The Hot Purple Wiggle - John Pearce Ep.18

are you serious have you seen these guys fully perform like for like over
18s oh can you put my headphones back in thr back in wait what is Dorothy doing again I Miss D she's been working with
Lenny they' put together um an OG album so this is it's an EDM album that's a
kind of a dance dance album OG songs and Lenny's remixing it as well with okay sick yeah so it's um it comes out soon
and we'll actually be playing the tracks out of hello sunshine Festival in Melbourne second ofch so be I'll be with
Anthony and Dorothy DJ Dorothy it's called sound [Music]
system already cancelled already canell already can welcome it's already
cancelled K AA with a special guest today everybody from one of the biggest
how would you describe the group how would you describe the these these artists you got to you got to uh are you
going to describe the first group or the group he's in now well it's the same essenti fall the same
yeah exactly no it doesn't hell how I know how to describe them you
ready there's no audio oh yeah oh yeah yeah well it's The Wiggles everybody
Wiggles we did the we did the little gun movements we have a finger movements guns they are guns holy [ __ ] my whole
childhood has been ruined you guys are throwing guns up when you know when you score a Sho every oh it's a strike it's
a strike okay I can just imagine The Wiggles now throwing up like
Wiggles baby John PE welcome to the show The
Purple wiggle H how are you brother look at you yeah thanks for having me it's great crazy bit Star Struck see when
when when you were describing like you were like how do I describe this group what I was saying is you got to remember he was in a boy band yeah would you say
that was it a boy band J you can call it whatever you want it's um was an experience is what it was let's go let's
go back CU let's go back all the way back we because you you've hit a level of of of uh I would say Fame but you'd
hit a level of success worldwide and we've got to go right back to the beginning just to understand this story
because it's it's actually a wild story it's actually a really cool story of John peers yeah was it Australia's Got
Talent Australia's Got Talent 2010 2010 that's the one so you you came out doing back flips and break dancing moves and
singing and dancing and all that stuff yep and all of a sudden Justice Crew was born was it all all of you guys I don't
even remember the audition but was it all of you guys that audition initially or was it just yourself so Justice Crew
was born about 6 months before estral Got Talent there was nine members and we initially formed as from two different
Crews me and my twin brother Len had a dance crew from school and we competed in dance competitions outside of school
um just for fun so we we kind of copied this movie You Got Served which we loved so we kind gosh you got served yeah so
that was that was the birth of hip-hop dancing for me and my brother yeah and we formed a dance crew called Justice
Crew um meeting another group called Psalms so they were called Psalms and
were they crumpers they were all like there was a crumper in the group they were professional break dancers these guys looked legit and me and my brother
were just making things up that we saw on YouTube just for fun and we came second in the dance competition so it was International hip-hop Champs um we
came second to these this group called SSS and you know we kept in contact and shortly after we formed a new career so
if you can't beat them you join them right saying makes sense I like that um
you've got Filipino background half Filipino my mom's Filipino and my dad's Australian can I ask what is it cuz I
remember like back in school around the 2010 period all the dancers in our school were all Filip why what's the
what's the go with that dancers well the jab or were majority Filipino and if you look at most nurses they're all break
down Filipinos too so I don't know where that comes from think the Filipino like follows American culture a lot like
basketball's big in in the Philippines dancing's big in the Philippines and that's pretty much it right Filipino is
are born with amazing voices as well they great singers too yeah I think the creativity is kind of Born Into You I
don't I don't know why but it just you just get drawn towards it so like you guys also like sung songs and everything
as well right and when you did that like were you always comfortable with singing no so initially we W array's Got Talent
as a break dancing group so we used to BU in the city of Sydney we used to break dance and we used to you know teach teach children youth off the
street how to dance and that was kind of our that was our story and after asr's Got Talent you know we had such a a
strong following and we had a a story that was kind of unique and you know
Sony Music approached us and they said you know what can you guys do we need to kind of what else can we do here to
reach more people so and then you guys you guys said at the end of the day not
yet it was from Friday to Sunday oh yeah that's right oh my gosh that just unlock
so many flashback songs of these guys you had KRA which was like 25 weeks like
number one or something right was nine weeks at number one that was a huge huge moment for us so nine weeks at number
one and at the time it broke the record for the longest number one on the ARA charts which beat Olivia Newton John
which is massive for us yeah so you beat Olivia Newton John N I remember I actually interviewed you guys it was my
first interview on radio ever ever in my life and that's and that's where I met John and I had no idea what I was doing
it was the most embarrassing interview time you can redeem yourself today hopefully I know so so that song that
song broke records it was number one in Australia that's right yeah K as well you guys recorded two video clips for
