I think I have ADHD, TikTok might be banned, Should we cancel Participation Awards Ep.32

what it do ladies and gentlemen welcome back this is already cancelled K and YZ of Nisha Hills podcast Studio how we
feeling yeah feeling good I'm all right mate I'm all right how are you doing yeah excellent today we're going to be doing a sense check catching up on our
live seeing where we're at in life so we'll get to that soon uh we're going to touch on Tik Tok being banned of Nisha
as well I know you're upset about this and I know YZ is as well cuz you've got a lot of audience in in in the States on
your Tik toks my following is like 60% us might as well shut it down if they ban it over there no maybe yeah and um
my daughter Lila uh received a trophy over the weekend on on Friday for her
Athletics and I'm a proud father so I'll explain a little bit about that um might be triggering for you uh the discussion
we have in order for that too though for who oh for who whoever's listening why would that be triggering why be triggered well because YZ has something
to say about participation trophies oh is that the trophy I've got a couple good honor for
what for ipating we'll get to that conversation soon but right now it's already canceled like share subscribe
get a part of the journey as we become the biggest podcast in the country in the world and then the world we're
coming we're coming for you Rogan we're coming for you we're going to drop a
Grogan on Rogan we're coming for you Milky Way There we go all right hit the
[Music] intro already cancelled already
cancelled okay how we feeling guys uh I just I
just wanted to take some time just to check in with everyone I mean it's it's good for us to you know reset explain
where our lives are at at the moment be open be honest um and and just so you listening or watching on YouTube um get
to know us a little bit more we always we cover a lot of trending topics we cover we do a lot of Comedy stuff um and
not very often do we open up to our mental States and our tional States and
I think it's time to just touch base a little bit here and there if you've just first listened or joined the show I'm
Ken um I sort of hold the pieces together on the show Let Me
Explain I kind of anchor it and I hold it together sort of thing cuz these guys are just wild and they're like the
they're the Stars right y are St that's how he say YZ lifts I hold the show YZ
lifts the show he's fun he's dangerous and he's marketable is
marketable and of Nisha she demands the show she's Brave she's fearless and she
used to do boxing so I did we just listened to her yeah uh but that's sort of the the the How We Are Who Dynamic is
this episode one what's no but it's a reset right like it just just to let people know what we are what we do how
things work I thought this was a sense check like you know how are things going in your life we're going to get to that but I just just in case you just first
joined us or you maybe forgot that's that's sort of the gist here yeah um but yeah I I'll I'll open up I'm back at the
gym um I've been gone four times a week for the last two weeks I'm reconnecting with my body I'm uh training weights I'm
doing kickboxing Kung Fu kicks and boxing punches uh and I'm meditating regularly I'm actually excited about
meditating cuz I actually want to go and learn how to be a meditation teacher what are you serious I actually want to do that hold on hold on hold on this is
amazing I'm actually so happy for you okay so just a little bit of cont context like we've been working with
each other for like two years now yeah coming close to it yeah a year and a half yeah year and a half ever since I
met Ken he has always like literally day dot always talked about meditation like
his practices of meditation the things he listens to like suggesting things that you can Implement to like really
kind of get into a really good mental space he's all about that the biggest Advocate and the fact that you're going
to learn to become a teacher yeah it like makes sense yeah it does right it's
so weird I just hit me over the weekend and I was like cuz I was at the gym I was meditating and someone remember I told you the PT came up to me and goes
oh I want to sit down with you and then that just said in my mind like oh okay people want to sit down with me while I
do it or one person does and I thought okay well why not look at courses like
that this is K explain to a t what one little thing will get planted in his
brain like literally one person came up to him and said hey I'd love to meditate with you K's like I could be a
meditation teacher and you know what's czy the guy is so organized and determined
that I promise you give him one month he'll have a class of 30 oh 100% I already have the strategy built out I
already know how much I'm going to make I know I know everything on it but I don't want to I'm not trying to monetize such a beautiful experience but but it's
all okay but it's but it's also about actually trying to do things that's good for for people's mental stat so I'm I'm
happy but also good for you because you'd be practicing it every day then like you get to share that with people I
oh my God that's like that's really cool I'm I'm excited for you but you know you don't even have to have a certificate to do to teach meditation yeah oh really
yeah so I've been doing it for 12 years so I don't really need a certificate to do it but it's like good to have it for like insurances and stuff like that but
insurance m whatever like you no but if I was going to go to someone I'd want them to have a ceric what the hell are
you going to have insurance for oh I'm so I'm so sorry your husband came to meditate and he hasn't been able to break the meditation he's going to be
like this for the rest of his life yeah that's what I'm saying but I think it's just like any type of holistic style practices like if you go to someone for
help right like like you actually pay for a class and there's someone who has like some some sort of accreditation and
then there's someone over there who doesn't that're like I've been doing it all my life who are you like bound to go
to like I'd be more inclined to go to someone who has accreditation let me let me let me tell you about accreditation
real quick just so you guys understand how this works in the world right who's the highest paid actor on the planet was
it the Rock at one time Dwayne Johnson is still the highest paid actor is yeah he's he's never done one acting class
