Sydney Bishop stabbed in Church!

[Music] already cancelled already canell already
canell hey there welcome uh K Yaz of Nisha this is already cancelled we had a
uh a huge um discussion prior to doing this this is a bonus episode right now
yeah um because of the recent events that's taken place in our home City Sydney yeah uh if you around the world
there's some pretty heavy things happening here at the moment um you know Murder um
killings stabbings uh and just awful things that are
terrorizing um the people here and whilst there is so much of Terror going
on in the world this is something that doesn't usually happen here or you don't really hear about it on this scale
Sydney sers are starting to feel unsafe that's what's happening even myself I've
gone ahead and uh put certain things in place to kind of protect myself out in
public if I do choose to go because it's it's frightening what's happening obviously on Saturday um you know a lot
of people got news of the uh Bondi stabbings at a shopping center in Bondi horrific um yeah uh someone went in
there with what looked like a machete I believe it was and it's a big knife of some sort yeah uh began to
Massacre anyone and everyone it seemed like he was targeting women yeah it definitely seemed like he was targeting
women mon year old baby was stabbed was stabbed um not in a stable condition yet
by the way guys uh went from a critical condition to a serious condition but that is a drop it is worth noting that
the time of release we're going to give you the information at the time of releasing this obviously there's going to be a lot of advancements in the
stories from when we hear this yeah but as of today yes there there have been multiple people murdered yeah um women
children a couple of security guards um from the Bondi Massacre and that's the
and that's and that's what happened in Bondi and then of course uh yesterday uh which would have been the 15th of April
at the time um at around 7:00 8:00 a lot of people started getting some pretty frightening news about what happened out
in Western Sydney uh which of course was Bishop Immanuel uh mmari uh he's a very
well-known Bishop in Sydney uh especially in the uh Christian Community uh he
was uh doing a sermon it was also live streamed this is how the news spread so
quickly was live streamed um when someone decided to walk in there and
attack him with a knife in front of everyone in front of a live audience that was being streamed y called me last
night um to to go dude what's going on cuz we've been talking about the bond stuff yeah over the last couple of days
we didn't know if we wanted to touch on it but obviously this has popped up as well we're like okay let's let's let's report on this yes um do we do have some
extra information that um maybe mainstream media might not know yet yeah um so we wanted to deliver that um with
obviously as much respect as we can so first and foremost to all the victims and all the the families uh we send our
condolences and our our best wishes and love yeah um but secondly when you called me up and you sent me um the
video y of what happened to this uh is it you said as a bishop is it is he Bishop uh Emanuel marmari yes to Bishop
Emanuel um yeah what it seemed like was a man that walked down the uh aisle of the church y um and started to swing his
arm with a supposed knife some people say here's the thing right when when when information spreads that quickly
like I said it was live stream there was a lot of people watching it live he has a very big audience yeah um rumors Start
Spreading of course a lot of rumors start spreading some people said there was nothing in his hand um you can quite clearly see something in his hand a lot
of people said it was a pen um then a lot of people confirmed that it was a knife mhm uh a pocket knife is that
right some kind of knife that needs to be opened right it could be a box cutter it could be um like a maybe a butterfly
knife I don't know well he he forced it directly to uh Bishop emanuel's face
multiple times multiple times um until the bishop collapsed to the floor he
fell to the floor yes you then see uh the perpetrator uh look at his hand
attempt to click something in his hand again and proceed to keep on um daggering yeah now um a lot of people
that were there um in the church when it happened obviously instantly rushed um the
perpetrator they rushed the attacker and they stopped him they did it quite quickly um lucky enough extremely
lucky uh what's being said is the knife was never opened M he had forgotten to
open the knife now it would have been bloody scenes yeah yeah which thankfully wasn't what from what we can see of the
videos um he did obviously bust his eye open a little bit which you're going to
get from any impact to the face of course um but he's in a the the the
bishop is in a good state so we don't know if he actually stabbed him it doesn't look it doesn't look that way no
okay it looks like the knife wasn't open and all I can say all I can say is is it an act of God yeah I mean is it
protection wow who knows who knows the the craziest thing about this the most insane thing about this is that it's in