that didn't you yeah so ker did quite well in Australia and it was surprising
for all of us and I think um to break internationally into America that was a conversation we had with RCA records
over there we had a we needed to do an American caded so it was more specific
for the American market so the brief was kind of following the backr boys their
first video I think was As Long As You Love Me fans with the signs and things like that and um yeah that's that was
the main reason why I was I was listening around that time obviously
when I had just got into the industry and I was DJing and I was meeting you people and talking I heard that okay so
you toured with pitbull yes right and Pitbull really loved you guys I heard he
offered you a deal did that actually happen so the story with pitbull he was in Australia on tour so he was here our
song boom boom was number one at the time so he was playing on TV in his hotel room and his manager was watching
TV and was this is the story he told us who are these guys I've never seen them before right so reached out to us and
invited us to perform with him on his Sydney show we just to jump on and to perform with him so we met the team and
they really wanted to develop us and bring us into America so we were signed to 305 which was Pitbull's label for a
short period and um the story we were trying to break into America so we did actually record a song which never was
never released damn why did it never get released yeah it was just a bit it was between the labels so it was nothing to
do with us so yeah as an artist sometimes you don't really get involved too much in in that sort of thing the
art the artists just lose did you enjoy that transition though like cuz obviously you were a dancer then you
become a singer and then now there's a group of boys together like having you know because I feel like was there ever
animosity between you guys like who's the number one who's at the Forefront the alpha male yeah we you know we were
all quite introverted as a group there was no one that was really taking charge and we were all just nodding and smiling
because we were there and it's it was it was almost like impostor syndrome we all
had that should we be here yeah but I feel like you're being a bit humble because I feel like if I was to talk to
the teeny boppers of the 2010s they'd probably say you were the the leader of that group everyone has their own
opinion I don't know that's how I that's how I always saw it I think in the back end of things I think I was very
organized and you know if someone wanted to know what was on the schedule I would know that and you know I'd be the point
of contact usually most of the time with Sony and the a okay so that that all
happened with Justice Crew and it's did it just fizzle out how did why and how did it sort of come to its end I think
with most things they do kind of dwindle down eventually um unless you make it
work and I think for for us as a group we didn't have the infrastructure in place to kind of sustain a long career
and naturally you know I was 19 when we won austr Got Talent so young as well your taste in music and and what you
like and what you see for the future is different and when you grow yeah everyone kind of gets pulled to different directions and I think that's
kind of what happened when we all started doing side projects and we're still together as as friends and I think
naturally it just kind of got to that point and I think with covid-19 and things like that the music industry was
kind of shut down for a period we all kind of had to take different different hobbies and different decisions
I still remember seeing Justice Crew in CRA and it was like yeah it was I don't know it was some sort of festival thing
I don't even remember it must have been Australia day I don't I don't recall but you guys were performing Jessica maboy
was there too it was epic was it how long ago was this 20 this was like at least 10 years ago it would have been
Australia Day talking talking about the live performances cuz you brought it up they show John I was talking to you a couple years ago and I remember we're
talking about um uh kesar the song yeah and you would lead that song right
obviously like the beginning of it at the end what was happening you told me a story about something in your e for you
to be on key cuz obviously you guys are dancers turn singers so SM hitting that right key at the right time is a big
thing you had it on replay in your ear or something what was what was going on with that so because the song starts
with you know straight Acappella and you got to land on that cord right and in my in ears so you can't hear it on the TV
you just it's just the first note that just goes um oh they play the note it's just repeat so there's four counts
instead of you hearing a click track yeah you hear just a note fours that song I remember you tell me it was at
the end at the end at the end do that that just the track skipped yeah he like
and he's having a fit on stage yeah on the live shows I used to do that just at the back I just run out the side because
it drops out again mid song and it kind of just goes really expose so just to make sure you get that though that's
stressful that's stressful good on you for taking that responsibility happy Happ that's so so then hitting so after
covid-19 then you've got this opportunity come up with the Wiggles this is like pretty much the biggest
brand to come out of Australian entertainment uh if you don't know them they are a how do you describe the
Wiggles describe the Wiggles for us quickly well I would describe when I used to watch The Wiggles they were like the Beatles for children or they were
like you know the pop stars for children I think that's the best way to describe Pioneers yeah the Pioneers for and super
successful they all have different colors you're in here today with the purple you're the you're the new purple wiggle yeah uh I wouldn't say new
