Being controlling in a relationship, Talking too loud in public, Sack Whack vs Child birth what's more painful? Ep.19

if you're dating a girl and she's had a very crazy promiscuous past right one night stands
maybe she's cheated on her ex she's open and honest about it she's open and honest about it and then she wants to go
on a girls trip and go clubbing with the girls can I turn around and say well I feel extremely uncomfortable with that
because of your past is that okay you can 100% turn around and say that and 100% you can you're
going all right already canell already canell already canell hey what's going on it is Kenya of Nisha the already
cancelled podcast there it is how you what's happening guys hell hello nothing much Nish I like that top I actually do
you walk into today and I'm like how on she's she's she's turned up she's gone shopping with her $60 budget okay hold
on I did not go shopping with my $60 budget this is a story and I have to share it because I think that this is
some um what do you call it good negot ating skills so this was a gift to Jared
okay from one of our really good friends and he loved it but I told him and I didn't think personally this cardigan
suited him and so I said I think it doesn't go with your style can I have
your cardigan and he was like um no it's my cardigan so it took
me a while a few a few months to like really plan you just finessed it off your partner and I took it off him yeah
okay nice and this is his and now is officially mine okay so yeah when you said negotiation skills I thought you
were talking about like heckling for the no no no no no heckling going I get too nervous to heck 200 no $20 I heckled
once to impress my friend in India and that just went really bad so I haven't done that ever since no cuz he was like
because I've seen a mom Heckle all my life like when we go to India right oh Indians are the greatest hecklers yeah she's amazing it's it's a literal art
form and my friend was there I took her to the markets I wanted impress her and so I started heckling in Hindi back and forth with the with the guy and he was
like I don't know he must have said like 1,500 rupees I said 200 rupees I didn't
understand the difference and he was like get out of my store yeah some of them some of them actually get offended if you like go to B like get out I want
he was like just get out yeah and I was like fair enough I will I will get out you trying to buy just curious what were you trying to buy it was some material
my friend really liked it you were just going to go and buy material yeah cuz they do they sell a lot of material there like to make a dress and stuff to
make a dress and make out it's very common there right and so she really liked it and then I said to her as we walked away I knew I made the grave
mistake but I was like don't worry he'll cave in and he didn't cave in all the way to Australia until this day you left
the country he's on a podcast somewhere talking about you EXA oh well let's go
to this off the bat last night put something into the uh cancel Squad uh broadcast
channel this guy comes on um speaking about essentially in a nutshell it's
just about controlling in relationships right um butd he has a point he's trying to get across
where he's trying to protect his partner I'll play it for you so it makes a bit of sense have a listen to
this your girlfriend comes to me and she's like hey babe you I want to go on a girl trip no why would I put my girl
in a club somewhere all daed up in a dress in high heels with a bunch of other single women so guys can come hit
on her it's not distrust it's not insecurity it's just a foolish move but
it's only foolish if you think she actually might cave unless you're worried about getting herur unless
you're worried about her getting assaulted no why would you put her in that circumstance why wouldn't you
protect her from that circumstance doesn't she want to know that you're territorial over her and you would want to protect that at all rights don't
women deeply deeply want you to feel for them in that way
no what okay I have opinions yeah this one
bloke is like speaking on behalf of all women on earth that's where it gets weird that's weird it's weird
I just don't understand how he's got to a point where
he can assume that all women want their partner to be territorial to
the point where they can tell them what to do where to go and
essentially restrict them from having fun and in this case a girls trip well
exactly but also the fact that he has this like preconceived notion that this is obviously what he's doing in his relationship where it's almost his right
as a man to be able to go you know do that now I'm I'm not saying you know you
have boundaries in a relationship and so if like he's uncomfortable like that's how you have a conversation and that's
your relationship but you can't just expect like women being at a club is a
bad thing like yeah is he talking about cuz you said uh girls trip but he's talking about it well he's saying a
girls trip and then on the girls trip they go to clubs or something or girls night you know what I mean they go out
and whatever I want to go on a girls trip that could be whatever I'm in another country and I'm going clubbing with the girls or it could even just be
going clubbing all right let's just put it to that thing a girl going out with her friends in a scenario when other
