Scams in Bali, Kian’s Greatest Birthday, Debating Drake vs. Kendrick vs. J Cole, Big Mac Facts - Ep.37

[Music] already canell already canell already I
am so happy to be back oh my gosh we do one episode a week and I feel like I just miss it I just miss it I miss it
all the time I miss being here I miss talking I miss I miss I miss uh interaction I just I I miss it so hello
good morning good morning good morning is it evening afternoon it's still morning time does not exist in this
podcast real oh my gosh how are we feeling it's already canceled and YZ YZ YZ of Nisha we're all here y has been on
a trip I've had a birthday nish's nish's been n I've been chilling she's been Niche Ying her well that's true it's
been good yeah how many coffees have you had today ah this will be my second one now you're very Buzzy oh my gosh you've had a second coffee that's not usual
well I usually I had I have a shot in the morning and then I and then I I grab this one get a free toasty with it too
where we are I had a toasty are they doing like a free toasty deal I'm so confused it's called connections it's
called connections it's like hey keen and Yaz are here you want your complimentary coffee guess what you get
a bonus toasty get a bonus here at B Vista hotel that's right it was so nice Hills podcast Studio that's where we
record from guys I'm so excited to here Today's Show yes I had my birthday my 32nd birthday last week almost missed it
you almost did miss it did you message him I messaged him I said did I miss your birthday and he goes no it's happening right now I did the exact same
thing you did the day before and I was like no you know I don't know I'll get into what happened with you no I messaged him and it was I said did I
miss I was thinking about like oh my God I think I missed K's birthday then I messaged him and he was like yeah it's okay though it's all right fully milked
it from yeah and then I felt so bad but it hadn't happened yet remember remember when it was my birthday and we did the
whole show and one person wished me Happ I was mortified never that's what I'm saying like I never want to miss
anyone's birthday that's actually when that's literally when I found out that we're just colleagues and not friends don't do that to don't do that your
birthday is January 9th 9th yes yes January 9th it was the second day that we launched day two That's How we'll
remember from now wait real quick so long ago at the county 3 can we say Aisha's birthday month oh you guys won't
know at the count of three okay wait wait wait wait I don't know why it's coming to my head I think mine's completely wrong okay just one 2 3
September wow you both suck we are colleagues not so it's October then nov
November I knew it was there was no way was it cuz I I wanted to say November and I was like that's I feel like that's
way too far in the year yeah no November November 16 no 28 oh no 27
no November 23rd 23rd okay Mark that down everyone that's nisha's birthday
yes you've just uh come back from a trip to Barley oh yeah I love barley I love
barley it's fun it's exciting you feel a bit bad sometimes when you go there cuz it is a extremely like third world
country or that part of Indonesia is extremely Third World um um but yeah the people are nice a lot of things happened
I got scammed but we'll get into it later get into the scam okay I got yeah we got scammed big time and uh Nishi you
uh you and Jared he's been trying to coach you on the hip-hop world has you he is he's very disappointed that I'm
not as involved with the whole Drake versus the world thing that's going on at the moment I mean I've been following
it a little bit but he's been trying to school me so I I'll get into that okay well let's kick this off already
cancelled uh excited for this episode everyone okay so yes I turned
32 uh last week 32 holy [ __ ] time flies it does it does I'm well into my 30s now
yeah I feel good this was the first birthday that I gave all day I didn't I
didn't I didn't want to receive I didn't ask to receive anything I gave all day
sounds extremely sexual I'm oh no not sexual at all were you thinking sexual
no I did I just heard what you said oh sorry I heard something else okay no no
no nothing sexual so you so you gave I gave I bought my daughter's I bought my
daughters a whole new wardrobe what I bought L physical wardrobe or clothes clothes yeah I bought my da yeah so I
bought Lorraine um a massage oh beautiful um and and eyebrow thing um
spa day thing she went on my birthday okay she felt so bad but I was like no
this birthday I want to give I don't want to receive anything you're so weird I love it yeah go on it was but you know
what it was the greatest birthday I've ever had in my entire life because I gave try giving on your birthday but you
know what bit of selfishness to that how oh because he's getting satisfaction
satisfaction from giving so no but isn't that isn't that a great gift isn't the
greatest gift of all is giving no but I think I think it like I didn't do it so
I can go I'm satisfied oh the melatonin's running through my brain
I just did it because like you know what I don't need anything and my daughters need something andorine needs to have a
relaxing time and I want them to have it and that's my gift is seeing theming go through something that's nice and you
know what though I think in any circumstance when you give to to anybody you're going to get that feeling of
satisfaction regardless right so you can't escape that but I wasn't after it yeah but you weren't after it I wasn't
after that we after content to share on this podcast not at all but here it comes oh here it is
here it comes here it comes the whole day was relaxing was beautiful was excellent we get home from picking up
the girls from school yeah wait what were you doing in the meanwhile okay so we went down to wait wait what do you
mean throughout the day what do you mean like L rain's getting massage oh I watch I watched Dune part two great movie oh