anymore right cuz you've been there for a couple of years now it still feels new and I do still feel like it does it
still feels Super Fresh and I think until you know you you spent a few more years and it is been 3 years already and
that goes quick yeah I think you know you do start to get used to it but I don't think I'll ever get used to it did they Scout you did they come out and
grab you and say we want you to be a part of it or did how did it happen how does it happen yeah it's yeah I don't even know let me explain to you I'm
taking notes so you know through through the years of performing with Justice Crew I I did get to meet The Wiggles you
know at different concerts like you know carols and domain and um Australia Day concerts and things like that so I I've
met Anthony before and Anthony lives down the road from me so we're in the same neighborhood literally in that
covid-19 period when everyone had to stay into their areas and things like that I bumped into Anthony everywhere
cuz you couldn't leave everywhere yeah there's a local pizza shop that we go to and you know after I got married and we
we moved into Gladesville we used to go to this pizza shop where Anthony was there a few times and I'd see him there I wouldn't I don't want Jud did you
judge his pizza order like how dare you get yeah literally you know I don't like
to bother people but there was this one instance we were there for dinner with my wife's family and and she's got a
cousin he's got um special needs so he's quite um he's confident but if you see
someone like The Wiggles like Anthony he will make he can't contain himself yeah so we were there one night and his name
is Michael he goes and like Anthony Wiggles pulls him up and says you know can I get a picture
whatever and you know John this is John from Justice he kind of making this connection andony the great man he is
probably had no idea who Justice Crew was but he said he knew me so we kind of met and kept in contact yeah so that was
the kind of first meeting um where we started kind of seeing I started crossing paths a lot and then I did
reach out cuz I was working as a trainer on the side too um I did message him and I said if you want a training partner
let me know and oh nice way in what a nice way I'm a PT if you looking to stay in shape
here I am now was there any intention behind that message did you want more like were you actually just trying to slide into the DMS and get more out of
that conversation or did you actually just want a training partner you know I was very Star Struck at the time and I think um you know I'm I'm open to help
as many people as possible and if Anthony wiggle was one of them that would be you know it's a dream come true for me already and Lear it it doesn't
lead you to joining into joining The Wiggles you end up doing did you end up doing a session with with Anthony did you end up com eventually I think it was
after I became a wiggle oh okay so after okay and that's and that's you you you portray the strong wiggle right you're
always on stage like lifting dumbbells and doing bench press I think the great thing with the Wiggles is that they
bring your own personality through your character so I'm not actually playing a character missing a piece though we're
missing a piece so you started talking dming did you have to go for an audition how did how what happened there so yeah
so there was this there was this period where I I kept seeing Anthony literally every second day he'd be riding his bike
I'd be driving and I'd see him uh he messaged me one day and he said um hey Johnny we're working on a pilot TV
series it's produced by The Wiggles it's not with the Wiggles it's produced by The Wiggles would you be interested and
this was called um the dollhouse on stanion street so it was just a just a a pilot do you want to come in and meet
the team and we can go from there yeah so that was the first time I walked into the Wiggles HQ and we worked on this
this pilot series and you know we filmed that and everything went well and it kind of went quiet for a few few months after that M um and then he um you know
reached out to me I think it was in the early New Year of 2021 and he said Johnny I got some news do you want to
catch up for a coffee oh I love those I love those messes know it's going to be good as well yeah it was it was exciting
and you know I was waiting to hear what was happening with this show and you know if it was going to move forward and um we caught it for the coffee and and
there it was nothing to do for the it was nothing to do with the show we filmed and he said you know they they've
had a chat and they're looking at diversifying expanding The Wiggles wow so at at this time you know when you
hear he that you're not really sure what to expect yeah and he said would you be interested in in becoming part of this
new lineup oh that's crazy and it was just from there I just didn't I was like yeah cool you know I'm very dry with my
emotions and how ipress myself and I think I didn't really make sense at the time and I said of course you jump at
that anyone that grew up with The Wiggles and you love music and you want to perform and I think you jump at the idea it is a unique thing to be offered
right was the first scene that came to you head what color shirt are you going to wear I I I think I didn't register what happen so when when he said all
that I kind of walked home and I called my wife Jess and I said look Anthony asked me to to do this thing I wasn't
kind of listening I kind of you know when you kind of saying that almost everything kind of just goes dark
yeah and the whole world's caving in on you I was like hold on a minute yeah but like with the wiggle right because I'm
I'm curious cuz you obviously have to go you you talk to your wife you have to go through all the like you know details of