guys can hit on her he's saying no yeah but it's so ridiculous because he's
basically saying like this is his argument I don't TR I trust her but I don't trust the environment but you
could use that same argument in any circumstance like going out with her
friends to dinner like that walk from the car to the restaurant that might be
you know might take a a dangerous Alleyway or driving like you can get in
a car accident so now you're not allowed to drive exactly I think it's very different guys how you okay you
comparing comparing a nightclub to walking down the street or getting into character it's two right but what I'm saying is walking somewhere lat night
with a friend let's just they're going for a walk and if it's I would be I would be uncomfortable with that okay
fair enough probably dangerous I would actually if my partner said oh hey it's like you know it's 10 p.m. we're going to go down the bankstown road I'll be
like byself no that's weird all right fair enough but but I guess the analogy that I'm trying to make is is like if
it's if he if his argument is to like protect her then there's so many C he
said here is being territorial yeah it's not really protecting her it's more about being that's what he's talking it's more it's more saying well other
guys are going to hit on you and I don't think that's the best place for you to be in because I just don't trust other
people well that just means that you don't trust her exactly and that's one variable of many things like yes guys
may heit to know but also she's going to have fun they're going to dance they're going to like she's going to be with her friends they're going to like have girl
time like it there's so many other things that happen that's not just that right so I think it's just a weak
argument um I can only go off experience I always go off experience I want to get
your opinion on something guys it's not a nightclub but it's something similar and I think it comes back to nich you
saying having boundaries that's what it comes down to if you don't want a girl that goes out clubbing with her friends
then then that's your that's what you want that's fair I totally understand that but you have to find the right person if you're dating someone who
wants to do that that's not fair on them that's not fair on them um but listen to my situation so I was I was dating this
girl and we had we ended up dating for like 2 years but um early on in the relationship probably like 3 4 months
into the relationship she was looking at moving out of home right right and she was friends with this um guy that she
used to work with or something like it was a actual friendship there was nothing there whatever and she's like oh
he's got a spare room I'm going to go Ming with him and I'm like no you're not I'm like no you're not it's not
happening she's like why I'm like what do you mean why yeah okay like that's the stupidest thing ever she's like I
don't understand it like he's like he's just a friend blah blah blah I said it doesn't matter I don't care if he's your best mate if I feel this uncomfortable
if I feel just a little bit this uncomfortable you shouldn't be putting me that in position yeah you should not put me in an uncomfortable position yeah
that's right if you care about you exactly so I said to I said do what you want but I will not be with you if your roommate's a bloke I'm sorry that's just
how I am that's how I roll that's my opinion and and this is the thing this is because you have boundaries and it's not
there's nothing wrong with having a boundary but someone in someone in the council Corner sorry in the uh cancel Squad said personally I wouldn't like
that at all but it's her life can't stop her right this is the same concept you're saying it's your life I can't
stop you but it will make me feel uncomfortable and if I feel uncomfortable we are no longer together
now you're providing an ultimatum essentially right but it's still their decision at the end of the day it is
that decision but then but then but then you know the the feminist point of view of that would be you have
insecurities right I don't think it's about insecurities no I look I don't think it's insecurity I think it's a very valid point like to be honest like
everyone has boundaries in a relationship and if you feel uncomfortable with certain things as long as you verbalize it have a conversation and uh you know have that
discussion that that's the right thing to do and you have like there's no point denying something you're uncomfortable
with right because that's just going to create more tension but it's it comes to finding the right person where your
values align exactly and it makes sense like for this bloke I want to know if he's going out with the boys clubbing
and that's that's exactly what the next point I wanted to bring up let's reverse the scenario for a second him going out
we all know well the partner would assume what a boy not would consist of drugs drinking it doesn't have to well
majority majority of the time it does drugs drinking depending obviously your crowd right if you if that's if that's
the friends you select or the friends that you're around okay that's what it is sometimes playing chess I get it right
jarar let's go for a run and play chess like probably it seems like Jared would do that why I don't think I I think
drugs is for very specific type of type of people would you say do you think do
