Only Dating Non-English Speaking Asians Ep.41

[Music] already cancelled already canell already
welcome to already cancelled I'm Ken Yaz of visha how are you guys feeling today yeah feeling good feeling sprightly
feeling wonderful I'm the complete opposite I feel like absolute [ __ ] oh mate yeah had a big weekend but that's
all right oh yeah cuz you were in apparently um rural land right absolute middle of nowhere out in the bush
there's Bush here in Australia do everyone know there's a lot of bush around here there everything in Australia you on desert we got desert Bush we got Bush you want snow yeah wait
for winter we got snow it's true anything dumb happened while you're out there a lot of dumb things happen
anything dumb you can talk about um no definitely can't what happens in
the bush stays in the bush I get that yeah I'm all about that we're talking about dumb I have a miso dumb moment of
the week yeah I mean that to be honest Anisha comes with miso dumb moments
every week think we'll highlight it for this week no this one Takes the Cake how dumb are
you AA I'll tell you how dumb I am uh it's pretty bad so I've started this new thing responding to emails like when
they come through my inbox because obviously it's just like me and my husband like running like all the other
stuff I do creatively outside this podcast yeah we know you're very busy we right but when the emails come Wednesday
through Friday don't talk to her yeah she won't respond to you unless it's a Monday on on on when the emails come
through I like someone gave me this advice to be like well you know you should make your team look bigger cuz
then it's just it's you have a fake Boss shut F you have a fake boss don't you you have a fake boss no like like you
know you just when you respond I'm responding to the emails like more like one of your team is responding instead
of you because then it makes you look cooler it makes you look cooler it's good cuz it creates a separation yeah
that degree of separation so I started responding to an email saying hello blah blah blah thank you for reaching out uh
to a Nisha you know I what's the email by the way is it like a like an info ad or like it was a
business like it was it was an email for like a opportunity so hasn't got your name on it no well it did so this person
reached out to me saying hey um we'd love to talk to annisha about blah blah blah this opportunity and I was like great and annisha is sitting there going
annisha is not available until next Wednesday basically WR this whole email in like third person being like Oh yeah
she's B this B that and then I wrote cheers
Aisha s bro why do you do this stuff to yourself
I I didn't know how to unsend it I was so horrified that is dumb that is so
dumb you know what you need to do you need to have a you need to have like a what are they called the the Footers
like the email signature so you don't have to type in email signature that that just says regards that and you
don't have to type regards or cheers of Nisha cuz she always says cheers and I hate the way you say cheers and emails by the way why me why is it just Che
like Chee cheese are so rude in emails didn't you say when you say that I didn't think cheers was rude you have to
be the right person to say cheers yeah yeah you don't say cheers you say warm regards or best regards kind regards or
thanks okay cheese is very like cheese oh I never I never thought that it's down punching down can we go back to the
fact that she's like dobbed herself in for lying I forgot cuz I thought originally when you said like you know I
created a fake cuz I've done that before like my my my first 3 years of DJing I had a manager called Anthony Anthony was
myself and I would like email nightclubs and and it worked well for me like it got me
to a point so much further than everyone else that was around me but I never said best regards yes like that's just
stupidity that's just that's habitual dumbness no that's why I said it's a miso dumb moment did you get a reply oh
yeah she responded she was see what what would it be like when they receive they really oh yeah her team member and then
it's her that I don't know it's like it's like that you know when like something awkward happens and you slowly back away yeah yeah yeah I feel like she
would have backed away from her laptop just slow I had like a iial crisis after
that but no she responded and she said uh thanks have Nisha so I
think got split personalities I would have honestly just replied and said sorry for the confusion of Nish is a
very popular name in India we both have the same run that live forever oh God no
anyway yeah that's pretty stupid I know so try to top that one we'll see what
happens next week let's get into some what's popping oh guys did you have you watched the Tom Brady roast I'm nearly
finished but yes we've been watching it at home and so far it's been like interesting yeah yeah yeah but I think
there's a lot of football like NFL jokes and I'm not really keeping up I was going to start with that so n before the
Tom Brady WR did you have any idea who Tom Brady was be honest be honest really no of
course yeah of course okay so I knew of him I knew that he's considered a really good quarterback the greatest of all time they say yeah the greatest
quarterback of all time blah blah blah whatever but I'm going to offend a bit of Amer real quick outside of America no
one [ __ ] knows who Tom Brady is and if they do they know a very small amount of him and they're in a very small
percentage Yeah cuz here the difference they play NFL I was right NFL and here we play well here yeah here in Australia
yeah you're right you play rugby league yeah it's different they think we're crazy over here cuz they're covered in like helmets and pads blah blah blah and
they've got so many rules that you can't do certain things in and then they watch us with absolutely no um protection
whatsoever very I'm just going to say of course you know two forwards running at each other
at full pace and colliding is enough uh energy created to move one ton one inch
really no that can't be right a I was waiting for the it can't be waiting for every time this is this is this is like
if we created a highlight reel of this of the of the podcast it would be honestly me stating something and then that can't be right and then us Googling
we yeah but I'm sorry I just if I don't believe do you know how heavy one Tes brother yeah it's like a car more it's
two cars well no it depends what car like my car is probably just under one ton yeah do you know what I mean one ton
brick bro I don't I really don't think any human will be able to move that with one impact he's googling now he was
[Applause] right oh he might um a so much energy
can you believe it to move on yeah yeah yeah I believe you whatever um anyway so
this Tom Brady bro now with with the roasts usually they were on um Comedy Central it moved to Netflix Netflix did
a live uh stream of it so you could have actually watched it live which is pretty cool um a few things happened that I
want to talk about obviously it was a great lineup Kevin Hart was the host one of the best comedy hosts of all time
brilliant you can tell that half the time he wasn't even reading the teleprompter yeah also real quick to add
to that the teleprompter thing so many people read off the teleprompter they have to why they're not comedians you
had you had NFL players who who barely can read they're [ __ ] trying to memorize [ __ ] I know but it just looks
