1950's tips to care for you husband, Sibling Separation, Scammers biggest fail Ep.8

it's so interesting now when you like have your own family that you don't get to see oh God I know I'm
crying get to see them as much and it's sad it is
[Music] God already canell already canell
already hey everybody hi hey yes you've got a team tamam in your hand you're about to do a Tim tamam
slam one of the famous Australian techniques of eating tim tams he's not
feeling well and I I highly suggest you don't eat a Tim Tam when you're not feeling well I suggest it's the only thing you should be eating no because
okay here we go don't tell me what to do okay fair enough he's now got it dunked into the coffee sucking it
through oh it's melting shove that in your mouth oh there it is right in the gullet God that's good I'm so jealous I
should take the other Tim Tam away got another Tim if you want it but I can't do it out of your cup I don't have I don't have have a coffee just eat the
Tim time normally I'm just saying you can eat it
normally this just shows your immigrant Behavior what do you mean you don't eat tim tams normally no so un Australian no
one eats tim tams normally um yes they do they just take it from the pack and they they eat it like no you're not
you're not getting the full experience Tim Tam slam or go back where you came from that's that's the saying is the
most racist thing ever welcome to Australia welcome
everybody hey yeah my wife sent me a screenshot of something yesterday right and I thought we have to talk about this
and I'm not sure if she was trying to send a message to me while she was doing this okay but it is the tips of how to
look after your husband an extract from the 1950s home economics book everyone
1950s 1950s a different world back then 70 years ago very different mhm uh is
there some outlandish outlandish [ __ ] that won't go it's really good it's really really good I'm going to run
through the list uh and we'll and we'll break it down because oh how things have changed oh
yeah that's for sure having dinner ready before your husband gets home from work
so he's he rocks up to the house with dinner already there so it's not like
there's no there's no buffer time there's no like oh that smells great babe what are you cooking it's already done it's already done so have about
plan ahead plan ahead doesn't your mom already do that for you oh my mom's got the fridge filled with for the whole
week but that's different yeah this is for your husband not for your kid two different things well she's doing it for
your dad I'm assuming I'd assume so I think she just does it cuz therapeutic yeah people she just enjoys cooking yeah
okay all right let's go into this so this's the tip everyone for having dinner ready plan ahead even the night
before to have a delicious meal on time this is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are
concerned about his needs most men are hungry when they come home and the prospects of of a good meal are part of
a warm welcome needed right it sounds like okay what else is in this economics book prepare yourself take 15 minutes to
rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives oh my gosh touch up your makeup put a ribbon
in your hair and be fresh looking a ribbon a ribbon okay he has just been uh
through a lot of work and weary people uh be a little gay and a little more
interesting his boring day may need a lift now so not only do I wear a ribbon in my hair but then I'll dance like a
monkey so he can no one said dance like a monkey that might come later maybe later depend how far down this wh we go
clear away clutter make one last trip through the house the main part of the house to be specific just before your
husband arrives okay uh Gathering up school books toys paper Etc then run a dust cloth over all the tables your
husband will feel as if he has reached a Haven of Rest and order and will give you a lift as well we give you a lift as
well okay good well look they've got a point that there's something that is satisfactory about you know when you're
done cleaning your bedroom or you're done cleaning like the house you look back at it you go yeah yeah that's then
you light up a candle feels it's the best there's a reason why I said clean your bedroom I still live at home my parents
so minimize all noise at the time of his arrival eliminate all noise of the
washer the dryer the dishwasher or the vacuum try to encourage the children to
be quiet be happy to see him greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see
him some don'ts oh okay let go on continue don't greet him with problems
or complaints oh wow times have changed haven't they times have changed go on don't
complain about if he's late for dinner count his uh count this as minor
compared with what he might have gone through that day that's so true no this gu acting like he has a family and kids
but this this can apply to this can apply to just Partners as well yeah whether you like this or not I have seen people in marriages and what happens
when they get home from work can can we address some of these things just like off the bat all right I
thought there was more on the list there's more there's a lot more is there anything outrageous before we break it down as if any of that's been not
outrageous no honestly I feel like a lot of that a lot of Merit a lot of it anything else make the evening his never
complain if he does not take you out for dinner or to another place of entertainment Instead try to understand
his world of strain and pressure he needs to come home and relax okay I need
to address some things so first first first and foremost I actually think I
actually think genuinely one this goes both ways now because Everything's Relative and times
have changed and women work and men work and it's a very different uh dynamic
between the man and woman in the in the 21st century agre now does this have
Merit yeah in many ways for both sides again so what I'm saying is if your if
you know that your husband your partner uh has had a hard day at work doing nice
things like that like having the house ready cooking a beautiful dinner these are loving things to do like taking care
of yourself in the in the relationship ship just in general you should take care of yourself and make yourself you
know uh look good for one another put in the work cuz relationships are effort so there's a lot of Merit but it goes both
ways and that's the reality I'm sure there's a I'm sure there's a book about how to be a a gentleman to your wife or
be a good husband to your wife in the 1950s I'm sure there is yeah but but yes but written by men who was that written
by yeah well this there's the author is not on the list at the moment it's just an extract from 1950 home economics book