you think a boy's not an average boys not at Nishi drugs or no drugs majority
of the time I'm just curious to see where your brain goes okay depends what age group so 25 25 you're 25 years old
you're not at your crazy party stage but you're not at your retirement of clubbing stage what do you reckon and
these are these are single or with Partners some of the boys are single some of the boys are Rel it's boys 10
boys are going out half of them in a relationship half of them are not I what do you reckon majority know drugs or majority there one guy that's that says
guys are got bags there's one guy I get I want to see honestly okay look I don't know I I don't hang around that type of
crowd not saying look once again I'm not judging do your thing it's your life at the end of the day I just just answer
the damn question but I look I don't I say no people that I'm hanging around with
they're not taking and this is a thing right if if then you go to your partner yeah who's a girl and you say I'm going
out with the boys this weekend and she knows that there's drugs there and she
says well no cuz there's going to be drugs there it's the same concept it's the same concept but it's even that if
you think guys are going to crack onto girls in a nightclub then you're by you leaving your girlfriend at
home or your wife at home and going out with the boys you're putting yourself in an environment of Temptation exactly what the hell is the difference it's
hypocritical hyp technically then if he's going to try and say no you can't go you better sit your ass at you better
be the one that sits at home as well when the boys times come up it's got to be it's got to be an even playing field that's correct but so it brings up the
question when is it okay to have controlling or the concept of control in
the relationship is it is it is it okay to have the concept of control in a relationship when you know it's going to
benefit the other person healthwise so girl saying no don't go out with the
boys because they're just going to get drunk do drugs and get up to trouble is that okay okay so I think control has a
very bad connotation to it but when ultimately it's just setting your boundaries that's what it is and as you
grow with someone you go through different experiences you learn more about what you're comfortable and not comfortable with and as long as you
verbalize it and address it with one another I think that's really important to do but you you need to have boundaries cuz everyone does and you
should you should say so and people call that control people call that insecurity and that's fine but I think it's called
compromise and that's what the foundation of any good relationship is is a series of compromisation that you
make to be with another person you know all right I've got a scenario for you and I'm just TR to get
where your where your mind goes with this one similar to what you said about like oh the boys going to be doing drugs
blah blah blah if I if if you were dating a girl and she's had a very crazy
promiscuous past right one night stands maybe she's cheated on her ex she's open
and honest about it she's open and honest about it and then she wants to go on a girls trip and go clubbing with the
girls can I turn around and say well I feel extremely uncomfortable with that because of your past is that 100% turn
around and say that 100% you can you're not [ __ ] going say like that when it comes to you're not going or no I don't
want you to go but you can still decide what you want to do I think that's totally fine I feel like you can voice
your your opin you can your feelings that you're uncomfortable with it and that you don't think she should go and
if she does go then it shows that she doesn't give a
f about your happiness she only cares about her happiness and what does that mean for a relationship [ __ ] all it
means that she doesn't care about this relationship right but I will also add it just depends like the time frame as
well like obviously if you're like let's say 10 years into the relationship and we're talking about 10 years ago she used to be like this then obviously
that's different too you also need to put some work in to be able to build that trust as well right so like there
is some work that has to be done on both sides in that situation but like obviously if you just started dating and
you know and she's been open about a pass and of course like it's it's it hasn't been that long it's natural food to feel uncomfortable it's natural food
to feel uncomfortable 10 years on but that's something that you're going to have to work on do you know what I
mean so is it okay to be controlling in a relationship I I I don't like I think
it's only okay to voice your opinion but you can't force someone to stay home you
can't force any but then if if that goes out then there's repercussions for it yeah every action has a consequence and
also what are you willing to risk like okay your partner is just going to be unhappy for one or two night or three nights and then you move
on I think the important thing is just being open and honest yeah but I don't think it's right for this guy to promote
the whole no you can't go because that could just be scratching the surface to more issues in a in a relationship that
goes south very quickly oh no you can't eat that oh no you can't do that yeah no
