Witnesses however things took an unexpected turn when my friend sent me a video from 2016 showing my husband
having sex with a girl in a club [Music]
toilet already cancelled already canell hey welcome it's already cancelled and
today is a special episode why is that it's the love episode Happy Valentine's
Day everyone don't say everyone not everyone's celebrating Happy Valentine's Day for those who are celebrating have
you got a Valentine's yes no do you have a Valentine's Yeah by
default oh that's sad why why would you say by default oh I'm married to her yeah but it's not by by default I don't
have to ask it's just expect oh you should ask Will what if she's got other plans if
I'm going to ask her to be my Valentine that's like that's that's pre-marriage [ __ ] but it's so sweet how should I ask
her get her and card and a card asking her to be your Valentine yeah can you actually do that cuz what a pathetic
husband you you're sad no I've something I've got something in mind for for it no you don't I don't believe you does Jared
does Jared does Jared do special things like that yeah he got me like he's got me a present and I know what it is and
it's actually really really sweet so how's that how's that exciting yeah that's not exciting that's what I'm sure kenan's got Lena present yeah yeah and
we're going to go to dinner yeah but is he going to ask you out he's going to say will you be my Valentine yeah he'll ask me to he an asked yet it's a b it's
a bit late like why hasn't he ask exactly no he will he does ask so he can
you turn my headphones off a bit yeah of course of course I feel like I feel like Eminem yeah so so hold on for a second
Nish do you do anything for for Jared on Valentine's Day yeah i' I've got him a gift did you actually present yeah you
got Jared a gift I've never received a Valentine's Day gift like even when I I
think it's appropriate to get a gift together for each other what do you mean like I'll go like it was one year that I
I dressed the whole house up in like red and I got Roman candles and I ordered pastar and oh that's sweet and everyone
got a teddy bear cuz I live with four girls five including the cat right yeah
so I got my two daughters my mother-in-law and Lorraine so I'm everyone's Valentine on the day right oh
you're the only bloke in the whole house I'm the man of the house by default by default everything's by default in my
life yeah yeah yeah so so I do all that stuff but then like this year with this
is going to sound weird MH but she's been eyeing out a specific tree a a tree
tree like this pink native tree that she's been eyeing out you can't cut nature down bro no I want to I want to
dig a hole in my backyard and put the tree in there for her where you but where you getting the tree from yeah
I'll go and buy it oh okay it's like I'm assuming it's not like I'm gonna go dig it out from across the the way he made
it sound was like oh we go to the local park with the kids and she keeps staring at the he literally lives on a reserve so I'm like I'm assuming you're just
going to climb the fence just you going to rip the tree out of the ground or you going I wouldn't do that no he's going
to spray pain a tree pink how big is a tree H it's our he okay so it's rippable
it's it's definitely you can definitely dig around it just do it why go byy it it's going to take so long to grow the tree just it's like someone else's yard
talking about that though is it like illegal or is it okay if like I'm you know my neighbors have like let's say
like a lemon tree and it's in the front yard and they have a lot of lemons on
there is it okay just to take a few without their permission Y no no their property their property tree but legally
just asking for what like just in case some how many limits did you take you P pulls out a bag of lemons you no I was I
was creating a plan in my head this is hey there's a tree look it wouldn't it wouldn't really they wouldn't really
know if you took one at a time are they going to have 100 lemons well no but you just you can ask them I'm sure they're
going to say yes but also remember by law if it's hanging over your fence it's yours so you cut it and stuff so if the
tree hangs over the fence you can take a lemon my next to neighbors are amazing they actually have all this like uh vegetables and fruits and
whatever abundant in their in their backyard anyway they have a tree that's kind of gone over our fence and it's a
passion fruit oh that's that's an expensive that's an expensive fruit and so many passion fruits are
growing on our side on the fan so I'm like you know I'm happy days and then I start realizing that my dog has been
secretly laundering the passion fruits that fall on the ground and hiding them in his kennel and he's having like a
fruit salad nearly every night and so we've had to take out the tree cuz it's toxic for dogs is it yeah
passion seeds all the SES yeah so we had to like completely get rid of the and I cry every time I'm like just cutting all
those wine Vines uh from the from the fence why don't you just collect them before they drop on the
floor because he's so quick he's so Nimble he like grabs them before you even realize and usually he does this
like like as soon as they're there like cuz there's quite a few you know you can
you know you can cut them off the tree when they're not ripe yet and they'll ripen up themselves off the tree you don't have to wait for them to fall no