so anyway that's just my it does look bad it looks bad on camera because everything's pre-written I mean a lot of if you watched if you watch the credits
at the end you see how many riders are involved there's like 20 Riders but it's also so awkward when they're looking in the camera right to you in the eye like
in the camera and you can see their eyes just like searching for help like embarrassing saying oh sorry and then
reaying the joke like yeah it's all time you know what they got to practice then is their timing I agree there was only
uh look I've got a little I'll give you a little snippet of of like a collage of how it sounded are the best highlights
yeah not the best but just some of them okay why do you look like a gay Tom Brady you sometimes got to your coach
you know who else that coach Jazelle she that karate man karate craft today and
she's still a white belt the only bruises she had on her ass do you know that every morning Kevin wakes up at 4:00 a.m. to make a movie I love your
movies or as I call them short films you have seven rings well eight now that Jazelle gave hers back Tom also lost $30
million in crypto Tom how did you fall for that I mean even gron was like me know that not real money like B ker is a
king he looks like at the Tiger King and the liver King only ate Burger King and had a liver that looked like Martin
Luther King got beat up by Rodney King wow an ex-athlete high cheekbones silky
hair you remind me too much of my stepdad now Kim was terrified to be here
tonight not because of this but because her kids are home with their dad oh
I love Roose it is actually look a lot of those are taken out of context you have to watch it to see there's actually actually really good jokes yeah was my
favorite by the way Nikki was everyone's favorite she came out and absolutely demolished every single people on that lineup whether they were comedians
athletes or in the crowd she absolutely [ __ ] roasted them which was killed it it was so good um one thing I want to
mention because I'll tell you why I watched it I had no intention to watch the Tom Brady roast I really didn't give
a [ __ ] in any way shape or form until I saw all the headlines of uh Kim
Kardashian getting absolutely booed yeah she got booed when she went up on stage
so cuz she's one of the special guests they had a few special I watched her yesterday and people were applauding
people were like they removed it yeah they removed it from the upload on Netflix the live version showed the
booing and I have the audio shut the [ __ ] up dude you I have the audio the real boo I haven't even heard it yet
give okay wait wait wait real quick before you play so they announced Kim Kardashian as a special guest to come up and say some words now there were rumors
of Kim Kardashian dating Tom Brady that's why she was up there cuz everyone was like who the hell why does why does
Kim Kardashian go up on stage that's why well that's what I thought I was like listen to what happened on the live
stream of the of the
roast thank you so much [Applause] Kevin well thank
you I know a lot of people make fun of your height
all right all w w wo w w w wo wo wo wo W I love it who say Kevin um I think the
guy that that runs it the main guy the owner of the roasts what's his name again B Jew guy he's the one that
started the owner of the owner is the head he started it no way yeah that was
his comedy he would bring up people off stage and and roast them that was his that was his sets oh but he doesn't own
the roast I think he does I think he's like the main guy that that started it uh what's his name Jeff Ross yeah Jeff
Ross he doesn't own it does he yeah I think he is here we go another another to get suspicious of this guy I think
he's just a veteran I think he owns it he's just honored a lot I can't believe she got booed that much yeah Ross has
has been a roas of all comedy roast since 2005 yeah but he doesn't own it uh yeah comedy comedy central roasts so
Comedy Central started but he would do that on his actual sets and they obviously married up oh we'll create a
huge celebrity roast and you'll come and run them yeah or he anchor them anyways whatever um she got booed it started off
as like claps cheese Woos and then it slowly just went no but it was intense but hold on
I'm a bit confused by that because like wasn't there like all industry people at
this roast like I think I think there's a few ticketed ticketed seats I think there should be like it's a huge Arena
you can't just have every single celebrity there like be VIP sections and then they'd have the the ticket
okay that makes sense cuz I was like there's no way in hell the industry people are booing Kim kadashian why you
think everyone loves her in the industry no I don't think they love just she's not LED no one likes her no especially
now no one likes her but people suck up to her they would be in the industry sucking up to there's no way there
wouldn't be like that's how the industry is she's such a loser yeah she is she gives me the when
I see her anywhere it's I just like uh brother like brother
yeah you do not deserve the platform you're on I'm sorry she does not in any way shape or form but whatever that's
enough hating from my end how was Andrew schules cuz I had I didn't see his I haven't seen his set yet I was told that
his he was like sort of um like a kid that's turned up to a big performance that he wasn't ready for but then I
watched it and I was like he actually done really well yeah but I haven't seen a lot of his other stuff I've only seen
shorts of his SE long form stuff I'm a big fan of Andrew short he did pretty
good I actually thought he did well I reckon that Nikki girl was Nikki girl was number one she killed it yeah and
then that um was it Tony that Tony guy kill Tony yeah's he's got kill Tony the show he tours that around which great he
he was just unbelievable one he's one of the best comedians on Earth he he so her and him were on par and then Andrew was
after that but all together obviously Kevin Hart who hosted it yeah he just does a great job anyway um uh wow I just
had a massive mind blank who the hell were we just talking about I wanteded to talk about the other chick the Nikki
glaz glaz the really funny everything was all like you know
haa until she made the boyfriend joke and then I was like holy [ __ ] what
boyfriend joke have you did you watch it next year you you said her boyfriend was in the crowd yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
she was saying her boyfriend in the crowd and she would shoot him in the face for a lottery ticket to suck Tom
Dick what the [ __ ] kind of relationship is that it's obviously a joke well it
doesn't [ __ ] matter I'm sorry you could be the funniest comedian on Earth I would be so offended if my St and said
that it's pretty look it is it is but this is the this is the thing though right like this is what it it goes back
to imagine okay this is going to be very controversial statement but imagine okay
you're dating Angelina Jolie right young Angelina Jo young Angelina I like the
young Angelina Tom Tom ra you're not you're not in the movie world right
you're a real estate agent right in high properties whatever you marry Angelina Jolie and then she's doing the next film
and she's got a risque like sex scene yeah it's like that's her job uhhuh
she's making movies she's making art y as if like can you see the parallel I'm
