Black Magic, lengths men go to for a hook up, dogs catch gastro from humans Ep.27

[Music] already cancelled already canell already
canell I just want to say one thing it's good to see you alive today yeah first and foremost genuinely worried genuinely
worried why were you worried I wasn't worried I knew what he was doing what you knew what he was doing it was on
purpose so okay okay okay so so so we did I think we recorded our last show on Thursday yeah and then usually what
would happen is an hour after the show receive a text message from Ken yeah maybe an hour later I'll receive a phone call I don't know if you receive phone
calls no usually not phone and then throughout the next couple days yeah he'll message multiple times no he does
he messages a group chat with links that he's found things of interest that we could potentially talk about in the
following week or just you know a general checkup or he will message about his future plans of like world
domination right like this is this is the strategy I've had I've thought about it you know I've done research like this
guy never stops but last weekend it stopped nothing nothing and
it's funny because we came in obviously to to the podcast Studio yeah and Yas
and I had a similar experience where we both were like we didn't think Keen was
okay me and looked at each other like is he going to walk through that door this morning we actually didn't know if you're going to come in this morning and
he usually messages as well he's like oh y I'm running 20 minutes late or whatever right he'll give us Keen will
give us his ETA he always gives us his ETA you know what the thing is he doesn't even have to cuz he's usually the early one right so we should be the
ones giving him his ETA but it's just out of like normality for him to not do
that so when he did message his ETA when he didn't when he was quiet throughout the weekend I came to work this morning
genuinely thinking K's run away and he doesn't want to do I know why I know why he went quiet obvious why he went quiet
why you know why he went quiet why did I go quiet but you know why no you tell me why you think I went it's definitely got
something to do with the last show right what you were here Nishi what the last
show that we did you know how we started it me and Ken having bit bit of a b with each other like a little tiff yeah was
big deal and Ken said I will never message or call
again are you serious and the little [ __ ] stuck to his word I don't even
remember that and I'm not going to lie I felt lost I felt lost over the
weekend yeah I felt lonely I didn't wake up to any misss unre messages I was kind of I was
happy for Keen cuz I actually thought like even though I was kind of scared at the same time I thought you know what
good on him he's taking a weekend for himself like he's probably just immersed in did you enjoy it did stuff did you
enjoy the the great weekend the mute life I had a great weekend what' you get up to oh well it was a big one um I saw
my uncle who's going to die soon oh my gosh Ken are you all right Sor I went to no that's all right I went to um a
league soccer game my team won did you go to the W shout out MacArthur Bulls no I didn't end up I was meant to go then
it started pissing down rain yeah I was like H they they got pumped I'm pretty sure I know they got smashed 41 yeah um
and then I got given a specific book I don't know why but these things just come to me I got a book so I read that
what book was it the dark magic book yeah and then are we going to talk
we talk about that skip that now because who who would give you a dark magic book I'm not going to I'm not going to say
I'm going to be honest with you I'm happy to scrap what I was going to talk about to talk about this dark magic book we can talk we can talk about what I
want to well the thing is is like if I if I talk about it then I I lose the power of it like it loses its power what
do you mean what's its power can you tell us what its power is no because then I would it would lose its power no no no no we're going to get into this
bro come on but like hold on how big is okay well can I ask it's about 100 Pages oh is it got like witchcraft in it
possibly and someone that you knew thought that hey Ken you could do with the [Laughter]
dark who the hell would gift that to you yeah I mean all right can we say who gifted it to you no is it is it within
the family though maybe okay I think I get I think I know who it is who no I'm
not going to say it here is it someone that's used dark magic
dark magic in the past to get a job yeah it was that person wasn't
it you have a weird family I never asked I never asked for it it just it justed in my hands just scared to like take a
de a dark magic book home like I feel like that's a scary thing no bring that
kind of energy because it's because of culture and people that are making it out like it's a bad thing did you go to
church yesterday completely subjective no I didn't go to church yesterday so you went to church last week though the week before by the day the week you get
the dark magic book no more no church trust me once you read once you read the first few pages they like okay you're
not welcoming to church anymore or is it like you don't want to go to church no it's just like it's the same thing oh
it's the same thing I don't know about that agree with that exact same thing I feel a little bit Eerie OFA I actually
yeah all of a sudden this really bad energy just I feel like just bestowed upon me objective it's subjective it's
not bad energy I think there's good energy and there's definitely bad energy well that's that's just because you
