Taylor Swift Eras Tour Concert, Things that make humans uncomfortable, What Happened 20 years ago? Ep.24

[Music] already cancelled already canell already
can hey everyone welcome yes already cancelled podcast K Yaz of Nisha doing it out of the hills podcast studio in
Bella Vista welcome how's it going on hey how's everyone doing you feeling good good interesting choice of hat there today yes I kind of like it it's
funny that you call this a hat cuz it's definitely not a hat oh you know same thing it's a beanie and by the way as a child I used to call them bikinis and I
didn't know the difference so I would go into shops and ask for and I swear to God they look at me weird
and I never understood why until my sister came with me once and you learned how she was like why you how old not
even like not that young like old enough to know it's to beanie like past 10 teenager yeah yeah yeah past 10 years
maybe like up between 10 and 12 I'd say and my sister's like what did you just ask for and I'm like a bikini and she's
like and then I realize that it's actually a beanie that's really funny that's why they used to look at me weird
you know Pudo I used to call that prostitute so I remember she just
trumped me I'll just get a prostitute please yes I call your betaz and I raised you a prostitute well no I
remember being at like the local woolies or call or whatever and I remember saying out loud to Mom and she was gr I was like oh look
prostitute did you actually call it prostitute wow Mom was like no that's
not what that is and it was so odd because I've never also we don't buy brud how do you say br
push right I say brto no that'sa that's that's Bretta Bretta is different to
what is it pruto Pudo there it is it's a hard word say it one more time Pudo yeah
but how do you say it in Italian no that's what I said you said you said
or something like that you said something weird bro there something weird coming over from there by way
we'll leave the Italian language to the Italians yeah anyway I'm really tired because and I'm trying to like wake up I
went to a concert yesterday right the one and only Taylor Swift oh my gosh
you're a Swifty who's that I never knew you were a Swifty no okay I'm going to be very honest how this all happened
very graciously we're able to um I was able to go on behalf of Netflix um
Australia well and I went with my friend so he has he works with Netflix whatever
uh he basically was like you can come with me I was totally a plus one but I had the best time and I couldn't say no
because I had to experience this right now I have grown up at Tes swi so there's I know a lot of like I know a
bunch of her songs at least a good eight or nine okay maybe not that many but eight
or N is a debut in a um EP you don't know eight Taylor swi songs if I was to
ask you name eight right now you to okay god let's try let's try go eight song um okay so bad blood yeah uh Shake It Off
love story um hold on Love Story we've got cardigan no not hold on a song oh
cardig I'm just assuming I'm just doing this as if it's right I have no idea cardigan uh we
have uh lover you're making these up AR you no I'm not okay lover
midnight and we have uh Blank Space which is my favorite it's
already that's seven okay anyway I okay one more right just go for one more just finish it finish it off uh okay and I
don't know why Taylor SW fans are hating you right now I know I know you went an experience their goddess in a box and
you did not deserve it can't even name used to think about the actual person that was a fan that didn't get to go cuz
it was sold out and here we go and a person that knows eight of her 243 songs 243 songs she has released I
don't know why I'm going I'm going blank blank is that one of them no blank kind of sounds oh I already I already said
that one though um oh now I'm annoyed because I feel like I can I can say EG I've just gone blank with all the
pressure well anyways we know you're not a fan continue no okay I'm not yeah okay fine I'm not an avid listener of Taylor
S but in saying that she's the type of artist where it's such a big phenomenon of like just her career and what she's
achieved and where she's at and also the gravitational pull she has with all like
her fans that you have to experience her life like as if you wouldn't want to could just watch the documentary no it's
so different just like how Jared tells me going to a sports game is very different when you watch it behind the
screen when you're there and everyone's CH tells you to get some time away from you 100% well but I went to one and I
agreed like I didn't know idea what was going on but everyone was chanting everyone was scre it's the atmosphere it's the atmosphere the atmosphere when
I tell you seeing 86,000 or whatever people in that room and not one seat was
empty it was full capacity she's performing and to be fair she performs
very well like she she she's so great she's very talented I was saying
watermelon for half of the song so I didn't look like I didn't know the lyrics you know that thing where you go watermelon water and it looks like
you're singing the lyrics of the song you weren't actually doing that were you for some of it yeah it was for for the ones that I didn't know cuz I didn't know some albums like her um like you
were such a follower you were such a follower what do you mean like you would sing watermelon to make it look as if
you knew the songs so people around you think that people around you are looking at you singing tlor songs but I
don't but I saw I saw someone on social media post a video of them like not
knowing all the lyrics to singing and they would have got smashed and they got like not just smash like it went so