we have to figure out if that was written by women I guar back in the days back in the days in the in in the 1950s
men uh were mainly they they they they were the bread winner they were the providers they were the providers so
they're working all day working really really hard and of course the women are doing the same they're they're taking
care of the household which is not an easy task they're raising the children once again not an easy task like that's
a full-time job in itself yeah we've had this conversation before I don't know how you I don't know how you can think
not raising kids is a full-time job I would know I've never done it but like okay hold on but the same way the same reason why I haven't been a plumber or a
builder or a brick layer right if you ask me would you rather stay home with your children and raise them up and keep
the house clean and cook dinner or go out and lay bricks for 12 hours what would you rather do I know my answer and
my answer is stay at home with my children my answer is look after house everyone's that's what I would prefer if
if money didn't exist that's what I would prefer to do right do I am I wrong for saying that yeah no you're not wrong
for saying that at all but what I'm saying is is that it's easy to look at something and go oh this looks easier
because a woman does it so well but when you raise your children and you're doing that like and I honestly don't know I've
seen women who are not only raising their children uh but also working
simultaneously it's phenomenal like Ken I really want to know Lorraine now I
know you both 50/50 you're both doing everything but raising children in your
experience easy or difficult my daughter did two shits this
morning before we left for school on top of that the other daughter took like 35
minutes just to eat breakfast then they're crying they want to be picked up they have a boo boo they
fell over they hurt their knee then we're trying to brush their teeth they don't want to brush their teeth they take their shoes off you just put their
shoes back on they take it off again honestly sounds like terrible parenting and oh well I'm working on
that and I've got to make lunches like for for lorine and I I've got to you
like and and she's working on the breakfast and we're both getting ready we're both showering we're sharing the loads it is chaos it is chaos and then
when they get in the car and then like today Lorraine took him off to to to uh preschool
yeah I can breathe it is a lot it's like you're swimming in a in um in the ocean
in baby poo well not really but like swimming in the ocean and you've just like I'm coming up for a breath that
last moment just before you can come up for a breath and you're breathing out to come up to to to breathe that Mo that's what it feels like for the duration of
the morning wow but it's not like a it's not like a a a bad thing it's you you're
accustomed to it you're used to it because you've had them for four I've had them for four or five years but it's
just it's just exhausting you you don't realize it's exhausting because you're so you're masked by love you're masked
by getting things done you're masked by we got to get the day started so before the day is even started we've worked for
2 hours yeah so that's what it's like but it's but it's not like a bad like I
said it's not bad it's just a lot yeah and and especially if you have a partner
where you guys can work through it together yes it's great but in the 1950s mhm it seems like
it was just the the woman doing that however straight after the kids left for
the school or whatever she then had to do all the housework and and all the you
know the chores and all that stuff but this is what my question is is what was going through the mind of of humans at
that time that designated women at home Men at Work and why you know it comes
down to this whole women are the nurturers of the family the and that's what a kid needs when they grow up
that's that's what we have yeah and then men go off and and and get the money to provide for the family it's not it's not
just about getting the money it's a lot of there was a Industrial Revolution um around that time I want to say am I
completely wrong it could I feel like it was the early 1900 but there were a lot of external economic influences yeah yeah there was it was it was the um
Industrial Revolution where buildings were going up skyscrapers were going up um civilization as we know it today was
being built unfortunately at that time and probably even today women wouldn't be able to complete those jobs the way
men did because of because of the physical strength that men have right so I feel like that would have just leaked
off into that's why men were working and women weren't am I making sense or am I not
making sense I see I see what you're saying best person for the job at that time yeah when when like it's but also
but not but not just that though it was it was like cultural it was Society like
so it was but I'm saying that was the like it became cultural and became
Society because at that time when the world was being built it was men that were building it because men could build
it and now it's machines that are building it yeah so is it now then fair
for a man to the man to be doing exactly what the woman's doing either way it should be fair anyway but yeah I think I
think what we forget as well though is like back in the 1950s things like you
know and we're very privileged now that we get to think about doing things like a podcast and think about doing things
that are like cre oh differents but yeah back then it was like it was very
different even even mental health wasn't even considered but imagine now saying to someone and I mean for some women
their sole purpose is raising a family and that's the most beautiful thing ever right there's but at the end of the day
we now live in a time where where imagine saying to a woman you stay at home you raise a children and that's
what they're doing all day and they don't get to have that that self-purpose
on something else does that make sense so like their purpose might be kids exactly it might and and that's
beautiful I'm I'm not taking that away and like for a lot of women who have kids that their purpose is their children and family but just like a man
I would say like your purpose is providing for your family I'm sure your wife has that same wants and needs to
provide for her family and also have her own self-actualization that she's
searching right like we all have our inner Journey inner Journey right and whatever that is is whatever that is but
I don't know I just think like nowadays you can't have that expectation because
we have it's it's like it's like what you know now is so much more does that
