Weird Ways to find Love, What's up with Kanye's posts, 2 Headed Dog Experiment Ep.7

I really think that people's beauty is through and I'm not just saying this to be like you know o la la like you know I
don't I I do think that if you change your face and you really like it the way you look that's good you should do it
for your own personal reasons but it sometimes you go too far and you
[Music] lose already cancelled already already
all right guys it's uh it's true it's real we've all agreed upon oh welcome by the way we've all agreed upon a uh
specific challenge that we're going to be doing for every subscriber that subscribes to the show whether it be
YouTube uh podcasting wherever you listen to us from when if you sub if you
subscribe hold on let me tell you can't what challeng we spoke about this the other day when one person subscribes one of us
does 10 push-ups did you have this conversation never had this conversation I've never had this conversation this had to have been a dream do this to me
no we don't always do this to me we never had this conversation we
literally did have the conversation however I'm happy to do something like if someone subscribes they getting you
know get into a pool of some sort of prize that they win boring no that's boring one of us does 10 push-ups per
subscriber 10 push-ups like you you do realize that the number of subscribers going up wait where on what on what
platform on all platforms okay yeah that's impossible YouTube will be the first one we look at that'll literally
be impossible possible I can't do 10 push-ups for every subscriber I probably won't why would do one push-up for every subscriber yeah
that makes why 10 P why you challenge it's a good challenge we get what happens when one of our videos [ __ ]
blows up and then we get uh 10,000 Subs in a day looks like we're doing a million push-ups you know what I got a
better idea we had this conversation also apparently uh every time we get one subscriber Keenan will do 10 push-ups
agreed that's fun I love that one two against three beautiful move on I walk in full jacked up right guys
we made it all right well yes it's already cancelled uh love found in weird ways
Anisha you found some stuff this is a beautiful story okay and for those who are looking for love out there this will
be uh a light in a dark tunnel you listening yes yeah oh yeah yes said love
well take a listen to this your hand that went up stretching take a listen to this okay this guy this happened five
years ago I believe uh he posted a YouTube video and it was titled being
ugly my experience and this video clocked 20 million views so a lot of
people resonated with it they were very curious but it's the cutest thing ever
because there's there's a beautiful love story that happen so this woman right she uh comments on his his post and she
goes I actually think you're kind of cute to be honest I mean it and she wasn't taking the piece
she wasn't taking the piss right he likes her comment anyway love blossoms quickly they lead to a longdistance
relationship and then within a year they tie the knot and they get married isn't
that the sweet is she ugly too well it's on everyone she's beautiful look I actually show you your
photo she's she's a beautiful girl yeah she's all right yeah she's
beautiful what do you want about he's not that ugly which one is it I've seen much ug that's her and that the guy is
that the guy that's the guy yeah I'm watching the video now that he posted so
he posted this when he was how old was he well it was 5 years ago so I'm and where's he
from he from America yeah I'm assuming I'm assuming he's from America where she from us simple no no no he's a Swedish
content creator oh Swedish so he has a Swedish accent everything what about her do we know where she maybe she's just into accents you don't get married to
someone just because you're into their accent yeah if you're into the accent you're into the accent do you know where she's from do you know where she's from
uh she's from well they tither not in Sweden is what I'm reading here but I'm not sure
where she oh well it was a long-distance relationship so she was definitely not in Sweden this is what I'm thinking right Swedish passport very very very oh
my go what why can't you just there's a good point there no come on like realistically speaking is always why is
it always that you like it can't be the love because I hate to break it to your n but that's the way life is no it isn't
it is so rare to find real love and it's very rare to find a Swedish passport now
now to be honest to this girl exactly to this girl she's sitting there going this guy's desperate he's got no one he's
ugly I can easily marry him get myself into Sweden open up a Swedish bank account have my kids in Sweden they have
a great education there's all those things that is a benefit she's probably from a third world country and she's
finding her way out you don't have any now I'm going to look we to assume here
no but the whole point of us talking about this is disgusting we can't just go best love story in the world that's
where it end God why not no but hold on I'm sorry I get that people have married
for getting you know access to another country getting the right passport whatever right but there are there are
many instances where people fall in love in the internet and and and it's a beautiful love story like it can be both
okay it can be it can be oh usually one or the other but this is why I'm not
worried about being single and like not having I've got like seven lined up overseas in Jordan yeah just in case I
don't find anyone by 35 would you get would you get an arranged marriage the old the older you get the more you
realize it's not a bad idea not of the Seven girls over in Jo don't ask don't
don't I know where it's going go ask question I don't no cuz I'm over the whole family thing all right I'm over it
but OB this Seven Girls right we how how how good are they
out of 10 like how much for a 10 a 10 for YZ are these girls really dropping
it down or are you are you are you all right I'll show you one this is a
Jordanian chick ready she's ready to get an Australian Visa okay but this is my question why why are you