viral people were so mean in the comments I just got terrified yeah well wait till the video of you comes down
going look at this look at this chick just saying watermelon throughout the whole Style song you know that doesn't work right all right start mouthing I'll
sing sing a song and you start Ming water already 3 2 1 it's why [ __ ] Joe [ __ ] [Laughter]
you it was a really it was a really great concert now I won't lie though
like I was looking at the crowd and you had so many beautiful families like the
kids were so excited and then you have the parents you would had dads there right but you know what in the dads were there and the dads were dancing to shake
it off they would and like it was it was a really actually beautiful moment to witness but you know what kind of like
it took me back a little was seeing moms crying with their kids crying watching
Taylor Swift is like were the moms crying at the kids or the moms crying no because they're massive Taylor Swift
fans or they were crying because the husband's eyes were locked onto Taylor 6'2 body with blonde hair that's right
there's two2 to $3,000 for family family tickets and in expenses Taylor Swift is
really my type she's a beautiful girl and she's talented look I'm going to give her honestly a 10 out of 10 for the
whole show but you know what I realized as well why I think she's such a phenomenon obviously she's a incredible
songwriter but she looks a bit like Michael Jackson and we're trying to that she doesn't look like Michael Jackson a
little bit if you were to like if you were to pin her nose a little bit up K back me up here please I'm looking at
her right now if you were to pin if you were to pin her nose upwards like this a bit she would look like Michael Jackson
she'll give the Michael Jackson effect but that's with everyone that pins their nose up a little bit exactly yeah you
you kind wait a second you kind of look like young Michael like Teenage Michael like
like 15 to 18yar old Michael wow bit chubbier but yeah yeah lift the nose up
a bit you a little bit more is that Michael okay also he didn't
look like Michael didn't look like that when he was 15 yeah it was a little light skinned oh a bit darker but no but
his nose he didn't have any of the surgery at 15 oh yeah yeah he didn't I don't know what you're you just wanted
to say look like Michael just wanted nose up oh by the way at some point I got to talk to you about the new Michael
Jackson biopic that's coming out and who is actually going to be playing Michael is it you no honestly I this guy sounds
exactly like Michael oh that's pretty cool exactly the same dances just as good as well is it going to be as good
as the uh Elvis biop pig that was great I reckon it will be I reckon it will be what's his name the BL that acted as
Elvis something Butler I know but he was he was good that was a great movie you know he do you know he can't get rid of
the Elvis he's struggling to get rid of it eh people were so mean to him online about it that's what happen he did three
years of speech therapy to sound like him what makes you think he's going to just drop it it that's not how it works
exactly well the new Michael J I might as well just tell you yeah please it's Jafar Jackson it's his actual nephew I
saw this his nephew is playing him in the new bi PE and um he's half Colombian
half American and one of his songs I went back and watched one of his songs yeah um in
Brazil on the on like I think it was in Rio on the rooftop of like these building of like the the buildings there
yeah dancing around bro it is I was just like whoa wait is this part of the movie or is no I just saw this this is his
actual Jafar Jackson song yeah right and his voice everything is Michael I'm looking at a photo of him
right now they also look very similar similar wait does he look like like like new Michael Jackson or old Michael
Jackson old like young young Michael Young Michael Young Michaels but yeah
don't you think like it's crazy how Taylor Swift is like she's like the
biggest artist in the world like she she's in you know a lot of people are comparing her to being like not
music-wise but just Fame level of like Michael Jackson 100% that's what I was going to say like she's the new the new
Michael you know she shutting down cities it's insane and and not not just that like three was it three sold out
shows that she did in Sydney yeah and that's at 90,000 capacity I think it was
86,000 86,000 difference in Melbourne it's 96 and she sold out there too yeah
okay so she's probably going to be performing to about a million people by the end of this tour just in Australia
she broke Ed Sheran I'm pretty sure she's going to break Edan Australian record and then on top of and on top of that the documentary that she just
released line was watching it the other day I fell asleep to it sorry anyone but I was just tired you know how much money
she's making off this s like she'd be a billionaire she' be a billion but she will make a billion from this tour yeah
I reckon she would make close to if not 500 million she's averaging she's averaging about 10 million per show in
her pocket crazy big money big money big money interesting artist interesting
story the kanes thing she was so young know I didn't realize how young she was
she was like I think she was only like 17 18 years old oh when Kanye jumped on stage oh yeah that was that was
horrendous and then when you look at it and like just look at it and you go look at Kanye now and you're like like I
don't know I find it I find a bit of humor in it like I do find it a bit funny how Kanye jumped up and did that I thought well that's just Kanye what do