no it makes it really makes no sense honestly I don't I don't I don't get that kind of mentality especially like
speaking on behalf of you know well some look like one of the girls one of our
listeners uh the sloppy Chef oh I love her Zenna uh you might trust your woman
but you can't trust what's around her so girls are saying that too on the other side not all girl trips are about clubs
cocktails massages and Spar are also a girl's night out doesn't have to be dancing and get an approach by guys if
you trust your girl you let it go and have fun that's enough said other people are saying that he's obviously it's it's
uh it's not it's not wrong to anticipate how untrustworthy Modern Men can be so it's true it's a it's a sticky
situation but it comes down to how much you trust your partner yeah exactly and I think that's not the question here
though I think the question is how much do you think your partner can be
tempted yeah he clearly doesn't trust his partner I'll say that much but this the whole concept of territory like do
you think like let's just say like how does Jared feel about like cuz he knows that we work together yeah you're around
two other guys we work together it's different yeah but if we were hanging out coffee or if we were like dancing or
whatever yeah how would Jared feel about that dancing like say for example you
yeah we're doing the charting no like you've gone out and we constantly go out yeah and we're both men straight you
know what I mean yeah and if you told me he felt uncomfortable I would 100% put a distance there like just straight up like that's my priority and so I think
that's what you decide in your relationship right what is the priority what matters to you and what you think
is right or wrong now I'm sure another woman in you know in in that situation
and her partner goes hey I want like I don't feel comfortable about these blocks like hanging out on this much
with them like can you like you know they'll be like you're controlling blah blah blah like that's one that's a matter of perspective but I think that
like in my relationship if I feel uncomfortable about something I'm going to tell Jared and voice it and and vice versa and will respect it cuz that's
compromis I feel like it literally just comes down to finding the right partner yeah literally that's all it is what it is if your partner likes to go out and
you don't like your partner going out you're not in the right relationship yeah if you don't care that
your partner goes out and then your partner likes to go out then great relationship yeah find the right person
there you go well we put up another poll last night about this private talking Mass this new
technology that's coming up okay so it's called Sky well the company's called
skyed and essentially it's help it's helping to make conversations confidential and private right cuz have
you ever had that situation where you've I don't know been on the train or like you've had your mates and you're driving
in the car and you really want to answer a phone call but you just don't want other people to listen into the conversation very rarely I'll going be
honest with you okay well maybe it's like a like a business yeah but I get like let's just say you're having a
discussion with your partner that you just you need to what's his name private and you can't talk right now but you and
then you're texting back and forth and that's a headache in a half want quick phone call boom knck it out yeah so
that's what skyed have aimed to like solve which is building this mask that looks like the masks that we used
for co co time but it it's very
prominent on the face like it looks like a very thick mask it looks like
Bane yes from what what Iron Man Iron Man Iron Man and B Iron Man Bane I don't
know what's bang bane the the villain the villain guy he wears he's got a full
mask on and never watched Iron Man in my life so basically what this thing does right you haven't watched Iron Man no
you're lying I might have watched the original like 20 years ago whatever whenever he came out that's weird anyway
why why is that weird that is very weird that's sorry that's weird bro I'm sorry have you guys
watched every movie on Earth no but like you also claim to be a movie love and I feel like Iron Man is like one of those
movies that like you just movies do not talk about Iron Man being like a a
theatrical Masterpiece no I'm not I didn't say that I like my like my well-
written like story lines like Titanic and like you know what I mean no I notbook The Notebook you know I love
those kind of but you want me to talk about a superhero movie but it's a highly rated superhero movie
it's one of the highest rated it's a decent movie okay anyway 7.9 7.9 that is
rubbish 7.9 out of 10 on what on IMB
IMDb it's a good movie I have to admit it compare that to the notebook real quick okay it doesn't compare they're
like two different genres entir one's a masterpiece and one's like but you Haven even watched it you can't even say 7.8
it's more it's it's rated higher than notebook I'm DBS a rubbish anyway it's R
Rotten Tomatoes or nothing you you have to see it you do I'm just saying okay anyway this mask right should we just
dive down that that hole real quick sure all right the notebook oh God on Rotten
Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes whatever 54% it's Rotten Tomato I don't trust 54%