waiting oh okay cuz you know that she's going to use you to get a visa to get here is
that that's just like at the point where you just start settling right no but you could get to know her and who knows love
might Blossom possibly yeah yeah so like what what are you laughing at did
you you laugh how do you have seven girls over in Jordan waiting to come here to Mar you how do how do you have
that is there is there an advertisement out there for yes is is it is it like a
do they have is it someone that's gone to the notice board and say what a move to Australia like are you famous what is
it because if it's not family then what is it all right I don't know how it
works all I know is my mom's just waiting for the word that's all I know
so it's got to be my mom's got the connects my mom my mom she's the ring ring leader of this whole um uh what is
it called um immigrant how imig there's a word for another word yeah yeah yeah but
how do immigrant moms like how do how do moms just have that because that's in
every culture where basically the conversation happens with her son or
with her daughter where she's like listen you have to find someone and I
have a list of like 10 people that is a thing that is think they were alive
before the internet like they were connected with their Community with their people before the internet so they
know you know everyone by face by by actual being able to communicate with them now we can connect with anyone so
I think what I think we're what I'm trying to say is that because the internet wasn't a thing back then yeah
they know everyone in the area now we don't know everyone in the area we know everyone on
the internet yeah that's actually so true and you know what also like my parents obviously were like born in
India and they knew everyone in their area but then when they moved to Australia they found every Indian that
they could find they stick together they together it's because like they oh oh my family also lives there in this area and
then like you go there and then like everyone's family lives in that area cuz they all connected all you know well
that's what that's that's how you actually end up having your like little it italies little because they all came on boats yeah so they all came with like
one boat left from India or from whatever country and they all came together and they all went to so they all just got off the boat and said this
way no but but no but but like what I'm saying is they find people like in their
Community wherever they go so like when they came to Australia they didn't know know obviously that many people but as
soon as they see another Indian they get so excited like Indian collect like Pokémon like you're mine you're mine and
then they have the whole Community like they know everyone immigrants love doing that I was at the pools yesterday and I was asked if I was South
American oh really because they want to know like oh what family are you from CU they South so they try and find out oh
you look it so it's a bit racist it's comfortability prob yeah to seek like oh there's another there's more of us here
yeah you know you don't really see much get that I sent you guys check the Instagram group chat that's one of the girls that my mom's trying to hook me up
with in Jordan she's a good sort this one I'm not going to lie you should get to know them you're not rushing a settle
are you yes no I don't I'm never going to settle never in a million years let me take a look at this there's nothing more exciting than finding love yeah
that's very true oh wow even if you have to make a video about yourself put yourself out there on YouTube yeah is
your account private or is it her account's private but I can see a profile picture and she is beautiful
yeah no she's gorgeous so why not why don't just like give it a go she's cute look there there's actual photos of
her to be honest to it's a it's a to me to me it's it's a private account I
can't see any photos but the cover photo and she's wearing glasses so I can't judge well he just showed me a photo she's beautiful yeah but n I'm so sorry
but every [ __ ] photo y shows her you always say yeah she's beautiful you showed us a photo of that girl she's not
clearly not goodl looking she's next to him she's good-look next to the ugly guy
okay she is good I thought the ugly guy was the girl and that was her sister or friend that's
what I thought you're terrible she is goodl looking but no she like yes she is
you should get to know her that's what I think like who knows you could have like your beautiful Jordanian love story
no anyways um on that topic of the two ugly people from what he posted the
YouTube video she found him they TI they not can two ugly people make a
good-looking child yes can yes very confident guys no no it it happens all the time like no because like God feels
sorry for them that's that's not a thing that is literally not a thing it could be but you know yeah that's true but it
could be but like no but really seriously I I always see two good-look couples have amazing looking children
and then I'm just trying to think the ugly parents have ugly children look at look at some celebrities look at some
celebrities who are like beautiful and look up their parents and
there's been many occasions and I don't like calling anyone ugly I hate that but there are many occasions where you their
features don't match their parents and it doesn't make sense but obviously they that's because their parents are rich and they've changed their actual
biological faces look at the Kardashians they're completely different to what they were have you seen Kim Kardashian
yes when she was at the beginning and then like the the yes she's obviously none of them highlighted their beauty
all of them changed their beauty to be honest amazing no no no I'll I'll take this to the Grave she does not can I
just say something about Kim Kardashian and this is with all seriousness I'm not even cracking a joke here if she wasn't
Kim Kardashian like no one recognized her face and I saw her on a strip in Thailand I would think it's a dude
you're a liar 100% that's a lady boy [ __ ] liar no I'm not I'm telling you the truth I said no joke like jokes aside
I'm being 100% serious she looks like a lady boy was it as in now or as in as in