what could happen because essentially you've been in the entertainment industry for so long and then then when you become a wiggle and correct me from
wrong but I feel like once you become a wiggle you're a wiggle for Life yeah that's right right right so that's but
that's a big career move to make so did that you know did that come to mind when you were kind of going through the decision process yeah it it does and I
think you have to be conscious that you know once you move into Children's Entertainment it's a different field Al
together and it's so new for me and I think it is it is it's not a sacrifice it's a it's a commitment I think you
know you really have to own it and you just got to take it all on and I think you know I I love the gig and it's it's
I think it's perfect for me and I that's and the thing you're going to have to wear the same color for the rest of your
life I'm sorry I'm focusing on the colors but I do think that that would be the most important decision you'd have to make yeah You' be purple wi life did
you get to decide to be purple no I didn't you know I think any SK just to put it on felt like you became a
superhero like feel like I was us to join the Avengers or something 100% And you know what I think you did get the
best color you like purple purple if I if I was to be able to choose what color wiggle I wanted to be just from the
color point of view I would have to go with purple I think you look like a red kind of girl reck red yeah you're red
for sure any openings for the red wiggle come up you imagine y as a wiggle who's the red wiggle right now Simon is he
Simon yeah and there's Karina too Karina yeah Simon the OG Simon is part of the
second round so muray was the original oh yeah muray yeah yeah yeah he play the guitar right play the guitar with so but
I'm just seeing here purple represents sexual frustration or a need to appear unorthodox is is that you you know what
I did think this but someone else told me that purple also means royalty I think there's another meaning
for it matter perspective so you go down that that angle you go down that angle look um another question like I've been
thinking about this ever since you became a purple wiggle do you have beef with um Jeff yeah because you are the new purple wiggle you're representing
that color is Jeff a bit upset is he like how do he feel about it Jeff's a very quiet guy like and I think I don't
think there's beef there I think I'm always Star Struck we're all star struck every time Jeff turns up and it's just
like we went on a tour early last year and Jeff he played the keys for the tour and just being you know sharing a car
with him and just sitting at the back was it was it the big red car it was a red Kia it
was when you're Shing a car with a wiggle you assume it's that little buggy that red buggy they driv exactly and
how's his um how's his sleeping issues going is he he's still sleeping he's in the Retirement Village at um
manly that's not that bad is um was Jeff Asian yeah yes they did they pick you to be the
because you're Asian as well do they want to keep that same sometimes I forget I'm half asian but you know I
like to say you know Filipinos sometimes like to say you know a Pacific arst or something I don't think that was part of
the C I think it was just you know a coincidence yeah I don't think that they'll they'll racially they'll racially profile their
members yeah Lo there yeah he's not as um I was I was going to say something
and I went completely blank I don't know okay so I was with my that's right and I I don't know if I think it was I don't
know if it was the old Wiggles or the new Wiggles but they they came on screen and I was just like I remember like making myself breakfast and it was like
they were doing a song and this was a song what was the song Pap it down Papa down Papa down Papa we love papadums
that was like the lyrics that was it was along those lines right and I'm indan yeah that's it is that is that is that a
wiggle yeah yeah I've say it I think it's an old song I'm not too familiar it was before my time anyway it's a great song but I was like in interested as to
who writes it right because I'm assuming that you've got writers there they
didn't think too much around the padum song it was just po that was that was a lyric but do you have a part in like to
play with it like in terms of writing and all that stuff and I think um the great thing is with with the Wiggles is
that it's all internal so you know at The Wiggles HQ there are recording studios and there are TV studios and
everything is written in house we do have writers that come in as well that we kind of work with majority of the music is anony is very heavily involved
tented the it's all cabora effort and I'm I'm very much involved now in the
songwriting process what's crazy to think as well is that you know before The Wiggles The Wiggles was another band
right does everyone know that the Cockroaches the Cockroach cockroaches so they started off as an actual they were an actual band called
The Cockroaches the the the original Wiggles the original four Wiggles were called The Cockroach punk rockers called
The Cockroaches Prett much so Jeff Jeff Anthony and his brother brother were called cockroaches and Greg Wasing as
aie for the Cockroaches wait you know that no and then they started the Wiggles so yeah so
then Anthony had a project um on the side he wanted to just put together a children's album because they were
working as um Early Childhood Educators at the time all of them yeah they were all working there oh my God the
cockroaches look like they're straight out of um Grease the movie look yeah it
all goes into detail there's a there's a documentary that came out last year that kind of goes into the story of The Wiggles and it kind of gives you an