make sense that like you can't just expect someone to stay in like that bu it's literally a different world we are
L literally living in a different it's a good timing for women to come out and say equal rights blah blah blah cuz everything's built and ready to go right
oh like we've got airon in buildings now you got safety harnesses when you're climbing up buildings I hate this whole
thing with like man versus woman cuz it shouldn't be that at all but we're two very different exactly we're we're such
different beings women will never be men men will never be women yeah but some people think otherwise that's that's
where I feel like issues uh you know grow
from cuz what you just said there I can tell you right now there could be people out front with pitchforks and signs
protesting against what you just said but I don't think I'm saying anything wrong I don't think say anything wrong either what I'm saying is like what what
that I feel like that's a whole different conversation though I think on like just a level of men and women being
different what I'm trying to say is is that we're not I don't think people are out here trying to be like you know cuz
this that that constant debate about men can make buildings and women should be
doing X Y and Z but what I what I think is at the end of the day men and women they provide such different needs and
they provide such different assets and we have to stop pitching them against each other because I think we can't have
one without the other it's the reality yeah of course it's Y and yang it's the it's the sun and moon it's the night and
day it's it's the this whole thing that's that uh has been around before men and before women what people got to
understand is we're all human at the end of the day we're still one species and and and whatever happens within that
species it doesn't really matter as long as you you know what you can provide and what you can offer and your partner can
do the other side of things one question I want to ask though
is if you put yourself yes as a man back in the 1950s and Nishi as a woman back in the 1950s and you were told that you
can only specifically do these things as a boy and as a girl how would you feel
but I have my brain from now yes so you know what it's like now where we are as as Humanity but back then you were told
you can only do this and you were ostracized we know what the future holds yes but you were ostracized and you are
you are you are punished or in whatever terms you were cancelled whatever it is it's a very hard thing to say to a man
back in the 1950s only do this you can only do these things how would you feel cuz that's
essentially what the vibe was it was the vibe for the women not for the men I understand it for the women so it's a good question fora but a guy could do
whatever the [ __ ] he wanted to in the 1950s bro well that's true but you know what also and it's trickle down you know
through generations is that men in the 1950s were told they can't have emotions
they can't have feelings you got you got to have your job you got to do it you got to provide for your family and it's
you know that's that and I think there are certain things and I'll answer your question in a second Ken but I think
there are certain things that have carried on obviously to now and there are certain things that have a lot of
Merit that happened in the 1950s and I think things such as you know compromise
and the way especially in relationships like doing some of those things both ways would be a beautiful thing in a
relationship like you know but I think it gets so pulled out of context but obviously if I had my brain now and I
was living back then I mean I'd be part of the movement I don't think you know what the
best way to explain it is is look at us as a trio right we have this job there's no team behind us it's just us three but
we all individually have our strengths and our weaknesses and we use that to create this show from editing to video
recording to the audio to uh producing the show we all have our strengths right
yes we don't go around saying oh well it's not fair that Aisha gets to do this and Yas gets to do that and then Keen
gets to do this and Aisha gets to do that right do you know what I mean exactly you might be thinking it but but
yeah Keen let it out what are you anything you want to say here no but you know what I'm saying right it's it's
it's you work on your strength and weakness which I feel like what Society was in the in in the 50s yeah well but
also God I'd love to live in the 50s no you wouldn't I if I had a choice on God Hand to heart on my mother's life I
would rather be raised and live a family life you want to go to the war you want to be like having to they can you nowadays
austral nothing's changed I don't think Australia but they they can still they can still trigger a war what do you mean
wait till World War I yeah but but what I'm saying is in our in our constitution is is that there that like you know C
you never know what could happen things can change can't trust the Govern the second that there's a World War III the government might turn around and say well too bad we change I'm not sure what
the legality is around no legality once you have a government doesn't matter yeah was abolished in 72 197 yeah I
think I don't think anyway I would love to live I'm talking about the family like the family home I'm talking about life in general take away all the
negatives take take away war and stuff yeah [ __ ] technology like it this way
put it this way it was using technology to like do this podcast that's what I'm saying like the I think what you're
trying to say is life is very complicated and complex now back then life was a lot more simpler everyone
knew what they needed to do everyone achieved the goals of doing what they did yeah now it's so complex it's like
you know it's it's it's you do this now you do this and every day it's changing and then we've got worry about nothing's
hidden anymore nothing's hidden everything's fake hold hold on can I just one thing real quick I think I'm
going to okay I'm going to use this context right arranged marriages people always said that was such a you know and
it's still normal for some people and it works for some people and that's great but they would put stats together and
say love marriages break up more compared to arranged marriages because
uh arranged marriages work better clearly that's that's what the data shows that's what the data still shows by the way now however this context
behind things that don't get talked about much A lot of the time where range marriages happen are in uh you know not
in the Western countries it's more you know you know uh for example India being one of them my parents didn't arranged