making nikk is a comedian that's what she's known for her jokes to be a bit like she's runchy as hell she's also
known in the industry as being a ganger by the way like a like a like a bit of a [ __ ] uh you know that's what that's actually
what her image is and on the Angelina topic [ __ ] Angelina she's a home recer I've hated
her that's irrelevant right now saying just focus on the actual situation we're swerving away real quick because I need
to say [ __ ] Angelina Jolie for all my friends [ __ ] Angie [ __ ] you Angie for all my um uh uh friends fans out there
who are a fan of Rachel we [ __ ] love Rachel what's her real name again you Jennifer we all know how obsessed you
are with Jennifer Anderson you've said it numerous times Jennifer Anderson is your number one girl I love her to death I love her to death and if I could like
you know send her flowers and just say hey I love you just for being you I would you should no she won't receive
him okay I'm not that special yet um but you know do you know where I'm going with this why I hate Angelina why
because she's a [ __ ] home we all know what happened because during Mr and Mrs Smith yes we all know her and Brad pet
Angeline and Brad P had a [ __ ] angel I'm sure Brad is equally
to blame Angelina he can keep his dick in his pants he can do
that Brad's also that F [ __ ] Brad [ __ ] Brad [ __ ] fu this is completely best I
re one of the greatest jokes of the night was when um that Tony hinchcliff the kill Tony guy that he he did on the
black lesbian girl did you hear that he's like oh yeah this black lesbian girl I don't know her name forgive that
but she's like he's like oh yeah she doesn't eat [ __ ] she in a black American black African-American style
she oh hell n on the [ __ ] I feel like you butchered the
[ __ ] I'm not laughing I just uncomfortable you but like that you go
watch it it's not about me doing the joke it's about him doing the joke far out that was so good that was such a fun
that was like the cream of the crop the top of the top there's a hidden there's a there's a there's a rule in comedy right never repeat a comedian's joke on
another platform because you're going to [ __ ] it up play it for them oh I could have just played it well I'm not trying
to be I'm not trying to say I'm funny with it I'm trying to say he was funny with it yeah he anyway you know what [ __ ] I ruined his joke I ruined his joke
he just came across really [ __ ] racist to be honest Well yeah if you could snip this out then you would sound a yeah and a bit homophobic towards
lesbians too that's yeah well look it's not my words it's not my words I didn't I didn't I didn't come up with it I'm
just trying to dig kean's grave even further There's No Grave to like to be fair overall I I thought it was actually
really good and I have so much respect for comedians it's so hard to do what they do so did you guys watch the whole thing no I
I skipped all the athletes and the coaches and all the no you know what bill that bill guy was great who the
[ __ ] B bill I can't say his name just go there and the these are our picks all you need
to watch is obviously anytime Kevin Hart's on there that Nikki girl the Tony girl Tony Guy and um and Andrew schules
that's the only ones you need to watch Ron Burgundy was so Random he comes out on all the roasts oh does he that was
just embarrassing I run burgundy yeah he does when the jokes don't land that is so embarrassing he he didn't land one
good joke who Ron Burgundy what I thought that was the worst really no but he was act he was playing a
character awful Ron burgundy's done Ron burgundy's dead I want to start a
petition before we end the topic I want to start a petition to bring back the Kim Kardashian booze in the original
yeah I think that's Netflix would never do that what [ __ ] keep it keep it real why he's got to fake everything oh well
you know yeah imagine if they like played the booze and then like they just did it to get um
publicity genius you never know these days you really don't and that's what's popping um love that hey uh my
brother-in-law um only dates Asians who can't speak English huh yeah that's interesting
every month for from this year my brother-in-law has brought over to my house cuz my mother-in-law lives with us
has brought over to a house my house an Asian girl per month shut the [ __ ] up SW
so much who can't speak English they can't speak English so it's not only
like he hasn't just got yellow fever he doesn't just want like he's not just trying to date Asians he's going for the ones that literally can't speak English
well to be fair right to be fair he's he's a security guard and he works works at a a club/ pub that um is like very
Asian targeted so all Asians go there yeah and like usually they're like students and stuff that would go to this
Pub that's come from an Asian country and he meets them and everything and then he starts dating them how old your
brother um brother-in-law he's 29 or brother-in-law brother-in-law 29ish 28
okay um and he would bring a girl and they can't ever speak English so the other day we call her May cuz it's this
month's girl cuz we have every every month I was like May is a really pretty name and then I was like right yeah so
like there's there's been a March and April there's a may now wow cuz we notice the trend might be the language
barrier she came over she's from Japan gorgeous gorgeous girl Great Men is back like the posture is just ridiculous
straight up posture sits there eats it's like full on like trained trained and we I was trying like we were
trying to talk to her and she would just smile at us and she would just look at
him like she couldn't she can't talk English is this the only one that can't talk English no they're all very s like
some have a little bit more knowledge of English like she is fresh so I'm in my house having random Asian students in my
house that I can't speak English and having dinner with them with my two daughters and we're just this most awkward every month once a month so
you're telling I have a random Asian in my house he's brought five Asians this year four four agents so it started in
February yeah can I ask a question why is he bringing him over CU he's he introduced him to the mom but why why
four of them it's a bit intense he gets he gets he gets you doesn't he want to wait for the right one and go okay
you're the one I want yeah but I think that's what happens and then he's like oh she wasn't the right one but one month to fall bro I didn't invite a girl
over okay I'm not saying it's strictly monthly like 17th of the of May saying
still four girls in four months that's a lot of people a maybe five you know especially all Asians that can't speak
English is it a specific kind of Asian or is it just like it's just like Japanese um I think there's one from
Hong Kong like there just like there just different types of Asians that that rock up to they all can't speak English and they all can't speak English some of
them can speak a little bit better than the others have you questioned his actions have you said brother what's going well well there's a movement and I
and I think I don't know I don't know if this is this is why but there's a movement I'm not sure if you guys have seen there's been a movement of like
Western men specifically seeking out Eastern women because of their
traditions and how they take care of the man yeah yeah it's been it has been happening for a long time but usually