condition to think that so I was trying to break it down magic without the dark just the magic part pull a rabbit out of
a hat yeah that's that's that's that's uh you know pick a card any card magic
trickery trickery right yeah but then when you put the dark in front of it what are we talking about just give me can cast spells what
um the [ __ ] thinks he's Harry Potter potions I think it's Voldemort potions
it's also a protective thing don't forget that make potions yeah do you have the ingredients oh it's pretty hard
to find dragon blood isn't it where you going to get dragons blood from is this a is this book fiction this
has to be this has to be fiction I'm sorry it's a real book okay so is is is
Dragon Blood a common ingredient because I feel like oh well I mean in ancient times yeah but not now I don't think
dragons existed again yeah they did even in the Bible they said they existed what are you talking about you never
know like I'm just saying you never you don't think dragons existed I'm about 98% Sure hold on but
dragons were written fictionally okay but isn't it odd so what were they fic what were they
then nothing they were someone's imagination no no no but isn't it odd that if you look at literature from like
years and years and years ago all around the world people have the same depiction of dragons yeah but dragons came from
Asia the the the can you look up the where where the from dragon is a
mythological creature a legend a folks tale of various cultures a large lizard or serpent like creature cons some
traditions is evil um in medieval Europe dragons are usually depicted with wings
and a barbed Tail as a breathing fire so that's the the common dragon that we see
in movies and cartoons um yeah I don't know it says this to me mythology yeah but I know
it's derived from various cultures and it's like it's been it's something that's been written like you know folk
myth Legends for like throughout years but it's very fascinating I always find that a mythological creature can be
depicted in various cultures obviously albeit different but still the same Essence same yeah I just think it's a
fascinating thing and I I I'm never close to the idea that something could have existed or you know in some shape
or form and that's how these stories evolve evolve obviously no proof but once again you
never actually know know yeah the world's a mysterious place but in saying that I also think that if he's so quiet
I know I'm actually I don't like scared I'm why are you scared what SC because you're giving a bit of dark energy off
me and you this is let me explain to you in my head what's going on so you understand how freaked out I am can you also never do potions I'm sorry I had to
cut your short the yeah just real quick you're know do any potions said I'm practicing anything but what I'm saying is please do not practice or do any kind
of spells me and my life that's all okay are you
ready for what's going on in my brain the timeline Thursday me and Kane have a fight on these microphones right here in
front of everyone right yes Ken says I'm never calling or speaking to you again right he then go he then disappears I
don't hear from him for the first time in 2 years I don't hear from him and then I come to find out he's been reading dark books and he laughs like
that I'm telling you now this mother he's he's doing there's going to be a spell on me or something honestly yeah
good luck I'm I would like no spells towards me please um yes obviously you
should tell him not to do it but I'm happy to apologize I apologize for everything I've done okay take a breath take a
breath everyone stop freaking out no need for paranoia even though that's something you can cast on someone but no
no need for paranoia all right I just read a book that's all what
have you found from this book can can you you unbelievable understanding of a lot of things
can I borrow the B of course oh okay then it'sing you put a spell on me I Put a
Spell on You yeah but that's the thing it's it's also a protective measure too you can protect so you can't fight dark
magic with white magic or with uh prayer or anything like that you can't fight it
the only way to fight dark magic or black magic is with dark magic is with black magic that's the only way you fight
it so there's there's reasonings for people understanding this and this is stuff that's been happening in our in
your ancient culture in your ancient culture and in mine black magic exists and the reason why it was uh what this
book says the reason why it was made out like it was this real evil thing in Devil worshiping which it's not was
because uh the white man would come in or the Christian I would say would come in and destroy that culture and say the
reason why we're doing it is because it's evil but people were doing it because in Desperate Measures for example you don't
have a doctor so you go to a witch that would actually be able to heal you but who's actually heal you but what's the
conse like what's the price to pay your life with it depends on how you do it
you can do it without any cost any cost you got to bring this book in yeah
no I don't I don't want to be near that book all right fine give it to you give it to me but you can't take it home cuz that's your parents home you're bring
black magic I've got the protection of God on my side don't worry you can you can it's not the book doesn't carry anything what
what it is it's up to you the individual if you choose to enter into it that's when it changes are you going to do that
I haven't made any decisions yet okay so can you can you at least give us like one piece of learning that you took from
