Unusual Super Bowl Facts, Taylor Swift is a PSYOP, Let the woman handle the money, Dolphins Have Bromances Ep.16

there is no way that like they have these like secret meetings where doic
Cat's In and she's doing some sort of like you know weird sorcery [ __ ] like I
don't think heard stories of like like say it just say it it sounds so
weird Let Me Clear My Throat okay maybe don't [Music]
say already cancelled already canell already canell good night and welcome to
already cancelled how are we guys hello hello hello hey everyone I see yes that you're in your perfect AER for uh is it
a te attire by you know what he wasn't even reading that so there's no excuse
for it it's perfect a te May te the perfect attire for the special day that
is today oh yeah it's Super Bowl final today it is Super Bowl final and by the way I have no idea about the Super Bowl
don't care about the Super Bowl just had this shirt put it on the universe fake
well LA Raiders aren't they a rubbish team any I have no idea I however you
just don't hear about them anymore if you you hear the Ambiance in the background why do you say we so Ambiance
brother oh Ambiance the Ambiance we hear the Ambiance in the background it's because we're uh at the hills podcast
studio and it's also the Bell Vista hotel which there's like what 3 400 people out there there so many people
it's a work day it's literally Monday at like 10: a.m. yeah and the car park was
nearly before I can't believe it that's just Australian culture you think you think anyone out there actually cares about the NFL they just want a day off
work I'm telling you right now well I've seen a couple of guys out there wearing like uh like skirts and and I don't
understand what the skirts has to do with the Super Bowl all right so who's playing in the Super Bowl Kansas City Chiefs and uh oh oh San Fran the 49ers
the one that Jared hay played for I've not not played one game played a few a couple games yeah yeah he caught the
ball once he did really well though well for Nazi to get over there and and completely change a sport and still
perform at the highest level that's pretty good that's what you want to see yeah pity he in jail now he is isn't he
why is he in jail shouldn't be smiling about that you haven't heard about what happened to Jared Han what are you kidding me oh is that is that
the the sexual assault yeah okay okay okay yes yes I have heard about that unfortunate stuff I'm not going to get
into that hey super well here I thought let's just dish out a couple of facts if you don't know I don't know any of these things but it might bring you up to
scratch and please if it's wrong facts and feel free to comment in the comment section uh we're on YouTube as well by
the way uh here's some fun facts about the Super Bowl everyone mhm each team gets 108 footballs for the game so what
what what huh each team gets 108 footballs for the game why so specific
why I have no idea but 54 of them are used for practice and 54 for the game
itself wow there you go I don't know how fun that is but it just that's it ask
where you're getting these facts from don't say Tik Tok don't say Wikipedia chat jbt oh that's our who's done the
research who's done the research at bing.com who the hell uses Bing well it
does yeah that's right uh it actually okay so the Super Bowl derived from a children's toy called the Super
Ball oh Americans eat more than a billion wings and 8 million pounds of
guacamole on a Super Bowl Sunday see that I could actually be like I believe that yeah of the top 10 most watched
American television programs of all time nine of them are the Super Bowls yeah okay makesense the Super Bowl is
measured in Roman numerals because football seasons run over 2 year
calendars ooh what actually yeah why is the Super Bowl
in February it happens every second February of the year every second
February how many febru every second Monday sorry or second Sunday in America second Monday in in Australia moving on
the average amount of calories consumed during a Super Bowl party is 8,083
calories oh per person yeah that has to be per person doesn't give that actual fact an
average hum intake is 25,000 so if you have 10 people there that's already 25,000 so it's got to be
per person eight teams from the top 50 most populous us Metro areas have never
won a Super Bowl okay that's some cool stuff but here's what's crazy yeah it costs $7 million
for a 30second ad that I know about I want to be in a Super Bowl ad you know how much they pay like people to be in a
Super Bowl ad yeah but do you know who they put in these Super Bowl ads yeah I mean look a girl can dream like Eminem did a Super Bowl ad yeah B cardi B did
one who else did it did the Pepsi ad yeah do cat and Aussie did it and Aussie did one of them which who the hell was
it can we find that out please I have no idea producer can you just de with J we don't have a producer it's just us we're
not we're not Joe Rogan level not just yet an Australian was it an actress I think it would have been an actress have