before before surgery right now Kim kashan looks like a dude that's transitioned into a girl I feel like
that's I don't know that's a bit weird like I mean if you said any other Kardashian besides kendle Jenner I would
be like maybe but oh my God yes the first photo that just popped up it
[ __ ] supports what you just said I'm telling you right now always thought this and this is why I holy [ __ ] Nish
don't tell me as if that doesn't look like a a lady boy it does not look like a lady boy if that look like a lady boy
seen some of the [ __ ] lady boys out there they're beautiful some yeah I watch it's not it's not about whether
they're attractive or not but this but Kim looks as if she has gone through a change no she does look like she's gone
through a change but like an actual serious gender change I don't think so I don't think so at all she's that that's
good work like she looks very Nordic very like n she looks like
ncky she looks like she looks like a dude that's transition big very big eyes I don't care what anyone very very tall
and like okay but not all celebrities as well have gone through immense work and
they look good and then you you match them to their parents and some of them don't look like their parents that's a
thing like some people don't look like their parents it's just hard when you say the word celebrity like I've always I've always thought this thing right
you're not ugly you're just broke no think about it you're not ugly you're just broke because you look at
all these celebrities that in their early stages of celebrity life or
getting to that level yeah their looks are questionable to what Society standards are right and then all of a
sudden a couple years later they're a-listers and they're the hottest people on Earth no I agree with the fact that
you can nowadays completely change your face if you have enough money and look
look incredible that that whole update like change your face [ __ ] it makes me sick
yeah I it actually I genuinely feel sick looking at the this changing going how is that a trct that there's no way near
attracting but you know what the problem is now this is the thing it's that you know how you'd go to the hairdress
and all of a sudden people all have the same hairstyle because you're able to modify it color it change it which is great it's now become obviously the same
with your face and what I'm finding is is that a lot of uh people's character
and like those beautiful imperfections on people's faces are all getting cleaned out and everyone is starting to look the same like I will go on to
Instagram and I get that we have filters and I get we have all those things to make us look the same but in real life
now I come across people who have got their lips done their nose done their cheeks done the fillers and they're
starting to look very similar very generic and it's unfortunate because I
really think that people's beauty is through and I'm not just saying this to be like you know ooh la la like you know
I don't I I do think that if you change your face and you really like it the way you look that's good you should do it
for your own personal reasons but it sometimes you go too far and you lose those those things that make you
beautiful which is whoa what what did you say I was thinking you turned my mic off
oh go on anyway I was just saying that like you know all I'm saying is like I think this imperfections is what makes
you look beautiful you took a very long time to get there I'm I really did but I already
committed to like it was a complete accident while that was muted I was looking at kid and I'm like
just cut a mic off BR I thought you C like all right it's a new rule from now
on when this isn't like a mining an award
okay there's no music in the background that tells me oh that's what we should do have the Oscars music so when goes
too long we just start playing the orchestra [ __ ] I'd love to I start sweating you know it's my biggest fear
is like ever winning an award and I only have a certain time frame to Oh no you're [ __ ] you're
[ __ ] that's probably the reason why you'll never win one no that's sad n you win okay so yeah yeah you know what
whatever don't give a [ __ ] anymore hey don't care don't
care oh God but yes you have a point there of NAA whatever it was the point
the one you got you got you got we finally got there at the
end so yes I saw that you saw I saw that your comment got blocked on Kanye W's uh
Instagram what a piece of [ __ ] yeah so um he posted this photo and within like 20 seconds like I was on
Instagram when he posted it so I saw it as soon as he posted it and I don't know if you guys have been stalking Kanye
recently well it's hard to not it's hard to not see the photos that he's put in there cuz it gets reported across every
everywhere everyone just reposts his photos so he what's let me get the the name of his mes again cuz I'm sorry she
bi she's still a nobody she's the Aussie girl eh yeah the one from Melbourne holy moly I just went on to his um in
Instagram page it's just her it's just but it's her naked and it's like she's I
can't explain it but the only way I can and the best way to do it it's like she's his little
peasant and he's making her pose for the camera half naked just to post her on
Instagram but it's like why are you doing this it's very BDSM it's messed up it's it's 50 Shades
of of Kanye the [ __ ] the [ __ ] that I'm seeing on his page now of Bianca is like
this would have been like R-rated back in the day when you go buy a magazine you know what I mean like a porn magazine like that's what it looks like
and it's all over his feet anyways I left a comment on one of the the photos I don't know which one it was it was it
was a latest one with I think her in the kitchen and it just triggered me because I saw a video I saw a video of um him
and Kim's daughter scrolling through Instagram right um this was a while back so she's obviously on the platform so I
commented and I'm like dude your daughter's on this app think that's what I wrote I said think bro think and then
within like a minute the thing went was on like 1,200 or 1300
likes anyways and then I got a notification saying it was like blocked it was blocked yeah it was like hidden