yeah it's a brilliant I watched it at home okay that's good um but we went to um we went to barl which is in the
southern Hillin how do you say you always correct me Highlands I'd say it's
Hills Highlands Highlands I think it's Highlands I went to the Southern Highlands went to Barrow I had an incredible pie from the bar got some
good best best pie in the world it is it's one of the best that French what is that French place called there's a
French little Bakery down there saus roll uh pie walked around went down to
this little uh what was your pie Choice sorry I got to ask oh potato pie oh you're such a I've converted I've
converted I was always I was always a a mushroom guy and then Lorraine converted me to So when you say potato you're
talking like a shepherd's pie it's it's beef and then the potato on top it's not a shepherd's pie it's a potato pie
shepher pie is a completely different thing and we've gone through this before we we did a whole like we went nationally around the country to find
out what the difference is but it's not called a potato pie is it I think it's called I think that's the difference shepherd's pie and potato pie I feel
like that's a very um they're not the same thing like eating a potato pie is very amateur of you it's very like I'm a child no I don't think so I think you
know probably could be it could be it's it's what I used to eat when I was like five six years old now I'm probably going to get a lot of
hate for this but I think one of the best pies is the curry pie is that tradition like are we are we
putting you in a box here like what are we what are we doing you you might as well dress up in
a song today like it's called it's called Cur pie right it's I think it's called a curry pie yeah pie no they're
great have you had it they're at every pie shop Cur pie is like a stand never
no no no but they had the shittest pie when we did radio we had beef pies and C pies yeah never had one I only ate the
curry pie there because it didn't taste like the meat tasted weird so the curry over but no yeah but you see that's the
thing you're just disguising the taste of meat no but the right the Cur pies that do it well it's like anyway I've
completely digressed that's okay no that's fine it's just it's a great pie I want to try I want to try Kye is
it a specific Kye pie or is it just like like is it like a like no it's a St it's just chicken pie or no no no it's just
Curry pie so they just get the curry pie and they put in the you know what I want to do I want to like take my like cuz make this this mean mince and potato
Curry I want to put it in a pie maker and make my own mince and potato Min beef minc beef mince beef potato anyhow
anyhow continue so we've uh gone to bar we've come back we picked the kids up we've gone back and I've noticed Loren's
on her phone all day and I just thought okay there something's going on whatever just leave it she goes out to the to get
a massage and she actually did go get one I watched the movie she came back we got the kids we came home gotcha I'm now
she I'm she's like oh don't turn the music on out the back you know I got the TV out the back and all that stuff turn the music on in the back we're part like
we're just sort of dancing around I'm getting hot I want to get changed and all that stuff so whatever and then to
the right of me as a music's pumping I see my little niece come around the corner oh you know Reese my brother ree
so he rocks up with his with his fiance Steph and their kid uh Ellie mhm and
Steph's holding a box and REE is holding a big box huh and I'm looking I'm like what the hell like I was just like so
shocked like surprised right yeah and then Ellie my little niece runs up to me gives me a big cuddle like hello happy
birthday happy whatever and then Steph rocks up and everyone's smiling I'm like what the hell's going on and I peek
Inside the Box there's a little little window inside the box I thought oh my God they got me a dog oh they got me a dog on know I can't can't I can't take
box an actual box it's a box it's a box with a living creature inside of the Box what I'm like what and they're all
laughing the rain's laughing everyone's laughing I'm like what's in this box if it's a dog no I can't I can't do a dog right now it's a cat got a cat already
it's not a cat so I'm looking in there ree brings up there this cage and I'm like oh my gosh they got me a rabbit
like you get a 32-year old guy rabbit what they put the box down they go open the box open the box up wait we
have to guess n we can't we can't just let him continue some sort of reptile
definitely alive mhm okay it has it has to be well it's not a dog you've already you've said
it's not a dog you've said it's not a cat some sort of reptile a fish no fish
no fish isn't coming come on Nish true oh my gosh okay I don't know is
something is it something that we would be able to guess knowing you as a person hamster you would never guess what it is in that box you never think I would have
one snake if you have a snake no I don't have a snake I was going to go excited I love snakes what would Kenan want did
you want this I never knew I wanted it until I received it oh a bird of some sort close shut up
yeah you got a chicken I got a chicken you got a chicken they gave me a chicken that is amazing that is the I was I
couldn't breathe I was so happy one chicken they got me they bought me a chicken not a rooster a chicken a
chicken a hen can lays eggs that lays eggs within 1 to two weeks that is brilliant what I got a chicken for my
32nd birthday I I couldn't believe it I was so I I fell in love instantly with
this chicken I've always wanted a chicken what
okay hold on Aisha is thinking about butter chicken right now yes she's like you know what you can do with that chicken put it in a pie no the the
chicken first of all so it's obviously living in your house yeah what do you do to take care of the chicken it's not