with older BL usor older BLS but apparently it's happening with the younger guys now where they actively
seek Eastern traditional women because of like they they take care and support their man better than a western woman
would I've heard of have you heard of that n i mean like they would do they would like do more hous they're just
raised they're raised differently that's what right yeah like it's not uncommon to hear that people
like you know even like I don't know people living here who are like fully westernized get their parents to find
someone for them from their back home yeah like I've heard of that that's common but like also it goes both ways
if like guys want someone a woman who's traditional and are looking for that then they also have to be the
traditional man and it goes vice versa yeah of course but I'm saying like westernized men doing that now oh have
been doing and there's like a lot of people are talking about it online as well has he always been in Asians no so
this is just a new new thing for him well that's I mean this who he's surrounded by when he goes to work so he's a sey but how is he how this is the
thing right he's bringing these women home introducing them to his mom uh his
nieces andin because he thinks like this might be the one but then what is he
basing the one on criteria wise cuz obviously they're not communic ating Asian can't talk English maybe
that's his criteria well then I mean gosh you're going to he imagine that like he doesn't have to listen to the nagging and the
problems and the issues oh nagging can still happen in a understand it like he would understand it he can't get like
way the way that he communicates is literally through Google translate on his phone so he would type in something
to to Google Translate and show her and then she would type it back or she go oh yes or no your brother's go listen
listen your brother-in-law brother-in-law's got yellow fever that's all it is I'm telling you every guy goes
through it every guy goes through it listen to this so we're trying to have a conversation at dinner I'm trying to ask you know what's the weather usually like
and this and tell us about Japan and stuff and she's just standing there looking at me smiling can't answer the question thank goodness I have a Google
home because I'm now asking Okay Google and I'll ask Google to translate this
into Japanese and then she will ask Google to translate the Japanese into English and we were communicating
through Google home at Din we're truly in the future that's too awward that's too awkward it is I mean cuz imagine
like you say a joke then you have to wait for that like that translation to happen and then you get the like the ha
like that's too much that's too much it's look it was funny it was really funny and she was nice and everything was nice and whatever but then when we
were going like cuz I went downstairs and hung out with the Mother-in-law for a bit and then when they were leaving I was peeking out the window like to see
what what the interactions like cuz my mother-in-law is like very like she's maian she she's immigrated here on a
boat like very honest isn't she very open very honest extremely extremely honest yeah yeah yeah behind your back
and uh and and I usually leak it but whatever we'll talk about that another day yet um but uh she's so nice and she
wants to like like make her feel at home so as the Japanese girl is leaving she's
bowing right and then this and it's it's so my mother-in-law her mother-in-law is
like bowing back this is what happening at the front of my house oh wait wait
who initiated the bow the the Japanese thank God that's okay they both both I
thought you said your mother-in-law initiated the bow that's [ __ ] no no they both started bowing at each other and it
was just a huge rest cuz it's two completely different types of cultures both very proud and it just was one's
one's in this you know a little bit older one's obviously a young girl it was just this most awkward thing I've
ever witnessed and this happens nearly every 45 days in my house that's wild
well I hope I that's wild I don't know if your brother's collecting him like Pokémon I don't know if he's trying to
find the Charizard that he's going to put in his pocket and say I'm keeping you forever I don't know but I wish him all the best I wish him all the best as
well I wish him all the best that's so funny about the Bowing though got to catch him
on even when I said hello she's you know the bow I'm like oh gosh I got to Bow did you bow no I didn't you [ __ ] I
just went you piece of [ __ ] I nodded not a bow why not so she because like because I don't I don't like this is
when I first met her so she bowed to you and bow back no she didn't she no need
to add the extra sound what did you just say orato said something he said orato
he just made [ __ ] up what the hell orato mean does it mean by or something I don't think it means anything what
there's a what does this how do you say hello it's there's a thank you in Japanese that's like sounds like that
yeah yeah it's not orato is it it means thank you no not orato orato means thank you oh does it yeah oh now look I'm not
look but she she she didn't like fully bow she just like you
know but I've learned to not get too connected with these girls cuz I know in 45 days I just he will only bow to the
right one yeah that's right yeah thank you Nish appreciate that yeah so that's what's going on in my house all right I
love it I've got weird or wonderful for you okay and um I feel like I know what you guys are going to say already so
there's a nowegian cruise line to Launch a nude cruise for 2025 you love Cruis a
nude Cruise so everyone's naked on this Cruise who's doing it the Norwegians a Norwegian so okay so what's happened is
there's a like a specialist tour and travel company they've partnered with the Norwegian Cruise Line and uh they're
basically launching a new nudest cruise to the Caribbean so Bare Necessities is
the travel company get it b anyway uh they're breaking down the barriers
that's their aim they're breaking down the barriers against social nudity they're making you know clothing optional vacationing and they've got
some rules on this Cruise which is basically use your common sense and don't do any
weird tugs no no random tugs sack whacks so prices start at
$2,000 uh per person for a standard two person cabin and it can go all the way up to 33,000 if you want a three-person
like Garden Villa or something like that on the cruise Garden Villa in a cruise that sounds crazy
uh it's 11-day adventure I bet they call it the Garden of Eden the Garden oh cuz
cuz you know when like that like Adam and Eve were naked The Naked yeah you has leaves protecting themselves yeah well this time there's no leaves
protecting anyone it's just if they I'll be honest with you if they don't name it that I think you should pit at all n
would you like to ambassad I'm kind of afraid of that being blasphemy to be honest but anyway yeah it is it is yeah
all right so what we've got here you get a lot of entertainment open deck space multiple dining Ops but obviously the
rules are of this actual place is that if you're going to go into the dining area you have to put a towel down before
sitting in the in the you can eat naked yeah it's like it's nudest oh dude I'm thinking like when you're at the pool
you can just be naked it's like you're telling me I'm going to go down to the casino on the cruise ship playing Blackjack butt naked