the middle of a sermon it's in church you know you have the stabbings that happened in Bondi in in a in a Shopping
Center yeah this is where people go to buy bread and milk and that's what a lot of then you got another stabbing attack
happen in a church where people go to get soul food yeah you know it's it's complete violation of our of our our
safety complete violation of when our arms are down the most where we are being people are being attacked and this
is where the insanity lies it's not just it's it's it's targeted at women at at
babies now at priests it's elderly priest what is going on it's like the week of being targeted and guys we're
not in a war zone no we're in Sydney Australia we're meant to be safe we me to feel safe here you feel this 100%
this uneasiness and and especially like like you said uh Ken I feel like you hit the nail on the head so well like in
these areas where you feel like you're your utmost safety you're fine you have no worries and these things happen and then consecutively one after the other
CP days apart yeah it's like it's so frightening and when I heard about the bishop um it was yesterday night and and
my husband showed me and I was in disbelief and I couldn't even watch the video because it was just honestly it
was so harrowing and but I didn't realize that this this bishop like you know has had is well as you said really
well known yeah he has he has a controversial past yeah and that's what I've heard I'm just curious can you have
some background on that at all look from from what I know now one of my best mates um he's part of the community he
goes he goes to that church every single Friday um from from what I've seen what
I've heard what I've researched he's very well known now what's that what's that really big podcast in this St
Patrick DAV uh pbd pbd so he was on pbd about four months ago oh really yeah pbd
posted about him last night yeah yeah so he was on he was on pbd um himself George jenko as well was on there so
this this bishop was essentially um uh I don't know what the word is I don't want to say the word banished I
think it was banished but he was of removed yeah from his his original church for his uh certain political
views um uh he's extremely unfiltered um which I don't think is a problem in any way
shape or form especially if you're a man trying to spread a word right and you need to get your point across um so he
went and created his own church and his own community and a lot of people followed him a lot of people respect this man um like I said completely
unfiltered so he will um uh you know push his not push his
faith voice his opinions and voice what he believes is his truth um in any way shape according to his
scripture and um you know obviously from what we can see what we've heard and everything that's happened yesterday uh
this could be the reason why this attacker had a some may say a vendetta but here's the thing there's something
interesting about this that not many people know yeah and you told us this morning yeah this was not the first incident of the night once again I have
I don't have all the information a lot of people are focusing on the footage that has been seen but apparently there
was another priest um I believe his name was uh father Isaac from the same Community um who was also stabbed that
night and ended up going to hospital what uh so he was looking after in Arabic what we like to call a AA which
is where you go to pay your respects um to someone who's passed away so it's not the funeral it's before the funeral um
and he was hosting one of those for a family and apparently he was uh stabbed and went to hospital okay so I missed
that conversation this morning wait so two stabbings different let me double check that before I share false false
information I'm assuming I'm assuming it's different people right like who who committed oh no same person from from
what I know yeah and is is do you say father Isaac I believe so uh bishop and
priest stabbed uh and the oh my goodness this I'm just finding this out
now the the the perpetrator um the person that uh wielded the knife 15 years old guys oh my God it's
15 um yeah is it so so the latest headline that I have here uh bishop and
priest stabbed 15-year-old boy in custody after Sydney's Church attack there's a lot that we need to talk about um when it comes to this because even
the reaction from the public uh the reaction from the community um in the Fairfield City Council yesterday was
um insane it was wild it was some may even call it a riot the the word got out
very quickly once again because of the live stream and the amount of people that showed up to this church
was unimaginable within 30 minutes I obviously I wasn't there but from the
footage I can see and people talking they're estimating around 5,000 people showed up to this church yeah wow 5,000
people demanding to let him out because so police rush in after he's he's hit uh
Bishop Emanuel yes the police rush in a lot of police hold him and secure him
yes in the church itself and lock down the church yes now the reason they had to lock down the church was because of
how quickly this crowd of uh emerged angry people emerged
Nows of were loans llim their yeah um it was pretty