[ __ ] Iron Man oh my gosh although 54% I don't
trust Rotten Tomatoes are you ready I don't want to do this 94% you're such a
liar 94% you got to watch it now I'm not watching it it's [ __ ] anyways I'm
going to tie him down and force him to watch it or toothpicks in your eyes to hold your eyelids open that's what we
call control oh yeah that's not good for the relationship I just I'm sorry but Marvel confuses me Marvel as a whole
whole universe the whole universe of Marvel confuses the F out of me so I get anxiety watching it I don't know if I'm
watching the right one like why am I watching a movie um in 2011 that's a Marvel film but you're meant to watch it
first before the original Iron Man it just makes no sense nothing makes sense with Marvel films so I stay away from
I'm so sorry what the hell were we talking about okay so we're talking about this mask to help with private conversations right and it looks like a
CO MK but then that's how we got into the iron MK Iron Man conversation cuz it's really big it's like really
prominent I'll show you a photo in a second but basically what they've done is they've used lining material in it
which initially was made this is interesting it was initially made to muffle the sound of jet engines and
they've put that in the mask and so it absorbs 80% of the users uh voice frequencies hence why when you have
conversations other people can't hear it and it like somehow transmits to like
like via Bluetooth to be able to integrate the mic that different levels of it but look at this uh this mask I
don't know I'll show you first I've got it in front of me oh you've got it it looks like the thing that dance Hannibal
had on his face yeah yeah but I like the concept I like the con I think I'll get
to the poll in the number of people cuz he put up a poll saying would you wear it right and uh one yet it was yes I would I
would like to talk freely on the phone in public and no it looks too constricting and it does look very constricting I don't like covering the
mouth and nose it kind of gives a weird message to me but it there is a ventilation system yeah of
course but it's more like the the like imagine being a kid and seeing everyone with a mask over their face it just kind
of makes like it's just imagine growing up around that I just sort of like keep your mouth shut is the vibe I get from it m but the only time I would see this
to be useful outside of a phone call would be like if you're at work and your boss pisses you off and you want to talk
[ __ ] and you just want to you just want to yell scream and swear mhm you put the mask on you can still sit in the office
you can yell scream and swear and say whatever you want only still got 20% of
sound there yeah but it's more like what was that but if you're scream I'm sure you're still going to hear it what was
that but also like I'm just thinking about it like all right whatever I'm on a train I don't catch trains by the way
I find them disgusting wait were you the one who said that public transport is for peasants yeah I [ __ ] hate
public I'm sorry but uh I've quit jobs because the only way I could get there was by public transport and I've quit
the job because it's soul sucking watching all these like sad humans you can tell they just hate their life cuz
they're working this [ __ ] night to 5:00 and they're on the bus and they're going at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and you're just like and I look
at him and I go I'm not [ __ ] doing this this is going it is when you have like a good podcast already canceled and
you're like in the train and you're just listening to it for an hour commute there and back sometimes you know you
can make it a good situation just s public transport soul sucking but anyways um what what the hell were we
talking about oh yeah so like if you're on the train or whatever you're and you're talking on this thing for whatever reason where the hell do you
put it when you're done you don't just leave it on your face imagine you'd Fold It Up you'd fold it up and put it in case I do you just fold it isn't like
like isn't it like plastic now thing like your headphone case covers like it's probably the size of your headphones you just put it in a case and
you put it in your backpack world's first ever silent mask well your conversations probably aren't
that important if you're catching a train I don't think your conversations are that important that's true mean that could be
true you're not closing you're not closing a multi-billion dollar mer on a train well some people there the reason
why people have offices some people okay but there are some people that like to live in you know Suburbia away from like
the city where their jobs are and they might be earning quite well but they think the transport is just convenient
they don't want to drive to the city every day like gosh in traffic Sydney's traffic's horrible well 55% of people
agree with u saying no it looks too constricting with me as well I'm not
sure what you think Nish but yeah 55% of people said no they wouldn't buy this they wouldn't wear it they wouldn't use
it it's just text realistically speaking when was the last time you guys were on the conversation and you went [ __ ] I
want to like I don't want people it's been an issue for you you just don't answer the phone that's what I'm saying when when was the last time it it was an