inside of the whole story cuz they went from from being the [ __ ] raes to a brand of of of music that has made has makes
like $40 million a year more than that from what I've heard I think I think at the beginning from Anthony it wasn't the
intention to you know make a business I think it was all genuine organic and they just started their birthday parties
and and it feels like that as well though like it doesn't feel like it's a money grab it doesn't it's so authentic
to to Children actually connects even with my my two daughters like my daughter went to the concerts and stuff
I think I don't know I think you actually might have been at one of the concerts but yeah she she loves it she'd go she'd dance she'd put on the Emma
thing speaking of Emma is everyone upset and like is it like mad beef with Emma that she left is it like an NWA kind of
situation she now I CU all this beef with the Wiggles there's no beef there it's um it's all it's all it's all
positive and everyone kind of does their own thing and I think if you move in and move out and it's it's a good team it's a good Community yeah I think it's not
really that kind of world yeah yeah it's yeah I get it I get it I get it when you when you signed on John I feel like the
most excited people in the world weren't the children it was their mothers yeah have you well what do you want me to do
when I go on social media and I see a video of John going from a gym session wearing a singlet to him wearing his
purple um you know wiggle outfit his his Avengers suit and then you go into the
comments and it's just a bunch of mils just commenting saying when's the next concert when's the next show I'm going
to buy a ticket for myself kids are busy there dad's in there too uncles aunties um no it's it's yeah that was a a
phenomenon so that last year I think I posted a video and it was it was on tour and I think the first video that kind of
had that kind of attraction was was me walking from my Justice Crew self into my wiggle self as two people and you
know having that moment going like move out of my way and it was that Trend that went viral on Tik Tok I'm not your bro
that one exctly yeah I wanted to do that with Jeff on tour and that was the tour and I just forgot totally forgot about
it and I went home was like you know what I'll just do it with myself here yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz I was um I saw a whole bunch of Clips I went down this
little um Rabbit Hole of of Googling you and just seeing seeing how many people love you and I was like God I'd SWA my
life with this B so easily how's how has has it like has have you ever had like really strange requests from mothers
like you know any oh you do a private show or anything like that oh no not yet not yet not yet okay where would they
send the those requests in yeah but does when your wife sees the comments on Tik Tok does she has anything like does she
say anything to you like oh she's she's great no we have a laugh about she's she's super supportive and we just and
and how do the other Wiggles feel about it does Anthony come up to you and go dude like you need to chill out yeah
like getting a bit sexual here brother an is the biggest CPR you know it's it's it's all positive
he loves it and I think you know it's all positivity and it's you know getting out there and I think for myself it's that acceptance and I feel like I've
kind of been accepted as a wiggle or whatever people want to call do you reckon you're going to retire is a wiggle yeah I hope so yeah you know I'd
stay here as long as it lasts and I think it'll be another 30 years or 40 years what is your I'm so curious what do your look like as a wiggle like what
do you do like day in the life it's a good question he just wakes up goes to the mirror and goes let's go so first I
do a workout and I jump into my suit um no so it changes all the time so we're
always if we're not on tour traveling we would normally do three to four shows a day if we're not touring we're in the
studio and we're riding recording and you know recording a new TV series exactly like a music artist like you're you're he a music artist he a performers
it's the same concept you're either in the studio or you're on the road yeah exactly Monday to Friday and it's so busy we've always got things on yeah
okay wow look at that honestly life to be a wiggle I've said this before and
I'll say it again i' swap lives with you he said this before you came here as well by the way like can I actually can
I admit something John this is going to sound a bit weird oh God sounds so strange um I've got a bunch of
screenshots of you in my phone this is now getting we let me explain I'm going to explain why um at one point of my
life and this was probably like like halfway through last year um I was
getting um what's the opposite of complimented not complimented uh teased
abused I was getting teased about my fashion sense oh gosh and I was teasing
oh I just AA was one of them okay maybe 1% kayen kanay was telling me skinny
Jan's out oh yeah that's true there was a whole bunch of stuff anyway so so then I was like well [ __ ] I need to figure
out how to dress and one person that came to mind was John because that's a
[ __ ] outfit that's not that's not what you wear to the that's what you wear in when you perform to kids guys
okay I'm not I'm not going I'm not going to the shops I'm not going to Industry and saying hey have you got like a
purple but when when John's when John's outside of that outfit his fashion sense is on point so I've actually got
screenshots of you and then I'll walk into shops I'll walk into like yd or Tash and I'll be like and I'll be like
can you dress me like this and they're like why are you showing me the wiggle and I'm like just like he's got this I
don't know I just love the way you I love the way you dress it is amazing so what I'm going to ask you now is can we