but as soon as they grow he's able to like we have to wait for them to grow right is he jumping up and grabbing it he can jump really high okay that's a
different story I don't know he's in the passion fruit market at this point so we've had to get rid of it because it
got bad anyway I complet der hate dog I hate your stories about your dog I just I just don't know I just don't like him
you like the dog no I don't dog that's why he doesn't like the stor like like him he is a we he's a we dog he's a dog
he's a good dog there was like doggy School your dog's getting bullied daily no man he's bullying others I swear to
God your dog needs to go to the optometrist like he's the type of guy that looks like he needs glasses why
he's just a nerdy little thing he's not nerdy nerdy little dog he's the cutest dog alive honestly but yes because it's
Valentine's Day I thought let's let's find a moments as to why or what love is
for example yesterday I found the perfect moment as to describe what love is guys yeah I will sitting on the
toilet yes doing a number two it's where the best thoughts come Lorraine was vacuuming yeah she comes into the room
into the bathroom where I'm sitting on the toilet and she says lift up your face and proceeds to vac around me
whilst I'm hanging a [ __ ] that while you were taking a [ __ ] that is love didn't
you have stinky [ __ ] yeah but that is love is that it
that's that's that's that's what love is think about it think about it yeah I see what you mean and vice versa vice versa
no I'm just thinking I've I've done worse okay go on not done work but like
okay so my my ex was one of my exes was doing want a poo
poo and I needed to pee and we're in her onsweet room and I
couldn't be bothered going to the other toilet so I went in there and I said spread him no and then I pissed him
between the legs while she was [ __ ] there no you didn't why would you openly admit that that's not love that's a hate
crime love if if K's is love then mine is love that's love that's what love is
ladies and gentlemen and you got to really good a I have no words really good A M can you describe what love is I was going to say love is when you can be
weird around your partner but like that that's not weird that's just tell us what weird things you do around Jared
well like the weirdest what's the weirdest thing what's the weirdest thing I bet you she acts like a T-Rex and
stuff I bet I can just see her walking around yeah I can say it she does she does no but like if you can just be
yourself like you can you know say what you want how you feel that's peeing between their legs when they're pooing
vacuuming when they in the toilet seems why that's that's good aim by the way
I'm I'm very impressed with your aim yeah what did she say she normal yeah she was like whatever that's love man
yeah I don't know so hopefully you can find yourself that type of love on Valentine's Day today I miss her to be
honest that one that One X because of that she was so like you know
whatever that's what you want in a relationship why you got to make everything always so sad oh sorry okay fine fine that's happy happy happy
rening yeah yeah yeah yeah she was cool she was cool so why
don't you have a Valentine's Day today yet you haven't you're not I never really cared about Valentine's Day it's usually
like well it's hard for me to say cuz I don't think I've been in a relationship longer than a year and a half so I've never celebrated two Valentine's days in
a row um H do you did you ever do anything
special on a Valentine's Day for a girl well yeah but Valentine's Day is for my partner it's not for some random that's
what I'm saying for your like I'm not going to take out a chick on a first date on Valentine's Day like that's but have you ever been in a relationship
where you know it's like you've done something for Valentine's Day yeah yeah but it's nothing like yeah just dinner
movie yeah okay my my Valentine's Day last year was sponsored it was a sponsored Valentine's Day oh it was what
yeah it was sponsored it was like a free Valentine's Day wait was was that for what I think it is what was it for the like part of the
radio show it was probably cuz I was on the radio and they were like it was like
so I got dinner for free I got like a Brazilian dinner the Brazilian barbecue it was like I think it was like 120
ahead and they were like I just come post a few stories and I was like cool I'll do that and then um Sydney luxury
hire gave me the car remember the G oh yeah you and they were like they were like oh
come pick whatever car you want um you know you can take it out for Valentine's Day whatever I was like yeah sweet got the flowers for free as well I got
everything for free as long as I posted it here I am going and buying trees and this guy's getting a G wagon for free he's going for native trees I'm buying
native trees and then putting in all the hard work digging up you know a meter by a
meter you know what it's a thought that counts and lorine will appreciate that I feel like it's Mor for candy I'm not
going to lie I do like a bit of gardening has the green thumb I just extended extended the garden but anyway
that's another day oh gosh uh so if you are celebrating uh Valentine's Day today and have fun wear wear protection if you
need if you want to if not share it it's all up to you but if you're not