a feeling Aussie Super Bowl ad but yeah they get paid in the millions big big
was a crocodile dunde oh there you go oh really Paul Hogan Paul Paul
Hogan my word's slightly off today slightly but there's some fun facts you
guys uh By the time this goes out the game would have been done and completed by then but is anyone following anyone
no I when it comes to sports honestly I'm I'm going I'm going to go San Fran I'm just going to go San Fran there's um
49ers some guy on a podcast came out and he was like I have um he goes I have the
script for the Super Bowl now it's scripted yeah this is what he reckons he reckons you know how Taylor Swift is
dating that bloke that place for Kansas what's his name is it Trevis I don't know I really don't I I don't follow
this [ __ ] um Travis Kelch yeah anyway Kel Kelsey
sorry you did again you can tell you can tell I do not follow the NFL um but they reckon he's going to score the winning
touchdown and then propos to Taylor Swift you're joking you reckon but apparently Taylor Swift's not going to
be there she's going to be in Japan is he actually so he's playing in it he's playing is he in the final yeah he's
like he's like their Captain I think oh he a quarterback maybe he's not their Captain I don't know considered one of
the greatest uh tight ends of all time whatever that means nine Time pro bowler and four time well
he plays for the Kansas City chief so yeah if he does win and gets on one knee proposes to Taylor Swift yeah the script
is correct hey talking about another thing about Taylor Swift that I want to get into just moving away from the Super
Bowl okay did you guys hear this weird conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is
like a government created famous person oh I know no no I know he sounds I know
it sounds crazy but I'll play this video for you so you understand it um but it makes sense now do you know how Taylor
Swift's always been big for the last 10 years she's been massive right a massive artist but for some reason last year in
the last year and a half she like shot up to Michael Jackson level okay I do agree with that because she's always
been Mega famous I mean the Swifty is a crazy fan base however you're so right
it's been the last two years where I have seen her I kid you not everywhere
and like her she always could fill out stadiums but could just be her time though yeah like it's just her time but out of
nowhere like what happened for her like she dropped another album great but how did that you know what the timeline the
way it adds up though is it's when she the whole Kim kadashian thing happened right where in the kanyer west
conversation and she was like people were calling her a snake then she comes out with this album being like you know
it was a great album where she dresses well not she doesn't dress but she like writes good music and everyone's like
thinking it's about that because people called her a snake yeah and then something happened again where she
disappeared for a while oh it was a scooter Brawn thing that happened oh
where he took over the label then she came back and did that epic like Revenge move I don't know if it's a re Revenge
move but I was we were all rooting for her she just outsmarted outsmarted by re-recording everything yeah but but
when she came back and did that all those songs that she re-recorded and I think cuz everyone wanted to have her
back as well cuz like it was like you know Stick it to the Man those songs went crazier than ever like it went
absolutely wild and it was at that point where it just went like the trajectory
of her career just went to a whole new height it could be that or it could
be government propaganda okay what what a second let's
have a listen have a listen to what I heard yesterday this is this is it's actually
it has Merit have a listen yeah ever wondered why or how she blew up like this well around 4 years ago the
Pentagon psychological operations unit floated turning Taylor Swift into an
asset during a NATO meeting what kind of asset a scop for combating online
misinformation listen you came in here wanting to understand how you just go out there and counter an information
operation the idea is that social influence can help uh can help uh
encourage or uh promote Behavior chain so potentially as like a peaceful
information operation I include Taylor Swift in here because she's um you know she's a fairly influential online person
I don't know if you've heard of her yeah that's real the Pentagon scop unit
pitched NATO on turning Taylor Swift into an asset for combating misinformation online wow if I was
running Biden perception team I would identify someone who would align
themselves with my agenda such as a Taylor Swift who has close to 600 million followers I would Target her I
would engage her and I would get her what get her to do what we used to see as like public service announcements and
that type of enlistment that type of solicitation is analogous to the old
days of deployment of a scop is that not the craziest thing you've ever heard hold on I need to break it down a little