that's what I'm saying yeah no accreditation this a heal this is a
health like you're going it's a profession we're talking about the profession right Nisha was saying I'd rather go to someone with accreditation
yeah but that's different because like when someone's seeking help from another person that's a whole different thing I
think I've looked at the course 12 weeks two hours a week that's that's short
yeah do you think you could help anyone meditate 100% myself 100% I doubt it I already explained to you before I reckon
I could do I reckon we could work on it cuz it's just it's just it's literally like doing push-up as if you know how to
do a push-up you know how to meditate but what if that what if that push-up involves having like a thousand bricks
on your back it's just impossible to do that's where I'm at it' be impossible for me to meditate because because of
how my brain functions yeah but maybe it's like I'm assuming and I don't know cuz I don't meditate but I'm assuming
similar to like uh when you you get like for example my mom she's old now and
going to the gym is hard for her in terms of like doing certain exercises so she's actually found a gym that's
alternate gym right so maybe it's in like alternate forms of meditation that you can start with to then get into so
many different types there's breath work there's body scanning there's um mindfulness there's just a lot of
different types of it so keep uh keeping this what is it watch this space watch the space yeah nice what's the key what
are you trying to achieve from meditation is there a final goal with meditation is it clear of the mind it's
it's it's clear and cleanse of the mind but it's also um it's also connecting
with your body can you sit there and turn your brain off meditating like literally turn it off there's no thought
uh if you do it enough and you've and you practice the strategy enough yes and
but but the mind will still go and think about something and the mind will still do that because that's what the Mind
does but it allows you to step out outside of the mind and observe so when you meditate you just become the witness
you become the Observer okay but we can touch on that in another another time so fascinating I just I just don't think
it'll work for me I hi guys I'm YZ is that what we're doing today we're doing that hi guys I'm y self diagnosed with
ADHD uh soon to be medically diagnosed by ADHD tell us about the ADHD how's your life going what are you moving
through now what's going on oh it's I've come to the conclusion that I I need to do something about this and I know I've
been saying this for a long time and I keep putting it off and I don't know if I'm putting it off because I'm scared to actually go and and someone saying to me
yep you have this not not a problem but you you are now diagnosed with attention
deficit H Hyperactive Disorder I don't know because then there has to be change
that needs to be made cuz it's at this point now where I feel like it is affecting my life especially where we're in a position where what we do this
podcast isn't a regular occurrence on a on a you know daily basis per week yeah
we we we come in two three times a week and we record the podcast having the brain I have and how
it functions with no um uh structure no structure
permanently it's hard to focus on different things and what needs to be done like in 1 hour and and and this
happened to me yesterday in one hour I worked on four different things and that is so bad to do when you're trying to
achieve a goal well that's what meditation would actually help with now if obviously you believe at the moment
that it's something that you can't that you won't be able to do but the biggest thing about meditation gives you is
focus that's the ultimate skill that meditation gives you is focus yeah cuz
it's like it's about uh removing oh you have you have thoughts all the time but
being able to I guess let the thought come and then just go as opposed to like now having a new thought and now all of
a sudden you're doing a whole new task think thoughts is trains and everyone just jumps on that you just jump on the thought train jump on that thought train
jump on that thought train and you're like [ __ ] the Train's off the edge and you like panic and whereas what what
what uh that act this exercise might do and might help is it actually allows you to know oh well there's a train gone
past but I'm just sitting at the platform chilling yeah okay so let me explain to you what I want to achieve
hopefully this year right is be in the moment focus on the moment and think about that moment like for example us
here at the podcast I would love to come and sit down with you guys and only think about the podcast and what we're
talking about while we're sitting here for this hour or whatever it is right and be present and be present and that's not that's not how my brain is right now
as I'm talking to you guys and you guys are talking back I'm not having one other conversation in my head I'm having
or with my everything and in my life right now
and youwell on it and you constantly dwell and it's like you want it to stop at some point I actually feel like a
crazy person I was telling K off the air um like last night I slept at like 5:00 a.m. it's cuz I had other work to do but
I fall asleep and I'm thinking about something that needs to be done whether it be today tomorrow next week maybe a
bill whatever it is and as I'm sleeping and dreaming even if I'm dreaming about whatever it is um making a coffee out of
tree syrup whatever the coffee might be right right oh sorry whatever the dream might be in that dream I'm thinking
about real life situations cuz my brain actually doesn't turn off even when I'm asleep wow I'll wake I'll sleep and wake
up thinking about the same topic and it's so annoying and stressful I mean even though the world the two worlds are always connected the dreaming world and
that dreaming State and reality state they're always connected in some shape or form but when it's a point where
you're still like anxiously running anxiously thinking about your life situation your
dreams well that means that you're not also probably really sleeping you're like you're probably still in you're not
going into R sleep I don't get into sleep you're just still a surface level of sleep because a lot of the time when you're in REM sleep you don't actually
dream like it's like you you're but if your mind is active you're you're not in