insane um now the crowd got Rowdy the crowd
started doing things that maybe they shouldn't have done got they started smashing in cop cars oh why cop cars
well this is what I was asking now my cousin lives on that street so I was asking what was happening I was like
dude why are people losing their mind why are people attacking the police why are people attacking police
a lot of people were being attacked um by the police trying to obviously keep
control but in a way where maybe they shouldn't have done that apparently there were elderly women and elderly men
being pepper sprayed oh and they weren't doing anything they were just there in
the Crowd Oh that's odd so I don't know I don't know about you but I would get quite upset if I saw my 60 old get of
course of course so I feel like that was the retaliation of the crowd and obviously demanding for him to come out the police couldn't get him out for
about 3 hours yeah cuz there's that many people and they were trying to get into the church it was it was the most insane
scenes but there's another thing I want to talk about guys and this is what really grinds my Gees this is what really pisses me off and this is the
problem with Australian media we are so far behind we are so far behind and the
only word that I can describe it as is racist our Australian media
the media that's in front of us the commercial media is so disgustingly racist it makes me sick to my stomach we
had the Bondi incident on Saturday mhm the first thing that I saw was the
general public yeah posting about it now who was posting about
it the whitest of the white and what were they saying mhm must be an Arab
must be a terror attack must be a Palestinian supporting Palestine these are the things I saw on social media and
it made me sick to my there was nothing and to be honest I'm not going to lie I'm not going to lie when the photo
emerged of the of the man from Bondi that committed these uh disgusting acts
um he kind of looked a bit Arab and I got worried I said here we go here we go
we're going to cop it everyone's going to cop it cuz this one mental case went out and did something wrong he looks like us now we're all going to get
targeted as we always do right right turns out he wasn't turns out he's a
100% Australian M he was wearing an Australian Jersey so what happens with the media what do they put out this was
not a terror attack how many people died do we have the number of how many people died in Bondi just I'm just curious I
want I want to get the right facts here uh I think it was I think it was seven stabbings from the top of my head
nine stabbings how many deaths it was it was ridiculous we had a baby that's currently in hospital in a serious
condition mom's dead the mother of the child is dead a sec two security guards are dead
and they claim that this was not a terror attack I mean yeah it's absolutely ridiculous I I I completely
agree with you as if you wouldn't be in Terror but guys what did we wake up to this morning have you guys seen the
headlines yeah I did have you guys seen the headlines this morning police have confirmed this is a terror attack Sydney
Church stabbing police investigating last night's attack as a terrorist act M
why because the man is of Middle Eastern appearance now I'm not saying this is a
terrorist attack this definitely is Terrorism he's causing terrorism to the
community but the crazy thing which blows my mind is this man that went in yesterday had an agenda he had a Target
he had a vendetta against one person y he went in there and attacked this one person mhm it's a terror attack but
you're telling me that a man that walks into a shopping center one of the busiest shopping centers in Sydney right yep with a machete has no Target and
just targets the public the general public walking past him is not
considered a terror attack is not considered a terrorist even though he's causing more terror across the whole
region let me let me give you the definition of terrorism in Australian
law according to
14:53 commonwealth law is defined as an act or threat that is intended to
Advance a political ideological or religious cause cerse or intimidate an
Australian or foreign government or public conduct the conduct Falls within the definition of it is serious physical
harm to a person or serious damage to property causes death or endangers a person's life creates a serious risk to
health and safety to the public and seriously interferes disrupts or
destroys now there's three points there that could fall there's more there's so much exactly that's this is the conduct
right the conduct of it serious physical harm death endangers people's lives damaged the property whatever right did
this particular 15-year-old boy do we know of any type of motive is there any
stories or anything around that I have a I have a video on my phone I have a video on my phone of someone recording
um in the church while they were pinning this um 15-year-old boy down um they were talking to him in Arabic
and they were asking him who are you why did you do this and he was responding
regarding his faith now it is a little bit hard to hear um it was translated by