the book like something that you can actually something wild that's a huge learning right there what's wild right there is if you're looking and it might
be offensive to people but this is this is what I read is that for example Christian is literally magic as well
it's magic too it's just in a different form people get together they chant they get together they they they come it's
more it's bit more social to be honest whereas like uh magic or black magic is a bit more uh individual we're
not beyond the um chanting and the and the social aspect it goes towards
spirituality and what the what magic is spirituality as well when you go you can't say it's not spiritual a church
you meditate you do all those you do all those meditational practices you you uh clear the energy around you you you you
build up your energy inside of you there's a lot of things that's exactly the same as any other religion but
what's the intent well it depends what it's intent is subjective is could there
be negative could I like cast a negative spell on someone of course okay well you can't do that in any other religion yeah
well you can but you just choose not to can't I can't pray for someone's death no you I can't I can't pray for someone
to get sick you can if you want to you can't but God would never respond that way you can if you want to yeah but but
to it's just if it goes answered or not no that's not but God would never answer that God would never say
that's that would never be the what do you call it I don't transaction is a wrong word but that would never be transaction between you and but you know
what I'm saying like that would never be a prayer that's answered in that kind of way but that's your belief but that
that's a that's your belief no I wouldn't guys we can get around this but it is it's your belief and everyone
believes everything differently I think there's a reason why it's called dark magic called black magic or black magic and Magic is a very specific term but
you don't think that the you don't think that uh there's mag any magic existing anywhere else you don't think that churches that that you don't think you
don't think that they hide within those those particular organizations and don't do anything bad no I don't think it's no
but okay so what about all those kids that were raped and pedophiles within churches yeah but that's not God that
hold on they're in the organization I'm not saying but but that that's you're taking a human a person an individual
you know there's kids molested in child carees yeah yeah same thing organizations that deem to be good and deem to do well for
that's the world we live in that's the individual person that's the individual group of people grou of them but who I
who I regard as a higher being isn't a human I'm regarding who I consider God
an elevated very different Untouchable to us I mean we can't
touch this higher being because it's God right like it's not us
it's very different there's a compl what's the point of that I don't get what you're saying about that what I'm saying is you can't hold an organization
say that's what you're that's what you're idolizing and that's what you're praying to it's like it's not the organization it's not the people and the
people do bad things 100% in so many different organizations people do bad things but who I pray to and who I
idolize that's God very different anyways anyway yeah but I don't
understand what what you're trying to say about that though no but you like to the argument well what's what is it well because no it's because you brought up
the the pedophilia and you're saying you're saying that but there's pedophilia there's
pedophilia everywhere yeah in every single organization that ever existed on Earth there's pedophilia yeah that's
true yeah I'm detaching that from God is what
I'm saying yeah good yes cuz it shouldn't be it's got nothing it's it shouldn't be an act at all it's not an
act of good at
all I just don't trust I just don't trust real weird it kind of feels like
I'm it's not Kan anymore what do you you think it is just something has possessed you you re you look a bit better today I
look better yeah healthier you look healthier today did you cast a spell on
yourself I just wanted to chat about no spells have been casted anyone I would like to I would like to borrow the book
though yeah you should have a look at it I would like to borrow the book it's great to broaden your your knowledge and
understanding of things yeah even just to challenge your understanding on
things you should go to church though don't miss out on church I've been always going to church you didn't go yesterday after reading his book so I
actually read the book yeah actually no I didn't go and then I read the book so read the book after it's dangerous bro
do you go to church every every weekend usually every Sunday
H I didn't know that that's interesting it's a new thing that Ken's started well
my daughter's going to go to the school and oh is that why you're doing it are you doing it to get into the school no
cuz that's what a lot of parents do they have to show face face they contribute they clean and all that stuff yeah um
that I mean that's that that will help yeah is she already accepted not yet ah okay but that will help maybe you should
pray for it oh you're already [Laughter]
halfway well I mean look you know we I've I've probably taken up my segment on my on this chat so we we'll go
straight to we can go to yaz's you want to talk about no no I just wanted to talk about this um what happened to me
the other day um last Thursday I went to the shops to get a coffee just to get a coffee yeah uh Jeff pass parked up went