the full you're basically surface level sleeping essentially so that's when is the last time you've like properly slept
so I got we're going back a very long time here I got tested for my sleep cuz
I was like very severe insomnia right and they reported back and I don't have
the reports here in front of me so I'm regurgitating from what I remember them saying was I do hit REM sleep but like
once or twice a week so when I catch up on that sleep so when I when my body physically shuts down it's exhausted is
when I hit that stage besides that I'm having 4 hours sleep every single night if a fly enters my room I know the fly
has entered my room that's how aware I am of your surrounds my surroundings and I just wanted to stop and I've been
doing research on um testimonials for people that have been diagnosed with
ADHD later in life so around my age 30 years old and they all say the same
thing and it blows my mind and I'm I'm scared to actually experience it so the first day they take that pill what's the
pill um there's there's different ranges that you can get depending on you know not what type of ADHD but what you kind
of need for your life yeah um and they all say the same thing it's like they'll
they'll take the pill in the morning and then within 30 minutes to an hour when it kicks in they hear silence in their
head and it's the first time that they've heard silence their entire life in their brain so it's kind of like
they'll say something in their head and it'll just Echo it won't actually connect to another thought yeah yeah yeah and N Out of 10 times on these
testimonials that I've watched from different people they say that's the moment they break down and they realize that that's how life is meant to be just
to an extent to yeah to an extent but they're like this is how a normal person lives their life they can actually focus
on one thing and one thing only and talk to themselves and come up with Solutions and whatever it is without any other
Interruption having that Focus but is it uh a pill a day you're looking at for the rest of your life yeah you take it
first thing in the morning is as soon as you wake up there are um always there's always side effects but from the
research I've done on certain um pills like certain pills and yeah yeah yeah um
the side effects are mostly daily there's no long-term side effects if anything he actually says is better for
your mental health longterm yeah that's good um and brain function functionality um but they say you forget
to drink water okay and it can keep you up at night especially if you have
already have sleeping problems what is from kids health.org says loss of appetite and trouble sleeping is common
side effects um other side effects in include J JY Jitter yeah um irritability
moodiness headaches stomach aches fast heart rate and high blood pressure that's not good if you don't sleep well
already yeah it's not but that's why you're meant to take it so I've I've done so much research someone like me um
who wakes up groggy cuz I never hit that proper sleep right they say set your alarm about 30 minutes to an hour before
you actually wake up so you wake up take the pill go back to sleep by the time it kicks in you're Wide Awake yeah um but
it needs to be in the morning if you forget and take it at midday you'll stay up till 4:00 a.m. yeah so it'll be interesting to see when
you actually do go and get it if there's something because it can be confronting yeah of course I just want experience it
I feel like uh like looking back looking back at like
school it makes so much sense yeah I wish I knew that there was this thing called ADHD and I probably have it it
would have changed everything yeah yeah but also it's also at the same time it could be misdiagnosed as well of course
so that's something to be aware of yeah fun fact M most misdiagnosed um thing in the world is asthma asthma what yeah I
found that out over the weekend as well how do you misdiagnose that um any trouble breathing or
asthma this comes back to the topic of why I hate GPS I was about to say G to
be fair I've I've had a really good fair share of GPS that have been really good with diagnosing me and whatever but yeah
some GPS but and sometimes sometimes it could be like something that you're going to
suffer with for the rest of your life and GP will come and say unt's no Q un's
we can do this is how it to be and I heard I heard it on the podcast I forgot who was talking to but his guest had um
his his her the guy's child had autism um she was on the Spectrum and
when she hit about 15 16 years old she started getting this tick and the tick was like she'd hit herself and she can't
stop she can't stop doing it she'd apologized for doing or whatever and they're like we need to fix this he went to a doctor the doctor said
unfortunately there's no cure for it you're just going to have to deal with it and and and find a way to manage it
and live with it right and he's like well that can't be right so then he went to another doctor who said the same thing went to another doctor with the
Third Doctor no medication no nothing don't know what this doctor did yeah but the tick
stopped so yeah they just come to conclusions you know your body more than anyone
else 100% um all right well that's interesting guys we we'll follow along that Journey as well and sh what about
your life mate what's what's cracking what's going on well you know what I think the most exciting thing um is that
I feel like the last like I've I've always been making content for the last like I want to say five well less nearly
five years right but like I've done a lot of Comedy stuff and I feel like I kind of like not like fell out of love
with it cuz I I love being creative but I think I was just oh my gosh my mic just attacked me I trying to say
something I uh I kind of stopped making as much content I want to say when I first started radio and we were just so
busy there's just no way but then I just didn't want to make any more content like I I I I was still creative making
songs but I just felt like I just wasn't inspired I didn't want to make stuff and so then I just dropped a significant
amount of content that I was putting out weekly and and then that's kind of scary because that's also like what I do for
living yeah yeah and I built up up so much like I built a pretty decent platform but then I just I just wasn't
passionate about it and then I feel like in the last few weeks I've kind of rekindled that Joy of script writing and