living in my house a chicken C you would have built a chicken yeah well he brought that little that that cage that he brought that's a chicken coop okay
got so he built the chicken coop for me he brought all the food and we set the chicken coop up and we put the chicken
in the chicken Cube and now it lives with me and I've named it what's the name of the chicken well I know okay
what nugget very close I wanted to name it nugget but I call my daughter's nugget yeah yeah yeah no it's not nugget
now now here's the thing I'm I'm a 30 no not Nando oh you wouldn't believe it I'm
a 32-year old man yeah I have a four-year-old daughter all right we Clash we exactly the same we Clash so we
spent 24 hours to 48 Hours fighting over the name me me and Lyla I love how she has Authority it's the best it so it was
so hard because like I wanted to name her miror Bell I wanted to name the chicken miror Bell cuz you know from
Encanto the movie how the grandma says Mel what are you doing right she says
that and I just it this came to me right so I don't even know what movie you're talking
about yeah so I wanted to name it mirel but it's but but L wanted to name it
something else yeah which was uh Lucy all right I don't know why Lucy so we
fought for two days over the name until I realized I'm a 32y old man fighting
with a old over the name of a chicken so I ended up calling it Lucy I would I would have probably went with Lucy the
one mirel that's just weird for it's a weird name I know I know I know but yeah I it I called it I called it Mirabel I
mean I called it Lucy so do you feel a connection with this chicken I really do I want to show you a photo of me with
the chicken I'm quite jealous this the first photo that was taken with me and
Lucy oh he's so happy can you say that yai somewhat yeah feel free to air drop
it to me I will air drop it to God I don't think I've ever seen Keen that happy that is a genuine smile I I'm in
love with her I think she's great now I rank rank this chicken in the uh like
where would you rank it as one of the best gifts you've gotten where is it oh right at the top I mean besides I mean for birthday gifts right at the top I
feel like that's a great gift it was it was such a such a I don't know why would you want a
chicken I don't know there you go I just Ed I just no but chickens honestly there's
something about them they're so peaceful relaxing they [ __ ] everywhere I
understand that does it stink in your backyard um well it depends how you set up the CBE right yeah but uh yeah it
does smell a little bit but you constantly have to maintain it and clean it so I'm on top of that it is a lot of
work to to consistently get rid of you got to remember Ken is a worker he enjoys the gardening he enjoys going
outside he enjoys doing that kind of stuff right the maintenance Eno I can't wait I can't wait for it to to
uh lay eggs now the the two two or three days before I got this gift lorine was
we were talking with our cousins from line side and she was saying I can't eat any food when if I know where it comes
from and then all of a sudden the chicken comes up and now we're going to have eggs from there and I don't know what that experience is going to be like
when she has to eat the eggs that the chicken gives us cuz and that's something that I'm looking forward to
seeing how she reacts on that but it's such a good thing like like it the thought of the chicken gives the egg and
then you're going to cook it it's just that that connection between animal and human and there's something miraculous
about it yeah yeah yeah but you know what I I think will be good is you can finally put that debate to rest that you and YZ had about how many eggs a chicken
can lay well that's so crazy because on that day I was editing the video where we were arguing about chickens and then
that later that day I got a chicken yeah that's weird cuz remember he said we were going to that that TV show you go in there and said oh bring it chicken
the TV show you go to the Island deserted island and I said can't you just bring a chicken and then later that day I got a chicken yeah and Ken said
that you can only lay a chicken can lay what two eggs a day no don't put words in my mouth say something pretty wild I said
every 24 to 26 hours which is wrong though no it's not it's correct so why
is this one taking 2 weeks to lay an egg because it's not of age yet oh it's little it's a little baby chicken yeah
can I can you do me one favor though I don't know if you have the capability to do this what can you get it a friend
this that was the next thing I was going to say so now we have to get it a friend cuz they like to be they companion
chickens chickens aren't um isolated they're social animals how come you guys know so much about chickens I don't know
so odd I'm so confused I'm actually worried myself a little bit Yeah my granddad had chickens so time used to
visited my granddad he had like five chickens okay so I've got to get a bigger I got to get a big coup I know where I'm going to put it now everyone I
am a proud owner of a chicken and you know what I'm going to name the other chicken Mel and I've already no no not
Mirabel and I've already warned Lyla about this I said you named this one I'm naming the second one I know what Goosey
yes are we are we not on the same channel we are Lucy goosey Lucy goosey
that's great Lucy and Goosey this is the weirdest podcast we've ever done well there you go I've got a chicken every
how long do chickens live do you know uh 4 to seven years will you eat it in the seventh year no don't you know what I
was contemplating that I was contemplating I think I would have to bury it you wouldn't be able to I think I would have to do it I want a freaking
chicken man I want one I I'm going to be bringing eggs if you see random eggs pop up in the middle of the podcast it's you
know that lucyy is providing for you boy hey you have too many eggs 100% they lay 300 eggs a year okay well we'll take