you mean now look at JZ and Beyonce they've completely cut him off yeah I know that's what I'm saying but look at Kanye like exactly like that Arness yeah
that he was trying to stand up for them and I whatever but then also the scooter Brawn situation yeah sco took all her
Masters or you know in some shape form she came back and re-released the same [ __ ] well that's why well that's why
she's so B now that's what's happened she reignited that fuel of Taylor Swift that everyone like was obsessed with
back in in the in after you know 2010 or whatever yeah she did Taylor's version and you know what's so smart about that
one I don't think anyone saw it coming but two now there's like an actual um I don't know if it's a law or whatever put
play so an artist can't do that again where they recreate basically but her fans she she that I think that that that
point is when you solid she solidified her community like the people that that listen to her fans because it was she
relied on them to get her downloads back up yeah for the for that and that was so it was like everyone I'm assuming for a
Swifty it would have felt like an obligation to only listen to her new
versions not the old vers they wouldn't no exactly they wouldn't and you know what's so you know that I'm thinking about this like her fandom isn't just
normal like it it is extraordinary like walking and seeing that many people trying to get into a venue one was just
wild but two there were people sitting there with signs saying please give me a ticket I need two spare tickets I need
one spare ticket like just standing out there I find that pathetic I'm so sorry and then people not thate you had people
outside the stadium I I don't know if it was here and the one we were there last night but in other yeah other venues and
other stadiums like 30,000 people or like outside outside just trying to
listen to her show that's just wild okay here's a big question we know
about something in the industry called plants yeah Taylor Swift I she's not a
plan she's definitely not a plan she's not a plan she's she pretty hard man no well she did she's always liked music
but I wouldn't say she worked harder than the average artist that's made it dude she comes from money her dad owns
ranches her dad's a billionaire yeah yeah yeah yeah she comes with money but what I'm saying is like you've seen her
you've seen her Evolution from like the cowboy days country girl yeah uh that by
the way that's her that's her authentic that's authentic Taylor Swift yeah and she well I mean you that was her OG I
would say Taylor because she's she's what she's done so well is she's been able to capitalize not the right word
but I guess it's true is she's been able to go through ride every genre when there's been a change so well from
country when it went to more like um yeah but she leid the way she would have been someone that led the way wouldn't
she she what she I think what she did well unique to her is name another artist has been able to adapt so well
from all the way from like the early 2000s to where we are now right and and
been able to have successful hits all throughout those yeah you know eras that's true you know she you know she
didn't make the switch because she authentically wanted to make the switch she made the switch because that was the only way she was going to become a pop
star yeah song writes so well in because she does all her songwriting there is
something there where it's like if someone is yeah she does she writes all her she she does write a lot of it
that's why it's always breakup songs cuz it's after she wrote a lady after she's had a breakout and she wrotes a song so
she's what she's known for take away her talent but it is part of an artist growth to consistently re not Rebrand
yourself but develop yourself into newer music like look at Beyonce now doing a
country song Beyonce just dropped a country song did she really have you not heard it I think it's the most awful
thing I've ever heard in my life it's just not her but all these artists like you sent me that video of Kanye the other day him walking through his
different brands of who he is that was a great video what an excellent thing to see how an artist has grown from College
Dropout to vultures now to whatever you know and now Taylor Swift from country to you know the the I don't even know
how to describe the genre of her music the the brand the Her Image has
just been constantly refined and developed to something new and it was the breakup girl then now it's like the
power girl has it though see that's that's it has it has like the Taylor Swift I see on stage now is the same Taylor Swift I saw 10 years ago just
with a bigger following that's what I see but like she she has dabbled into different gen remember the song she did a song Oh Kendrick and her did a song
like like so she's always she's always been doing with rap sorrya yeah but you have like your her reputation era which was very like grungy and it was her
response to all the snakes and her comments and the whole thing with Kim Kardashian I think and and all that stuff and then you obviously you have
her country's um um albums then you have like she dropped like a folk folklore
folk album and Evermore which is like literally like folk music uh and then she's got her traditional pop songs and
then even that song the the one where everyone did the meme with the Billy Girt been that was more EDM yeah EDM Vibe but
then you look at artist like post Malone who've done the same it's it's called being eclectic there's different so many
different uh sounds and Vibes wait Taylor released an actual proper rap
song didn't she with with t what she she was rapping she was like yo it's t