making content so I've been really just focused around that of like one script
writing one you know making songs again like really focus on making music and then just being creative and not putting
any pressure on it and I think that has been really exciting for me because now
like I just filmed something not too long ago and I've been thinking about editing it and I'm like you know it's just it's fun and I haven't had that
feeling of like when it comes to you know making videos in what feels like a long time so yeah been kind of and you I
mean You' you've you've um like we I've seen some of your script writing stuff which is excellent you've had like for
TV shows and and and were you writing a movie at one point as well yeah I I I I
wanted to write a TV show and like I it's funny The Story Goes basically that
I out the script it's right here so uh this is the pilot script no I well I
actually did a pilot script though funny enough and I didn't know how to write a script so I for half a year I went on to
YouTube tutorials of just like trying to learn and understand learn something about a production Bible then I started
reading the book save the cat anyone who's interested in you know doing this stuff and like writing scripts and all
of that save the cat's a really good book so I read that what a weed title yeah save the cat yeah I don't why does
is there any reason why it's called save the cat yeah there was I don't recall why but it's in the book cat's got nine
lives don't they I don't think that's scientific but yeah we've heard that before yeah have n it's called save the
cat but it was a really good book I started script oh my gosh this microphone we got to fix that uh I
started script writing I did their production Bible I did all of that anyway I went to show it to the person who was helping me with all of it and he
he was like he not strong enough uh but he was like it's a really good start and so from there I've kind of just tried to
develop that skill cuz my dream is this is my dream to have this one series that
I've been thinking about uh pitched to like a streaming service and have it
actually I have an idea I have an idea what's your idea get the script locked
in yeah we read the script the pilot episode on a podcast episode filmed and
send that with all the everyone everyone in our every single one of our followers
on social media we'll get them on our on our side to go listen to that spe that
specific episode to hear the script we send that then go way we send that then
to whatever streaming service we want Netflix stand whatever and say look
250,000 people are begging for this to be made have viewed this this needs to be
made boom what's the uh what they will sign off on that within one second no
but like they'd also want to be like okay one Logistics like the production by like they' want all of the pitch
documents and elements of like how they do all that on the side but then we perform it here on this show have you
got a have you got a blurb of the uh of the show what's it about what's oh actually I probably do I mean like I
have to find it now guys I'm on like I feel like I'm being stitched up no I'm actually curious now look I'm going to tell you what I think it's about okay
I'm going to tell you cuz I I feel like I know a Nisha quite well okay it's going to be culturally related y to to a
certain point of view not the not the actual premise of the show itself but it's going to be influenced culturally
influenced it's going to be a comedy uh yeah yes there is there is
definitely comedy elements in it comedic elements yeah yeah it's comedic oh yeah comedic I bet you it better not be it
better not [ __ ] be a Tik Tok star turning into a music artist I swear to okay I'm trying of the production Bible
um I have the pilot the actual it's a full what's the episode called uh it's
called Truth or Dare and what's the show called I don't want to give it away now
like I feel like it's going to actually work out one it is going to work out one day mean you're speaking into existence
okay it's called extra ordinary right so extraordinary but it's
extraordinary shut up let me not that funny you didn't need to
explain that it's called extraordinary so
extraordinary love it because the idea oh my God I know what it is no you don't
is it someone who works as an extra on a film and then they get signed to a big
movie and no no it's actually think think like stranger things with uh never
have I ever that TV show with like so okay it's it's these ethnic kids right
so by the way sell it to us like you're selling it to Netflix now I need to I'm really nerv sell it to us like you're
selling it to Netflix come on hold I'm going to find the production B because I have the whole thing oh here it is oh I
got it okay great okay so this is the um log line
the hell is a log line oh so that's like basically elev you put in the toilet a log line yep okay a group of ordinary
kids unexpectedly find themselves with superpowers and now not only do they to navigate the complexities of high school
but also figure out a way to save the world but the the I guess the the Crux
here is that these kids are like these first generation kids here like myself
like you know and your parents like you've got one um the main protagonist who is Indian um she's Punjabi Punjabi
girl with a Punjabi family and you see that Dynamic and then you've got one friend who's from Hong Kong and you you
see like the dynamic with her family one of the guys are South African one so you got like do you have a Jordan in there
is there a Jordan oh [ __ ] you no I wrote this like I made it I made it so this is
the synopsis okay oh God I'm giving the whole thing away here we go no you don't have to but okay just say trademark
before you say it trademark cool does that work I don't know just in case okay so after a group of high school students
discover a magic ball that's been hidden away for centuries in their Hometown this is B this is meant to be Bas in
Sydney so Empire matter uh dangerous thunderstorm takes over Sydney lightning strikes the magic ball unleashing energy
that hits keep it going keep it going keep it going why you love me I'll tell you after I don't want to read this long
no no continue I'm going to tell you after I'm going to tell you lightning strikes a magic ball and leing energy that hits all six kids little do they
know they've all been gifted with a superpower whether they like it or not now not only must they navigate the