celebrating it we do have something for you as well if you are like the YZ of the world today yeah don't have a
Valentine's but still happy in his pineapple Flamingo shirt there's no pineapples on it is
it know there isn't neon flamingos neon flamingos sh uh we have some petty
revenge stories in relationships oh that's me again that was you again why is it so loud though I don't know but
that so let's let's get let's get to some uh to make the singles feel good as
well love a good ped revent story I'll start I cheated on my ex during our relationship and she found out shortly
after we broke up she's blocked me on everything but briefly unblocks me every
Monday to send me Game of Thrones spoilers before I can watch it oh that's great how can I get her to stop don't
look at the message block her back just block her back it's really not that hard great pettiness though great pettiness
pettiness oh gosh have you got Lana yeah uh this is this is pettiness level one
trillion every time my husband gets angry at me in the morning he wakes up and only makes his side of the
bed that's actually pretty funny I feel like that sounds like something like I would do cuz I am such a petty person
like are you actually like okay not like that maybe like that CU for example one time Maybe not maybe it happened I was
mad and I this sounds terrible I sound like a terrible person when I say it out loud I
went to get my clothes from the clothes hanger like the the clothes hanger outside the clothes line the clothes
line that's the clothes line and um his clothes on there and so are mine and
they were all dry you took just yours down I just took took just mine down is
that because it was about to rain you oh that makes it a bit more
acceptable I wasn't about to say it's all right you can tell his own bloody clothes but the raiding the thing that's
pretty slack can I am am can I can I ask what the why you upset with each other I feel like it' be something so stupid
with her and Jared no I I honestly don't even remember like I I know that I am
Petty and I do petty things like that sometimes it's just not good it's a bad trait to have but like nothing Ser like
nothing serious it must have been like a silly argument about something which is very rare but when it does happen I so
what did he what did he what did he say when his clothes were wet well no because he he he noticed it
was he got but yeah he was like wow you know things like that's exactly what Jared do
wow or things like when he's like oh can you can you change the toilet rooll uh
when you you know once it's like you know and maybe I forgotten once or twice but then he will do the same thing and
so then I get annoy that he's like not doing it there is there are those battles happen those battles do happen
yeah yeah so I'll leave it to
the last little tissues left and I'll last square of tissue last square and
I'll cover it so it looks like it's still whole and I'm like right well it's not the last one so
IA would rather leave her bum hole unclean then use the last bit of toilet
paper you're sick I've clean no it's a clean clean but hole I just yeah but a
clean but to address that it's not you know not that petty um
yeah that is great this is interesting what more do you have no that's about it like I'm not that crazy I'm sure there's
one more somewhere there's one more there no I can't think of I can't think of any more but we all do it n it's normal it's normal yeah I don't I don't
do it Shifty eye I don't think I've done anything Petty like that ever okay well ever better than me I
know that I I probably am Petty like I feel like I'd be Petty but I just don't remember ever being no I I actually love
killing him with kindness I thought you were just going to stop killing them I just fre no no no killing them with
kindness It's the best when someone like treats you really wrongly and you just continue treating them really nicely
like for example if my M had done something to piss me off really badly and she knows that I'm pissed off and I was to go bring the washing in I'd make
sure to bring hers in you'd bring it you and you'd Fold It Up fold and i' make it so then she' be like I'm such a piece of
[ __ ] you know what I mean she start questioning herself kill him with kindness um have a look at this one
actually really like this one um when me and my ex finally broke up for good I had left one of his hats on his car
while he was at work he loved that hat and uh was trying and I was trying to be kind by returning it without having to
see him so she wasn't trying to be Petty guys uh he then sent me an angry message after doing
it uh the message wrote what are you going to oh no sorry where am I I lost
my yes can't read um I was trying to I was trying to be kind by returning it without having to see him uh but he sent
me an angry message after seeing it and since I'm a musician he wrote to me what are you going to do now go write a song
about it about about the great great response yeah so guys what are you going to do go write a song about it what are
you going to name the song I left your hat on the windshield so I wrote this song and it's called I left your hat on
the windshield and I posted it to YouTube what guys I found the YouTube video you
got the song swear to God I how did you get the song I thought this was [ __ ] when I read this but I've got the song
here it's called I left your hat on the windshield let's hear it it says hey guys this is my new song made by a