some and then that's two that's 600 eggs a year I'm going to have to give some away I'm going to the egg business everybody I'm going into the egg
business it's not a bad idea actually why five bucks from woolies you
get 12 I just feel like easier dir CAG eggs treated like crap my my my chicken
is loved it's cared it's nurtured for that's what you're going to get in the egg hey free I'm getting a chicken I'm
getting a chicken fre get a chicken yes can we please and we'll get a little we'll get a little leash in the vest for
it we take it for chicken walks no maybe not that I just want someone to take my help we come and I walk with my chicken
who takes anyway moving on moving on please I'm done with the chicken dog um
anyhow yes uh tell us about your um my Bary trip Bary trip back from Bary have
you guys ever been to Barley uh no actually but I really want to go because everyone that I know is going to Bali
B's great Ken never been to B never been to Bali kind of kind of envious of people they get the singlets the ba
there a big bean tongue or B tongue singlets like from barley a what tongue B Tong or something what are you
talking about everyone goes to Barley comes back with a singlet with like Bing Tong or something on it bang Tong oh
there's a lot of singers I've never seen the Bing Tong it's like a specific barley brand it's a it says Bary I've
got I've got a hat that says barley no there's something that's like bang Tong it's actually my car I should have got it and they have socks and they have
singlets and everyone gets them from baliy and they're I went to it's usually like usually white Australians that I'll
be honest with you I met a lot of um it's like going it's like a backyard for us back you of Bing Bong what the a lot
of foreigners that I met um at least 80% of them were Aussies either from Perth or Sydney or Melbourne or whatever right
majority Perth to be honest cuz it's like a 2 and 1 half hour flight person sorry I got to I got I got to stop you cuz I found the shirt real quick it's
Bing Tang bang it's be singlet that everyone gets cuz it's the type of barley beer I'm assuming Bing Tang Bing
Tang barley beer I saw one I saw that one um yeah look barley B's fun B's great um it's extremely cheap like
ridiculously cheap from the airport to our Villa mhm now by the way the roads
there like We complain here in Sydney about our roads they've got one lane for everyone so it's one lane shared across
both are the cars smaller um no there's cars on the road majority scooters everyone rides scooters there uh you'd
be crazy to drive a car there's it's it's it's like how can I explain it Controlled Chaos it's complete
Controlled Chaos that's like India as well like cars are going left you know everywhere and they're amazing drivers
because I didn't see one fender bender I didn't see one little lip kiss I saw nothing no one touched each other but
like they get close right oh they get so close from the airport to our Villa it was only like like 6 or 7 km right right
but it took about an hour to get there why it's a lot of people just the roads are small traffic so what is someone's
coming through you got to give way and then every yeah every that's the thing everyone respects each other on the roads it's actually pretty wild um but
put it this way the cab ride cost us about five bucks okay for an hour that's M yeah it's ridiculously cheap so you
can only you know guess what the econom is like and how much the average uh you
know salary or or hourly rate is it's it's pretty low um and in saying that
right on our third night we went out drinking went out to a club and as we were leaving I wanted to get some water
from a little convenience store so me and my mate go in there there's four of us two of my mates uh me and one mate
walk in and then we see a lady with a baby and the baby's like passed out in
her arms and she's like she wants money she wants a little bit of money right so my friend pulled out five bucks and gave
t as soon as he did that four women out of nowhere came out with babies and like
oh please please please sir and my mate's like what like what's going on like gave another $5 and more girls came
out and at one point there was probably like 10 wow 10 women with babies all
passed out and we're like what is going on here we like we don't have money for everyone like we can't blah blah blah and then one of them goes can you buy us
rice okay and we're like oh we can do that yeah cuz then everyone can share yeah that's that's what we thought right
oh wish I have the photos for you let me see if I got the photos anyways so um
they go yeah can you buy us rice and my friend looks at me goes it's got to be cheaper than five bucks each right just
let's get them rice so we're like all right everyone get rice at bro there was
10 women that ran into this store yeah and when we say when I say they piled up
rice at the counter they're about 10 kilo bags rice 10 kilo bags one woman
would grab three of them and then she'd put them on the counter and we're like whoa whoa whoa stop there was a wall
like a Wall of China of rice just built up like crazy and we're like we went to
the guy like bro how much is each bag of rice and he goes the equivalent of about $20 Australian and we're like bro it's
cheaper to just give every girl money like what the hell's going on anyways we felt bad yeah yeah yeah so then I go to
my mate we'll go half his like I'll half it with you we'll buy him rice whatever so we're like ladies like we're sorry
about one bag each like you're not going to carry like 30 kilos of rice makes no sense get it what you going to feed your
whole neighborhood whatever this is where he started getting weird oh no this is where it started getting weird
there was one guy that was kind of walking around like eyeing everything out and I was like who is this bloke so
I went to the cashier and I said who's this guy here and he goes oh he got a bit nervous he goes oh he uh he works
here and I was like he works here the guy's dressed in thongs and like short shorts and just a dirty black top what