and got a coffee and as I was walking past I looked into this store and I just saw this 6'1 absolute goddess in there
and I have seen her before but I never had this this Rush this feeling that came over me and I was like I need to go
talk to this girl was it like a a romcom like a r yeah it could definitely definitely could be scripted in ollywood
movie so anyways I ended up walking in there um and I can't explain to you how beautiful this girl is like I'm not going to say what store she works at
okay um because the quality of their clothing is rubbish but I end up spending like 200 bucks there just like
100 bucks messed up overpriced clothing anyways I walk in there and I'm like
what is this chick doing here like she needs to be on the cover of Vogue or something like she's a model but instead
she's working for like $27 an hour at this shitty place anyways so I go in and my plan is to talk to her and just you
know be a little bit flirtatious and whatever I can't her friend's there her
random friend is there sitting down hanging out with her talking while she's working while she's working it's it was quiet it was during the day right and
I'm like oh my God so now I have to pretend like I'm actually buying something and then she goes it would be weird if you walked in and you just
started talking to her though that would be weird no cuz you got buy clothes cuz you start off to like oh this this
whatever and then you could like slowly slowly go into the FLIR flirting or whatever anyways so um I'm like oh
friends here I can't really do much so then I started looking she's like oh I remember you came in a couple weeks ago I'm like yeah I did great tick she
remember she remembered me all right doesn't know my name that's fine I actually still don't know her name so
then I end up going around and like looking at clothing she's like oh this look great on you whatever blah blah blah and I'm like oh yeah yeah whatever
so I got the shirt tried it on so ugly she liked it so I bought two
of them I bought a black one and a white one did I swear to God she casted a Spell on You that that is casting that's
literally casting she's a sales rep I get it she's good at a job they're going to do they're going to do they're going to do things and say things that's going
to make you feel a certain way but you know what I did though I gave her the um what do you call like I planted the seed
where it's like hey you can build a boyfriend with me so like you tell me what you like and I'll agree do you know
what I mean anyways and then I ended up buying it and I was like you know what I'll come in in like an hour or two cuz I only live down the road right and her
friend won't be there but hold on so you bought two shirts two shirts that's it one black one white and they're still in
my car and $2 for those two shirts was like 180 holy now what is her commission
barrier cuz you know when like they get commission based on how many items honestly we didn't get that far into the conversation with her because if she got
to if she goes oh my commission's 150 sweet I'm going to get 5% or whatever is after that to be honest in do they to be
honest I'll be honest with you I didn't want to buy two shirts she didn't even want me to buy two shirts I just said
does this come in black and she goes yeah and I said I'll get both so I could be a bit like don't about me I got money which I
don't it was credit credit card but whatever oh my God so then I was like I'll come back like in 2 hours or
whatever so I went home whatever and I was looked at the times like her friend must be gone now you go back I went back yeah I walk in massive smile on my face
her friend is still sitting there really and then she looks at me and I was about to walk out but she saw me she goes oh
you're back and I'm like yeah I need pants Oh no swear so you got pants bro
the ugliest pants of green chinos oh no chinos why but it
was my fault because she pulled out black ones and said no we too much black so she pulled out like cream ones I said Noah I don't like them yeah no you can't
go and then she I was and she like goes oh these are the other ones we have and they're green I was like yeah exactly
love and I tried to throw in a weird size so I don't have to buy it and I'm like do you have a 33 cuz usually it's
like 32 34 and she's like yes and I was like what do you mean she have in 33 and
a qu $120 you didn't try them on no I did and the 33 weirdly fit yeah the 33
weirdly fit so anything like did did you do did you give any indication I don't even know her name bro you need go back
what you doing no don't go back anymore no I'm going back 100% go back I'll back you're going to go back he's going to come back with a suit guys he's going to
come back spending extra 500 bucks guys there's no other choice I'm a genius yeah I'm going back to return some items
smart now I'm saving money and I get to talk to her but I can't explain to you
how beautiful she is yeah beautiful so what are you but I don't trust I don't trust where she works what do you mean
yeah that's why there's it's where she works I've had experiences with other girls there what is this place three
girls to be exact are they all still working there too no no no this is like back in the days but I feel like the
girls that work there have a reputation this like your feeder club like this is where like the the talent comes through
yeah yeah yeah they only hire hotties specifically for this and usually usually quite promiscuous girls too okay
but you can't judge that maybe you can get one off in the the story I have not
from her from one of the other ones same store too back in the day that's what