marriage and they have a beautiful marriage so that they got they got fortunate but it's a big taboo
in our culture and in many other cultures to have divorce right so a lot
of things are going on but the last thing they want is a divorce so they'll just deal with all the uh negative
repercussions so what I'm saying is and I'm trying to make this parallel here in the 1950s things seem simpler but what's
going on behind closed doors and the way the dynamic is you know it's there's a
hierarchy yeah exactly there's a hierarchy there there are certain principles that need to be abided by there's not that much Freedom like
there's all these other things that are such massive negatives and you think it's oh it's simpler it's better back then but we are living in the greatest
day and time which is now oh back to diff okay are you serious are you
serious right now you look at the women that are succeeding in the world making millions and millions of dollars the majority the only asset they have is
their [ __ ] ass and titties that's literally the world we're living in today not every woman first no it's not
every woman but it's every it's like this yeah over sexualization I think it's a problem and I'll I'll openly
admit it there are many things that are negatives that we need to improve on I obviously like any society however back
then you have uh well I guess the disparity between one men and women you
have uh World War I you have these uh you know men being enlisted and having
to to to go ahead and you and obviously now as well that still happens like you know we're on the edge of like some very
bad problems and I'm not saying it's solved now but I would say with the
freedoms we have now we're way better off than the freedom we have L we're a
lot more equal but here's the thing right I mean has it gone too far the other way that's a big question what
what was what once was [ __ ] up suppression for a women is now has it
gone too far the other way we now it's suppression of men men's voice doesn't
matter as much as a woman's voice these days I think it does but but once again that's that's that's a that's a personal
thing in look at Society okay but woman a woman's word is
more powerful than a man's word these days and I don't think that should be the case now if you look at the court and Justice systems if a woman says this
they take that more as truth than if a man said it what do you mean I'm so you
look at things like uh famous people that get accused of
sexual harassment yeah immediately they believe if it's a man that does it immediately believe he's guilty people
believe he's guilty okay okay because a woman said it right and and 90% of the time it's it's true and it's and it's
nail on the head and that person deserves it but there obviously is that percent of time especially in in marriages and divorces and stuff oh yeah
he he he he the woman gets the kids but the man was just as much there raising
the kids as the woman but the woman gets the kids well look I think I think that there's a lot of all this going on has
gone too far I think the notion of innocent until proven guilty should always be the the case and that's why
the that's never the case for the public and hence the reason why canel culture is so powerful it's been around for it's
been around since ancient times if you were something disturbing the pce or you were doing something that was uh not
this not the the the norm or the train of thought of of everyone else and you're canceled you're bad you're
horrible you're this you're that and that has come down to that has come down to the family if you do something in the
family you say something in your own family they can you get you can get shunned and this is gone so far
away from the topic 19 but but but my point is that is that has have have we gone from the suppression of women to
now so far the other way of scale where you're looking at what people are doing
these days is is it is it too is it is it bad for societ basically I think what Ken's
trying to say is in the 1950s obviously women were suppressed but now he's saying in the 21st century in 2024 men
are more suppressed than women um I wouldn't say more suppressed
I'd just say say that it's gone it's gone the opposite direction yeah it's it's I I don't it's hard to it's hard to
put into words without sounding like a [ __ ] misogynistic assholey like I just see a lot of things
around me where a man gets [ __ ] over more than a woman I agree not all the
time but a lot of the time yeah it happens it happens it happens more now before I see what I see that I don't
agree with is there's a lot of hate towards men yeah and you're seeing
you're seeing a lot of people online have this fun rhetoric where
they're going men are all bad men are horrible screw men yes I see that I
don't think that's healthy for any culture any society and to be honest
when I see stuff like that I do think we're going backwards cuz it doesn't make sense it's it there are many
beautiful wonderful men just as women are out there and then there's many horrible men and women out there too
both exist two two things can be true at once and I agree with you Ken I do I see
what you're seeing and I think that needs to stop but ultimately now everyone has a platform which I think is great people can speak their mind but
sometimes people say things that they shouldn't say but what you going we can't censor people either
because then we're going to go backwards again so it's this it's a bit of a balance of society that's thr off you know I feel something's interesting
about this there are still couples out there that live like this right in the 1950s and they are so incredibly judged
I saw a post the other day on Instagram from uh I think it's Zoe Marshall and she put a post up about a woman that has
her dinner ready for her husband when he gets home and that's a beautiful thing and a lot of people well there was other
bits and pieces actually to it but a lot of people in the comments were like really degrading How This Woman's living
and a lot of people were supporting said well no I live like this and then there was a lot of back and forth amongst there shouldn't be back and forth
amongst women and why why are you living like this it's so backwards this and that it's like well this is what I want to do and and I just don't feel it's
fair to judge anyone if that's their decision like they should be fair to to to live like that 100% And then they're
saying well my husband does things that treats me right as well so like I think the thing about judging people's
relationships uh is is just not a fair thing to it's not a fair thing and also like if someone wants to be a
traditional woman and wants to and when we say traditional like just going back to like I guess how you know how it was