yeah so these are the rules you obviously have to put a towel down before sitting in the pool deck the
buffer area um there's a ban on being nude in front of other ships when you're in Port yes you kind
of someone's windmill see it later like no it's not going to work is it um no
fondling or inappropriate touching and then they they just urge passengers to use common sense now but like imagine
that the guy can't help himself he gets he gets he gets erected no let me finish
right right he gets he gets an erection what happens then I think it's normal it must be normal so what there's
going to be some guys walking around with an erection like I'm sorry I can't help but look at your boobies and your boobies are turning me on and now I have
a natural heart on well obviously don't you think they should put pods there like timeout pods like erection pods
mation pods no that's that's like that's a sex that's a sex Cru more like a yeah like a
a pod to just relax a relaxation pod and it just plays like dead cats or something just to help you get it down
like all those disgusting things you can go back yeah but imagine the rooms on the other side like you've gone to do
pot pot on the on the cruise ship and you're naked and you're you're helping your partner
you know what I mean and then bang you go up and you're like oh okay we can't just you know that's really they got to walk all the way back to your room but I
can guarantee you I can guarantee you that the people that are going to be booking these cruises yeah they they're veterans they're veterans they're sexual
people nude veterans probably majority probably swingers I can always I can almost guarantee the majority of them
are experienced sexual people I would I could never ever go on something like
this [ __ ] absolutely but also like I don't I just don't get it like because nudest
is not like that's not a a brand new topic like there's been nter speeches
and all of that that's happened for years and years and years but I just do not understand like why hey question
just on this on this topic it is it's weird I find it really weird I find it strange when I go to Bondi I'll go to
Bondi and I'll see titties out didn't we talk about this the rule when you go to a beach that there's nudity remind me
the rule again well it's like you you can't look you can't look for longer than 2 seconds that's the question and I
was going to ask I wanted to ask Nisha as a female right um you go to this public area which is Bondi Beach one of
the most famous beaches in the entire world yes um it's not a nudest beach but there's this it's not illegal but it's
like it's okay for girls to Tar toplet it's totally fine but it's not fine for me to go like oh oh jees you mean weird
I mean like if you if you look I'm a I'm a female right I'm walking and I'm I'm
hetro and I'm walking through a beach with women naked yeah I'll be honest like
there's been times where I've accidentally looked for too long myself because I'm just I wouldn't even call it like I mean I mean how long is too long
but I there is a etiquette to it like you shouldn't stare I mean like if you glaze over and you just see oh okay keep
walking along like 2 seconds Max like if you're looking at 5 Seconds someone naked then you're a weirdo like so like
put it this you're not a weirdo you just can't help yourself but yeah but like it's like it's like
don't eat the cookie from the cookie jar yeah you know the cookie is there you just you know what I mean it's
selfcontrol it's self-control I get that but like when you're sitting on the beach and you know there's three girls behind you they're all nude yeah it's
being a decent human just there and it's like get that out like that's just there and you're like oh you know you got to
remember it's breasts are extremely sexualized in the world we live in right right you can thank H music for that
100% but like the same way like if I'm at a shopping center and some guy walks pass with some cool pants on I'm going to look at the cool pants go there's
some cool pants yeah if you start staring at the guy's cool pants for more than like you know 8 seconds without
saying hey I like your pants okay fine so I go hey bro I like your pants and the guy walks past with
like Travis Scott Nikes like hey bro I like your shoes and then I'm at Bondi and I see some girl with double titties
hey nice tits like would you say that context I wouldn't but what I'm saying is you've put it out there in public you
have made that decision to come out and say tits are out in a public area where there's not only elderly people swimming
um normal people swimming people in relationship swimming kids are around yeah but you could say the same thing with mom mom feeding her baby no that's
so different no but what I'm saying is her like what I'm saying it's context right like I get what you're saying but she's sunbaking right and look each to
their own you want to sunbake sunbake in your backyard with your tits out otherwise you might have a [ __ ] creep come up to you and say hey nice tits
you've put them out there that doesn't mean a creep should do that is what I'm no we're not it
doesn't give you right it doesn't give you of course 100% it doesn't give you right 90% so when you go on when you go
on the nude Cruise you're not because they're veterans you won't be expecting that you you shouldn't be expecting
someone to be perfect but at the same time would that beong you you know a guy has a good body like okay you've got abs
you got abs you got the vshape you've got nice pecs and all that stuff and you show that off and people look at it guys and girls look at it there's no problem
and guys guys bodies are sexualized as well yeah but I guess and then with girls there's a problem because of
sexual predator predators in the history in history this's people out there just ruin it for everyone he ruin it for
everyone on the nudest Cru sorry I'm still stuck on these compliments real quick yeah on this cruise ship is is it
still wrong to compliment someone on their nudity look I don't know the nudest ways I'm assuming like as as you
said if they're veterans they know what the etiquette is I don't know what the etiquette is there'll be a few there'll be a few like newbies that go on this
and go I just want to I want to know the rules you have to be able to compliment they're there for a
reason right yeah I mean they're there to be nude I am comfortable in my nudity yeah but I don't think I I look I could
be wrong someone could let us know what the nudest etiquette is but I'm assuming that they do not go and say hey nice tit
like I'm sure they don't do that I'm sure they go hey it's like we're fully clothed almost like this is just our
natural ways of being that you don't even like oh okay consider it because it's like that this is I I'm assuming
the nudest philosophy is that this is how humans should be in in this kind of
way and this is the normality oring I'm finding something nine
nudest Resort rules of etiquette this is from August 2023 right the last year I'll just give you the
headlines um you actually might be able to keep your clothes on at a nudest resort a nudest resort might block your
camera lens so you can't be carrying around any cameras this is part of etiquette so no cameras no phones nothing like that might you might put
like a little cover every camera yeah I got that cool um at a nudus resort you need to bring a tower with you everywhere yeah okay so that that's how