do you mean he works here so I went up to him I said brother what's what's your go like who are you what are you doing and he goes oh oh I I I'm security I'm
security here and I'm like nah that's not right cuz he's talking to the ladies right I look at my mate I go bro I don't
think they're going to keep this rice they're going to sell it I don't know what no that's fine if they want to sell
they want to sell it but it just didn't make sense so I was like so we felt bad but we're like let's just buy it you know end of the day it's it's you want
to help people and that's the intention whatever they do with it that's on them right so we ended up I think spending
like $100 on Rice right it wasn't anything crazy and then as we're walking out I
look back and they're like storing the rice behind the store and I'm like dude
do these women work for the shop yeah where they make us buy the rice and they restock it and they do this over and
over again that's what I concluded they're the sales they're they're the C they sales they work in
sales it's a rice scam they literally make us buy the rice then they give it
back to the store and the store pays them a commission or something oh my gosh get him a
promotion scammed you yeah the babies okay this is this is actually the the
sad bit when we told the women to come in and um like grab some rice they were
going crazy like it was a riot right like it was the end of the world and they had to get as much food as possible they were sprinting down these aisles
they were bumping each other they were going in insane mhm and the babies weren't waking up right right oh they
were sleeping Kean you've got babies they wake up to things bro how old are my
mate accidentally elbowed one in the head and it didn't wake up how old are they one two maybe two and a half the
oldest are you suggesting that the babies were dead no
drugged not dead but I think they were drugged to keep them passed out because
it made no sense bro 10 women running like crazy my mate elbows one in head and he didn't even not one baby woke up
not one baby woke up not one was awake the whole time and I'm like this that
and what time is this throughout the day probably 2: a.m. 2: a.m. oh 1:00 a.m. okay baby sleep at 1: a.m. you don't
understand yes I understand they sleep at 1:00 a.m. but they're being rushed and shaken and H the head by elow me 10
of them 10 of them bro my youngest is a heavy sleeper I don't know I think I can walk into her room and then make a door
back flip and she' probably still stay asleep maybe maybe maybe she wake up
maybe W weird man I found it very weird the whole thing is weird the whole thing was but yeah got got um pretty sure got
scammed in barley they've got a they've got a bloody rice Syndicate going on this is crazy yeah I actually I actually
Googled the first thing I did was rice scam barley right what came up and this came up rice scam barley and the first
thing comes up is a YouTube video that says we got scammed at the Teala rice
Terrace so I feel like there's a well-known scam there well I mean if you saw them putting it back it makes sense
they put it behind the shop yeah yeah this is did you watch the video n too
long 10 minutes whatever bro 100 bucks is 100 bucks 10 minutes um another thing I really want to open a business in
barley guys be cool smart idea yeah but like is the money going to be worth it
uh for us yes and obviously it's like you get you give jobs to the locals yeah okay which a lot of people are struggling over a lot of people are
struggling here use a job but it's a lot more costings here I guess yeah now A friend of mine actually owns a
spa and he goes go check it out when you get there and I was like all right cool he's in like a really good area and I
went and checked it out he's got like 10 staff members working 10 bonese women with amazing hands they give you the
best massage you ever have in your life best pedicures they do like facials as well wild really nice place see that's
smart especially because with the massage places a lot of the time it's tourists that will go there not like
locals it's all tourists it's always tourists so you can charge a it's about a premium it's between 20
and $30 an hour for like a proper wow yeah massage or like remedial or
whatever it is that you're doing anyway so I had a chat with him out I said bro it's a really nice place whatever um and
I just wanted to get the business idea like is it doing well he goes mate it's the best thing I've ever done wow do you
know how much his expenses are daily how much which is including wages rent everything okay let me
guess like like between 2 to three grand nah I reckon it's about
$70 cool 60 bucks you got to think it's a third world country nich you know I get that but like expenses like things
can go like you know I don't know equipment can yeah it's a oneof expense a one off about his daily expenses wages
10 women so I think I actually didn't ask him this but I think they get paid on commission so I think for every
client that comes in and sees them they'll get like a percentage of that3 $4 how much would it cost like him
to buy a place in Bley well the rent is cheap okay oh he's renting he's rting the spot he's renting the spot in a very
good place but including everything he goes 60 bucks a day is what I um what my expenses are and he reckons he makes
anywhere between $700 to $1,000 a day in Australian yeah it's crazy yeah that's
crazy so I'm like dude the profits crazy we need to open something in barley wow
by the way everything everything is owned by Aussies in barley everything every place you walk into Aussies but like oh just like specifically Aussies
every restaurant we went to was owned by an Aussie really random okay yeah what
would you open in barley what type of business would you want to open in Bary massage par smart though yeah but there's a lot of them it's saturated