actual issue for you and you like I don't know what to do now because I need to have this conversation but I can't I can't even recall it yeah that's
a good point it sounds very stupid it's a very stupid idea and I don't think it's going to make any money and I think whoever created this is going to be
bankrupt imagine they like billionaires catching the train next year to their offices never know N I don't think it'll
take off either you never know nah nah well 50% say they buy it so know no 45%
okay well there's a market there's a market there who knows I might get it you should wear it while we're doing
the podcast actually on that topic does it come custom made to fit certain
faces why just I don't know when you said you wanted to buy it I was like questioning whether it would fit it it's
going to fit you're an [ __ ] shut up just's
mask anyway you can't talk bro you're in the same boat as Nishi have we
officially s have we officially um measured measured you we should do a measure of no we literally said he Ken
already talked about this he said that that from the front mine's smaller but
from the side mine's more beier I don't think you I actually don't think your
nose is that big like compared to mine I think mine trumps yours ridiculously oh that's very kind maybe you got a man nose she's got a girl nose a woman nose
I love my nose a m have really nice turn to the side for a second oh [ __ ] no jokes no that looks
proportionate thank you okay our conversations are derailing today um are we done with the mask yeah
yeah we're done with the mask yeah I'm not buying the mask from the face to the balls ladies and gentlemen over the weekend I got
sack whacked I got punched in the nuts by a 5-year-old kid and he didn't hold back
like this could have been Mike Tyson's kid I don't yeah I don't know who did you kick him no so I'm at a cafe and I'm
ordering my coffee I don't even know this kid I don't you don't know the kid no no I don't know this kid and his mom
like laughed like it was like Sor mean he runs up to me while I'm ordering your coffee and he just goes boom you're
lying way he has punched you in the in the in zck whacked you he's not just punched me he's like he's he's in Upp he
set up he set up for it [ __ ] no no I'm serious dude this kid just ran up and punched me in the nuts and I was
like oh and in pain and then his mom's like Oh my God I'm so sorry ha she starts laughing and she was pretty cute
so I didn't want to look like a weakling and you've had to hold in the pain I was like oh no it's all right well he's a
little checky why this like um anyways um Nish don't laugh see how
Ken's like not laughing I know the pain because he knows the pain it's it's it's probably the most painful thing any
human can go through yeah what no I actually believe so too cuz she asked me she goes oh does it actually hurt and I
said she what she goes does it hurt cuz I was like uh like she asked are you
okay yeah like no she actually asked me does it hurt like does it hurt in the nuts what do you think you just got punched in the nuts yeah and I said to
her it's worse than childbirth you did not say that I did also it's oh my God
we're not we're not jumping into this Rabbit Hole yes we are she was quite offended by it yeah and rightfully so
how can you put two and two together I mean obviously I'm I'm assuming I know how you can putain we we've we've
touched on this before and I know how we can put this together it's both the private region yes number one M between
the legs and number two they're both just as intense as each other one just laugh for it can last up to like what
don't know 30 hours or however long labor lasts longer and the other one is
just as much pain for 30 hours worth of pain in 20 seconds yeah oh longer than that have
you have you properly been punching I've been sack whacked like you know the old sack whack oh that's crap like the old
tap never been oh like my daughter my daughter as well as a like she will she'll hit me accidentally yeah but
never been properly whacked well they like sack hit like sack demolished never
no like a full kick to the nuts never so a kick to the nuts like a proper hit to the nuts um will make you pass out yeah
you you'll faint from the pain that's how extremely painful it is I know a guy that got hit I got know a guy that got
sack wax so hard he had to remove his testicle same in school oh [ __ ] it
twisted same good old AJ he got hit in the nuts with a bag he fainted and then he woke up he woke up in hospital with
one testicle yeah yeah really actually he had both testicles in there but one was
completely um they disconnected it and killed it off so what he does would' be
in the change rooms at school and he'd be like hey guys check this out then he pull his like testicle that doesn't like
work anymore and he'd squeeze I swear my mom's life and he would squeeze it as hard as he can they
remove the he I feel like I'm what do you mean they remove what what they remove the pain receptor to it it's it's nothing it's
dead it doesn't exist like it has no connection to his body at all but it's still in his sack so he's sitting there
and he's squeezing it like this and's going that's that can't be good for even
if if the receptors are gone I'm surprised I always thought if you squee a nut it' pop cuz that's how that's how sensitive it feels Yeah well yeah it's