do you think do you there's no way his team or whoever his team is going through individual comments and blocking
them I don't think he has a team well but he gets like he gets like hundreds and thousands of comments throughout his
Instagram page there is no way they're going in and filter that that's what I'm saying they must have key words that they're picking up can I burst the
bubble what your comment's still there no it's it's only visible to my
followers oh oh okay so it's only visible to those who follow me let me let me tell you let me give you the
whole rundown of people that have commented back to I haven't even looked at it oh can you but this went crazy
like for the first minute my phone was going boom boom boom like it was going crazy just notification notification and I was like what the hell is going on I
remember it's the photo of of Bianca I think her name is the caption is cream of wheat she's in
the kitchen borderline naked and a the latex
mask on and boots on right yeah Yas comments your daughter is on this app
think bro think 1 1300 1300 likes and in roll 33
replies one reply from Ghost 103 her mom is on a porn site think lonely
delusional fan think I'm so lonely and now that might be true but all right
let's go stalk ghost 103 calls me lonely 124 followers that's cute oh stop no no
no I'm the I'm the lonely one that's right 124 followers I don't think you could have millions of followers and
still be lonely here's another comment but it's okay for a mom to post pics like that that's a good point well did I say it
was okay for a mom to PO like that you didn't you didn't no other people are saying yeah ex-husband's on here yes
relax look at what her mom does so everyone's replying back at what her mother is who's her mother LOL so two
wrongs make right always saying kashian stupid these these these peasants commenting are just dumb no one said
anything about Kim no one and and also what Kim look at the end of the day it's really unfortunate for the kids to see
one their mom obviously has a sex tape out there which is it's just it's just not good for a kid it's just straight
fact yeah imagine that imagine her imagine when she like do you re she knows now re she realizes what oh that
her mom got famous off a porn Like a Porn videox I'm not sure I'm going to reply
to this stupid ghost piece of [ __ ] I'm going to reply was your energy on that do what
you going to say cares no I'm wasting my energy on it yeah you're was he triggered me so what
did he say her mom her mom on a porn site think lonely delusional fan think
is firstly oh my gosh is this a DM or a reply this is a reply this is a reply
firstly your grammar is horrible obviously from a third world country oh
my God yes don't write that a third a third world education yes stop I'm not
going to say that that's so mean I'm not going to say that just leave it I'll just think it you know we're all from We all basically firstly your grammar is
horrible secondly he's still typing this guy I got to make sure I can't see my screen I got glasses that's that's a
that's a sign don't do it secondly how many followers do you have what's wrong doesn't matter about
followers what's wrong N I just think you shouldn't waste energy on people who don't need to be have any your energy
wasted on just like leave it doesn't matter his usern name is Ghost 103 Al
get a haircut oh my goodness I'm going to look at ghost page now anyway anyway moving
on thirdly okay not moving on
yes I'm not even going to reply don't reply get a haircut I love it see shitty
haircut it's not a bad FR anyway God I just think that it's really weird like
what's really unfortunate about the whole thing is that like there's things that Kanye West says that is so like
stupid and dumb but then there's also some other things he says that you can pick and choose that are like actually
quite insightful and profound he purposely does that you think he purposely like says dumb [ __ ] and then after that says some really insightful
stuff and then after that some dumb [ __ ] and like just goes back and forth cuz he know it gets picked up no but I also think that like I think he maybe in some
instances but also he obviously has some like mental health issues that he he suffers with as well is he bipolar yeah
he is bipolar well you know he's bipolar he's he said it wasn't there a song as well where he talks about it I don't
know I don't really listen to I only listened to Kanye from 10 years ago I don't listen to new Kanye cracker too
it's so good yes it is have you which which one the the one where he goes one in the pink one in the stink that one no
that's a horrible is it out that one I don't think it's out new album's about to release or something what about the
Scoopy poop we're going to talk yeah but he's he's proving a point that you don't need anything to don't need to give any
type of great context to a song these days that's his production is out of the world I love his production on his music
and you know what it is it's it's confidence that's what it is it's it's this confidence what what what the whole
thing that's happening with Bianca and like the photos that he's posting it's just so distasteful and like people are
commenting on it and they want someone said that well why does it bother people so much what other people do she's
obviously comfortable being amused for her man and this is why it bothers me personally is because at the end of the
day the reality is people can do whatever they want I get that we live in a free society and that's that however
because we live in a free Society then I can put my two cents and I do think that when someone with his influence is up
there doing you know this [ __ ] and kids are watching and people are watching who are younger don't cut me off don't cut
me off all I was all I was thinking was when do I hit that [ __ ] mute button no it l it's true though it's like kids
are watching his stuff and it's not let it get point out well that was
the point he's like kids are watching and stuff and it's not okay but you're assuming you're assuming that she is
amused for a man maybe she wants to dress like that anyone that's assuming that hey she's she's submissive to his