saturated he's lucky he's in a very good spot um why would I open in barley I don't know yeah I'd have to go over and
sus it yeah that's fascinating yeah anyway have you guys been across all
this drama that's been going on with with Drake J Cole I've seen a few videos online I saw I saw that I saw that uh
Jake H and Drake did a song and then Kendrick did one back saying that there's no big three there just big me
and then I think J Cole dropped something some seven minute thing or whatever maybe I'm confused and then
ended uping it and then apologizing on on on is that the song stage is that the
song that that jcole posted up and he said might delete later yeah I think so it was a 7 minute drill or something
like that on and then AP is saying oh you know uh like I essentially saying
why is he going into beef or something like that and then everyone's like going what a what a little itch Bay is is
J.Cole I think j. Cole's a sensitive sensitive soul I think that's very sweet you jump in and then you jump out and
pull back like that just why you know just don't get wasn't it wasn't okay he made a mistake maybe acted on his ego
and then realized oh that's not my image I don't know like that could be it and then and then I don't know if I think
then Drake dropped the song which was only a couple of days ago yeah he did and then you started calling everyone
out it Metro as well like everyone and then now I think Rick Ross has dropped something like everyone's dropping diss
tracks now apparently this is like the most exciting thing that has happened in Hip Hop from a very long time and I look
I haven't been across it all I know is that uh Kendrick and Drake have had a long lasting kind of they've been having
Jabs at each other like for over the years uh and now it's kind of come out Drake's come out with a photo with have
you guys seen Kill Bill yeah the movie yeah yeah and it's like him against the world like one of the fighting scenes with um Thurman in and all the people
are trying to fight her and then um Thurman just came out and said I think she took a shot of the actual outfit she
wore and said Drake do you need this which is kind of funny but anyway look I'll be honest I'm not fully across it
but me and Jared have been debating for the last two days cuz basically I was going to an appointment this morning you
know right yeah and uh Drake uh Drake Jared was driving and he was like trying
to explain to me like the history lesson yeah hold on wait you're D this is in the morning yeah he thinks he thinks
rather than talking about what you're going to do for the day the plans for the week he's sitting there talking about Dr yeah he's giving me no because
he it all kind of stemmed from him being like Oh have you heard you know is he a fan of Hip Hop oh huge and like he is
number one Drake's fan like he is number one no one's going to beat him he's he's a certified lover boy huh you know he
took me to the Drake like so I think Drake played here headlined for one of the festivals this was like big day out
I think this was like a long time ago a long time ago I know this was um this was uh
stereosonic I don't know oovo OVO did a show at sere Sonic I went to it it wasn't it was big day out that's a
that's like a decade no Drake didn't do big day out no he did he did this was like maybe like eight years ago this is
when so Jared and I were dating right this when we like first started dating and and I started learning about his love for Drake and 2014 2014 was a big
day out yeah and this and vich was there as well so he like he made us wear
matching t-shirt Music Festival 2015 I don't remember to be honest but I still
remember us being at like I don't know it was Jared's place I don't know whever we're making matching
shirts Jared does give off matching shirt I bet have the same pajama set too
you do don't you okay but I made him get the matching ones I'm not lying but but no he made us
for a matching chice this was the first time he was going to see Drake live and it was like it was amazing I won't lie
but I felt so bad as well because after the you know this is the first time I came across this but they tried to get
girls to go backstage right so they get someone to come out was Jared offering you up to go
backstage no no no but like take her no but we we we no we noticed we like there
was a person in Theo team that was going in front of the girls at the front the
scouts and they just saying hey you you you and then do you know that was my job
no when I T I swear to God when we toured with L pump that was my job to go get girls that's it's it's an amazing
job not going to lie that's messed it's so weird got a pocket full of VIP passes and I just go around I wasn't at the
front I was actually walking through the crowd and I was like scouting hotties but in my head so me and me and Jared
are there and in my head I was like oh it' be so cool to get us backstage so Jared could meet Drake and so I'm there
like bouncing up and down with a bucket hat there no way I think didn't realize that she was a gripy for that second did
they pick you no of course not like I I was bucket hat like this like there was
certain girls that got picked I'll just yeah obviously they wouldn't be the ones wearing a matching Drake outfit with
their partner no they definitely be H anyway so what I'm trying to say is J's
a really big fan okay and he loves Hip Hop he's he's now I bet so I bet you he knows every little detail about this he
does but I made a comment this is where the whole debate stemms from cuz he made
a comment about like uh Drake's diss track that dropped he's like have you heard it it was talking about the big
steppers tour and like how he made a reference to that yada yada and I said this is all a PR
stunt to Super you would have pissed him off yes and then we went he goes you
don't know the history between Kendrick and Drake blah blah blah blah and I grabbed his
phone at the time because I was going to change the song in the in the car and as I listening to push up well I open stop