Swizzle t t just bust out his Auto Chun hooks yeah you haven't seen it actually
I probably have I remember not performing it on no I don't think what's it called the eras tour the ER tour ER
tour yeah which is era e e ra yeah yeah era like an era era that's a swear word
in Arabic anyways yeah well my brain just rude how rude of her yeah oh well there
you go so all in all I had a really good time and have you become a Swifty I don't think I don't think I
become I don't resonate like I don't resonate with the music I I have to admit that but in saying that you think
it's a racial thing why you don't resonate no I think it's just it's it's I don't I don't know what it is I just
I've never but but in saying that her old stuff like blank space and love story it's just so nostalgic that
there's a lot of love there but yeah I don't think I'll be like really do you think her concert was
better I don't know if you've ever seen a Coldplay concert but it's considered to be the greatest show of all time I
want to see that yeah Coldplay is apparently ridiculous have you seen it on YouTube or anything yeah I've seen CS
could you compare it to Taylor Swifts do you think there was the same energy there well I haven't seen a proper C but
look I think it's also very different when you have like a a band like that it's a very different feeling like when I saw Tyler the Creator live I like he
didn't have hardly any nowhere near as much show production you know it was very like minimal I want to say but his
Artistry and I think cuz it just resonates with me more I couldn't keep my eyes off him I was so like but once
again I think the music has to resonate with you and when when she was
playing her Classics I was screaming at the top of my lungs of course and then I've been to late yeah shake it I was
like having the best time sorry I just got confused I thought that was a Katy Perry song for a second he was going to
is it no it's not sh shake it off's Shake It Off yeah sorry but no so but
but but like yeah you have to love the artist that's what it's you know and I I I was an experience it was amazing and
I'm happy I did it it's off the checklist but there you that was uncomfortable for me
then what trying to correct something that didn't need correction yeah I don't know why you did that sorry about that I'll forgive you this time thank you
next one but but I I do have a list funly speaking is it funly funly speaking way funn speaking okay I'm even
more uncomfortable again you're just having like a things that make humans uncomfortable I have a list here okay
that I think is bang on correcting bang on correc someone that that's correct
that's correct yeah that's right that's uncomfortable uncomfortable here we go hearing your own voice voice being when
it's recorded oh yeah that's so true not not for me or I don't know I can't speak for you for you guys but this is what we
do every day no but that's a lie I remember you used to say I can't hear myself back on radio oh that's just
anything I do whether I record videos whether it's a photo whether it's I can't like I hate relooking at it is
that what you're saying cuz I I don't it's just like if you you hear for example you listen back to whatever we talk about makes you feel uncomfortable
yes I so I can't I can't listen it makes me feel uncomfortable hearing you too no J well you got no choice s uh but
listening to like when we're on radio even now the podcast I can't listen to it back really but music is different
when I like song I have to listen to it 101 times so I I know where you're coming from though so when if I was to
record someone that isn't in our industry cuz I have to separate that right because 90% of my day is literally
talking into a microphone and hearing myself yeah in headphones right the average person doesn't do that yeah but
they hate their own voice and they'll always be like is that what I sound like yeah yeah yeah and it it goes the same
with laughing when you hear yourself laugh oh the laughs are bad hearing yourself laugh also makes people uncomfortable uh awkward silences in
conversations okay yes the queen of it right but no but I don't do the queen of
trying to combat it yeah I'm the combating it so this literally happened 3 days ago it was on the in the on the
weekend and Jared he literally said this to me he goes why cuz basically it was a
networking event and I started networking and when I you know I just
started gapping and I admit it like I had out of body experiences I was like shut up Isa like it's too much really but I just kept talking and he was like
why do you talk so much we said we were going to leave at 9:00 and we left at like 11:00 because you just wouldn't and
I was like yeah but like you know when you feel like you have to overcompensate for like someone else so when I was
talking to like they was very lovely but I felt like the conversation was finishing but it was finishing awkwardly
and I couldn't let that happen so I just kept finding questions really you think it's like an OCD or something of I'm so
scared that it's just going to get that moment get to that moment where everything is silent and then we're just all looking at each other and then and
then you try to think of a question and that's even more awkward so so you try to just keep it going keep it flowing
I'm I'm the complete opposite I I talk very little yeah same like for example when we're not doing the show you guys
know this when we're in meetings I just stay quiet unless I really need to talk and I really need to say something I
won't I'll just what about at a networking event like when there's people around and they're like hey like it's just you and this random person I