complexities of yeah high school but also ensure the magic ball doesn't fall into the wrong hands gotcha right what
do you want continue no are you sure yes that's basically like it's a very short so I'm going to tell you something just
before you just before you do anything you have pen on your chest oh like a big happened yeah so on your right side just
lick your finger uhhuh and then no no your right that's your left oh oh now it's it's getting
worse it's got penal over why is there penal over me he you know what this is your freaking [ __ ] pen that you got from
China that you always talk about the best pen in the world get it out of here I don't want it
okay sorry that was really aggressive very aggressive is there penel over my face it's fine just keep on watch you're
fine you're fine all right so Nish I'll tell you why I was laughing I wasn't trying to be disrespectful okay but if you were to pitch this yeah you might
get walked out of the room because there's a lawsuit on your hands you've just described the show that exists is
it can I can I say what it is what is it Misfits Misfits it's literally Misfits your ex like your synopsis no however
Misfits is um a bad naughty kids juveniles juvenes that's yeah but they
their teenagers they get um cracker show by way they end up they're high schoolers but they get sent to like
community service and during community service there's a massive storm oh it's a storm there's a storm and then the
storm hits and then I don't know what it hits I don't know if there's a ball or something I don't remember that I watched I think it's just in the storm
they become so the storm hits and then they all get given powers and it's a
great TV show by the way amazing TV show but it's literally almost identical to
the drawing board there na hold on but the but okay but those but is it in Sydney but in par no but the logistics
can change like like how it occurs of them getting superpowers that's an easy wrer wrer fix but what I the heart of
the show and this is basically why I'm really excited about it is because you have these first generation kids who are
here which is a similar experience to what I've experienced growing up and you have your foot into two different worlds right so already that alone of like
looking at like these five kids who are best friends and they've kind of become close because of their ethnic
background their cultures and you see like these kids who now have been given
these superpowers right yeah but one now they're superheroes they have no idea
how to be superheroes they're terrible at it but they think they have to save the world but you've got this Dynamic
with the parents and the families which is like those like those ethnic uh uh
cues that you have all written in the in the script and like things that people can really relate to like who have grown
up first generation and then also your high school like everyday teenager
problems but I wanted to add that third element of like of you know coming from
two different worlds because I think that's something that people would really like especially you know not just
Australia all around the world really relate to no no of course 100% I feel like that like honest I'm I'm not trying to like [ __ ] on it I'm watching Misfits
I'm going to watch you have to watch I like such a sick such a sick show don't get me wrong get really [ __ ] in the last
couple Seasons pull out yeah I pulled out I still watching um but the first couple Seasons like this is one of the
best shows I've ever seen in my life really um it was just written so well but very similar to what you have the only difference is I think is the
cultural um interpretation yeah that's the only which which is the main thing like I think superpowers oh I feel like
the superpowers and them saving the world is probably the main thing no no no but like that's in so many so many
things that's just the theme and also these kids are not good are they good with their superpowers these fit kids
they learn to use them cuz they don't know they have no idea why they've got them they don't understand what they have to do but their superpowers are so
um what's the word I'm looking for it's not something that you yeah it's not something that you read in like a comic book it's not like the superpowers are
so strange right and I don't know it's a great show I might rewatch it I might
rewatch it I'll watch it then see but um but anyway now that the ideas out there please no one Ste my idea should we
watch the trailer while we're here I'll watch it later watch later she uh
thing yeah I'm trying to find I'm trying to generate different ideas for you but sorry I can't help you listen but if
anything comes to mind to add to nish's show please hit us up so there you go you got three things to follow us along you follow along my my meditation
Journey if you do meditation all that stuff hit us up and we can have conversations about it y with his ADHD Journey yeah uh that' be interesting as
well to know there's people out there y that can connect and have more information i' I'd actually love for
someone to DM me if they've gone through this later in life yeah like you know obviously I feel like
being diagnosed younger you live with it it's normal to you but I just want to see that shock value of how your life
changed one year in what was the difference I'm sure there's so many stories so like reach out yeah if you
have any stories to share I truly believe my 8hd is what has been blocking me
from amazing success like amazing yeah anyways and then you can join me with my
lawsuit apparently updated on that all right well let's touch base uh look we haven't
got much time we have we have spent a lot but we got about maybe 10 15 minutes left oh my gosh we talked about
ourselves but you know what no good I want to talk about myself once in a while yeah but I think it's good for for us to connect with you listening uh look
yeah Tik tok's being banned uh not much more than that over in the states it's looking at to it it has no it's pretty
much it's it's it's passed through levels of government um so the House of Representatives passed a bill on
Wednesday and this is like well Wednesday I don't know which Wednesday now but they passed it uh to obviously
wanting to ban it unless they sell it or something to yeah so they want them to sell it uh so let me go to what's
actually happening here basically this is this is the problem it obviously like