a few different people and it kind of um comes down to one thing yeah um he says
in there I wouldn't have done this by the way he's speaking Arabic I wouldn't have done this if the bishop hadn't I
think made fun of my religion or spoke badly about my faith or spoken badly about my
Prophet so what it sounds like is look end of the day this gu this guy's is
mentally ill you have to be mentally ill to have this much evil in you to walk in and Target someone and commit such an
act like this so I'm not saying it has anything to do with religion but in this mind in
this in this kid's mind it does yes in this kid's mind it does and and it hurts me so much to even mention this and say
that this this child made this decision because of uh religious conflict mhm
because it sucks cuz what's happening now is our Muslim brothers and sisters are going to be painted in this
light one person one person one person's act cannot be 100% it can't be you can't
General you can't paint a whole Community a whole race of people a whole ethnic group based on uh one person's
Behavior it makes me sick to my stomach that that is probably what's going to happen why because of this this this
agenda that this country's media has to separate the whites from the Browns it
is disgusting it is disgusting and it's been happening for years and years and
and the fact that it's right in front of us literally Saturday a white man murders multiple people with zero agenda
he just wanted to go in there and cause Terror and he's not considered a terrorist but when this one person goes
into a a church at attacks one man attacks one man the next day he is he is
a terrorist this is a form of a terror attack this is a form of a terror act
come on man yeah what is going on it's in the bloody definition like it's just that's what it is something has happened
there's a definition for it that you've just read out Ken that literally shows both situations as a terror attack well
we don't know what was the motive of this this white Aussie man at Bondi because he's dead well his dad came out
spoke what did his dad say his dad came out and said he was extremely frustrated cuz he's always wanted a girlfriend but
couldn't get one so that's why he went out and targeted women so so if that was if that's the motive from what his dad
says if that's the motive how is that not how just because it has no political
ideological or or um religious cause why why why is it not a terrorist attack
because of Australian media and their agenda to separate us there is nothing else I can say I mean does it have
anything to do with the fact that one happened in the west and and if you if you don't know about about Sydney there's this a big West the west of
Sydney is very multiculture there is a lot of different uh nationalities living in the west and when you move over to
you go over to the east where Bondi is it's predominantly a white place it is
yeah um so you can see the the the difference here right this person being
a white guy going into a shopping mall killing nine people killing six people nine people injured I'm not
sure on the exact numbers as it's a lot of people it doesn't matter what the number a lot mul people because you
couldn't get a girlfriend from what his father says from what his father says I mean what an
awful excuse there's there is no excuse for it
like I just I I I think that law needs to be changed that's what I think I think the law of terrorism needs to be
any Act of Terror towards a community or one person well there's a lot adult points that you spoke there that
actually cover what happened but the main point here is Advanced political ideological and religious cuse that's the main point here but you know and and
the the word around here's the thing when you look at when you look at when you look at someone that's you label
someone as a terrorist right you there's there's this ultimate judgment which is rightful to judge or
not rightful to judge but rightfully that name should be owned but then when you label someone's uh mental health
there's a sense of pity there's a of feel sorry for them there's a sense of uncr there's a sense of oh I get it do
you know what I mean like the behavior this person didn't have a choice they're mentally ill got
you know there's nothing we could have done and and the media doesn't look the media just looks at it in a different in a different way look we've been in the
media we know what the media is like you if you've seen it tell me that tell me on any of the main commercial channels I
could probably say there's only two brown people I've ever seen read the news in my entire existence in Australia
on a commercial channel channel 97 or 10 if I I could be wrong there might be three no you know what I can only think
of one there's only that W Ali yeah right he does this project show who who
I could who I could speak about here and say certain things about but I'm not going to and then there's one other guy that I saw the other day in my 32 years
of life I saw one other brown person read the news I mean it is so overly whitewashed in our media and here we are
we were the like okay and there's look there's there's nothing wrong once again there's nothing wrong with having like