bit so they're basically saying that she could be because of her influence she
could be used as to make you know public service announcement to be able to assist with their agenda essentially yes
assist with the agenda uh you know come out and be like oh this is good for you or this is not good for you like H let's
let's use the biggest example on Earth right now the vaccine right where you know people were so separated yeah
imagine someone like Taylor swi came out and said hey guys just got the JB well everyone all the all these celebs did so
like now that you see information like that being discussed at NATO if she had though every single Swifty on Earth
would run to the hospital and be like jab me in the butt yeah okay that's you know what I'm saying but they that's
essentially what they tried to do they did they did with all the with all the CBS yeah no of course and then this is
where my mind went right my mind went into all right cool you've got Taylor Swift as a as a s up operation who's
helping you push certain agendas but who is her fan following we're talking about
90% women here 90% you know girls so what do you do to try to get
the men on her side get all the girls no you make Taylor Swift date one of the biggest NFL players of all
time now all the men know who Taylor Swift is that's really interesting well they know who she is but like do they
follow her no do they now probably if you're a fan of of Travis whatever his
name is then you're probably a fan of Taylor Swift now but like I see the trainer thought
here but it's so and if I was the controller of the world which we know you want to be yeah it's very apparent
I've seen your [Music] Journal I don't know if you're a villain or a hero but anyway let's continue yeah
if I was a controller of the world if I ran NATO I would be looking at different
different uh Avenues on how to influence the people yeah and Taylor Su would be a
great tool guys great to this seems ridiculous like what what actually happens in these situations right do
they have like some sort of meeting where they're like okay thank you for coming Taylor Swift thank you for coming Travis this is all going to plan like we
just like renew the contracts where you know for world domination yes I think so that's I think you just explained it
perfectly no I don't think this stuff happens I think this is all made up what you don't think you don't think
celebrities are used for propaganda I don't think if they are
they don't know it okay what about what about the celebrities I'm going I'm going no but I think I think they paid
money I think it's like hey we're going to pay a really Hefty check to like we have a campaign about this thing and
obviously it's good for the government government or whatever it's good for but it's good for some sort of agenda we'll pay you a big lump sum to push this
agenda what about what about the agenda that's being pushed right now with celebrities they've stopped now because they've been called out for and they've lost a lot of fans but with the Israel
and Palestine uh conflict that's happening right now where Israel's obviously being the oppressor and
completely yeah yeah well I'm going to say it genociding the Palestinians you've got celebrities that have been
paid off by Israel to post support for Israel yeah that's what I'm saying I
think that no no I know that's exactly my point I'm saying they get paid big lump sums to
push a certain agenda but I don't think it's this whole like coming to a secret meeting and you know it's not why not
that's so much funner stop ruing our excitement just imagine being someone that is in control of everything and not
hosting a cynical ritualistic meeting all right ready bored would you you'd be
so bored you know what this argument came from I was having this discussion with my friend the other day cuz they were talking about DOA cat and they were
saying that doic cat cap wow doic cat is a is satanic and that she is like a part
of the Illuminati this is where the discussion started and I said there is no way that like they have these like
secret meetings where doju cats in and she's doing some sort of like you know
weird sorcery [ __ ] like I don't think heard stories of like like a say it just
say it it sounds so weird Let Me Clear My Throat okay maybe don't say they
would walk around like they would women are served on a platter put it that way
for the rich rich rich unbelievable rich and Powerful of the world they served on a platter what do
you mean by served on a platter like they literally come out on a plate like sushi like sushi on them like things
like that yes that's yeah I've seen that I've been to a party where a lady was a a sushi person a sushi plate she's a PL
but this is like the girl comes out on a platter and you can bid like this is this like and you don't like it's I'm
sorry but it's very ignorant to think that none of this is going on no okay hold on let me explain myself a bit better because I think you're missing