won't waste my time with a random person but wonder if they start talking to you like hey the whole purpose is to network at this event they go what do you do
mate I'll have I'll have a brief chat with them but realistically speaking if there's nothing you can give me I I don't want to talk that's true I'm
trying to elevate myself like I I would love to help people around me but let me help myself first but how would you end the conversation like one if he's like
yeah and I do this all right mate I've been ending conversations my whole life
like really well you got to realize cuz I've worked in the um like nightlife industry so I've ran nightclubs obviously djed everywhere people know
you and you don't know them but they assume that you know them so they'll try hold a conversation and I'll just need to get out and i' be like hey give me
two seconds I'll be back and I'll never be back wow it works every time give me two seconds I'll be back and then just
walk off well leading on from that um saying good saying goodbye and then walking in the same
direction yeah yeah I feel like humans becoming aware of that though and they're now starting to not do that yeah
well I honestly if that happened to me I would just go oh sorry my car is that way even if it's the same way as oh of course you would I would walk around the
[Laughter] blog how uncomfortable oh gosh uh what
about getting uh getting caught zoning out and staring at someone at the same time so you when you zone out in the middle of the day you just Day Dreaming
and then someone just you make someone makes eye contact with you you don't realize you've been staring at them the entire time can't say I've ever done
that I do that never done that in like an office environment or like it's a high school no office environment would
be so weird yeah I straight the area that I need to stare at and I make sure there's no people around wow so you're
you're actively thinking what do you mean wait stop you're actively she will sit on a park bench
and go all right time to zone out everyone and then she'll look like that's a good spot no sometimes like sometimes if I'm if I'm like okay let me
get some context cuz I agree that sounded real weird that was weird like if I'm writing an email and it's difficult or something or I'm writing
something and it's difficult sometimes you just take a pause and you just want to rest your eyes and like you'll look away or whatever you're just scanning the room but then sometimes you stare at
something it feels good to just stare have you ever had that experience no and I think I've had this conversation with you before what do you mean it feels
good to stare like like like you just like zoned out and you're looking at something and he just I don't know is it a meditative thing maybe it's meditative
I think you're right cuz it just feels good for a while to say something and then you realize right well no one's around I'll just stare at that wolf you
know what that reminds me of that you could watch your grass grow couldn't you you she so good it's like reminds me
that safety commercial that used to air on TV in Australia and it'd be like you never know when you're going to slip
into one of these micro sleeps you guys know that ad that's what I feel like
you're doing you're just slipping into it and you don't realize what's going on no but it's not a sleep you're not sleep you you're well aware that you're staring at nothing H so why would you
keep staring at if you're well aware of it it feels kind of good I I know people experience this but they stare something
and it just kind of feels good to just look at that I think you purposely come on this show and say the most ridiculous things to get get a reaction from me yes
I actually don't I'm telling you try it can you just try it and see what do you mean so just find somebody obviously there's a li not a light but look at the
corner of the room by the way my eyes make me so uncom I don't know if you guys realized but like sometimes I blink really hard it's kind of like a tick
because I hate the feeling of my eyes that's this probably won't work for me let's try Okay condition what do I do do
I stare or do I close my eyes what do I do yeah look at the corner somewhere dark it's not too bright and just St just see see how long you can hold it
for and just like think of think of nothing really just zone out all your
worries are that's so oh my gosh I think I've become the light I'm the light like give me a
couple grams of mushrooms I'll I'll be able to do that for eight hours how about this how about this one uh things
that make humans uncomfortable waving back at someone who wasn't waving at you oh the greatest oh I do that I do at
least once a month I know that's weird but like the amount of times that I'd be
like hand up and then scratch the back of your head someone's wearing Sunny's
it's always the one it's always the people with sunnies that catch me oh you don't know where they're looking don't know where they're looking so they look
at that they're waving and I'm like ke just ke just thinks everyone knows him he has to be me how how if someone's
direction is right at you and they're waving I'm not going to just like walk past and not do anything no I know you feel rude you feel rude if you don't so
you you do a little slight like yeah yeah and then they like put their hand down and then like they do a smirk and
then you look back and there's someone behind you like oh I just realized I'm actually sick in the head why you guys
have never come shopping with me eh no I do that I'm the aggressor I purposely make people think I'm w at him I know it