man maybe she literally walks around and she's forcing him to take photos yeah she could be still wrong what you can do
I agree with Nishi on that one what you can do though is you can go look at Bianca pre Kanye and look at Bianca post
Kanye but anyone that gets into this Rich world this type of world always
goes and lives it in a in a inner most secretive life there because they can and they can afford to nice bum she has
a really nice bum yeah she does not a fan of her boobies though okay we do that opinionated opinionated they're
just way too big they're just way too big huge massive okay stop cut his mic
off you get it's to the point that's get straight there no beating around the
bush oh God talking about Bush there this one photo that he posted up
no anyways um yeah Kanye um don't know what he's doing very entertaining though
not going to lie it's weird I think it's is he Liv is he still living in Saudi remember he moved to the Saudi oh he's
writing an album in Saudi I think he's still there um I just realized he actually deleted all his posts yeah it's only and it's only posts of her yeah
there's only nine posts left there only nine posts and it's all her anyway we'll see what the album entails I am curious
about that this is probably maybe a p stunt as well we never know but he's following one
person who imine to me that'd be sick it's following prototypes doch maybe
it's a oh yeah it's it's like a clothing line or some [ __ ] yeah anyway that's Kane some cool
clothes oh no not cool at all what are these photos what the hell weirdness
what am I looking at there is one look at the one there's that girl she's
literally wearing plastic a plastic raincoat and nothing else under wait
where on the prototypes page what the hell oh my go dude look at the look at the second photo the guy in red
or the girl ined whatever it is it looks like he's holding rope kill yeah yeah yeah but also there's one girl wearing
all white she looks like a a condom and she's got blood she looks like a a
condom she does looks like a dirty tampon it does it looks like it does looks like she's going to a Halloween
party as a tampon but why is it all soccer themed like as in it is soccer themed this is
really weird it's prototypes football club a series oh un upcycled and
repurposed that must be the it must be the first drop which is like followed by hidden why do I have friends following
this like they know what it is well I mean this must be Kanye West's next um is is he still with Nike do we
know this was he ever with Nike oh not Nike ad was it was it Adidas yeah I
think they they dropped him right I think so yeah must be his new like I don't know yeah good luck to him he
could sell he could sell anything people going to buy it yeah um I was scrolling
through um Reddit the other day and I found this science experiment that happened in the 1950s M and it would
it's going to be very disturbing to I can tell for Nishi this one right cuz
you have a dog so in the ' 50s there was a scientist he's a Soviet scientist
named Vladimir demov de demov in the 50s
yeah he's a Pioneer in transp transplantology transology transplantology transplant
sorry excuse that is known for known for his radical experiments in organ transplantation oh
[ __ ] one of his most notorious experiments involve creating a two-headed dog no yes he created a two-headed dog
he performed the surgery multiple times starting in 1954 the most publicized instance of
this experiment is in 19 1959 he chose two dogs for the operation I'm looking at it right now oh that's so sad a large
a large stray German Shepherd named Braga and a small dog named shav
Shava Shaver's head and upper body were grafted onto the back of braga's neck
this required complex vascular reconstruction including attaching the vertebrae of the dogs with plastic
strings guys he made a two-headed dog that's so messed up are you look at this
photo is mess okay hold on first he's just basically cut a dog in half giving
its two legs and putting putting it on the top of a what was it a German Shepherd why would you do that that's
not science that's just this guy's sick that is that's some Frankenstein [ __ ] and also why did he keep doing it if the
dogs are dying well that's right the first I think the first one only lived for 4 days and then the longest dog lived after such procedure was 29 days
not even Mon and he did both of them right and he did both was there a reason to why he was the experiments had no
direct real life applications but contributed significantly to the field of trans transplantology n i so in order
for us to have our organs transplanted this has added some value to that how
though how is that added value I I don't know how like you have to do a test run
why would in what circumstance would we need a two-headed person yeah but that's
not just two-headed it's like for example if we can if we can make two beans leave onto one body then we can
transplant a brain cuz we've done the most extreme so if we can like and it's it's organ transplantology it's the
group of all of it and this is one experiment within all of it so if you can achieve one thing then you can
achieve other things as well I I feel what they're trying to do but I still don't understand because if you're going
to do a like if you're trying to get a dog's brain into another dog's brain like no no no he was just trying to oh
sorry go on look that would make sense to me in the sense that that's the direct car ation to doing that to humans
but getting half a body of a dog and just putting it on top of another dog and obviously trying to connect whatever
vital organs from the main dog I I I don't get how that has like any benefit
I think it's the point of doing the experiment the point of just doing an experiment is so that it knows that it
can be done so therefore we can do things that were within that extreme
space yeah but but it's so complex when it comes to like neur ology and the
brain that once again I don't get how that has any correlation to humans I know what is saying I get it it just
doesn't make sense like you can you can test it it would have been better to just change their brains oh like brain
remve their heart from why why you put together the biggest thing about this is obviously the ethical treatment of of of