the hell Welcome to the Real World n in the CH that's not the real world that is the real world in the change room yeah
really on a Thursday night well after clo no during CL during the hours you're
talking [ __ ] no I promise you that's and she was working Witnesses I was 18 years and she was working y there's other
people working there too congratulations there you go I put my thumb in her bum I did I'm not my thumb in a bum
um anyway I think that this girl Lube you lose Lube or no lube for the thumb
yeah no joy you know I got smooth hands needs Lube you got my
hands yeah before and after anyway this girl you should approach her
go back and um talk to her I think that obviously you like her and you've
already spent $300 on her I hate you go approach her and just say hi do you know
why I hate you why because I tried so hard not to mention the name of the store yeah I said I said it now yeah you
did okay let me tell it again anyway I think you should go back to the store and approach her and talk to her cuz she
seems very lovely and very nice she's so and you've already spent $300 but oh she's taller than me though yeah but now
you're going to look weird returning it you know when she was helping me find clothes I was like who wears heels
working at at some places but some places and then I looked down and she was wearing
flats so she's just tall she's just tall but was do you you you don't mind dating
tall people I love da tall girls yeah but she might not my ex was tall but
this chick's taller she's taller the upgrade oh imagine my imagine my ex sees
me with a taller chick she'll be burning yeah I got to make it happen I'm going to make it happen oh I want I'm
interested to see how it goes locking it in that's fun we're manifesting this for you years it's going to happen it's
going to happen need any help from the dark magic side or oh she's oh intimidated by her though oh yeah yeah
yeah no spells potions get I poison her not poison get just get poison like get just get a
spell poison get a get get some of a DNA just get some of your DNA and put in a little test tube and hold that that's so
messed up so many level I don't know if I get my hand on a test tube but like like a little sandwich bag sandwich bag
is fine yeah okay s you get a hair or something yeah he's a bloody broke witch a lot of them are we got to start
somewhere we got to start somewhere okay anyway let me tell you about my horrific
weekend okay so I found out this is fun fact of the day not that fun that you
can give to your dogs no you can't no you can so I got gastro it was my first
experience of it it was horrific and it was the whole week was just terrible last week yeah and then I got sick it
was a whole thing anyway was it both ends gastro yeah I was vomiting but then I
also had like very bad bowel movements it was terrible but we had how on a
scale of remember when we ate the hot chili chip or you guys actually I did eat it too and every part of your body
excreted that that was 10 how was that this weekend it was the same yeah but
you know but the the what's it's horrible like just like dry reaching and like that is horrible the lining and
that yeah it's terrible but we had a we had a trip planned to CRA and we were
taking Vinnie our dog with us so we got in the car we got his crate which is
like think of like a big cage almost that we put in our c an SUV it's pretty
big it fits this massive crate in there we put we you know we put his mat we put him inside you know get him comfy with
blankets all that stuff and he usually sleeps he knocks out he loves the car he usually knocks out for the whole 3 hours
we were in there and we're driving and he just wasn't getting settled and I was like oh something doesn't seem right oh
and then we got you know 1 hour in and then he starts whimpering he's not too good and I'm feeling like I'm getting
really concerned and then he vomits in the crate poor vindoo I know and I was
like oh my gosh so we stopped the car we got him out we cleaned it up luckily Jared had bought another mat so we
didn't have that one mat thank God so we we cleaned that mat we put it in a bag we put it in the back and then we
replaced it with a new mat and we're like great he'll be fine let's keep
going so another hour in he starts whimpering again and he's like drooling and I'm like what is going on and he's
whimpering he's whimpering and we can't get off the highway like at
this point we can't get off there's no shoulder lane or something we were 5 minutes away from being able to take the
exit off hold it in hold it in well basically is what I was saying because literally 5 minutes off to get to uh the
petrol station to you know take him out to a grass patch but no no no this dog had to go it was horrific so I'm looking
at him he gets up on all fors he I like I kid you not his butt shifts towards me
oh no and he goes like an explosion did it go on
you I thought it no I thought he did but it didn't because it's obviously a cage
so like there's holes all through it right and and like when I tell you it
was like a 3D movie like I thought sorry this is very God this is very I think I
need to give you the book too holy [ __ ] it was chaos
I we we we we obviously it happened we then ended up being able to get up the highway we everything got cleaned up it
was fine he was fine he was a poor thing had it rough for the whole weekend and then we got back home and he's much
better now how much of the car was like covered no no it was actually not bad at all is there still a smell in the car no
everything's clean like properly I if I believe that no no no everything is properly clean Jared if Jared cleaned it