had a like a meteor meteoric rise it was like super popular everyone was using it but then what happened was uh you the US
like some of the lawmakers that got concerned that Tik tok's china-based parent company could collect sensitive
user data and send content that goes against the Chinese government and then
they were scar that uh basically they would share us us data with the Chinese government and they need to basically
ensure that this doesn't happen and the only way to do that is if they they sell the company to someone um basically this
uh bite dance is sold to someone else in the states well most likely I don't know
where someone that could get audited by the US government I'm assuming so how does this okay so then so all this is
going on yeah they want to sell it and the Senate and all this stuff over in America how is it
affecting Jo blo in Australia for example well it's it's okay one it
wouldn't affect us cuz I think the Prime Minister came out just recently and said we're not going to be banning Tik Tok
I'm pretty sure that's the first time we haven't followed America but you it does have a trickle
effect that's the problem so like you have so many creators now in Australia and like you have so many people who act
Tik Tok to promote whatever they're do bus as well businesses like if you love if you've been thinking about it like
about joining Tik Tok to promote you know your paintings or like whatever you're interested in doing if the US
market is taken out cuz remember India was taken out as well it got banned in India that was a huge Market that's 1.1
billion people huge and now us is also massive like my audience alone I think I
have like a really high us-based audience 50 to 60% yeah and like for that to go obviously will have a domino
effect to creators to people like who are thinking about using it for business it it is like it's unfortunate I don't
think it's going to be you know banned though in general well because this has
happened before it hasn't gone this far I don't think it's ever gone through the um the House of Representatives before
like they've passed the bill I'm not sure but I don't think so but there has been so many situations where they've
tried to ban Tik Tok and it's been an ongoing conversation yeah and it's always around the election cycle I feel
it was Donald Trump last time wasn't it that came out with that I want to ban Tik Tok and he gave like a threat he's
like we give you two weeks to blah blah blah always Banning it nothing I don't remember that but yeah like it has been
before where they've they've had that discussion how much Nishi from a um Creator point of view yeah uh how do you
feel that the rest of the world is making money on their views and we're not here in Australia like the
creative fund the creative F it's not it's not even just the creative fund so there was the creative fund but now
they've got this incentive on on I don't know I don't know what platform it is or you have to get approved for it sorry it
is on Tik Tok I don't know if you have to get approved for it though where they'll give you $1,000 us for every
million views you get on Tik Tok ,000 yeah every million every million
okay we would be rich Nichi and I'd actually be enticed to create content
well this is this is an interesting thing because uh a lot of Australian creators they feel that like you should
see the comments they leave on like you know even when Tik Tok mentioned the band or whatever like the comments that
people were leaving I think it was like Tik Tok creators or something on Instagram people were just like you you don't you know we feel like we're not
taken care of kind of thing and so that'll be interesting to see I think that it might change who knows who knows
it might change they might bring something here for us I hope they do yeah cuz like this is the future the digital world is the future like even if
you know you're working in some sort of company right now a business and you're an employee uh I'm I'm certain that that
company is heavily utilizing social media and it will just continue to grow
and I always say like i' like one of my mates her kid want like love like
obviously all kids want to jump onto social media and stuff and so she's helping her kid to learn to like edit
and do that stuff and I'm like that's so smart learn that skill early on like how to be digitally Savvy cuz it's literally
what the future is going to look like like yeah but at the same time AI is just going to take the job anyway I mean it's really taking a lot of the job so I
think it's I think it's more about like idea like creating and being creative
with those types of tools that you have so not just KN how to edit but it's like well how to then prompt to edit and then
how to do like 15 of them at once that's going to be the one that really takes it's that person that can have the AI be
its employee rather than do what an AI can do that's how I look at it yeah but I I think I'm speaking more from like a
creative lens like if you're a Creator no AI can replace that like if you if you like you come up with the ideas then
like the world's your oyster but and there's a lot of people that are like that even in companies working you know as a staff who are like giving those
ideas and trying to like make change or like you know move the organization forward you have that and your digitally
Savvy like gosh yeah you got in the bag um but I think for anyone that's not a Creator and that just sort of enjoys it
does a bit of Doom scrolling scrolling and all that stuff I think I think the the only information it brings to light
is what exactly is recorded from you being online what details you're passing along the Privacy stuff that stuff does
get recorded and it also gets utilized against you of course um to Target you for products and for other types of
content that is very similar to what you actually engage with so that's like it is it is so just having the
understanding knowing that when you're on social media that you are actually signing over your depending on what the
contract and the terms of teas and C say you actually are giving that information away so just to be aware of all that
stuff different different platforms have different rules and regulations and stuff so yeah just keep that in mind when you're when you're going through
your your daily scroll yeah remember remember one rule and I love this one
when I heard it if the product is free then you are the product exactly you are are the product you are