you solve the whole oh if there's an erection or anything like that Footwear is welcome of course um people eating
the nude yes we know that um but nudest res Resorts this is I'll get back to that one later public displays are of
affection are a nogo yeah so maybe on this cruise ship you're not allowed to be doing the kissing and the touching
and all that stuff to your partner out in public a single person not be able to
make it into a nudus resort you can only go as a couple a that's
interesting makes sense that's very interesting that kind of makes sense though cuz then it goes back to the
whole like because imagine that like a like a bunch of single men yeah it just
becomes a sausage fest they want it they want the reason they want sing they want like couples to
go on is they want gender balance right which couples don't won't have like if a singles if it's just a
single man or or a female comes to the gates to ask if they had nud nudist experience you're not allowed to go on if you're single you can't go on unless
you have nudist experience so start off at the beaches potentially and then work your way up to the well I wouldn't know
what the I wouldn't know what the requirements and the and maybe you have to bring a resume I don't know um you
can be nude but you can't look sexy so you can't set you can't stand there sexy
do your sexy stance has I got to prepare for this you got
clothes on you're you're allowed to do it my sexy stance YouTube if you want to see Ya's sexy stance I'm sitting though
so like just give it a crack that was very cute that was very
like little like little imagine me naked doing it yeah you can't do that no you can't do that naked oh I can't so you're not allowed to look sexy oh yeah how
does that happen so you can't swing your hips a little bit extra you can't bend over and slowly pick up something that
you dropped on the floor like you dropped your Taw you can't slowly bend over I think the idea is to make it like you're not allowed to tease anym yeah I
think sexually sexually you know what's it called I think it's [ __ ] weird and
then the last etiquette thing here is really strange people at nudus Resorts don't
monitor toenails sorry monitored toenails yeah what does
that mean monitored toenails is like you're not you're not allowed to look at someone's toenails I think so but they
don't monitor toenails but clip them anyway is the is the etiquette here here while you're probably in good form to
keep your toenails trimmed the mo that most groups are going to make a big deal out of they're not going to make big
dealers out of it but um it lacks hygiene it would be at a person's discretion it's about body acceptance
however toenails are not monitored is not a requirement to cut your toenails at a nudest nudest result is so
ridiculous that's who that's so weird because like like anyone could like like
I'm I'm wearing slippers right now with my toes exposed okay here we go like when's the last time you cut your
toenails NY uh last week but they they gr very slow yes he I've never cut my
toenails in my life yeah he doesn't cut his nails apparently I don't cut my nails either he bites them I've never used nail clippers no I don't bite them
I can if it's a solid one I don't actually like I'll do a little bit of a cut let's see if I can do it for you
right now yeah I see what you're saying you do a little snippet I do a little snippet like that snip and then there's a little piece there so now I can just
peel it and it comes off like dude I've got the nicest hands I don't care what anyone says all natural baby no nail
clippers I don't bite my toenails though anyone's asking thank God they peel quite
easily there by your do you want to see them no thank you okay um all right well there you go there's a little oh Weir
wonderful weird I think it's a bit Norwegian nudus cruise ship we opinionated for me it's weird look yeah
I think it's weird too but I think once again but wonderful for the people that care about it and wonderful for you if
you're a veteran or looking to get into nud uh type of gatherings and activities go for
it y'all need Jesus y'all need Jesus in your life uh
let's get to a reaction uh there a bit of uh content that y has got queued up
did I email it to you guys I don't know but I you to yeah God we're great at Rushing stuff you got to remember guys I
have ADHD when I'm doing 10 things at once two out of the three are not going to get done that's so funny because I
literally said to Y oh can you can you send it to me and he was already doing a task and I said oh I probably shouldn't have and you goes nah no I got it I got
it I'll send it to you right now didn't send that and also didn't finish the task this is what would you like me to send it to you right now guys yes please
oh [ __ ] here we go everyone's got a Tik Tok available no
no email please can I email you the link to Tik Tok yeah that sounds fun that makes sense hopefully I can play it over
here yeah hopefully I can send it to you in you know you well just thinking about you know YZ in his 80hd imagine yaas on
a um mood cruise ship with 80hd your head would blow your head would explode
I don't care for nudity though like I don't give a [ __ ] I think he'd be worried about how long he's looking at
everyone for he's like now you see what I'm doing here n is I'm trying to like delay and just talk about other content While y gets the video up but he just
jumps into the conversation cuz it's ADHD so he just jumps in and he forgets it so like in 5 minutes when we finally
come back to the video he like oh yeah I forgot I was going to send that and exactly exactly oh God you got to love a
bit of ya on could you imagine could you imagine if YZ was a um what do you call it a like a podcast
host that wasn't don't laugh that hard that wasn't that funny it was pretty funny that was funny no like a like
breaks into people's houses what are they called a robber a robber but like someone what the what the [ __ ] can you
imagine if Nish didn't say anything dumb for once in a while no hold on no cuz I saw a video of someone doing that as a
joke as a sketch and they were like trying to like poison the drink but then they end up drinking the drink and then
I'm like I feel like that would be yes cuz you get so distracted so quickly there'd be 101 things in someone's house
you'd be like next shiny get it man that was so difficult to get to that end point we got there yeah God I love the
way you tell stories thank you anyways thank God wonderful thank God if na was talking cuz I had so much time just then
to get what I wanted yes um I've sent it off to you guys I think I grew a full beard you wish yeah that's never going
to happen all right I've sent it off to you guys uh make sure you've received it there everyone's received
got it it's opening up um all right so oh my gosh what is this have you opened
it already I've got it here I haven't opened it yet cuz I haven't received it yet are we meant to play it all at the same time yeah yeah I've got it here I
haven't played it yet is there's obviously audio so I'm going to get the audio ready for it n i I haven't got it I definitely mute your um laptop too so
play out of that yeah probably going to definitely edit this part of the podcast
did you send it or what I don't know did I send it to you or someone else team of Nisha uh I sent it
to team of Nisha yeah that's a we cuz I haven't got it
hold on I'm just going to find it here now who's the problem maybe your internet stopped