it's like a little Plum isn't it like a little yeah it's like a little so okay can I just to get some perspective here right would you rather get like hit like
I'm talking kicked rather in the nuts or have like someone just saw your finger
off I wouldn't want either one but I I reckon I could put up with the pain of
getting my fingers finger sld off more than the pain of getting hit in the nuts properly yeah yeah I think we'd have to
go with saw the finger saw the finger off yeah Nisha I'm not kidding I'm not kidding you I truly believe I truly
believe a proper kick in the nuts is worse than child birth okay I don't think so I think they're probably if
from what it's sounding like I'm like once again I haven't gone through child birth right but I can only imagine
knowing what it's like to have period cramps like oh my Lord yeah that's
that's bad but child birth is a whole another thing that's what I'm saying I'm saying that's literally what I said I'm like I can't imagine what it's like
being child like like the period cramps even mine are no way compared to what I know some of my friends go through right
like some of my friends have to take days off because they can't physically get out of bed because of their cramping
right you might get sack wax yourself you're going to get sack you're going to get it's like G gang bashed pregnant
women women in labor always complaining y you got to be careful there i' I've watched my wife twice go my wife go
through birth twice look her she's doing fine oh well she's a strong woman did she lose any part of her body no exactly
my poor mate AJ has one testicle and I know my I know women who have had had
childbirth and literally like ripped their like vaginas yeah yeah attention
Seekers yeah it's all the rain the rain on the second one on the second one
happened to the rain I watched it I had to catch the baby I caught my second daughter what do you mean caught because
the Nur she giving birth from the second floor downwards no bro it's like no I'm Jing [ __ ] no but like the baby was
coming out and the nurse was looking at look doing change over and I was like yeah the baby's coming right now and
then L pushes and no one's there and I'm like [ __ ] so I just literally put my hand out and caught my kid okay so what
if you weren't there what would happened to the kid just it would just fall into onto the bed oh that's fine but then as
that that last push that last push that was coming out like it tore she tore and
I watched it and I was like like it was really but not just that pain there's the the the the labor pains right to
help get the this three kilo thing out or however big how many kilos it is to get it out yeah and then you could
physically see it with the sounds that she was making which I'm sure every like
in I'm in this this unit the birthing unit and you can just hear the screaming of of Labor yeah but I still think oh my
gosh that all that pain squeezed into 20 30 seconds of intensity of being hid in
the nuts is very very close to each other I still think it is I'm sorry okay
I know I know and plus the pain of raising a goddamn kid as well is pretty
but let's just remove that for a second I'm actually trying to find the scientific answer it's hard to measure pain this is what they say but there's
websites out there that say stuff go on okay so this is from IFL science so it's
a I mean we've been on this website before have we all right well this is what they say they go through all this
like plethora of information and then the verdict is and I feel like this is a
coopet answer but the they say the problem with pain is it's subjective what's torture for one person may be a
tickle for another testes owners May point at mothers of four and conclude
that giving birth can't be that painful really if you agree to do it multiple times but to that we need only
reply B I don't know what they're talking about what they're so confusing but they
the cobut answer is that uh it's a tie it's a tie and then they say well at least we can all be thankful it's not
kidney stones oh that's true that would be a whole another level that's true cuz
You' think that that would be the male equivalent right if a male gets a kidney stone they need to pass it through their
penis and all the way out that's worse that'd be worse that's like giving a birth but but because it's like a little
stone that would scratch on its way out and all that pain that you need to go through cuz we how do we some kidney
stones can reach up to a centimeter bro but imagine pushing a centimeter out of your penis imagine pushing a
ctim radius out of your Venus so and you don't have the muscles to do that no
definitely not oh God I'm I'm curious now I'm just like looking up something I'd rather them cut it open than just
get you can actually go on YouTube and watch a video of someone passing kid not not actually watching it happen but
watching them scream I don't want to say that like it's death so you got science
people that like again it's pain subjective but you have people that have done research into pain saying it's an
equal tie yeah well I mean look this is one website this is one website and also
I didn't understand half of their responses so I don't know how trustworthy it is but you found anything
else I don't think they're comparable I don't it's it's two
different types of pain and like oh my gosh going through 30 hours of Labor