request enjoy request let's hear
it I didn't mean to travel that far but I was just about a mile away from your
car so I took some things I thought you might like to give your next girl after
your next fight the Hat was too big and I hate that seem and it's just not my
shade of ring giving it back man letting you go and letting you know that I let
you go the chorus the chorus so I left your hand on your
windshield didn't have that much to you say left your hand on your windshield
then I turned and walked away I left your hand on your
windshield today I actually really like the chorus the chorus is catchy you have to admit I
feel like n would write that write no oh come on I feel like that would be something you do of course I'd be proud of yeah great look great songwriter
voice not so good very Tor with yeah that's very Taylor Swifty not the
voice though yeah of course theing it's it's like pop it's like a little pop song I like it I like the song though um
yeah that was pretty Petty fair enough fully I reckon that that is the most embarrassing thing
she's ever done no but he he he would look at that song and would cringe and be so happy they're not together he
would imagine it imagine that yes someone returns your hat you say oh why don't you go write a song about it
writes a song puts it on YouTube M and you watch the song how would you how would you react you'd be like I've got
so many songs about ex's what oh so you're the you're the you leave the hat in the windshield oh dude when I go
through breakups I go through this songwriting stage and it's like the best music ever created yeah I guess CU
you're channeling emotions and stuff yeah that's what all these like pop stars do like I just feel sick about it
about writing a song hearing the song being the boyfriend the ex-boyfriend be
like but what if it was like an amazing song and then it becomes a number one hit yeah then I'd be happy happy like
look I made her a star You' take all credit for it unless you're Taylor Swift and you're already star and then she
writes a song about you then different story to be with Taylor Swift anyway is
an achievement for a guy isn't it just remember guys the best revenge the best revenge on any ex is to work on yourself
yeah that's true it is the best which I'm which I'm yet to do I will I promise
when's that going to happen he's hiding the muffin his muffin get to a council Corner okay
this one's pretty brutal so it's from Daniela she goes hi guys hoping for some advice I've been together with my
partner for around 7 years and recently had a low-key wedding with just our parents as Witnesses however things took
an unexpected turn when my friend sent me a video from 2016 showing my husband
having sex with a girl in a club toilet I'm embarrassed upset and feel betrayed
he's always told me that he's not into casual encounters and one night stands but he has a full on sex tape on PornHub
oh it's on PornHub yeah I'm struggling to cope I've approached him and he's apologized a million times he's told me
that it was a mistake that he's not proud of it and hasn't been able to get it down it was a stupid idea that he'll
regret for the rest of his life uh I feel sick to my stomach and want a divorce but I also know this was before
we were together but also why didn't he tell me I'm so lost and uncertain what to do
next oh he messed up he messed up I'm sorry he should have told her but I don't think he messed up what do you
mean you just said he should have told her yeah he should have told her but like for him doing that not there's like that's previously before the marriage
I'm not talking about what he did I'm talking about what he did in the relationship which but hold on for a second you do something like that is do
you how do you play your your your cards right do you do you tell only if asked
or do you tell prior and you preempt it okay you might
you may see a video of me on PornHub one day but I want you to know that now that
I did do that that is actually so messed up or do you actually wait but then he also lied to us saying he never years he
also said to her he's never done a one night St people change in one day Nishi like he can change of course he did that
video it's going up you can't control it now it's up there you can't get it down cuz people copy it whatever right it's like yeah that's right like so he's like
okay I can't do anything about it I don't want to be like that I've changed I'm not into casual this I'm not into that I'm not into that I regret that
Dad's going up there I prefer not to even bring it up or talk about I just want to forget about it oh I've met someone now we moved on we're going to
get married we've got a house we got all this stuff now that comes back up to bite him in the back to test their
relationship and to test his honesty in her as well but I don't think a divorce is necessary no maybe not a divorce I
mean something that they're going to have to work through obviously he you know at the end of the day the truth is it was before their relationship however
he should have told her that's a real big red flag cuz that's a that's a big thing like that's not like a small
minute thing put yourself in his shoes K I mean put yourself in Heroes yeah of
course of course if your partner after 7 years you find out there's a video of them on the internet and it's not going