working ah that electrocuted me we should Grill The Tech Guy about
the electr electrician electrical currents in here no I don't I'm waiting for like a proper like to the sue the
[ __ ] out of him okay I've got it let's go all right cool so explain what this is please honestly I don't even need to
explain it this is one of the funniest videos I have seen this year have you guys seen it at all never I just have
there's right down in front of me there's a guy with a hat backwards his eyes are wide open and he's got his hands on a book it's not every day that I said to myself this person deserves a
follow as soon as I saw this video I followed this guy so quickly all right it's what what's his name Dylan AR menus
oh Dylan am okay cool all right Dylan arment a good last name arous amorous
Aros whatever obviously does a bit of Comedy skits this one is when a blind
person reads a scary Braille book oh my gosh I've never thought of that let's
have a watch all right let's do it 3 2 1
oh my God we can't laugh at that we bloody H
can oh my God I don't get why he sounds like that that we're going to get into
that that face can we watch it one more time please of course all right do a countdown Ken
I honestly rate this as one of the funniest videos I have seen this year
that's funny what but I have so many questions I do I do too I don't I I
think I think you're reading the comments aren't you the comments are too good the comments are if they see this they're
going to get mad that's so mean
no but can we address I think the elephant in the room which I think we're all thinking
mhm why does he sound like he's why do you make him sound
de I think that's I think that's what makes it funny I don't know I don't know
probably since this video came out like four or five days ago I have watched it every day multiple times it's a really
funny video it just makes me happy it's a really fun is that bad are we bad people yeah but I don't think that's how they really react if we laugh at would
you would a blind person really react like that I don't think so I don't think there's jump scares in Braille books but
okay look they be like jump scare I ra books are just
normal books that we would read and like in English like you know and would read
it and have you ever had a jum scare reading no but you do get like you do get Eerie feelings right you get an
eerie feeling so he would yeah but he's not going to go but also he can't see what's coming next yeah but neither can
you you could no but you can no but when you're when you're reading it but how do
they imagine it no I feel born blind who how do they
even imagine what's happening and then I turned to the left of the corridor how the [ __ ] do they
know what that looks like how would they know what scary looks
like how would they know what scary looks like that's that's it's just up to
their imagination but if they have nothing to reference then how do they even know what it is
how much would it [ __ ] suck if a blind person was scared of the dark well they wouldn't be able to be scared of
the dark but just hypothetically they're afraid of the dark you know the crazy thing about being blind especially if you're born blind is you don't see you
don't cuz that becomes you I wish I was blind this bro is it
anywhere what happened where is it you need to go mark this down to go check this in YouTube what just happened to
yz's MTH that's just me why would you tell everyone to go see that why would you you're a bully cuz we fully reacted
as if we it's on your it's on your it's on your still my it's on your goe thing all right well moving on from that
I told you guys I woke up sick today [ __ ] stay on stay on track here if a blind person can't you can't you can't
see that person cannot see black or white or Darkness they don't see Darkness they just don't see right which
would be darkness no there's no Darkness because I just don't see it's like trying to see your elbow if you're born
with something can't see Darkness if you're born with something that's your normal it's just turned off there's no sight they don't know what to compare
that to that's their normal so so when they read the Braille and they taught Braille and there's a scary story they
wouldn't be able to react unless someone's saying that's
really scary you need to go ah I I don't think there's instructions
to yeah but I'm saying unless someone tells you that yeah how would they know no they wouldn't they you yeah
anyways we just turned a funny video into something like Technical and serious but it is a funnyy but the
suspense was really good his suspense the suspense was too good it's
his freaking facial reactions it's too much all right I give that video best
video of 202 you agree with me I feel like it's so no it's it's great it's great all right well let's get to more
fun fun in games lock him up let him go ooh that's a game of the week lock him up let him go we haven't played this in
a while essentially we there a scenarios that we've either found you've sent into
us or whatever and we read it out and then on the count of three we yell out lock him up or let him go and uh we
explain why yeah you scream it up with us all right oh God this one this one's a bit um it's going to be it's going to
be hard to decide on this one okay it's actually going to be very hard to decide this one where' this come from so this
came from jeez sorry I don't know what just happened someone just collapsed outside they right we'll let them go
podcast comes first jeez all right so this one this this came holy [ __ ]
everyone's running over no you're joking right yeah there's like five people running over today did someone actually
stack it yeah like legitimately I'll have a quick P stay there oh are they
okay well I guess podcast doesn't come
first yeah someone fell off the table someone works here or some that
works here you know the maintenance man yeah we see him every morning before we come in checking if you can move his
fingers and everything what so he's proper proper collapsed what do we do like in the spirit of like the podcast
we just continue yeah they've got enough continue yeah there's enough people around you know there's too many people
becomes a problem should we interview him what bring him in so how does it feel to fall off a table no he'll be
right sorry mate lock him up let him go let's get back to it [ __ ] was he Lo on a ladder or something no I think he was I don't know
there was no ladder there feel like we should lock ourselves up for not helping him to be honest yeah I do feel bad I've got enough people to take care of it all
right let's get into
this so this came sorry it's just that was so intense this this came from
Anonymous they don't want them um to be named for obvious reasons when I get into this you're going to realize it uh
I manage a cafe we serve sandwiches and we're very well known for them one day a
customer was hurling racist insults at my staff in a moment of anger I would
usually tell the customer off and send them on their way without serving them yeah today was a little bit different
the sandwich that he had wanted and ordered we had just made for another customer by mistake as protocol we had to throw this
sandwich out I decided that I would serve him the chicken sandwich that I had retrieved
from the garbage to teach him a lesson although part of me felt Justified I immediately regretted
stooping to that l it was a lapse in judgment that controlled oh there's a lapse in