with men being the Sole Provider women being at home and raising a children if that's how people want to live that's a
beautiful thing and like I don't see any problem with that at all like as I said
I think there's Merit to that list there's a lot of things that we can bring to nowadays where you know it goes
both ways you know a woman a woman making dinner for a husband as he comes home home how in any world is that a bad
thing like that's a really lovely I kind of feel like like I'm doing these things for the rain and that's that's amazing
it's disgusting you disgust me as a man what keep it's a joke everyone calm
downal keeping keeping the like you know having the kids chilled relaxed so when you know cuz I'm if I'm home earlier
I'll do what I need to do because I know that later on we get to spend time together yeah and it's vice versa
so if you have kids just be prepared to take care of them man or woman exactly exactly I think
that's that's it that's what it should be that's it now we got to count it's such it's a topic you can go on for 2
hours with that it's true that's why I shut up about 5 minutes ago well you kind of did yeah you didn't
want to piss anyone else off I really want to get to the bottom of like yaz's like Real views like if you could if you
could Thim up your view in one sentence yeah what would it be um the downfall of
humanity today is due to the fact that traditional households no longer exist
to the level that they were at in the 1950s there you go is that good enough
yeah as a one sentence they can be broken down in so many ways yeah it Al remember it all starts in the household
it does everything starts in the household it's the building blocks of society exactly once that's screwed
up what Society becomes screwed up now talking about households um uh we got
someone me like someone messaged us for a bit of help on our Instagram so we ask
you guys to message us on our Instagram if there's any conundrums you have we do our best to try and solve it but this
one resonated with me is it normal to be jealous of your sibling's
partner sounds what the [ __ ] yeah but not in a sexual way I'm sure not in a
sexual way but that's that's the theme all right so this is what she wrote in hey guys uh so this is a bit of a weird
one but I've been feeling sorry I shouldn't be laughing I've been feeling down lately my sister got married a few months ago and I'm so happy for her but
I can't help but feel jealous I know that sounds bad but me and my uh but me
and my sister did everything together I'm the younger one by the way and now she's moved out and we don't talk as
much a yeah I try and call her to organize weekly catch-ups but she's usually very busy I get it she's
starting a new life but I just miss her so damn much is this normal cuz I feel like a terrible person but I just want
to hang out very normal yeah it's very normal it's very normal and you know I resonated
with this when I saw this message because so my brother like we have 8 years difference and you would know yes
cuz you have you have quite a lot of family here yeah like usually uh like my parents for instance
when they moved here you would find that we have our cousins and whatever all of
them you know growing up with them but we didn't have that it was just me and my direct family you didn't have that
yeah no so I don't really like I've met my cousins like are they back in India it's the same as mine in South Africa a
lot of my cousins are all over there this is pretty much my family and one or two other we're pretty we're split
through the middle so half are here and half are overseas in Jordan okay half half so we have a lot of family here you
have a lot yeah cuz I always see you like posting about your cousins and things like that family gatherings there's 100 people there and they're
like first cousins and aunties and uncles so I'm not I'm not used to that like we had a lot of family friends and
we had like a big Indian Community that like you know which is really lovely and they kind of fill that Gap they're not
they're not family but not not family family and so what's really interesting about this is like me and my brother we
were like well like he was 8 years older than me but I wanted to like do everything with him cuz I thought he was
the coolest right and I was the youngest sister and then when he hated that yeah he hated that [ __ ] get away from me a
NAA yeah I never thought of that I thought I was like kind of cool anyway and then I remember when he got a
girlfriend and I love her she um she's wonderful but when they first started dating I was like like obviously all
this time went to his friends and his girlfriend and I was like what about me and then he got married and like he and
then he moved away and I was in CRA he moved to Sydney and I remember like I wouldn't say jealousy was a right word
but I just felt sad a hole there was a hole something missing yeah I just felt sad and then and then you realize as you
get older like you know he's like I'm starting my family he's starting his
family and of course we talk and we see each other but it's just never the same as it was like hanging out when your
kids at Family at family vacations and you know why you know why because it it
happens it happens and you don't know when it's the last time like you don't know when it's the last time you're playing outside you don't know when it's
the last time that you'll see that your brother would live with you or your family would live with you it just
happens and then all of a sudden you look back like holy [ __ ] like that was that was a that was a great time in my
like a great chapter of my life but you got to understand that it's ex that's exactly what it is your life is full of
chapters yeah it's not it's not just everything's everything is constantly changing even with us we spent 2 years
in in breakfast radio doing exceptionally well now we're in a new chapter we're exclusive podcasting yeah
so true you know what I mean and sometimes things happen that are not by choice for example your partner your
your brother or sister moving on are moving in with someone else because they got married and they're starting their family you can't control that no um
should you feel like there's a missing piece of your life of course you should but this is your opportunity I think to
to and this is obviously the universe saying now it's time for you to fly little little bird don't they say um I
remember last year I think it was um we spoke about who you spend the most time
with in your life there was a that shows you and it's your partner that you end up spending the
most time with sense even your own children it like the drop happens