here listen to this section right here 34 seconds in well no I opened his phone and the first thing I saw was Kendrick
Lamar's Instagram page been going back okay I thought I thought she was going
to say Drake as his background well but he's he's deep in researchy no but he like he he he loves
you know he loves Drake to be fair and I made that comment he got so he's trying to give you he's got the divorce papers
ready he's going there under his pillow but don't you guys reckon it's a p do you believe I don't believe anything I
say anymore h no it's all it's all just I think it's all [ __ ] the only thing
that I will say though if J.Cole comes out and apologizes that's the iffy part where
I'm like oh maybe it isn't a PS St because why would J.Cole knows what people are going to say do we have the
any audio of him apologizing cuz I haven't I actually haven't seen it I so what he came out on SE he deleted the
song so this is what he said I have like uh he deleted the song off all streaming services I know that and the funny thing
is when he posted it he said might delete later yeah yeah I'll put the mic to this and let's see if this plays I'll
just give me a second I got ads to play through give me a second okay what happened to your YouTube I'm in our
account so not my personal I I I can find it though he he yeah he goes well I
can I can tell you what he said he goes he goes on stage and he basically says I
conflicted because one I know my heart and I know how I feel about my peers these two uh I just been blessed to even
stand beside in this game let alone chase their greatness oh he apparently
said this in a video Shar on X so I felt conflicted cuz I'm like bro I don't even feel no way but the world want to see
blood something along those lines what a [ __ ] yeah and he just contradicted everything you said in the song in the
this song yeah that's exactly right I mean it's a three three minute video I'm not going to watch it watch in time yeah
but okay but I feel like comes up the stage apologizes for it I'm the bigger man whatever you know whatever no but I
think he's on a spiritual journey and maybe he took a second to go back to something that he didn't want to be anymore you know and like you know so
you everyone has two sides where they can where he probably made that diss track and he was in that mindset and he
probably feels a certain way and maybe potentially feels that way I'm not going to put words in his mouth but then realize you know what I don't want to be
that person I think people just got to understand these guys are human they're just humans not Gods stop stop making
them Gods yeah I don't really care I'm in I'm in the hip-hop world and I don't even give a [ __ ] about no one in the
hip-hop world really cares it's only the it's only the people that need clicks that care what why can I just ask why is
Rick Ross getting involved yeah why is Rick Ross getting involved where did that come from I don't know maybe maybe you know you know who I feel so for the
absolute most out of all this who cuz it's everyone's name is getting thrown in boomman Rick Ross uh I think Travis
Scott's name's been in there you know you got all everyone's names getting thrown out in this last Drake song the
only person I feel sorry for is DJ khed because how the hell is he going to put out his next album oh no
collaborations so go tell Jared tell Jared that what is he really hooked up
on it yeah yeah yeah no he just like it's like anyone who's like so involved in like hip-hop and like pop culture in
that sense where like the feuds are happening and and you know especially if you if you're a really big hip-hop head
and you've been listening for like your whole life you keeping track with like it's like with me and like I don't know
certain celebrities that I've I don't think I've ever followed a celebrity like that no never I've never been
caught up in that in that I don't know why I just I just don't there's okay but there's certain dramas that happen like let's say in pop culture I can't think
of one of the top of my head but you know there's like news articles that come out that I'm sure we've all been there we like oh I wonder you know I I
want to know more okay okay best one uh that I can think of as an example is the
Johnny dep case with Amber herd I don't think that was a beef I don't think no no no no okay that's a really I don't
think that's no wait let me let me try to
explain let me try to explain the parallel cuz that I I realized that came across wrong what I'm trying to say shut
up what I'm trying to say is before the internet kills me what I'm trying to say is is like the internet killed you a
long time ago no when you follow certain celebrities on certain things so it could be obviously rap Feud or you know
in that area or it could be like something that I followed cuz I I don't really follow celebrities that I guess I
guess I know you're trying to say is it intrigues you for example Kanye West intrigues us so you follow him you see
what he's up to you see like you know you follow him on his Instagram whatever it's interesting to see where the guys
standing go I'm God I'm God I'm God a St you listen and you actually go okay so why is he saying he's God it's
intriguing look or when it when it comes to hip-hop beefs in these diss tracks
yeah eh words are words you can kind of tell when it's serious and when it's not yeah like for example Eminem dissing
Mariah Carey he goes balls deep right like he says some some nasty [ __ ] you
can tell that this guy has no remorse and he wants to really like destroy this person when I'm hearing the Kendrick and
the Drake one it's like soft little Jabs not even Jabs like you're tapping him on the back until he gets physical yeah I
don't really to the days of physical rap beefs the days good thank goodness
that's gone how cool would it be if Drake and Kendrick end up in the same club and all of a sudden [ __ ] goes down