judgment uh that contradicted my values and thought the importance of monitoring
my integrity under pressure I don't know if I was okay to
do this or was I wrong okay served the customer food from
the garbage bin mhm because they were after they were being racist lock them up let them go on three two one them
lock them up why just cuz someone's racist to you you don't have to you don't have to serve them food from the garbage show them love treat them treat
them with love so they understand that they're being an [ __ ] well so just serve them the sandwich and send them off they can go to the next person and
be racist you you're you're the one that's the problem not us I get I get
why he did what he did in the moment of anger seeing someone treat someone so
terribly fun fact it was a she okay so in that context she I get it so I get
that moment of weakness she wanted to teach him a lesson that's not I mean it could be harmful if there's a toxin I
mean gosh I'm assuming that the sandwich was still edible and it was fine probably so it's in the garbage Bean of
Nisha I will be I have anyway no I'm not going to whoa whoa whoa whoa you have
what you have Eden from the garbage you have Eden from the garbage Sheen G expl can I explain can I explain can I
explain let's not jump into silly conclusions yes let's not jump to silly conclusions
yes I have no what happened was I okay okay there no easy way to
explain this but I was eating uh it was some sort of lamington
right and I took it out of the packet and I ate half of it and I thought right I I I want to be a better
person I'm going to I'm going to throw the remainder of the lamington in the bin but it was it had a packet on it and
then my hungry ass a few hours later went to the P
[Laughter] to I wouldn't even sced to that level I
really wouldn't I've done some bad things in my life it was it was like 10 years ago when I was I I can't look at
you 10 years ago when you were 21 and had a brain Nisha you were a grown woman
sifting through the bin for a l sifting it was at the top of the bin it was packeted and yes I'm not does does Jared
know this story possibly I'm still not looking at you does Jared know this story he probably does yes probably I
don't think he does look how you look yourself in the mirror after doing all done this that's Merit for divorce I'll
be honest with you what that's low yeah that's that's messed up it how does he
know how does Jared know now that whatever food he you're bringing to him or serving to him the odd occasion why
does you and she's talking [ __ ] too what lington come like prepacked it was some sort of cake I don't know if it was a
lamington it could have been a brownie some I don't know I'm I'm just saying it to give you a picture of what it was but it was they were all individually packed
like was the packet open oh it's all our International lists by the way they wouldn't know what lemington
is Australian cake but they were all packet it and basically I threw half of it away and I ate the other half but
they were packeted and they were on top of the bin so yeah I ate it but now is
this the only time you ever dumpster dived for food okay it wasn't a dumpster dive cuz it was literally in my home in
my bin and it was like at the top of the bin hasn't really touched anything okay and it was packeted and yes it was the
only time yes on three 2 one lock her up wow so what what about the whole like
you know turn the other cheek and forgive and all that yeah but you didn't do anything wrong we're still locking you up it's not fair um now look thank
you for being honest so you're saying because you dumpster die for food that it's okay to feed a a a racist person a
old sandwich that's open and sitting their chicken to some no I'm saying if
it's not bad then like I get it because they were being racist and the I can understand why she got mad and she did
that so hopefully she doesn't do it again because obviously we shouldn't be feeding people dumps to food I I say
she's probably learned a lesson have you guys seen Hospitality bins they're filthy
everyone's left over Foods just piled up on top each other so he definitely yeah he ate he ate [ __ ] like he it would have
been disgusting but you said let her go yes yeah so you explain why why do you why do you think from her your point of view I I think it's extremely Petty but
also welld deserved I think I think uh I would also tell him afterwards if he was still
there in the I would say just letting you know you racist piece of [ __ ] that was straight out of the bin and then I
would walk off and deny the whole thing yeah yeah that's good I would cuz he needs to know there's no there's no
happiness there's no happy ending without him knowing he thinks he thinks he ate a good sandwich and got away with racism I would have had to tell him
maybe left a little note inside the sandwich right at the end if you have if you have written writings then they can
they can use that as evidence oh that's true so you'd have to just say it just yeah whisper in his ear have you got
another lock about let him go um no was I meant to have two you said you going to get three I can't believe this I
thought wait a second why would I do all three I thought we all bring one each a good count on the count of three Ken 1 2
three him up up lock him up but but based on based on
misunderstanding go let him guys stop we have done lock them up
let him go for 2 years we've played it on our radio show multiple times we always bring one each that's true we do
no no he's right Nishi but like you literally had the conversation King goes hey we should get three and you're like
oh three and then I got this easy I got this I asked the question I said how
many I said how many are we doing how many are we doing and you guys said three and I said okay awesome assuming
each person would bring one jeez is this what's happening you guys want me to find what's popping find weirdo
wonderful find we wonderful yeah cuz I was Finding four other things
[Music] apparently anyway I don't dumpster dive I just want to that out I reckon we'll
have more lock them up let him go next week for you yeah that was a good one there to go out that's it we're done yeah that's a good one to go out on so
listen uh yeah thank you so much for listening and being here some exciting stuff's coming up very soon if you if
you listened all the way to this you will know that there is an exciting uh thing that we're doing in it's got something in development here guys we're
building um that's true which uh allows you to walk away with something from us
so God I must be so DET detached from this podcast why trying to figure out what it is oh my gosh you'll find very
soon hopefully next week we'll announce an announcement coming how embarrassing if listeners know and I don't why are you picking your nose like that well I
don't want to what Happ what happened before it happen again yeah okay fair enough freaking snot came out of my mouth how does that precautionary meage
measure we on YouTube and any uh podcast service you listen to Instagram as well and Tik Tok uh kez of NAA make sure you
search us up we will be there guys always ready to take your requests on stories and segments or anything like
that but until next time make sure you like share and subscribe and have a great week see you bye go
[Music] bye already
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Only Dating Non-English Speaking Asians Ep.41
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