of animals in science do we consider this unethical yes to to compile two dogs together it
is sickening it's our most loved cherished pet is is a dog but if for example this was a cow would you give a
[ __ ] certain people I don't understand the reason for it though yeah like if that's a thing like if I can understand
the reasoning behind it that it actually makes sense and it will push the human race further okay I understand why we're
even doing this in the first place something like this just seems plain cruel you know what I mean that small dog I feel bad for that do I can't even
look at the phot okay if you want to put it together reverse reversing or separating joint twins if
we can figure out how to connect and join beings we can then figure out how
to disconnect I don't think I think it's too it's called reverse engineering reverse engineer that's not reverse
engineering when when a UFO has landed on the planet over what is it the Roswell thing they reverse engineered it
and then they found all new ways of building things yes you don't reverse engineer something that you've created
like in the sense of because you it's not something you already know why would you reverse engineer something that you
that's my point though is that okay two conjoint teams want to be separated in order for us to understand why how to
separate them we should understand how to create them that's if we know how to
create them we know how to separate them no no it's completely that's logical thinking I hate this guy that's logical
thinking yeah in what way is that logical you're going you're just going because if you know how to create something you know how to take something
apart yeah that's true when you're talking about cars and spaceships and planes and and two dogs no no it's so
different how because putting two dogs together is not biology like it's not how can I explain this it's not the
natural biology of conjoin twins how why what do you mean why CU
it's cuz it's not it didn't naturally occur it didn't naturally occur okay if I was to create something or build
something or whatever it is I put two dogs together I know exactly how I did that why would I have to reverse
engineering for future when two dogs come together naturally and you want to they but they're not but they're not
happen no forget about why are humans coming conjointly no no no no it's the same concept let me go please let me go
back and just you're confusing me my ADHD is kicking in I don't know what's going on listen you can't when you
reverse engineer something that you've already created you know what that is yeah you know how you've created it it
is not going to be the exact same way that it naturally occurs you don't reverse engineer something that wasn't
engineered yeah it was engineered no it wasn't twins conjoined twins are not
engineered they they're engineered by whatever however you've created it that that you haven't created
it the cells that came together and grew into that so you are actually sticking
to this reverse engineer thing but you're not getting what I'm saying because it doesn't make sense
what I'm saying is as because of a result of me connecting these two things I now know this is life I've cre I've
created this thing thing right I put two beans together I've created that all right that was that was 50 years ago let
me finish that was 50 years ago I did that all right or or now 70 years ago
now 70 years later yeah conjoint twins walk into my my surgery and they say
separate us and I now go we'll look at all the scientific studies of when things were together that were put
together things that have been naturally together things were that were uh scientifically put together
why can't I add natural I can say whatever I want what do you mean I can say whatever I want if I say that natural in addition to unnaturally lost
brain cells continue yeah I'm confused if if you have something that's naturally occurred or something that's
unnaturally occurred you can add the two knowledge together in order to access and separate whatever you want to separate in the future it's not I don't
think I don't think is that clean clear cut okay doesn't work like that okay okay I'll give you the Nobel Prize for
that oh yeah cuz I was after a Nobel Prize for this cont well I don't know what you were after but none of it made sense that was after a conversation it's
a great conversation I'm done with it okay I feel Dumber good right now but I feel sad why I feel sad that you feel
Dumber anyways n you to add to this at all all I'm going to say is I don't think what Vladimir was doing was okay
of course they should have put a stop to it from from the beginning because I'm looking at these photos and it actually
makes me it's sickening upset I don't get what he's trying to achieve I don't think he knew what he was trying to
achieve by putting two dogs together in that kind of way I think it's wrong I get that sometimes we have to do
things to advance you know the human race and like prevent diseases and
illnesses and do experiments to ensure that we don't get affected which is really sad but it's the reality of the
whole medical industry save lives it's not even in to save lives like what who
use who how does the makeup get to your table the makeup that a girl or a guy buys goes through uh tests and stuff
right true and those tests have I'm not sure what it is these days but they have been on animals 100% And there's some
really you know and if you go and look at the studies of how they've achieved it like there are some horrible things
about spraying rabbit's eyes like burning like their eyes and and just terrible things and that's the reality
you're right now there are alternatives there are options where you can buy makeup that is cruelty-free you know
there there are Brands out there who do you know stuff all those things and there there's a choice now but sometimes
when it comes to certain antibiotics or the medical industry they have to go through testing and you know it's
ultimately you you have human volunteers for it of course yeah but prior it yeah but prior to human um testing being like
apes and stuff yeah there's animals now I'm not I don't I don't know the extent to it I'm sure there are some medication