you are how the apps are making the money exactly um all right well yeah Tik
Tok the Banning stuff we'll keep an eye on that and see how that goes um over the weekend my daughter lla finally
finished her first athletic season was a little Athletics exciting um she's in the Tiny
Tots they call them Tiny Tots as anyone that's under the age of five how old how
old's the youngest that can uh join I think I think 4ish
she can be it's like 3 to five okay but you know it's just based on that so she sits in she's a four um and yeah it was
it was was such a beautiful moment because I saw my daughter get her first trophy that's exciting and it was such
an exciting thing and all the parents are crowded around and we're at the stadium and they do the presentation and they all the kids get trophy all the
kids got all the kids got a trophy and there was a couple of like encouragement Awards as well that got given out even
the even the child that didn't do anything and like yeah everyone gets it didn't accomplish anything in the whole
year but a lot of them did they did I mean they did they did accomplish they can run in a straight line that's good
all hypothetically if they can't run in a straight line if the job is to run in a straight line and they can't do that they still get an award they get an
encouragement trophy most probably what's like what's the point of awards feel left out let them feel left out
that's the real world four like okay maybe make them feel left out when they're a little bit older but well when they actually get compete and they're
doing their times and all that stuff like like they get timed on their 100 Sprint or whatever then yeah if you if
you didn't get the fastest time you don't get the fastest award for the fastest does anyone get like a bigger
trophy or are they all the same all the same and then they just write different on the thing so hers was participation
yeah she got she got a participation that's all right that's all right me that's all right that's that's it's it's great but that's encouragement for her
to keep on going exactly because when she started to where she is now there's a confidence build there's a there's all
these different um like uh you know agility and and and she was she was
quick man she she smashed the competition well your daughter has so much energy but hold on did someone get
first no no one gets first so but didn't you say they write different things on there like so like oh participation and I think there's an encouragement I think
that's the only there's only those two awards for the Tony tots well I guess it's cuz they're four years old but as
you I'm sorry but as you get older that [ __ ] needs to be cut out yeah I I do agree with that like once it's like
you're right like I think I think if someone's won something they should be recognized for winning you know I agree
however like I never really I I got participation ribbons I never really W
too many awards but I actually have a cabinet full of trophies that's amazing
yes not from maybe two of them were from proper organizations um for music yeah
uh which my dad competitions we did together yeah um but a lot of them were
for my dad so let me explain right so the first trophy I ever got was a plaque
that said Melody Queen uh annisha and my dad gave it to me because he wanted
encourage me to keep singing and then he opened an
organization right the cmca organization cber Multicultural artist Association
like full committee and everything and it was ticketed events and he basically
did that so I could perform on stage he set up the entire event why we've heard this story before haven't we I think you
have and and so and then at these events he would give out Awards like he got like full trophies made and I would get
these trophies he' get she'd get every single one no but like everyone everyone got one but like you know we were like
16 17 and we're getting these Awards and then I like I started collecting them like Infinity Stones I have like all
these even though your Dad paid for them my Dad paid for them and I I took each one with pride I love them they're my
prized possessions but my favorite one is Melody Queen do you feel do you feel as
if you earned like you earned them that you feel like you did enough work to earn that probably not like put it this
way put it this way and this is where the problem lies Nishi could have done half the effort she did half the still
got the exact same trophy that's where the problem and this takes me back to when I was 15 years old MH and this
actually still to this day annoys the [ __ ] out of me right so long story short
I'm playing footy I'm playing division one mhm I the highest point scorer
for the entire club for every single team that's thousands of kids I'm the highest point scorer right for the
entire Club go to our award ceremony I'm like I'm going to get the best award here I'm going to get the best award
here yeah they call out my name for one of the special Awards like not the participation I don't think we had
participation Awards and then they say for most
improved that's that's that's a good award that is not a good award that's a good award it recognizes the hard work
you put in no it means you were [ __ ] and now you're all right that's true that's what it means you were [ __ ] and now
you're all right so what's wrong with that you were [ __ ] and now you're all right because I was never [ __ ] I was
always amazing egotistical prick but I was well I'm so confused if you making like the highest point system then then
I don't get it how do you think I felt so wait a minute how old are you I was 15 15 or 16 I got to remember but I had
moved to the club the year before yeah um and because joined late there was no trials so they put me in division three
now nothing against division three players it's just not division one but they're not like they're there because
they're forced to go there they've actually got no skill and it was a bit embarrassing like I'd get the ball and every time I touch the ball I'm scoring
a point I'm scoring a try like they're not I wasn't competing with everyone I hated it so that year they actually P me
up to division 2 and it was a bit similar it was obviously a little bit tougher but I was out playing everyone
so the next year I went into division one great enjoyed myself loved it highest points score they put me in a
position by the way I don't know if you understand footy I know you do all right I was a 65 kilo Arab kid I was skinny