the point I don't I'm not saying that this stuff doesn't exist but I don't think it's happening with the celebrities like do all it's happening
with cuz the celebrities are all the people that's that's what they want you to see they want you to see these people yeah but but like the thing is their
lives are so public like it's going to come out one way or another if they're doing all these we secret [ __ ] they
literally say it to they tell you what they do they tell you what they're doing do you guys know Taran Manning the
actress from Orange is the New Black uh no I don't I don't remember what character she played but she was on a
podcast yeah I found her yeah she was on a podcast where oh yeah she uh she was
let me just play it let me play it oh gosh hold up hold up where is I've started something yeah the Kool-Aid you
don't drink the gold juice so I was offer the gold juice let me play another one cuz I want music playing in the background know who think there's a
level of Fame that is just too dangerous for so yeah yeah if you don't drink the
Kool-Aid you don't drink the gold juice so I was offer the gold juice three times in my 20s my 30s and my 4 what the
hell is it with these stupid videos the music's always L than yeah but it's true all she's saying is that that there's a
that you drink from the Kool-Aid we've all heard that you drink from the same cup to initiate us as a as a group you
all drank from the same cup no no okay but hold on let's just clarify this this whole Koolaid thing is like the idea
that because this is the perception people have is like this this higher up that comes to you and goes I will change
your life forever all you have to do is be the devil like that's basically what people think the transaction is they no
but they will walk you into a certain place where there's a party going on and there happens to be underage people or there happens to be this and be that and
then they go oh okay now you got to do this and sign this they all and that they can be done it can be done they put you in a situation but I do not think
all the successful celebrities that we see this stuff is happening that's a different point not all of them that's a different point yeah but like you think
you think okay let's just name the top 10 like okay in top of my head DOA cat Justin Bieber lizo
uh I don't know Chris Brown Usha Drake y you've pretty much named all the ones
JayZ Beyonce keep it going Adele I reckon they've they've all either been
black I reckon they've all been blackmailed all signed a deal with the devil all signed a deal with the devil I
don't believe that I really don't believe like I I think I think there's like they literally say it to you Nishi
they you can find you can find footage of them all saying it they you can hear it throughout their songs they always say it sorry but they do anyhow I've
I've done a research I've asked chat jpt to search something up for me research celebrities that may be
scops and you know what it came back with are you ready all of them I can't help with that
request of all the requests of the world it can't help with that one I wonder why
well because it probably doesn't have access to that information search why not have that access yeah because he
hasn't upgraded probably to the latest probably not look guys I don't
I'm not disagreeing that this stuff doesn't happen like I'm sure that there's like I obviously there are
there's so much weird [ __ ] that happens in holy weird I'm not dis discrediting that but what I am saying is that this
this common notion of like like DOA cat is the best example I can do CU she
openly like does weird iic stuff I don't think I think she does it for attention
more than she does it for whatever reasons we believe myself and K interviewed someone I'm not going to mention who he was um an actor yeah who
is in Hollywood um been a part of it done a lot of movies MH played a very
big character and he pretty much said to us that he had to do things he didn't
want to do yeah and for him to hit the next level he'll need to do other things that he doesn't want to do and then we
had to literally we got hit up by his PR and they were like delete that delete that audio part of the interview and we
had to delete it what did he have to can I ask like what he had to do to like I'm looking at
Keen if we should even say anything cuz it scares the [ __ ] out of me oh it's you know there there's a range of things
just things he didn't want to do that he had to do sexual things to other things
jeez yeah you know this person and you think that's why he couldn't take his
career further I don't know not yet we'll find out
we'll ask next we find out yeah we still got the audio don't we uh yeah we we'll play for you that's in the vault that's
in the vault yeah we'll play for you afterwards but we l I forgot the code we literally got hit up by his Pi management everyone and they'll like
delete that part out of the interview wow that was so loud that's yours D look at the face he makes he was judging both