go shopping yeah look I think with that I think it really helps when my wife works
in fashion and she's a fashion buyer and she works for Prada and I think that's what he is
advice at home and having that you know guidance I think it's so what he say love how he didn't answer your question
yes we can go he's trying to teach you how a fish not catch a fish for you yeah yeah true okay so can help you
especially when you said PR that makes so much sense he has this singlet and by the way I've searched for this I've searched for this singlet everywhere and
I can't find it it's bro it's a mad little like I can't explain it it's just a regular sing it's got that
little right in the middle and I'm like bro if I wear this to the Tik Tok Awards like I'm going I'm going to
you can borrow it I'll let you borrow there's another thing that there's another thing that Yaz is a bit reluctant to share with you but I feel
like as as yaz's uh you know dolphin Bromance that we have yeah uh it's only
right for me to share it on his behalf oh God what is it um how would the Wiggles feel MH if they had competition
from a a crew put together by as called the Waggles I think there are the
Waggles wles exist I think um oh there goes my plans for 202 I'm sure someone's
done that like as a joke yeah cuz it's it's a pretty brilliant idea but no oh yeah there definitely is oh it's bloody
that Greek Aussie bloke what's his name Nick GI yeah they did um The W Boy The W boy
created the Waggles well that make sense that does make sense it's very on well that idea is out then yes no it's all about trademarks my friend all about
trademarks let's search it it's been done it's been done yeah been done what about the waggles Waggles been done
Google it Waggles just Google it Che every single vow with the w yeah uh John
what's what's happening with the Wiggles in 2024 anything exciting that you can share with us 2024 you know we're working on new content so there's a big
focus on and pushing out a lot more content and I think um with everything changing and everything is on streaming
so I think that's our main focus other than touring and and doing shows so I think every year is there going to be
new new like expansion of new characters in into the into the wiggle I think um The Wiggles are going to stay as they
are and you're you're cheering about that gonna be 16 Wiles by there's gonna be an army of us I think um so it's just
you know creating new content and and we are because you know we're making that connection to my my culture being Filipino we're doing a bit more Filipino
content oh that's cool that's cool so we start bringing in all the different cultures around it I like that that's awesome has there ever been an Arab
wiggle ever stop trying probably but you know what
there's Wiggles all over the world like you got Spanish Wiggles you like there's so many different really yeah
the fav word you should make a song about that if you don't know anything
Google it Google it Google it Google it yeah the Latin American Wiggles so
obviously our boys The Wiggles would own all these franch or well they franchise it that's what it is IND wigg I'm going
to Google it Google it Indian wigg Indian Wiggles The
Wiggles the first thing that comes up when I search Indian Wiggles is the
song it have to be it has to be spelled with a V for them to pronounce it with a W no I think it's just me who does that
to be honest remember when you asked me to get something from the wending machine I have I have trouble between my
W's and v's and I don't know why I I think I think it's just a me thing it's
kind of like Filipinos like my mom I've been doing videos and they confuse you know pe's and Fs and it's common because of the language that you learn right and
you make exactly and you grow up with like you know your parents speaking I think it's good when you posted that
video of your mom pronouncing certain things did you know it was going to blow up did you have that feeling no I think
the intention I think for me it it blew my mind that she she calls the fridge a
frigider with with a PE but there's an actual brand called Frida oh so maybe
called I thought she's been calling it like a a shortened version of the refrigerator but fror is actually a
brand that sells refrigerator I found this out now with people commenting saying that it's brand in Germany or
somewhere up in in northern part of the world so the joke's on you there she's actually saying well my parents my dad
he would always say uh so I still can't say it bicycle he said bicycle right and
then for like balls he would say bow so like when my friends would come over
he's like oh just get them a bowel and things like that it was so embarrassing or like on the like uh on the bath off
the bath and so that's now like in my vocabulary and there's one word which I hate B B Burgers no no let us say it let
us say it burgundi say burgundy burgundy that's
the one I hate the most I can't say that word Burundi no one ever says burgundy in the day do they un going and buying a
her Chino say Marone or something yeah no one says burgundy can we just play the video of John and his mom real quick
oh yeah play iten it is so funny come watch it Nishi yeah she's hilarious hey Mom what
is this thing called it's a FR frider frider need to get from the
shops soap drink soft Dr what drink do you want
soft drink we need to buy some soft drink hey Mom what are you standing on
what is this called put Pat putat huh you're standing on the put
PT God that's beautiful growing up ethnic I mean that was something that we all share here um what was something
that that that you did know a distinct difference um from wide Australian but you are obviously you do have Australian
in you but your dad's Australian right your dad's Aussie but from from from you know your strong Filipino Heritage what
was one of the differences you saw in your household as opposed to your friend's households like for me for example my dad wore socks and sandals I