like I think what we comes down to is representation cuz ultimately it's it's nice to see someone who looks like you
has experiences like you especially projected on such a huge platform right because to get to those levels to get
through through to those doors is very difficult I mean we did a radio station that was very difficult to get into
ourselves and I I believe and we hit a ceiling we hit a massive ceiling but I also I also I you know when we were
running on radio it was actually very interesting I would get messages constantly this is not and you know it's
it's really interesting because I wasn't actually cognizant of it as much until people started messaging me being like it is so amazing to see you do this it's
incredible like oh my gosh South Asian representation oh my gosh oh my go and I was like but we're not thinking that
yeah we're just trying to build a career for ourselves that's what we well I'll be honest with you I thought about it for the last 10 years Nisha you were new
to radio when you came in I was new yes myself and K have been doing it for 10 years um K was working behind the scenes
a lot to start off with um I was always trying to be in front of the microphone
and that was one of my biggest struggles to the point where a manager I'm not going to name names I'm not going to
name companies literally sat me down in his office and he said to me in in in a
nice way trying not to come across racial he said yes he goes I know you
have dreams and aspirations to do this and be in front of a mic and you know blah blah blah and entertain the
entertain the masses he goes Australia isn't the country for you he said and
and he was saying it in a way where he's kind of like warning me that you're entering a very white predominant
industry that are going to look at you differently and maybe not give you the opportunities you deserve and he said to me he goes maybe you should look at
somewhere like Dubai or the Middle East he said you will flourish there that's so messed up and it's true you it's true
you look at someone like like Chris fade right he's a Lebanese Australian he came
here oh sorry he started his radio he he tried to achieve what he wanted to and he couldn't he couldn't get to the level
that he's at now he is probably in the top three most
successful and most famous radio hosts of all time yeah yeah yeah definitely right do you think he would have had
that same opportunity of course not I mean they would have shut him down so quickly yeah so quickly and I'm sick and
tired of this [ __ ] because we need we need Unity we need Unity we need to work
together we need to open up a little bit Australia is so far behind you compare us to the UK you compare us to America
the country that had slavery proper slavery right you're comp that's that's
who we're comparing ourselves to you know how sick that is that you go to somewhere like America and they have representation for everyone and anyone
in any Community you go to the UK it's the exact same right you will see colored people on television you will
see colored people giving you news you will see all of that but in Australia you don't
you don't it is [ __ ] up yeah it is and look and and look it's not it's it's not
we're not me we we didn't want the conversation to steer about us but you know whatever we've we've we've had our
journey we've experienced it you know and there's a lot of stories that we can tell you about what we've personally
experienced within this industry however when it comes back down to uh labeling
one uh different to the other um and you can clearly see it's as clear as day
that one is white one is AR and one is called this and the other is called
that one is called a terrorist one has said mental health issues one is from the West one is uh from the oh oh is's
from Queensland but one was down in the East you know and we're in an Australian Australian uh Jersey like like wearing
the colors of our country a sports a sports Jersey of ours and they're labeled two different
things by the media and by police yeah by police as well well it's the police
that are coming out and saying it it's so it's just it's just hard to not look at that and feel that there is there is
still this racial [ __ ] happening it's just so it's just hard and the sad thing about is it takes away this takes
everything away from the victims it takes everything away from the stories of the people that are hurt and it and
it's not the people that get hurt as it's not just the the victims of course that's the number one people that get hurt but it's the community I look now I
okay I have now recently started attending church again I go to my wife takes my two four-year-old and
two-year-old daughter to to ww at the shops which is probably 30 minutes away from from this church and an hour away
from Bondi or whatever to to go get bread and milk I sit there last night going where can we go without me having
to go you know I do self-defense classes I think what would I have done I do self-defense and I think okay I have to
go with my wife and my children now to to make sure that nothing's going to pop off because another thing this can this