it'd be Jared cleaned it I cleaned too um but it didn't get out of the cage yeah so it was too no that's a that's a
lie I no I did I don't think Jared would allow you to clean it what do you mean like no no let me do I'll do it proper
no I cleaned as well and I cleaned Vinnie Anda did the drying you know when you get your kids to dry theya went and
grabbed the paper towels that's what n she did well I did end up going to buy the paper towels and everything as well
but like I we know we cleaned we did a good job anyway but I learned that you can give your dog Gastro and I actually
I gave it to him and he got it from me I'm pretty sure and now Jared poor guy he's sick as well
no he doesn't got grro so you gave it to vindoo and then vindo gave it to Jared
yeah oh well but he doesn't have gastro he's just sick so I was sick and had gastro then Vinnie got sick and had
Gastro and now so what medication did you go to the vet or something or no he's fine now let it passed yeah get all
get all the toxins out but it was like I I actually do think I might have Gast Jo
right now you feel like you're eating a lot yeah but that's me yeah that's me
like even when even when I know that I'm sick or I have tummy tummy issues I still eat a bunch of dairy and [ __ ] like
yeah that's bad that's not good good so are you vomiting no just really bad diarrhea okay so maybe that's stomach
like right now after what I just ate stomach's like bubble guts yeah had two chocolate
hot crust buns is it yeah yeah am I safe to be here probably probably not but
luckily you have dark magic on your side yeah that's true I haven't practiced anything yet guys I don't trust you I
really haven't I feel like you know what you know what n I'm going to be honest with you I have a feeling Ken tested it on your
dog is this why you got gastro like if you're going to test it on anyone going to believe are you actually going to
entertain that if you're going to test it on anyone yeah who would you test it on honestly like be honest it be
practicing anything I'm not practicing anything this just understanding just learning guys don't you like to learn
new things you learned your dog gold gastro you learned that there's goddesses that still work at retail
shops I learned some black magic like it's just does line know about this just
everyone learns different things over the weekend does lorine know about this yeah she knows about the book yeah oh
what do she say she just like yeah cool like what's it about and I tell her she go okay interesting cuz she understands
that it's just knowledge until it isn't just knowledge till you and you find dragon's blood and
you're creating a St find dragon's blood they said no if you can't find it you got to make you got to find you got to
make can you tell us what one potion was just one Potion No I can't why not because I can't I literally don't
remember what what it is oh okay well that's just say that don't make don't make it sound like I can't tell like
he's signed the contract with the you're also you also just don't talk about it I mean I know I talked about it
but you don't like go into depth you are not a part of the Dark World relax calm
down you're a normal guy who does a podcast so you can tell us it's fine yeah I know but I'm just saying if I
ever wanted to in the future I would have lost my Powers by you make me sick oh [ __ ] okay this is
too much anyone want to do a motivational quote you can do why don't you give us like some I did last week's
one okay hold on then it's probably what do you want to get want to give us something or what I'm scared to get on K's bad side now actually am all right
here we go I'll give you guys a motivational quote okay
the shadow stop it stop it I rebuke
you the shadow I have to say it like 100,000 times in order for it to have any power anyway so great good to know
here we go this is this is this one's more for um K the shadow is the greatest teacher
for how to come to the light that's one number two even the darkest night will end end and the sun
will rise remember that and three no I don't like that one shut up
Charlotte she goes the Shadows are as important as a light oh so okay so you're picking and choosing which ones
that makes sense yes what can I ask what you Googled to get those I wrote dark motivational quotes maybe you write dark
magic motivational quotes oh that's a good one I want to see what comes up hold
on okay here we go black magic is not a myth it is a
totally unscientific and emotional form of magic but it does get results of an
extremely temporary nature temporary King see there you go maybe sometimes you just need temporary
[Laughter] relief your life's changed that's how
you know someone's not someone anymore look at this look at this to dabble in
Black Magic is to Dance with the Devil Himself that's a lie anyway that's what
someone in the dark world would say that's someone that's read a book about it knows just just you just got to look
at it just have a have a just look at it it's manipulating you just look at it it's manipulating you to join the evil
side and there's been a lot of manipulation as well from the other sides too has he's got a point he doesn't the manipulation is everywhere
it is anyway each to their own I say hopefully these quotes inspired you
human oh man you gave a lot of power to it like that last one did
I oh yeah forget that
one all right guys thanks for joining in thanks for listening we'll catch you next time pray for k
bye already cancelled if you like the podcast prove
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Black Magic, lengths men go to for a hook up, dogs catch gastro from humans Ep.27
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