actually sounds messed up I'm sitting here and I was like I actually do this even when I walk past um when I walk
past what are they called where like chicks go get their nails done oh the nail Sal Salon like nail salons salons whatever I walk past and I'll like oh
hey and then like they'll get confused they be like that's horrible cuz it's always
quiet in there that's not horrible that's called treating the the world as if it's your playground I'll be walking towards someone and like I'll be with my
mat and just a way for me to get a bit of a giggle cuz you know yesterday you spoke I like messing with people something doing it's very weird and like
they'll be walking towards me and I'll be like and then they'll go and I'll be like and they'll be like and they'll get
really confused you know what that reminds me of like I had this interaction with someone it was at an award ceremony and I was walking out and
like I made eye contact with someone that I've seen on social media o someone famous yes but I was trying to recognize
who they were then but they made eye contact with me and I think because I was really like I was staring they
thought that I recognized them then I thought maybe they knew me and then we ended up going Hi how are you and had a
full long convers you both two people who don't know each other acting like they know each other yes and that's got
to be some sort of effect like the like the I don't know like the not know not what how would you title that effect so
like you know each other but you don't know each other do you was that the case he definitely didn't know me like that you definitely didn't know him that was
a parent no I actually recognized him at the end never met me before like who was it who was it that's the don't know
that's the don't know know each other effect who was it it was H he was he's a singer I he's His Name Escapes me though
I'll have to find it oh so he's not even that popular no no no he is so online he's really well popular I've heard like a few of his songs but I'm trying to
recall but I think because I've seen him so much like yeah and I've seen him so much on my um like for you page Newsfeed
all that young uh he's very tall he's Young no Oliver Cronin no no no I know
Oliver Cronin I've met him a few times this guy I have never met and the poor thing I end up like having this full on
conversation you probably thought oh this weird fan yeah probably thought you were a weird fan because I made it look
like I knew him it was it was funny so that you put yourself in that situation I'm sorry I think I am the problem you I
think you are the I think you are the epitome of uncomfortable human uncomfortable um but I think there's one that takes the the cream of the crop the
most uncomfortable thing for a human Y is walking back after after
bowling oh bro 100% the most uncomfortable thing ever especially especially if you hit a
strike if you get a strike if you get a strike you there's there's a yes we spoke about there's a specific face
there is it's called the bowling the strike face strike face or strike face it's the strike I think it's the strike face okay do me a favor ready turn
around just on your seat on your seat all ready so you're going to bowl the ball you're going to get a strike can and then turn
around perfect it's like you hold it in you're holding in the excitement that you've
just accomplished something when you got to turn around you don't want to look too look like I'm so happy I got a
strike cuz it's just bowling you know like it's just bowling but like you know
there's yeah it's like that it's like you bite you suck both your lips in but
is it and you try to look away from everybody and even the walk back cuz you got to make sure you don't slip cuz the shoes are slippery as well like you just
there's so many things that can go wrong after you've done a strike you get too excited you might fall over like there's
so there's too many things then you go sit back down awward I don't get how it's awkward it is it's uncomfortable I don't know I can't
explain that but it is he's got 100% because when you hit a strike you feel so good you almost feel like you know
you're a boss so you walk back and you're like what that's what I'm saying it's just bowling like relax guys you
got a strike all right because realistically no one's really meant to care but you care so much but you care
so much that you got a strike that you want everyone to celebrate with you but you know you never no one's you know to turn around be like but that's right
unless it's a competition put that aside if you just that with your mates but but but yeah no it's got to be it's got to
be that the most uncomfortable thing and even even even if even we'll do that in like even the fact if like you get a
strike and no one celebrates yeah like they missed your accomplishment bunch of haters so you want to turn around and be
like yeah I got a strike but not tell them you got a strike so you go sit down and wait for it to pop up on the screen you're just oh you got a strike you're
like oh yeah it's nothing but you're so happy that you got one oh man I say that's that's I agree with
you bowling back in the day back in the day I get too competitive yeah did you
guys go bowling when you were younger yeah yeah all the time back like back back in the day
yeah did you huh did you yeah I did and
it got me thinking right oh no I missed the
past can't help you with that I'm trying I'm trying to figure out a way to say seg way into this and I know Kean tried
to throw me a Ali there and and I missed it anyways we're going to do this thing today called um waking up in the past