never wore saw anyone else's dad do that you know what I mean what was that for you I think you know with all those
small things like how my mom calls different things like open and close the light or should pick something up from the floor with their feet and and point
to things with their lips I think those things it was normal for me and to find that a lot of people did grow up that
same way it's what do you mean she picks things up with a f can we go back to that for a sec if if you drop something on the floor let's just say your hat she
pick it up with your face bending down to pick it up you pick it up with your toes and you put it to your hand and you
yeah don't say I do that she doesn't just I did that the other day oh the
Chris Brown flick yeah yeah I did the Eevee I was holding my daughter and and something was on the floor probably
dress or and I just grabbed it my toes flicked it up yeah caught it with the other hand behind my back did a spin
went and changed a nappy was anyone there to witness it no just her don't she was too young so she won't remember don't believe you believe I don't
believe you either no Ya's story always freaks me out cuz I had the the exact same memory of going to your friend's
house like and it's usually like like an Australian kid or something and the mom
comes in and goes honey it's dinner time oh yeah yeah and then the kids like oh just give me 10 minutes mate you keep
playing I'm just going to have dinner yeah I always found that I always found that weird it wasn't it wasn't like all my Aussie mates it was just like a few a
couple of them it was just like it was very weird for them not to invite me to dinner when I'm upstairs but they would but they would but they weren't they
weren't like my Arab mom my Arab mom would cook for a village of 50 but that's normal for for ethnics yeah but they don't they just they cooked a
proportion and I understand that you yeah yeah I was always I always went home hungry though upset are you a big
cook do you cook your food at home or yeah now we cook so we cook a lot we actually do a lot of hellofresh so I think that helles great yeah it's really
good yeah we did that for a bit it's amazing you're you're not a vegan are you no no no I'm your brother your
brother used to be vegan anyone for doesn't know you're you're actually a twin you're one of one one half of a
twin yeah exactly I got a twin brother were you were you were you born before him did you come first or did he yes so
I'm 30 minutes older than him oh that's good have you always put that on top of him his whole life have you always put that on him I have but the thing is when
I ask my mom she says she it felt like 30 minutes so she thinks it's 7 minutes and then there's another theory where
Lenny's actually older than me oh [ __ ] so she just can't remember so I don't know I'm just call the hospital some
clarity well don't you have birth certificates with the time on it they put time they don't put time on
your birth certificate T1 Twin Two yeah I don't know so we cuz we look the same when you have two newborns just born you
don't know the difference yet you know what's funny put them in the bath much you could have been Len like with a split decision you could have been Len
and he would have been join no Len I'm not sure if if anyone knows Lenny Pierce an incredible producer DJ you guys
actually do some stuff collaborations on the stage for The Wiggles as well I've seen him there with his long ass uh
what's it called um tonytail ponytail but it's like an avatar from the movie Avatar that long thing and he he does
remixes to all like childhood songs or or or uh TV shows and stuff and what did
you like give him a little bone there to come in or was it like did they did they ask for him to come in as well
so yeah cuz it's slowly turning into so there actually is so Dorothy has started DJing so Lenny has worked closely with
Dorothy and there is a Wiggles OG album that has been made Dorothy the Dinosaur Dorthy the dinosaur dinosaur obviously
who else would it be it's The Wiggles Dy the dinosaur there's only one com so so so Lenny's working with
Dorothy to put together and so it's mainly OG songs there's about 15 songs so there's an OG EDM album coming at
that we're going to be playing at um hello Sunshine Festival Ser have you seen these guys fully perform like for
like over 18s no you never know oh can you put my headphones back in thr back
in wait what is Dorothy doing again I miss DJ D she's been working with Lenny they put together um an OG album so this
is it's an EDM album that's a kind of a dance dance album OG songs and Lenny's remixing it as well with okay sick yeah
so it's um it comes out soon and we'll actually be playing the tracks out of hello sunshine Festival in Melbourne
second of March so be I'll be with Anthony and Dorothy DJ Dorothy it's called sound system DJ
Dorothy got these big that's I know um the kid looy
brought you guys out didn't he that's wild in yeah that was a fun experience would you would you do a feature with
like ly on like a breakup album or something Wiggles yeah yeah I guess so why not a break up I want know how
relevant that would be for the wigg fouryear old going through heartache is it hard knowing you have to always uh uh
like put all your Creative Energy towards younger kids when you've had a background like Justice Crew which was
always older older Market it it was different to kind of make that transition because you know writing a song for a child is different to writing
a song for you know pop culture and I think learning that transition and and making you know about education and and
it's got to be inspiring and also catchy annoying for adults but it's it's going to be catchy but I think it's yeah it's
learning that transition but it's it's all fun and fulfilling but the kids Market is huge like we were talking