that doesn't require that kind of testing but I'm assuming for most of it it goes through an animal
like through animals before it goes to through to human trials to then the market oh my God I just put into Google
which companies still test on animals yeah this list is disgusting is it companies we know and
we use massive companies that we use right now as in like this is reported this year yeah it's still it's still I
don't know what website it's from but it's um I just put into Google and Google gave me a whole list like actual Google gave me the list but yeah you
have your common Brands but also so yeah is the okay yeah I got a list too I must be on the same one but also medical like
medical trials like the whole pharmaceutical company like who are they testing on obviously it's going to be animals that is do we do we do we but
we obviously don't know the extent of the testing right what do you mean okay animal testing for Cosmetics 2024 are
you on that same page yes I'm I'm just I'm just on Google well I found this ethical it says he cosmetic
brands that test on animals in 2024 is unnecessary inhumane and outdated yeah here's a list of com cosmetic Beauty fra
Beauty fragrance and household cleaning brands that are still testing on animals should we run through the list uh just
name three like name three or four that you see on that list once again I've got
I've got some big ones here that still do it right okay so you've got um berbery Calvin Klein wait what does
berbery do they do like Colones and stuff oh okay yeah yeah yeah
um Clean and Clear from Johnson and Johnson obviously like the pimple thingy oh there's so many this is in
alphabetical order and I'm only at B Dior yeah do and gabana Colgate Colgate
yeah dude there's so many the biggest brands
fendy oh this makes me sick so whose fault is it is it the buyer's fault cuz
we're still supporting these Brands why are they being tested on animals that's sad we definitely have a
part to play but then Lao laio yes now now we don't know extent of
what the testing is and this is alleged by this website this ethical is where this this
information I'm on Peter so so there's websites that alleg this we're just regurgitating what they what they saying
it's not even us this is them saying it and we don't know the extent of the testing yeah but but any type of
testing yeah it's sad no it's sad it it is it just
the moral dilemma is this there are going to be instances where they're going to do animal testing and this is
more I'm talking more in like what's like a necessity in the medical in the medical sphere right like trying to
figure out how we can uh save basically humans lives and it becomes it gets to
the point where it's like well we have to test it on an animal or should they just go straight to humans and test them
straight to humans who would put their hand up for that people that need money I guess yeah oh well that's life humans
aren't innocent hum AR innocent [ __ ] we have the technology like just why are
we what do you mean the technology we should have technology that we can just create create a skin that is very
similar to humans and then test it on the skin yeah but like why can't you do that it's easy here's to point yeah okay
I'm sure it's way more complex than that like I'm not condoning this but I am saying there's the reality at the end of the day it's easy for us to be like what
kind s is just like you know cure cancer like you know what I mean are we going to get we get that no that's been cured
for a while let's be honest Cancer's been cured for a very long time they've got the Cure they've got it okay and
look maybe they do too much money come on man we are very humans are quite
Advanced there is [ __ ] that is that there is stuff like the microwave oven wasn't released to the public until like
30 years after it was created it was used in wars and [ __ ] it's like there's so much Tech that's there that's being
made but just not released to the mass not mass produced but what's the benefit what's the benefit of testing on animals
you're trying to say that they have something there EAS and cheaper and no one no do you ever see animal complain about getting makeup frown in their face
no they just die yeah he hold on let me understand what you're trying to say you're trying to say because it's
cheaper and easier the pharmaceutical companies are testing on animals but they do have they have technology there
to test on uh in synthetic stuff but they're choosing to test animal cuz it's
easier all right well let me ask you a question these um you can't just say like you say that that's common
knowledge like you can't just put it out there as like that's fact I think a lot of people I think a lot of people think that though a lot of people would I
would imagine a lot of people I ask this question to would say the same thing why Tes n was create something you can test it on I agree with that I agree with
that entire statement what I'm saying is you're saying like it's fact that they have something out there of course they
do that they don't need to use animals for pharmaceutical companies they're just doing it for of course they do what
do you mean there's there's literally there's literally um uh other products out there that don't use animals how do
you think they do it it just cost them it just cost them a little bit more money but they they rather do that than animals no I get that but what I'm
saying is when it's like consumption and medicinal right like so let's say they're trying to figure out if this
drug yeah would so we're not talking about beauty products no no no I'm talk I'm talking about pharmaceutical I'm talking about like yeah beauty products
I agree there is Alternatives there you have a choice and also you could literally say I'm not going to be
consuming any beauty products I'm just going to go all natural because that's also a choice however when it comes to
Med medicine and saving people's lives and like ultimately you're really sick
and you have no choice I mean you have a choice to take the medicine or not but really if you want to live you have to go through this antibiotic course or you