okay and today we're going to go 20 years in the past guys oh go 20 years ago yeah I'm 20 2004 2004 were you 10
yeah 20 years ago I was 10 no that's an Absolut that is the stupidest that's it
oh right why do I think she was 34 for a second wow what okay rud you think4 as
well I thought 24 I completely missed that up I M that up 10 years old you're
100% correct 10 wow well done first time for everything I shut up I love how we're flipping this on her when we're
such gas liting that was bad that was really bad might have to edit that one out okay
no I'm just going to narrate this guys I want you to Envision this uh pretend you're back to
yourself okay great you wake up on Friday December 3rd
2004 to the sound of your alarm clock blaring green days American Idiot
a the anthem of the year it was back then feel free to like chat about this
as well if you guys you're rubbing the sleep from your eyes you realize you fell asleep playing Vice City on your
PlayStation 2 last night oh all the cheat codes the neon lights from your TV of the virtual Miami still lingering in
your mind up done I've done left right left right circle circle square circle square R1 R2 almost something like a
little bit off there Evia probably never played Vice City in her life I think once you roll out of
bed you reach for your Motorola flip phone to check any missed calls or
messages you have none that's so true cuz no one really cared back then
right it was only for emergencies you decide to quickly jump onto your Windows XP computer that's been on for 3 days
now checking you close the mini clip and funny junk tabs and you open your home screen to
Yahoo you catch a glimpse of the news headlines of 2004 the devastating devastating Indian
Ocean tsunami the re-election of George W bush and the launch of this brand new
website called Facebook Facebook oh my gosh we were there in the Inception a platform you've heard about but haven't
experienced it yet and you think to yourself ah never make an account got to be 18 don't you yeah whoever was though
let's be honest now your mom insists on taking you to school today so as you
head out the radio turns on in the car and reports of war in Iraq are taking
over the airwaves alongside discussions about some new reality TV shows that are taken over the apprentice and the
biggest loser you're fired you're fired the biggest loser I love that was huge
too no pun no pun intended there yeah you head into school you go to roll call they tick off your name after roll call
you quickly pull out your timetable from your pocket and you notice you have math
class oh no you forgot your Casio calculator at home I'm busy typing boobs all night yeah you left it at home again
oh Mr Zen will not be happy about this guys he will not be happy about this it's finally time for lunch guys
it's lunch time the Bell goes off you head over to the playground the playground is buzzing with handball games oh handball while the cool kids
are huddled in group gossiping about who's dating who and what they heard on MSN the last couple
days ah the moment is surrounded by energy of Youth and promise of Endless Possibilities the world feels like it's
yours for the taking now on the way home from school you pop into a nearby Blockbuster to
rent the latest DVD release never give it back you never you never give it back now you don't know what to get but your
friend told you there's this new movie that's just been released it's about the end of the world what is
it the day after tomorrow oh my God it's just been released on DVD and you want to go get it you finally get home and
you settle in for an early din dinner with your family uh the TV is buzzing with new episodes of
friends and The Simpsons The Simpsons that was a classic still have new episodes by the way wait wait what that
was the final season of friends yeah 2004 wow mhm
my go H before bed guys you flip through a
magazine marveling at the latest gadgets like the iPod mini it's just been
released holy moly and the brand new Motorola Razer you know the really thin
one guys you really want that I had one of those same as you drift off to sleep you can't help but wonder what the
future holds in this rapidly changing world of technology and culture and then you grew up and put a
pink beanie on and regretted all your decisions you grew a chin strap beard
mhm you eventually made that Facebook account by the way we all did yeah and then we got over it you know what's holy
crap that was a journey I always like I find it so crazy that we were all there for the like the early stages of
Facebook and YouTube that was when my was popping he Myspace was mypace was
yeah people became like famous on on MySpace right but I remember being in
school it was like it class and my friend was like O come here come here come here I was like what she's like
have you heard of YouTube and I was like no what's YouTube she's like look what I found and there was the early uh video
of Justin Bieber singing to that what was her name Esme or there was this girl's it was this chick and he's
singing to her with you or something and she's showing me this clip of him was after YouTube
though this would have been like 2008 is it I still but I still remember that and
then I was like this kid's going to be so famous oh my God like he's so good and then shortly how many like year
later or two years later he's like popping up everywhere I think I'm getting the two memories confused over
when my friend's like have you heard of YouTube to when she showed me that but it wasn't around the like didn't see there was all around that there was all
around the the the naughties the NS wow YouTube is actually pretty old too