literally 18 18 19 years your I think that's going to be a little bit that's going to be a little bit more as we get older though especially for me my
parents let's dou they're looking at the girl going as I get older I spend more
time with my parents but you know no yes seriously I am I think like this
probably will make me emot talking about it so I don't want do it for do it for the content but like the truth is like
and I never like thought about this until now as you get older but like your parents right you spend so much time
with them and you take it for granted like you just do and like like being with them like every day after school
like Mom Dad stop annoying me dad being like hey like there's this like event you want to go and be like oh no Dad
it's not cool whatever and it's so interesting now when you like have your own family that
you don't get to see oh my God I know why I'm crying you don't get to see them as much
and it's sad it is God it is sad you know it is sad it is
because there is and that's okay Nishi you're you're so right and you're very
blessed I'll tell you that now you're incredibly blessed because there's a lot of families out there that don't have
that there's a lot of families out there where the mom and dad doesn't even talk to them where they sweep a lot of their drama under the rug where they don't
they don't get involved in their kids' lives and this is why you're so connected about this and this is
probably why you're crying now is because of the fact that you had the blessings of your your parents being heavily involved and maybe they were too
involved at times and that's normal that's just your parents W to connect cuz they know at one day you're not going to be there but they set you up
for when when they when they're not there yeah and you can be a great person the goal of life if you're choosing to
go down the family route which I'm assuming is the which I know is the greatest goal of life is to is to raise
a child or raise a human to be better than you are and that's why they did those things about wanting to get you to
events and being around you and stuff but take that as a [ __ ] blessing oh huge blessing N I look at my
I look at my Dad's life for example right very connected with family very family oriented just how it is right um
he moved to Australia by himself when he was 21 he went back to Jordan to get married he moved back here with the family at like 26 27 right it was um him
my mom and I think my three siblings at the time he left his whole world behind he
left his mom and dad in his 20s came and lived here for most of his life and
obviously didn't get to spend that quality time with his family my grandfather passed away Young
when he was 50 so my dad was still young he my dad my dad obviously didn't get to spend as much time as he wanted with his
father and the same thing goes with his mom she died she died at an old age in her in her 80s late ' 80s I'm pretty sure
um but once again like Ken said it's a massive blessing that you know for
someone like me we make fun about it of me being you know 30 31 and living at home with my parents but I know that
later in life because our parents are un loan to us they're not here forever they're not promised
tomorrow I know that I can say all right well me being at home all this time I spent as much possible time that I could
with my parents and I'm grateful for that yeah it's so it's a it's a beautiful thing the same for your
brother and your sister yeah yeah you know what I mean like yeah they are on they they are on loan to you as well
they're your first friends M you know you do everything with them so it is so normal for you to feel like there's
something missing but again life is going to throw things at you to help you grow for to help you self-actualize to
help you understand maybe this girl I'm not sure how did they say how old she was did she say how old she said she's a younger sister but she didn't tell me I
mean maybe she's maybe she's of age where she feels ready to have a relationship herself and maybe that's what opening up get out explore go live
you know that's the same relationship that happens with mentors yeah you know you go your your older siblings are essentially your mentors because they
don't they don't necessarily want to be around you all the time but they do want to give you advice from time to time
well they they are an open book for that that's not your parents that maybe you trust them on a different level that's true so I think the important thing for
you right now uh whoever wrote that in is to to go do different things go to a
freaking improv class for example just get out there go skydiving but don't you
know also like I think it's it's one of those things as well like you got to and this might sound weird advice but I feel
like you have to like stop having expectations on the people you love and the your friends even like anyone right
if you stop having expectations and and you just let the the relationship Blossom the way it does I think that's
you will you'll find yourself less hurt one and two you just realize that relationships evolve and they grow and
that's not a bad thing and that doesn't change however old you get I'm 31 now and I still have those under trying to
figure out those understandings on expectations on relationships from family to uh to Partners to friends to
co-workers like once you drop that what you expect of other people you're able
to let it be natural and let it be real um and let it let it let it be something
cuz you can't like it's it's all about this control element we always want to control control Just Let It Go breathe
the only thing you can't control is your own actions life does its thing it's very simple exactly right what's her name do I have her name uh I believe
it's one minute let me try and find it on the message Sandra Sandra so just real quick
for Sandra so she understands how normal this is right I've got the graph here in front of me the least amount of time
that you spend with people are your co-workers your friends your children and your family right that's the least
amount of think about that's your entire life Wow but you spend the least time with them um you spend double that
amount of time with your life partner yeah right and then you double your life
partner and you spend that alone what yeah so as you get older what
do you mean alone yeah as you get older I'll put it up in the um video as well as you get older you just start spending
more time alone how does that make sense when you and alone and alone and this is the good thing about that right again
how sad is that this has but this is not sad this is that that's this just proves the point of life
the point of life when you spend the most majority of your life alone the