have to go through this medical procedure I'm saying in those instances where it's like basically you're saying
it's a human life or it's an animal life it's a two-headed dog okay forget the do
head a dog in this instance right I'm just saying like that's where the moral dilemma becomes because it's like
obviously you have to put one on a pedestal and one not yeah that's just the natural order of the way the world
is that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I'm saying like that's the more dilemma and obviously like so
you're saying you're saying that that then then it's like okay should we create synthetic life to run the tests
on well I'm saying if that was a choice that should be is it possible to clone like how unethical is it what's more
ethical test on a dog yeah or test on a human
clone test on a human what's more ethical they're both [ __ ] bothal as
each other human have the same feeling so then who's at fault yeah that's what I'm saying it's such a hard it's it's
it's very difficult it's very difficult and like I want to say that in my head
like obviously I don't want any animals being hurt at all like it's it's so such a a shitty thing but then of course if
my family if one of my family members are dying I'm going to go and save their
life like it's that's and I'm it's the truth would you use um okay I don't
bring don't bring my dog into this cuz I actually will cry like his name think what's his name vind Vinnie okay so
vindaloo I can't think of I can't think of that vindaloo is loving his life just listen to hypothetical I want to cry
vindo loves his life he's enjoying every moment with you he's so happy he's here on Earth M um and then your mom needs a
kidney transplant and the doctor says hey just letting you know whippets are the type of dog that have very similar
kidneys uh to humans we can actually use um vinis and it's the only one we
actually can use in the whole world unfortunately and for a limited time we can cut his body in half and put it on another
dog what would you do n oh obviously what do you think I'd do yeah that's a very tough thing to ask I don't know I
don't know you really don't know she I'll save my da no no I'll save my of course I save
my mom like of course like that's my mom cuz you can get another Vinnie you can't get another I can't get another Vinnie
oh I want to cry you're a horrible dog owner what a piece of [ __ ] what would you do would you save your mom or badani
it's a stupid hypothetical why would I even answer that question such a dumb hypothetic oh gosh
today's episode is been full of yelling at each other and I love it uh let's get some motivational quote and get yeah I
need some motivation here yeah we need we need to bring us all back on the same page oh God I hate the fact that we have to make this up now yeah love it it is
so stupid all right here we go H this I'm not good at
this okay if some days you wake
up and you don't want to get out of bed
stop being a [Laughter] [ __ ] guys can I just read That's that
was brilliant it that's it that's brilliant are we done I think that's great stop being a [ __ ] stop being a
[ __ ] now when you say [ __ ] what do you mean by that word do you mean literal vagina no [ __ ] cat so being a cat what
is the terminology of the word [ __ ] does it come from the or the not the organ the um the vagina essentially is
that what work why you're such a [ __ ] I thought it was always they just actually saying it don't be don't be a cat is
that what it is like don't be little like you know a SC cat cat I thought the opposite I thought when you call someone a [ __ ] you're calling them a vagina why
why that that's I feel like I feel like that doesn't make sense though conect you're being feminine I know how it
connects you're being feminine not because of the meaning but because don't girls call it their little kitty cat
have you ever heard of that maybe that was part of the the growth of the the word little kitty cat on my well I don't
know I don't know how it evolved but I do think that like calling someone a [ __ ] based on like it being you're
being too feminine is like like I think it's stupid no but here for example for example right that's dumb Nisha you see a spider what do you do well because I
actually have a phobia of spiders many girls have a phobia of spiders I think I would say majority of girls have a phobia of spiders okay well I don't know
about that but I I do scream well I'm putting myself in any situation where there's a girl and there's a spider and I'm always the one that has to go get it
yeah do you know what I mean I don't like to but unfortunately for some reason that's the
role that men have taken here to get rid of insects M but see in my household if there's a spider the person who gets it
is my mom my dad and me are both dad are both
[ __ ] but hold on here we go so I've actually got where it may have derived from the word [ __ ] okay now yes it is a
colloquial term for a cat um the Old Norse word puss come here puss puss puss
mhm uh more commonly known as a slang term for female genitalia now but this usage is believed to have risen separate
from the cat related meaning though the exact origin is unclear Some People suggest that it may have derived from
the low German word p which refers to pocket or
pouch others propose it may relate to the Old Norse word Norse word puss meaning a small bag or
purse so it's a small it's a pocket it's a pouch it's a purse I makes no sense
though kind of like a vagina oh everything leads back to the vagina
so that's it has nothing so the cat the the the the word [ __ ] and cat and the word [ __ ] and vagina has completely
separate meanings has nothing to do with that anyway I think it makes more sense if you call someone a [ __ ] cat guys I
don't like this making up the quote thing why it's [ __ ] so hard to do unless we pre-plan it I might pre-plan it yeah
write your quote before and then say it yeah all we'll do that for next time and until next time we prepare the
motivational quot for you take care everyone have a one all right bye peace
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Weird Ways to find Love, What's up with Kanye's posts, 2 Headed Dog Experiment Ep.7
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