right my coach comes up to me and says you're going to be a prop which is a front rower now if you ever play if You'
ever played footy or watched footy the front rowers are the big boys they're the big Pacific Islanders Who weigh 120
kilos when they're 15 years old is that cuz they they just tackle people yeah so they're the ones just trying to push through the defense they're just running
through the defense so he made had this idea I thought he was joking he wasn't he had this idea like it's going to work blah blah blah whatever it worked okay
he put me as a prop I was up against these massive Pacific Islanders these massive Leos like meat heads and I was
running rings around them and scoring points so in my head I'm like I am the MVP I will be the most valuable player
and I will get the top award and I got most improved who got MVP so someone else got MVP oh do you actually want to
know who got MVP the coach's son the coach that sounds like a n dad
move yeah it was shaking my head but then I was like oh the
MVP Music Association don't get me wrong great player but I know for a fact he
should have got most improved cuz he was a rubbish at the beginning of the season and then he got better so what' you do with the
trophy I took it home I've still got it but look it does sound like you improved in the eyes of the club you went from
division 3 to division one and the highest point scorer you improved you were the most improved of everyone he's
the most improved fair I will be pissed if I was getting the best I was a top player and
I don't know how true this story is but if I was a top player I would want to get the top award I was actually yeah I
was genuinely upset yeah screw these award systems and how they work yeah
look I I remember the award systems in schools like I wasn't good at school like I was I was all right but I wasn't
great but you know how they give like this a like Awards out at school Awards kind stuff I was so
delusional that I would always think that they would call up my name even though I know you like what one of these
days one of these days cuz like it looked like such a cool feeling like people would get up they'd walk up towards a stage everyone's and I I
always thought that one day I would get an a mer like a merit award or something at school yeah and never happened but
it's so funny cuz like someone like me I can only speak about myself was a bit of a troublemaker at school so when I did get a merit award oh you got one yeah I
got a couple I think cuz they had to like oh this kid's never got it before so you have to give it no they didn't do
that in my school well I don't know why I got it but every single time I get the award the comment that would come from my teacher would be like a backhanded
compliment every single time what do they say like oh for you know for uh not
speaking in class as much as usual or some stupid [ __ ] like that that's what I'd get a merit award for yeah school
did you ever get an award all the time really all the time best and
fairest best and fairest best and fairest always yeah but see even that what the hell does that mean what is I
was the best player and I was the fairest player oh my gosh in what sport in soccer
football I thought you was saying best and fairest like white what the hell AA I know I was like
what is going on which school did you go to like listen schooling when Keen was at school was fine maybe in the 80s
that's what it meant but uh that just freaked me out but best and Ferris okay and what else a
just Apes of good ones he's Googling Awards right now that's what he's doing no I'm I'm just sending an email to yeah
all right buddy email yeah oh can I get the email too what the hell oh yeah I'll send it to you as well don't leave me
out of it I thought I'd just uh send this to yishi oh no now I'm scared okay hold on yeah as you can have a look too
thanks M just you just said something and I thought you know what I'm going to make you feel
better my internet's not working hold on oh I'm not getting
anything is this is okay have you got it no not I haven't got it let me a drop it
to you then oh no don't oh no we got it got it yes yeah Nisha you got it I'm about to I'm about to I'm about to get
into my emails all right here we go look at this that's the subject line all right
it's about to load come on
oh oh wait what have you you use some sort of Chat gbt
thing I'm actually a Who
you've got your First Merit award thank you so much ladies and gentlemen I would like to award Aisha for her Excellence
on this podcast with a merit award actually I I really conratulations thank
you now what I'd love from you Aisha is to zoom into that small text read and read it out for us please okay
for NE for naming in using Glen dog ignore that that's his
Chad fill in in the blanks uh speech speech at all uh look I'd like to thank obviously my co-hosts for presenting me
with my First Merit award uh I actually think wow I'm a bit in shock to be
honest y not really emotional but definitely in shock uh I'm going to add this to
my other uh Daddy's Awards awards that I've received yeah I mean two of them
have been from proper associations I'm going to consider this from a proper the Kya K Association uh and yeah it says
exgen atance be humor so I'm assuming it's for something to do with humor yeah yep it's for being funny yeah okay well
thank you guys I I appreciate that who the hell spells Excellence with Three L's chat gbt darly for for excellence
that's the weirdest thing about AI is that it still hasn't figured out spelling but you know what it can't do it all it spell your name right though
for for the first time ever which is very surprising there you go nish's First Merit award handed out today congratulations uh and yeah we'll wrap
it up on that guys but thanks for being here uh lots of exciting things to come lots
of things are working on behind the scenes for you and uh I just we just can't wait to share it so make sure you
uh join our cancel squad on Instagram the broadcast channel currently 1,268 members it's pretty good and
climbing yeah uh so get behind the scenes stuff there as well but until next time guys uh have a great day and
enjoy the rest of it and we will chat to you soon love you all by take
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I think I have ADHD, TikTok might be banned, Should we cancel Participation Awards Ep.32
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