with those contractions I can only imagine they only happen every like like
they happen in waves it's a wave thing and then obviously it becomes every 10 seconds until the baby like at one point
it's like every minute and then the babies come yeah then that's the natural
way yeah there's other ways as well like cutting and all that se stuff yeah but the whole process I just yeah and you
can you can get pain relief as well no pain relief and not sack what pain
relief you have during that you can't there's nothing it's just deal with it get through it yeah but some okay but we
we're we're we're comparing on the on the basis of like someone going through it without without
right like that's the equivalent we're trying to make here that someone who goes get kicked in the nut and a woman
who's going through without any sort of medication of pregnancy like giving birth I don't think I think they're
different so all three of us together are we voting it's a tie I I think child
birth is more painful do you feel like you have to say that cuz you know that there's you have to represent the women
well okay because I look I don't really know cuz I don't have nuts really that's the honest
truth but well you do really sure that's the honest truth thanks for that clarification questioning it we had a
lot of questions in the in the comment section okay no but like what I'm trying to say is I obviously like have period
cramps so I can only imagine that like times a billion what that would be and I just freaks the hell out of me I
wouldn't call it times a billion D that much worse oh for me billion is a big number
of n I've seen child birth twice firsthand I've seen it I've experienced it with my wife yeah I would not ever
want to give birth but I'd also would not ever want to get kicked in the nuts I'm going to say a tie okay I just have
to say a tie cuz I've seen it I've seen the pain of someone being kicked in the nuts and I've seen the pain of someone
birth SE I've seen my friend from school AJ passed out for hours didn't regain Consciousness it was practically in a
coma from being hit in the nuts it's not funny kicked him into a coma that's not
funny into a coma he's got one testicle
no someone smacked him with a bag with a bag why would they do that like what was the context so do you know what the
actual story is he got sack whacked so he got sack whacked and then he fell to the floor and he was in pain and and
then he got back up and when he got back up they swung and bag at his nuts I swear was he like bullied was this like
a bullying encounter no no it was his mate that did it a okay his mate has sort of ettor against him like that's
that's that's it was a weird relationship I wouldn't call that a mate yeah it was a
weird relationship straight up hate that guy doesn't like him I think one of them is married to the other one's ex now
back you take my testy I'll take your misses and I think it was the other way around I think it's the other way around
anyways they're both happily married um just one has a test one has one one testicle and the other one has two uh
but yeah I would rather double the man yeah I'd rather give birth to twins to be honest with you this guy you'd rather
give birth to twins yeah triplets in the nuts qu qu quad so
you're saying that kicked in the nuts is more painful 100% gosh all right well let's put it to the comments and if you
if you have you're going to get roasted no you're not because there's a lot there's a lot of men that will speak
up about this that have been kicked in the nuts well we'll find out it's like dude
it's like being in labor for 24 hours but in a in a two-minute period yeah which I get that 100% it's just all
crammed into 2 minutes and you just have to just suck it up and just it's going to end soon
it's going to end cuz the pain Nishi goes from your groin region all the way into your neck yeah it's not just your
nuts that hurt it goes into your stomach and then from your stomach it keeps going up and then your whole body's taking yeah and when a woman is going
through yeah exactly contractions it's like a whole body is your whole body is Contracting yeah
yeah all right well we'll see what people have to say about that other than that anyone got a motivation quote for
the day n no gain without pain my friend so
if something is difficult in your life today don't worry because there's always a silver lining no pain no gain what is
this Blood gained he's gained he's gained a vacant vacant left nut yeah we
still talking about AJ yeah oh poor AJ what gain did he get from it he's a he's a good BL he definitely deserves both
his nuts he deserves both his nuts AJ we will leave you with that wonder how he's
doing what AJ AJ actually I'd like to see his nuts
what thing his nuts out here let's have a look I want to see The Squeeze probably get him in for a squeeze absolutely not I'll
be not present that day why it's for the show there's nothing there technically
you're not looking at anything you're just looking at skin no leave look look at it's like looking at your weenus it
is it's like your Wen empty skin all right have a good day guys all right
bye already cancelled if you like the podcast prove
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Being controlling in a relationship, Talking too loud in public, Sack Whack vs Child birth what's more painful? Ep.19
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