can started a domino effect that we're discussing this last night yes there is possibilities of another one happening
and another one happen well this is what happens there's people out there that have these evil thoughts in their head and what's stopping them is probably the
fact that they don't think it's possible right they don't think it's actually doable but what happens when these
people see it happening multiple times in one week they get the confidence to right now I'm not trying to spread fear
or spread anything here but I think it's about time we start making some changes well well some of the changes that was
disussed and what I've heard is that they're looking at take making security guards um carry firearms yeah the
premier came out and said no he said that will never happen well I don't think it he said I will never arm I will never arm security guards but here's the
thing you're not arming security guards don't have security guards have proper trained officers that are on duty as
security well you have to pay the police force for that well they already being paid aren't they they're already there I
don't think it's I don't think it's necessary to do that because of what it means for everyone
else and everyone else's freedom of being able to walk around without Firearms I mean we you know what you
kind of get what I'm saying like I can't walk down the street without my kids can't walk down the street with someone with a gun standing there like that's
very intimidating and it's very like it's it takes away from it kind of gets into Freedom stuff and no no no 100% and
I'll never and I will never ever say legalize uh Firearms I'd never I'd never ever say that right but we're at a point
now where we actually have nothing to protect ourselves you cannot protect yourself with anything you have you're
carrying pepper spray you get fined if you have pepper spray that is a weapon that is considered a weapon AA if you
have to if you have to for example walk home late from work at 10: p.m. at night in a dirty Alleyway you cannot have
pepper spray you know what you have that's odd to me you have a whistle you have a whistle and you blow it and
that's it yeah that that just seems very very s but like me walking around with a pocket knife is that legal no of course
it's a weapon you can't walk around with anything and you know what's even worse about this country and I'm going to have
to do a fact check on this but I've heard this multiple multiple multiple times right if someone attacked me right
with a knife and I wielded a machete to self-defend myself I will get charged
because it's not an equivalent self-defense wow is that not the most insane thing you've ever heard in your
life well wasn't there wasn't and I could be wrong entirely too but I am just curious was is there like is there a law as well that if someone like
breaks into your house and they get hurt in your yeah there's an insurance stuff there's all that stuff something like
that look there's all that stuff going on I think I think okay how do how how do we suggest that to solve these things
I think there needs to be uh compulsory self-defense classes placed in our schools placed um and the ability for
people to access it easier um just so people if everyone knows self-defense or
everyone has a level of self-defense techniques and skills who's going to attack then yeah but at the same time I
feel like that's going to cost the government more money than having a couple we put our money towards something freaking useful for once
that's what I'm saying I'm the Australian mean the Australian government has so much money Ken we I'm
like I'm sorry we have a great life here we do it's amazing healthare blah blah blah this and that in a very controlled
state in a very controlled state but especially New South Wales we are a
cash cow from our fines our ridiculous findes you you park somewhere that you
shouldn't or or you you you go over your parking by 2 minutes you're being
charged $200 right our toll roads for me to go to the airport and back is costing me 60 bucks is $60 can I our tax rates
our tax rates are almost upwards of 50% almost 50% of what we earn can be taxed
where is this money going do something to protect us put some extra officers
hire more officers it's $60 $70,000 a year it is nothing to the tax payer we
will happily pay our taxes if that's what you're using the money for is you're going to protect our community it
doesn't feel like there's enough protection put in place no definitely not uh look let me let me ask you this
uh do people get taxed when they go gambling no okay they don't sorry they
don't get taxed but it is one of the biggest money makers for the government you got to remember that we have we have a very bad um gambling uh uh culture so
the reason the reason I bring this up is if the money the government making money through gambling if I through through
gambling well they're making money through the companies that um that pay the tax through the gambling licenses and all that stuff if I was to if I was
to go lose $100 gambling in Australia $48 of that is going to the government okay so so so listen to that if the if