point is to figure yourself out the point is to experience and it just like that is so powerful knowing that I'm
going to spend the most of my life by myself use it don't don't don't allow
yourself to lean on exactly on on all these other elements that are just distractions from you finding out your
purpose or who you are or what you want to do and it doesn't have to be anything physical you can literally you have monks in the [ __ ] cave in Tibet that
spend 40 years meditating in a cave yeah and where do you like what do you think their their thought process they're
probably the happiest people on Earth you know what I mean cuz they found that self happiness and I think that actually came out the other week is it showed the
happiest man on Earth according to science and they did brain scans on monks that on monks in Tibet or whatever
some area they found a pieace that's what it is and they they said that this is the happiest person in the world but yeah you are going you are going to
literally spend double the amount of time alone than you are with anyone else on this planet wow your partner coming
in second best so it's very normal Sandra extremely normal it's time for you to
yeah start your next journey journey you're life no Sandra you'll be you'll
be right but it is a normal feeling just know you're not alone a lot of people feel the same way but I think as Kenan
said it's about finding you know what you want to do and the you know how
exciting the more relationships you're going to make the more friends you're going to make the more cool things you're going to do just look look up
look to the journey your sister obviously loves you like she's just starting her own just be prepared to carry around a
travel pack of tissues oh for what for when you cry off
when you cry I was I do tissu I'm alone completely different brother Jes I don't
to know completely different oh jeez um Nishi what did you put on your post last
night I saw that you had you you being scared okay another crying thing going on yeah
could have been I have been I've cried before extensively because of scammers
not this time not this time and I'll tell you why so you get this right I okay I don't like taking tolls but I
have to take tolls and so I have a linked account and I pay it like a good citizen lot these to roads yeah right
but there's this apparent linked account that I have a separate one and I keep getting messages from linked about this
account saying you haven't paid you haven't uh you know you've got funds there that you need to whatever y y y
this has been going on for months and I've avoided the messages I've avoided
the emails cuz to me it sounds scammy I don't have another account and I think I
broke a scammer yesterday I either broke them emotionally mentally or this was a
new employee and they're definitely not getting employee of the month because I got this message and it said which I
usually get this sounded normal linked solve it now via blah blah blah blah
they sent me the uh URL and I was like okay this is the usual message I get but then it said
or he will block you or worse punishment that sounds like a
professional company that sounds like it's targeted at like a gen Z like the worst thing in life is to be blocked by
someone you'll canel yeah we'll cancel you like what type of threat is that I
what what you do did you respond well obviously not but I I put it up and I said someone's going to be fired at scam
headquarters today cuz it made me think like they obviously hire people
whoever's behind this to scam people like that's that's their livelihood that's their that doesn't sound like an
automated system that's like someone went in there and typed it it's got grammar issues it's got It's got grammar issues it's got aggressiveness like
customer aggression here they didn't go through the tutorial pack of you know so like but I'm assuming because have you
seen those Tik toks that have gone super viral where you have someone uh like
somehow infiltrate yeah hack the the cameras at the scam and then they will
say the scammer's name and the scammer freaks out and they've got all the footage I don't know how they do that
but what I will say is that that whole office looks like a professional office where these scammers are working they
treat it like a legitimate business it is a legitimate business it's very it looks like a normal telecommunications company yeah yeah so like do they go
through like training programs I think they would I actually think they would let's find out like a scammer 101 course
that's crazy to me it's it's insane but dude there's so many people out there that fall for scams yeah and coming to
think of it it's going to sound bad but it's the truth they're all women like in my life
that I've seen I'm sorry this is in in your experience in my experience I'm coming to think about it and I'm trying to think of any guy
that I know that has been scammed through these text messages or fake emails and I can't think of anyone but I can actually name you three or four
women in my life that have fallen for these scams because that's the thing I mean they they attack they attack the
the fear and the insecurities of someone like I've been there's been phone calls that that were made to me from the
taxation office and they were like you know youa thought she was getting arrested from the taxation office and
they tried to get that on me and then I was like wait hold on for a second and then because at that point like was very
young and I didn't know how to do my tax and stuff like you know no one knows you're like maybe this is legit and you're like oh is this legit like hold
on go to Jil and I'm at work and I'm like they're trying to put me in jail for 5 years for not paying tax so what
was your reaction what did you do well I just spent an hour on the phone just going what's what are you like I didn't
understand it so I was like I was caught in it for a second okay and then I woke up and I'm like hold on you want me to
go to the local supermarket and buy and buy buy some
sort of voucher and give you the codes to it that's that's when you realize that was maybe this is a scam I was like
hold on this is yeah and I was like okay and I was said all right I'll go to the market and I'll call you back and then I just never did and Thena what did you do
okay look it was the exact same scam I didn't send money I caught on because
the person on the other end got quite aggressive and then I was like this doesn't seem right do you want to die you're like what you don't why is your
accent change no but this person called me like it there was an automated message and it basically said if you do
not call back the authorities will you know blah blah blah blah and I thought really weird and my dad did my taxes