of us because of that noise it was coming from his laptop look all he can say Taylor Swift possible scops I say
yay I say yay Kanye well okaya thinks we live in this
perfect world no we don't I know we don't live in a perfect it is a run by lizards you need to understand this okay
but this might be a perfect world get this right in Japan 34s of men give all
their money to their wives and and get a monthly allowance
okay hold on this is actually wild I don't know I've I've googled this and it keeps coming up with this 2016 article
uh where it said that Japanese uh men are struggling to get by on a monthly allowance they receive from their wives
which have fallen down to its lowest level in decades mind you this was in 2016 this is what a survey showed
despite frequently being the so bread winner many Japanese husbands hand over their entire wage to the woman of the
house who often manages the family's bills and balances uh the books right
which I find so interesting because in the comments there are a lot of people
who are really a lot of men who are really mad about this and they're like this is [ __ ] this is you know blah
blah blah but one comment which I thought was really interesting was that money is part of the household in Japan
it's the woman's job to manage the household therefore she manages the money uh and that's that's why yeah cuz
you can you can see how like you can see like oh we need a new couch a guy doesn't give a [ __ ] about a couch as
long as he can sit down and put his feet up right right yeah but but a woman would see it and go no the couch is
broken we need to fix it right that's I can sort of see like a base level why
it's better for the woman to be in charge of the money so they can go okay well we need to buy something you know
what I mean and then okay how's that going to affect everything else there's nothing better than coming together and doing it together as a team of course
100% uh but yeah it depends it depends on the individual as well like I would not trust myself with the finances of my
household for instance right like it's I would trust you as well no it's not even cuz I'm a spender
I'm not a spender it's just more like I'm not really great and I'm we all have weaknesses and I'll openly admitt it my
weakness is numbers I get overwhelmed looking at Excel spreadsheets with numbers I get overwhelmed yeah I get
really overwhelmed or I get overwhelmed when I have to like do the budget and like to be fair in my household we both
do it right but I will you know I have to admit that Jared he controls all the
like the invest type of stuff and things like that cuz in to me it gets like
overwhelming yeah and then I get that that's I think that's what I need in my life and I I think
having I feel like it's a normal thing though is that not normal for the for the wife to
to um look after the yeah manage the finances of the houseold is that not a normal thing no not in m not in mine
like when I watch I'm going to just go off movies because I'm not a married man in a household with kids and thing but it's always the wife that's sitting
there on the dinner table looking at the bills and highlighting things I think it's got to be a shared movies that's
what it is that's what it is no but I think it's got to be a shared responsibility you both you both bring the money in if you're both bringing
either either way like there's a lot of responsibility running a house so you probably should all just in right that's
it's that's how I see is equal it's funny how you mentioned that that was the comment that stood out to
you the comment that stood out to me are they at least getting to clap cheeks as they as much as they want like
that's more interesting think about this if if I'm going to bring all the money in give it to you and you're going to
handle the finances yeah are they expecting their wife what are they expecting their wife to do by me bringing the money and giving it to you
well they take care of the household they take care of the kids and also on top of that it's not like they're having
a fun time doing the finances like uh that's like the worst job ever having to do accounting and you know making sure
that but if you have control of the money then you could always slide yourself a couple pennies yeah but that's fraudulent that's fraudulent
Behavior do you know what I mean like if my if my man's making 250k a year yeah
and he doesn't really understand the numbers and blah blah blah i' be like oh yeah we have this monthly expense that's
$11,000 and then that just goes into my pocket yeah but I are you clapping your ass cheeks for 30 seconds while he
brings it in when you say clapping ass cheeks I don't know
like you know they're not just twerking you know clapping ass cheeks means having sex with
someone either way you're clapping those cheeks either way so I'm pretty sure it needs
to be consensual anyways either way I think it's one of those things where it just like works for certain individuals right
like someone takes control of the money or sometimes both of people take control of the money it's whatever works like you were saying earlier yes that you