that's what I want to see what about like they end up yeah no we don't want to promote violence but I mean it would
it would be interesting to see them one-on-one in the in the ring no I mean like look at like look at like Logan
like was it Jake and Mike Tyson that's interesting to see that that they're actual Fighters but imagine taking
rappers and putting them in the ring and fight to death like imagine that you
know ancient Rome let's go Coliseum in there God again find God
again K all just on that on that topic can you imagine just stop for a second
can you imagine jcole and Kendrick Lamar right one of the two greatest rappers
I'm sorry I'm not going to add Drake in a great rapper um category he's not I'm sorry you cannot compare Drake to jcole
and Kendrick Ken am I right here no you know what I disagree entirely it's it's it's it's they're they're they're like
the Trinity of Hip Hop aren't they shut up it doesn't matter one covers this one covers that
but Drake's got punch line about hasn't written a song in 15 years
you don't know if he's got a Ghost Rider though yeah he said he has a Ghost Rider when go look at
Wikipedia on one song on one song There's 15 writers anyways you cannot
you cannot you know how the writers work okay with the publishing Cuts with all of that someone will go there and say
and okay I want 10% of that songa right now do me a favor and you too key you piece of [ __ ] look straight in that
camera and you tell our listeners you tell the fans of Hip Hop I put Drake in the same category as Kendrick and jco as
a rapper put Drake in the same category as jcole uh and Kendrick as a rapper as
a rapper you make me sick to my stomach well I'm sorry anyways can you imagine
back to my thing imagine the two one of the two great living rappers right now Drake's on the sideline cuz he's
actually not one of the greatest rappers alive you got to Define what a rapper is jcole and Kendrick write their own stuff
in a in a ring in the Octagon but actually to the death which means one of them will actually not come out there
will be no more music from one of them they're done they're finished you imagine you know we we did a one has to
go we did a one has to go on our um broadcast channel on Instagram between Drake Kendrick and Jay Cole do you know
who the people voted out has to go J Cole Jay Cole yeah because he's the least popular that's just it's got
nothing to do with his skill level it's just the least popular okay no one should be fighting
to their death I think the rap Feud keep it verbal that's the best way to go ahead with it and you know make more
poetry bring it out to the world distract the people distract everyone who's the
greatest rapper alive right now puberty just did this by the way
they did a whole like two weeks they vote Eminem Eminem they he is though I don't care what anyone says and I know I
know a lot of people are going to be pissed off he is amazing you know taking taking black culture and turning it into a white man I totally understand but
still but even all the big even all the greats say Eminem though which is weird Eminem is insane he's insane he's
ridiculous age with little Wayne's up there nah you can't compare Lil Wayne to & you can't compare anyone to okay you
know what it's very subjective music is very subjective that's the beauty of it Lil Wayne or Drake L Wayne thank you I'm
going off influ not going off numers or money Little Wayne influenced the whole
this whole category of without L Wayne we don't have Drake without L Wayne we don't have Nicki Minaj without L Wayne
we don't have don't have Kendrick you don't have Kendrick he wait what yes Kendrick's Kendrick literally Little
Wayne was his Idol bro Kendrick if you hear early early days K dot it was all
little wayne really yes I didn't know that anyway uh yeah there's a lot going
on you guys keep up with it or not I feel like the Coliseum style thing
is is actually a great like look okay in real in reality it's not going to happen but just to fantasize about that that
would be the best way to solve thank God K in charge of it out the bloody I don't
know anything Drake thumbs down okay well thanks you
haven't seen the movie Gladiator no I don't think I have you don't know how they used to say whether you did a good job or a bad job no so the emperor is
what do you call him the the Caesar the Caesar of the time so what was he consider he the emperor he the EMP Emperor they'd be sitting in their
little chairs in their little VIP in the Coliseum watching them fight lions and bears and whatever like to the death
they're fighting to the death and then let's say they kill Three Lions and they survive they then have to stand in front
of the emperor and the emperor decides decides whether they live or die yeah he
goes you did good you survive you live and what what and like what is that based on like the the emperor's feeling
about the performance his opinion if he doesn't like like a full performance with oh no no not give a performance you
had to survive getting three lines at you plus like a couple of guys on horses coming around as well trying to shank
did you slay everyone because you're like skillful or did you slay everyone cuz you got lucky
ah you what I mean that's so messed up it is so you survived you've just killed everyone and he still and you're still
going to die is that the movie with Russell yeah one of the greatest movies of all time by
the way historically it's happened it's not just the movie yeah no no I believe that greatest one of the greatest movies
of all time are you not entertained yeah are you not ENT you know what I probably have seen it I don't remember it but I
got to watch it again before Russell was a fatty was when Russell was sexy thank you so much for being here guys this is
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Scams in Bali, Kian’s Greatest Birthday, Debating Drake vs. Kendrick vs. J Cole, Big Mac Facts - Ep.37
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