no it's not that old that's what I'm thinking I thought it was like really old I think 2005 I think what always freaks me out and I was I always feel
like it was yesterday when this happened when Janet Jackson's boob got revealed by Justin timac at the super bowl half
time like it feels like it was yesterday and in that was 20 years ago it was actually in my little story too about
the about the news of Jenna Jackson but I was like you know what this has taken way too long I'm going to Shrek Shrek 2
came out Shrek 2 in 2004 y yeah but who cares about Shrek 2 I'm sorry that was the highest gross that was the highest
grossing film of the year that year but it was a good it was good though for for part two like Us's confession album oh
that was 2002 as well best album of his yeah agreed um although have you heard
his latest song um kissing strangers is like amazing anyway continue wow now
that was just a great trip down memory lanane there I love that yes can we have more of those please the way you narrate that so nice it was more of a a guy's
perspective there I'd love Nisha to come on board and and give us a typical day of a girl back in 2000 whatever I mean
or maybe in the 90s okay in the 90s this is what what I've got here waking up you're a young teenager in 2004 right
you wake up to your traditional alarm clock or perhaps one of your mobile um
your sorry your favorite CD as an alarm tone then you check your flip phone or your basic cell phone either or I had a
fli same same same and check your latest text message and as yes said you got none you got none then you get ready for
school you choose an outfit it might be well I went to an all girl school so it was uniform everyone wears uniform in
Australia like you you would you put makeup on cuz girls at private schools even I think in public as well cuz I
went to both they weren't allowed to wear makeup right you weren't allowed so you had to like put it on without putting it on I put I put makeup on but
you had to be like very careful how you did it and I had a emo kind of oh you
had the emo fr remember seeing that photo of you yeah I had the full mullet I had like the whole
thing going using my hair straightener or my straighten my hair too yeah yeah did you straighten your hair I did for a
little bit I wonder if my I wonder if my mypace is still active then you would go to school and
you would go to your locker and you might decorate it with some personal touches you have handwritten notes to
friends between classes and do you remember the disposable cameras did you guys do this you would have dis uh disposable cameras you'd bring like for
school scho events outings cuz that was like all the rage and then after school
you would like either do sports or whatever which is pretty normal I used to go to my friend's house do like homework sessions or just hang out never
really a homework session to be honest and then come home and communicate via
uh uh MSN MSN but you would have to you know have AOL as well what was AOL in I
never used AOL that was different wasn't it I feel like that was like like my brother used a AOL and he's like 10
years older than me but wasn't I'm so I don't have my memory is so vague here but wasn't AOL like what dialed up the
internet it was like that that's the noise it made I think a I think AOL could have been an internet provider but
they also had like a little chat group oh okay I'm we going we're going back to where the internet first like launch
publicly do you remember the corded landline right we all had a corded landline and then you basically had to
plug out plug in and plug out the you couldn't be on who picked up the phone yelling at your
mom cuz your internet just completely disconnected yeah and the OC the OC good go watch that you had
Myspace that last season of the OC pissed me off they just rush through the
entire thing cuz it got cancelled so they just squeezed like the entire story into four episodes and you're like I
don't even remember it now I do kind like what they did with Game of Thrones oh is it Game of Thrones was the wor SE
you've never seen Game of Thrones I've only seen the first two seasons how do you watch two seasons and not continue
I'm really weird that way I could literally I have watched shows where I'm like maybe three episodes to finish and
I just like I'm done what you're a demon yeah that's n dude evil that's not like
that normal brain wouldn't be able to do that I don't know we need three episodes left of the entire let's get I'm going
to we're going to get into this we run out of time we're going to get into this in the next episode The Demon behavior
of yeah we have to the title of that let's do a let's do a motivational qu before we wrap it up no matter where you
are in life celebrate it it's either a product of your growth or a place that
will help you grow I can think of people that are forced into situations that are
completely messed up and we know that's happening in the world right now yeah but other than but putting that aside if you if we can attempt to uh yeah
celebrate what you have and where you are right now I think that's a good a good way to to do it I like that even if you leave off three episodes from the no
no no that's not that's unacceptable well it depends there's always context well we'll break that down in our next
episode guys thank you for being here make sure you subscribe already cancelled and we'll see you next time have a good one bye bye
[Music] bye already
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Taylor Swift Eras Tour Concert, Things that make humans uncomfortable, What Happened 20 years ago? Ep.24
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