about this not too long ago about like YouTube channels where it's dedicated to kids and I I was with my nephew and this
is how I realized they make so much money he played the one video I kid you not at least 50 times just playing
playing and these videos rack up like 45 million plus views yeah just imagine the
revenue stream on YouTube on that that's that's crazy again yeah yeah and I think
yeah the focus is about children and that's kind of like not really the main focus is you know
I guess it is there and and but it's it's making it you know kids focused and I think that's the main main idea I love
that and and you been and you being married and you know with your Ms are youing to have a family as well and will
the kids be little Wiggles no I don't have kids yet okay so about you know um me and my wife would love to have kids
she's um she's she has PCOS which is he makes it more difficult to to conceive and I think working through that once
that's all cleared and and positive we'll we'll be able to have can you say what's P PCOS it's itic VAR syndrome
okay y y and that's actually quite common I know that do have do have that okay cool so working through that and
how's that going how are you how are you guys working through that yeah it's good you know we're learning a lot more about it and I think it's there's a lot that
doctors and things don't know about it and I think it's everyone is different too so it's also managing that and also
knowing how to correct it but it also takes time and and it is frustrating but it's um of course but it's we'll work it
out it's part of the journey and it makes it all that more special too cuz cuz when when the kid does come and the
kids come it's just the whole lifechanging thing and you never know you don't know you don't know how good of a person you are until you actually
have a kid and you don't know what love is until they come too so all the best and I do I do hope and pray that all
works out for you when when the time's right for you guys I'm sure it will that's great oh he's going to buy a little cute little like purple skinny
for the kids wonder if your kid loves another wiggle more than you like that's cool wiggle the red wiggle what no one's
going to believe like I'm just going back to being in primary school right now and if a kid came out to me and was like yeah my dad's a wiggle I'd be like
shut up your dad I believe so you're going to have to you're going to have to pick up your kid wearing The Wiggles outfit I think I think there's a period
where they think you're cool and then once they grow out of it then Dad don't pick me up so yeah don't wear the skiy
anymore yeah yeah yeah yeah I see that happening um on a on a side note John would you you'd consider us friends
right what have you got over there I know just I was just curious like hypothetically speaking if I had a niece
yeah which I do and if she was to have a birthday which she probably is going to have a birthday would you just show up
for me wearing the uh the greatest get him the make him the
greatest uncle there ever was honestly just once just one year show up bang and we'll make sure it's a year where they will remember it right like their fifth
or sixth birthday not the two or three this is more for y than his nieces for
your birthday anyone's birthday worse comes to worse I'll just get Len to put on the outfit your twin and then that's
what Lenn is there for actually back up how many siblings do you have um so I've got twin brothers
so there's seven boys and one girl eight a family of eights wow that right yeah
and Are You The Golden Child I mean the purple I mean wait hold on the purple purple The Golden Child the Purple Child
are you like Middle oldest youngest what do you so my dad's my dad's 92 and he's
had your dad is 92 years old yeah 92 wow and so my oldest brother is 68 I think
okay so you were very you was so that's a half brother so that's half brother 68 69 now and my youngest is a sister and
she's 22 Yeah okay wow what a spread a spread of age yeah yeah that's incredible how
was it like growing up with like eight siblings I'm just because they there's a big age Gap I could I grew up with my
twin brother younger brother younger sister and an older brother so there's only five of us okay were they've
already moved out and they their kids were our age so they're like so your
cousins are C they're like I an that all makes sense what do you mean their
nephew is the same age as them and I never understood what was going on I thought he was your cousin or your brother know now it all makes sense so
he's my nephew so his dad is my half brother yeah wow holy crap we just say cousins it's just a lot more easy to
explain yeah of course no you don't want people like me hanging around going wow I get it I get it wow well is there
anything else you'd love to leave for for our audience uh from from the man himself the purple wiggle John Pierce no
just you know check it out and go to YouTube and watch The Wiggles it's for for adults too oh now it is yeah for all
ages just check out the new content it's great are The Wiggles going to be doing only fans anytime soon what's
that he's media trained well we'll see that actually
might be a good business but I was anony eventually I'd be putting him straight on to the only well
let's be honest it's not like the kids are going to see it the kids don't have credit card does the m that have the credit card the revenue stre have you
had that discussion think it's a good look you end up on math maybe yeah yeah yeah enough for me all right well John
Pierce purple wiggle thank you so much for coming through bro yeah thank you it's already cancel make sure you subscribe for more like
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The Hot Purple Wiggle - John Pearce Ep.18
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