anywhere are you going to be able to get over that it be it would change a
relationship 100% it would change everything 100% this is It's you know what what would it change I'm curious to
see like what what would it change the way obviously the the way you look look at the person yeah she she married
someone who she thought was this kind of person because he don't forget he's told her I don't do one night stands I don't
do this I don't do that so in her mind he's painted the perfect picture of himself and that perfect picture was a
lie wonder if he goes though like it was a lie I don't know if it was a lie it was it who he wants to become who he
wants to become yeah so it's like him saying listen I don't want to be that person I made mistakes in my past but
that's not me that's not who I am I have changed he does have to open up just in that thing that you read Nishi
does it state that he said he's never done a one night stand is that what he said casual he's not he this is what she
said he he's always told me that he's not into into casual encounters and one night stands he's not into it having
having SE having a porn video up there doesn't mean you're into casual encounters and one you had sex with someone in a bar it could have been his
partner at the time oh we don't know if it's his partner or not we don't know so then why is she talking about yeah okay we could be a part well well she she
goes well yeah but she goes he's not into it but he has a full-on sex TP on PornHub so I think she's just saying
that like well he would have said that's my ex partner he would have said that and he didn't well that's true too that's true too that's definitely a
random why are you recording yourself at a random in the bar have a bit of class to yourself you loser yeah that's a bit disgusting that's [ __ ] dirty that's
disgusting so okay look I think I think the way to well approach it obviously he
lied that's a red flag that needs to be addressed and she needs to get closure for that however
ultimately it's up to her now if she you know can get over it well I think she's made her decision she says I want to get
a divorce yeah but she doesn't know what to do at the same time that's why she's asking for advice she knows it was old him yeah no the fact that she's already
thinking about a divorce it's already there it's done no it doesn't mean it's done it means that they could potentially work on this yeah but like
when you seven years s years together there would have there would have to be a lot of work put in yeah the I can only
once again I can only speak of um things that I've gone through and once you see someone in a different light it can't
change you can't CH it's very hard to go if they had kids it would be a different story kids a different story but they don't but still you shouldn't have to
stay with someone because of the kids like that's that's a ridiculous argument but if you had kids you share something
else that's beyond they're in your life forever yeah but it's worth I do think that like seven years together like
obviously there's massive red flags there that they need to work on but like it's you you know maybe see someone like
a therapist or someone who can try and help them through their relationship or this really difficult time yeah but
she's going to have to do all the work and he's not it's going to have to be her that does all the work she's the one she's the one dealing with the demons
now yeah he's just going to be there going okay I made a mistake I'm sorry what do you want me to do that's what
he's he's saying what do you want me to do I'm sorry I effed up I lied to you or is is okay here's a question is lying
the same as not telling is lying because she never asked
him have you got a sex tape yeah but like and he never said yes or no but he still didn't tell her that he had a sex
tape so is it the same thing no it's not it's not if if he wants to keep it a secret fair enough but if it's out there
on the internet and there's a chance that it can Surface that's a gamble that he took but he is technically lying in
the sense that he is now portraying a picture to her like even though it might
be him now that I'm not into this I'm not into that there was a time that he was and it wasn't too far off from when
they started but we just said he could it could have been his ex-girlfriend it could have been someone he's known for a while and he has been talking to for two
years yeah I mean look it's true that has to that has to be cut out of the argument now okay all I can do is put
myself in the situation and I'll just rip the bandaid off how about this you Ace how about this let's let's let's
flip the let's flip the roles here if it was her that had the sex tape and he found it 7 years after marriage what
would he do what should he do well the same doesn't change it's the exact same
situation yeah it's it's the same situation but in saying that like stepan years together is a long time and if she
ultimately is really unhappy and can get over it then yes divorce is the answer but if there's any part of it that thinks but I love this guy and I want to
be with him then I think it's you know working on it is also a like a great
thing if that's what she ultimately it's her decision right like it's how she feels if she can't get over it then she
has to do what's right by her would it be appropriate for them too to make a sex tape and put it out there no