that year and I thought did he commit fraud cuz I I didn't do my started
questioning your own family members while I did I was like did he make a mistake like I don't know so I called
back and I remember this this woman answered and she's like thank you for calling uh you know this is the situ
ation basically your tax has there's been an error and it's you know we have authorities that are going to come to
your house and basically arrest you because of this this this error that you've made and I believed it okay fine
I believed it and I said oh well um what do I do and they go we're going to have to send you uh to our lawyers so just
one minute as we transfer the call this was the first red flag I should have noticed that there was no hold music it
just went silent and then the lawyer the phone which sounded like the first lady
I think this is uh it is me the lawyer it's literally one person playing like
eight different roles yeah I know they're not they're probably not getting paid enough as well like they were playing a lot of roles and at this point
I was like on my lunch break I walked out I was on the phone to the supposed lawyer and this is when things got
really aggressive cuz the lawyer started saying things like you will go to jail if you don't pay like they were giving
an Oscar winning performance I thought wow I really committed fraud and then they started talking about gift cards
and that's when I thought something's fishy here now I was
in like I was in a West Field at this point and I was crying because she was really aggressive the lawyer was really
aggressive I got a bit I got a B but you know what that was her profession at least I believed it it was a really good
performance I thought it was Lena decab on the phone like it was it was winning award-winning performance but then when the gift cards came I said right well
there should be papers send the papers to me because I like you know why do you at that point when they ask for gift
cards why don't you just hang up well this I'm sorry but the Australian government isn't going to accept your tax returns through an Apple gift well
exactly but you know when I said the papers that's she hung up on me uh because I think I started questioning
she like oh [ __ ] they're they to she to me I was on the phone for an hour as well I was in tears I was in Target I
went back to my work and I told people cuz I thought well I thought that was a good idea cuz I wanted I was feeling
emotional and I got shunned by work see that's what happens the workplace and everyone turns around and goes ah and
everyone collaps and it's like a celebratory thing they said I was an IDI you finally got scammed like like it's like an initiation thing in in in your
life is like you have to at least get one scammer try and hit you and you know what I mean like it's a
celebratory everyone in my work said why would you think the tax office calls you they never call I'm like I don't know
that was common people this [ __ ] from a young age like how about tell people okay well this is what people do cuz you
don't know what companies do you don't what the government's going to call and say on the phone like are they ever going to call you like you don't know
that yet scammers are getting like real real smart there's one there's one that
will get you and it's because you know how we live in the world now of Home deliveries everyone loves their home deliveries whether it's woolies whether
it's Amazon eBay whatever it is someone's always waiting for a package I'm literally waiting for three packages right now as I'm sitting here yeah those
ones are the ones that get people the one where he goes um there's a delivery issue um please pay the delivery fee now
to have your package received my sister fell for it 2 3 weeks ago I don't blame her I but she realized pretty quickly
she went and did it put her got C details in and then she went oh [ __ ] and then she realized and then she quickly
went and like blocked all accounts yeah um but they're the ones that get you because you cuz in your mind you're like
yeah I do have delivery coming in yeah so I'm just going to go quickly fix it cuz everyone said deliver yeah exactly and I've had scammers where I have like
I don't know I don't know how they like how they're doing this like if I'm on a website for a certain thing or like I I
have certain bills that I know are due they will appear in my account like let's say from Apple and it's a scam
because like I will have to analyze the email and I realize the timing doesn't make sense or there's like one digit
wrong yeah but they're even getting the like the uh I don't know like the actual
URL thing or the email to be very close or similar don't forget about AI oh the AI
they literally take they get like what they can do now which I'm sure if you're not across this and get across it they
can go on to your friend or your partner or your child or your brother's Instagram take a minute or even 20
seconds of them talking to camera yeah put that into a AI generator type up the script and get them to call you and say
hey I've been kidnapped we should test this oh gosh we should test it on anisha's mom why my mom brilliant I once
again I feel like women get scammed easier so like my poor mom would get scammed she like she will literally buy
clothes like she never goes online and buys clothes but when she does do it like once in a blue moon the website's
so questionable like I'm like Mom why would you order it from this website I've never even heard of it should order from Alibaba or something it would
literally be called scam.com and she I bought the new scams do you like
it um no seriously let's put nish's voice in an AI and call her mom we work on a podcast won't be hard to get her
voice yeah scammers please don't take this as um my mom's in India right now a tutorial on what to yeah but like this
is a good way like you said you miss your mom this is a good way to reconnect with your mom scare my mom let's get a AI version of you me and K will type up
what we're going to say to your mom and then we'll call her and see if she sends US money all right done okay but you
let's organiz all that let's wrap this up we'll organize all that we'll do it as a bonus we'll do it as a bonus yeah
in the next podcast me crying my mom doesn't talk to me anymore he by the way if we successfully scam your mom she's
not getting any sent back I'm sorry it's a successful scam oh yeah that's right it's a success ja 100% what do you mean
that's horrible yeah n gets nothing mom I won't let that happen all right we'll talk to you guys soon thank
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1950's tips to care for you husband, Sibling Separation, Scammers biggest fail Ep.8
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