the the government makes money through such a which is which people consider worse than a drug addiction yeah it's
life ruining right if they're going to make money off our our like off that and
not put in place security for us we just know where where the government's intentions lie so we understand that and
I think people need to understand that this is this is how this and if you haven't woken up time to wake up we've
gone so far away from the point of this whole story though the main thing is what we want and what we suggest you
know if you if the government can't afford to put in self-defense classes I suggest you do that because it's not
just it's not just good to protect yourself it's also confidence and all that stuff within yourself you can build communities around or whatever do that
go and get go and train in self-defense so you're you're confident walking around the streets and you understand
you can protect yourself and protect your family number one number two uh this whole labeling back and forth don't
fall into what the media says about it just stick to the actual facts about what's going down um and the great thing
about uh this bishop which you know is a step is is is a great step that he's taking towards forgiveness and to pray
for these pray for the attacker yeah you know these These are the type of people you're dealing with um so I know it's
very hard and it's very tense for our communities right now because of all these things that's going on uh and it's
very hard to find forgiveness and it might take some time to have forgiveness for all these things yeah at the end of
all of it you know we have to come together as one and figure this stuff out together agreed and I don't know how
to and whatever but maybe it's speaking to your local MP I don't know how many times people do that and [ __ ] disc goes
whatever I don't know the answers but all I do know is what you can do for yourself and what you rightfully have
for yourself and that's to protect yourself right so it by all means protect yourself one one more thing I
just want to mention obviously when something like this happens and it is fueled by um religion right it's a very
very bad thing and it can cause separation um we don't want that in our communities we defin we definitely don't
do not fall for the rumors it is very important there's so many rumors going around all social media platforms from
WhatsApp to Instagram to Snapchat all this [ __ ] that you're going to be hearing last night within 2 hours of
what happened um there were rumors going around that you know um Christian men
were going to mosques to burn them down in retaliation these were completely falsified and rumored I'm sorry we're
not going to do that we're not that stupid right now there are some dumb people out there but no one is blaming
the Muslim Community of course we're not the Muslim Community of course we're not going to find retaliation in going and
burning down our brothers and sisters place of worship so don't fall for that don't let what you're hearing through
media and through social media actually bring separation yeah because that's just going to yeah and they're e they're
Echo Chambers at the end of the day right like yeah and I think I think there's also like a a higher message
here I think we're as a society this is all across the world we're getting to a point where we're finding it very
difficult to have have differing opinions on things and I think you should always welcome a different a
different opinion you should welcome it with open arms because it might be a chance for you to grow or maybe go stronger in your position of what you
feel but because someone is different to you or because someone thinks
differently to you it's not a bad thing and I think it's causing a lot
more terrible separation in all communities not just one everywhere you just don't need to result in violence
essentially you just don't need to go in violence it's the worst thing you can do exactly it's the most awful thing you
can do it doesn't hurt one person it hurts yourself think of his family think of his mother the 15-year-old boy's mom
yeah sitting there about her son that's doing this do you think she's happy about that no of course not no and she's
and and the sad truth is you know we live in a world where people like to
pass blame do you think she's not going to cop retaliation she she will and it's
sad because she's probably done absolutely nothing mhm she's probably beautiful inness and young lady mhm you
know what I mean well we'll we'll take from that what you want uh and hopefully
there's something in there that clears some things up for you um and hopefully we've covered some of the opinions that
you may have and some and voed something that you may feel and connect with and if if there's any any uh points you want
to add you can always feel free to hit us up at our our socials we're happy to always talk to you guys um but you know
this is a time to open up communication now yeah most defitely so thanks for being here already
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Sydney Bishop stabbed in Church!
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