like how do you combat that not like that fire don't fire with fire doesn't
work like is there is there any way that's out other than divorce like I'm trying to help them I want to help them
to work through it but it's not to work through it it's always the same answer though right sometimes I hate when we
get Council Corners cuz it's like it's your life it's your feelings it's your decisions all I can do is put myself in
that situation and I wouldn't be happy with it and I would rip the bandaid off but that's just me yeah but then but
then once again I've been with someone for S years so I don't know what that feels like or what that's like yeah but then what I think is that it shouldn't
be like I don't know 7 years is a long time I feel like you you can they need through it they definitely need space he
needs space she needs she needs like a year space tell you now she doesn't look at him the same the fact that she brought up the word divorce she does not
look at him the same and once and once that happens it's you can't come back you can come back you can how do you
knowa have you been through it no exactly I have do you know what I mean like once you
trust me when you see someone in a different light it's like well the person you portrayed to me isn't the person that you are right I'm out it
changes every it's like an ick you can't get rid of that but seven years getting an ick compared and married compared to
like dating someone for a year and getting an EG I do think they are different makes it that much worse makes
it worse but makes it that much worse if he told her at the start and she accepted it and moved on everything
would have been fine 100% if she told at the start that was he's also gamble to say hey this is me this is what I've
been through if he was really a genuinely changed man that he claimed he
was he should have told her AG yeah to say this is what my past was MH not too
early in the relationship but as they grew and as he started to realize hey I want to marry this girl but before I
marry you I want you to know that this is me and what I'm I'm different now and I'm changed mhm that still would still
would have been seven years though well yeah true before they got before you get married you have to you have to like not
have to but you should try to be as open as you can with that person cuz once you're legally binded it's a whole
another story yeah look I think the advice we have here is guys are saying divorce but
I'm saying that I think if there is any part of you that really thinks it's the love of your life then I think you guys
can work through it and I think you need to just take a year off from each other don't get divorced just take a year off
and see and just let it sit that never works brother yeah you shouldn't take a year off that year off never works bro
what do you mean a year off no just get some space away from him years a long
time she needs some space away from him and just and just live and see what do you mean like a year off meaning like
you're from the relationship I don't know it's a difficult one just whatever it's a hard
one I don't know divorce is so like crazy well they only just got married
and no one was there to witness it who gives a [ __ ] oh look look if you love the very simple if
you still love the guy work through it if you don't you look at him differently sack it yeah that's it that's literally it if you still love him give it a go
and you would you still love him I can I can guarantee you know what we should we should end this podcast today with a
because it's Valentine's Day with a we're all going to kiss shut up a happy love quote so yes through the microphone
can you give a motivational love quote to what out of everyone on this panel right now because you need to see love
in a better way so you're going to give us a love motivational call to end Valentine's can I Google one or do I
have just just feel the the essence of love all right
um um I can see his got I got got to wait wait wait there's this one thing I
have to find okay it's going to unlock this quote Yeah it's about love for
lyrics lyrics yeah yeah this a song yeah yeah I'm just gearing up for the
corny [ __ ] that Nish is going to say I'm going say anything oh is it solely going to be us okay well then I'll stop
thinking some of you some of you may have heard this before yeah we touch I Feel the Rush We clutch it isn't much
but it's enough to make me what's wonder what's in store for us it's lust but it's torturous you must be a sorcerous
cuz you just did the impossible you gained my trust don't play games it'll be dangerous if you [ __ ] me over cuz if
I get burnt then I'm going to show you what it's like to hurt cuz I've been treated like dirt before you and Love is
Evil spell it backwards I'll show you I'm friends with the mon no close it
was an &m song though song spacebound by Eminem one of the greatest love songs of all
time it's not happy and love isn't evil backward it's evil evil when you say it
that way it sounds worse evil evil actually does what the hell yeah no what
What is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more okay we're done and
we'll end it with that y all right well go off and have some love today everybody it's Valentine's Day take care
[Music] bye already
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What Love is, Petty Revenge Relationship Stories, My Man has a Sex Tape Ep.17
Broadcast by