need someone who will give you an allowance well that's it's normal for it's normal like for your parents to do
that especially like my I know my dad he would bring he would work and then come home and give his money to his mom and
his mom would give him an allowance oh really yeah this is back in that's that's literally what I need that's exactly what I need and I actually tried
to convince a a past partner of mine to look after my accounts and she's like no
I'm not taking that responsibility we've been dating for 6 months I said I don't care youa you've seen my spending in a
yeah that's I don't it's actually not normal I don't know why you spend like on what are you spending that much money
on oh you don't want to know um I don't know I just spend spend spend like dude
like I went to I'm I oh my God I'm dumb I'm just stupid I went to dinner with my mates the other night Friday night but
you he paid for everyone there was eight of us PA for it how much did that cost
what goes through your head it was about 400 and something what goes through your head when you're doing the offer nothing you don't think nothing just makes me
happy it's like you know what I fed these people today will they ever feed me don't know the bo are the boys are
good okay that's a lot of money has $400 and they probably wouldn't organize another Meetup for a while knowing that
they have don't get me wrong some some of the boys will be like shut up and they'll send me money but the other boys will just take it and like you're hectic
you know what I mean but it doesn't matter I just I don't know I like spending money on people yeah you do that's and it's really bad so having
someone there to look after my funds and be like listen all you're getting is 500 bucks a week yeah that's what I need but
you know I I want to say with with this I find really interesting cuz I know people in relationships who don't share
their money yeah that's so strange to me like that's strange to me they have separate bank accounts and then they
have one joint account which like all the stuff goes in if it's rent or mortgage or you know but they have their
own spending money no like as in like they have like yeah and then they have their separate so their salary goes into their account like individual accounts
and then they have a joint account where basically it's like we're only going to put the expenses in there like that we
have to pay weekly or whatever and they go joint on that but everything else is separate so they don't know what's going
on on their side and the other side and that to me is
like I it's really odd but you know what each of their own but I find it odd be
honest with you um you know God willing I find a beautiful wife one day mhm and
God willing she looks after the finances in the relationship unfortunately she's
actually not going to know exactly how much money I'm making why because H let's say I'm on uh 200 Grand a year
yeah she's going to think I'm on 160 a year you're going to put a spare 40 to the side I'm going to have 40,000 just
for me in case I need it for anything like what because the last thing I need is me needing to buy something and her
going wa don't have the budget for that you cannot buy it I'm going to be like and this is going to cause issues so I'd rather have my own you're missing the
point of marriage though the point of marriage is complete Unity yeah do you know what I mean and she found out she'd
be hurt by that like imagine like you she comes like I don't know a pay lip she's able to see one or whatever I don't know she she's going to find a
bank account with more money in there she's going to be very happy no but it's the fact that you hid it from her like why would you hide you she be like why
did you hide 40 Grand from me she'd feel upset by that you know if I want to go to the casino and lose two grand I can't
be bothered having her do you know what I mean this is probably why you don't have a
party and now he has all the money just you're not wrong you're not wrong hey just before we go I just wanted to touch
on this uh thing you speaking of the boys before did you know that the boys that concept exists in the animal
kingdom the boys the boys what do you mean Dolphins you know dolphins have
bromances that's beautiful really yeah like they they just hang out with the blood yeah like they're boys they just
hang out so dolphins have bromances in which two males pair up for as long as 15 years and help each other hook up
with other females n you're lying BR you Dolphins wingman each other the boys is
co- species they finman each other they fin that's that's amazing that's
actually pretty cool dolphins are something else man yeah there's certain animals there's certain animals that I look at and it's usually after I smoke a
joint and I put Discovery Channel on right my mind is blown yeah like
dolphins are one of them how are they real they they don't seem real how are dolphins real they've been put on this
Earth they understand us as humans they know how to communicate with us they have bromances they have bromances they
anyways and the second one horses can we talk about horses for a second what the hell are horses and why do we ride them
what other animals you know on Earth us as another animal to like transport itself and horses are just okay with it
like you get on top of a horse and you'll ride for 14 km and the horse is fine can you imagine you carrying
something can you imagine you carrying something a quarter of your weight for 15 km of an each unless it's like my
like if I have a kid my baby why do horses listen to us they don't have to for you're force them into list no this
world's a freaking simulation and they were coded in for us it makes no sense yeah well sometimes when I look at my dog I think how are you
real unconditional love you know what I mean it's a beit different very different different okay you know what's
good about your dog what you'll never get eaten were you drinking no like no one will eat him there's no point there's no meat on that
bone like you're always safe like you want to take him to Wuhan or whatever or Korea no one's going to eat your
dog they're just going to look at him and go what's the point we'll make like bone broth a soup make a bone broth no
I'm making bone broth out of vindaloo what you call the DH vindo wait
can you can you can you sorry go on
can you imagine the conversation between the Dolphins when they go on a hook up with like set them up for a
Girl Like imagine the wrong girl that's good is that good I can do a
really good dolphin impersonation sorry I we had a great joke and we just ruined
ready I have to go a bit far away what I understand the snout now
shut up how good is that do it one more time okay I don't know
okay that's pretty good first one was better was better some of the comments in here are
pretty funny yeah don't like this is a this is a conversation don't hook up with a man she has only
fins like this is this is it's just wild to think that there's boys out there amongst another species I think that
that's important can't look at Dolphins the same after I um learned some really dark facts about them which I don't
what's your dark facts about dolphins I feel like even comfortable even saying it on don'tu my childhood man no but
read this like I'll you can both read it but I don't know I don't feel comfortable even saying it out loud on
no you got to read that you have to read that you got to read it out loud no I'm not looking read it's really messed up you have to read that out loud okay so
dolphin sex can be violent and coercive oh God gangs of two or three
male bottlenose dolphins isolate a single female from the Pod oh my God and forcibly mate with her sometimes for
weeks at a time oh my go to keep her in line they make aggressive noises threatening movements and even smack her
around with their tails that's disgusting don't laugh yeah that's actually really messed up it's they are
so much like humans like they're are messed up humans that yeah but this is normal for
dolphins this is the nor part yeah there it's like really like after like I learned about dolphins and like
you know people no and you know how I've learned about it I remember like going on to Tik Tok and like I saw cute
dolphin videos or whatever and then people in the comments just be like yeah but blah blah blah and then write yeah
and then I was like there's no way and then I did some research and yeah it's really messed up you compare them to
Penguins for example and Penguins just find one mate for their whole life yeah they find a partner and they stay with
them forever it's so cute the Dolphins are out there in gangs just yeah oh God
anyway terrible [ __ ] had to end it on
a be one of the boys anymore I'm literally imagining like a poor little dolphin right now in the ocean that's
just been abused for 2 weeks stop why would you even say that serious that's what I'm thinking yeah but you said to
read it out I didn't want to read it out that's why that's why I was like let's not let's not end now now can we end it on a motivational quote at least like
something positive I got one fire out I just know it's going to be
okay if you're having a bad day at least you're not a female dolphin no that's a good one but no
okay if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go
together it's an African proverb I honestly thought you were going to have a joke it was going to be a joke he actually went serious there yeah it's
good thank God that was a great one yeah you have to have a team so say one more if you want to go fast go alone mhm if
you want to go far go together love it it's great great way to end it
yeah together with the boys like a dolphins you're messed up messed
up already cancelled if you like the podcast prove
it like share and subscribe and don't forget to leave us a cheeky

Unusual Super Bowl Facts, Taylor Swift is a PSYOP, Let the woman handle the money, Dolphins Have Bromances Ep.16
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